3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Oka Im BACK home, my waters did not break :( pooeeey but I am 50% effaced and 1cm dialated YAY me lol. Still exciting either way lol
Just wanted to update and say my shower was lovely ;) probably 40 or more people there & lots of fun bits for baby Silas :) now I have something fun to do this week in putting it all away! (aside from all the housework I need to catch up)

I have been completely shattered but unable to sleep! :-/ I mean my eyes burn and I doze off but then I wake within a few minutes and can't sleep!?! Craziness! Baby Hasnt quit moving the past hour hardly though... Which is a long stretch for him to move in his cramped quarters!

I wonder if the dogs have anything to do with the full moon? Ours have been howling and acting crazy but I think that's all it is ...

I don't know If I'd know if I had a contraction but I've decided to just relax and enjoy waiting on the baby! I'm not going to worry over every symptom or make myself miserable trying to evict him & I'm not putting up with my dr's non sense I'm going to let my body have a chance to do it's thing in it's time... And let the baby decide when he is ready... If by chance he doesn't ever progress then I'll deal with it then! First I'm going to enjoy a few quiet weeks wth DH & getting things in order! :)

Mal exciting that you are progressing!

I can't believe Samira's water has broken!!! So exciting!!! It's all that camping out under the full moon haha :) can't wait to see her precious lil boy!!!!
Ya I am excited lol just wasnt expecting to be dialated yet as I am not even 36 weeks yet...but hopefully that is good progresss for a 1st baby but who knows I could sit at 1cm for weeks :(
Hmm Natalie - best get camping hehe!!

Mal - at least you're making progress!! :)

Oh and on waters breaking my hind waters went with Stephen and they said I had 48 hours to progress by myself before they'd induce me so I think in the UK they give you two days but they do ask you to go in the day after to be monitored etc and then book your induction for the following day :)

Wonder if Samira's started having contractions yet?

Ttc - i feel the same even though I only gave birth 9 months ago I can't remember what to look out for or what to feel like etc :dohh:

Krystal - glad you had a nice shower!! :) did you get lots of nice things for him?
did samira post on here or did she txt someone? ooo so exciting for her!
Krystal so happy u had a lovely shower!!!!!! Sorry u are suffering with not being able to sleep as well!!! Sucks doesn't it!!!!! And wow what a lovely attitude u have on not getting anxious on when baby is coming!!! Wish I had that!!!!

Charlie I was thinking that last night!!! Do u think camping in garden would count.... Saying that not even got a tent as I don't do camping etc!!!!
Oh krystal last night I had increased movement as well been odd, lot of movement down low mainly would have thought much room down there!!!!
I think Samira might have had him... people are starting to congratulate her on her wall!!!

oh and Mal - she sent a message out to a few people on FB saying her waters had broken!!

:haha: there's no harm in trying.... it was probably trying to get up and out to pee from the floor that did it! ;) P.s HAPPY DUE DATE Natalie :D
Thank u Charlie!!!! I can't believe I'm due today!!!! If possible gonna go for a long walk tonight see if that helps move things along gonna make spicy fajitas for dinner too!!!!
Samira has had her baby!!!! Her sister has posted on her fb wall!!!!!
Good morning ladies!

Hope you all had good weekends?

Happy due date Natalie! Hope bubba decides to make an entrance soon!

Krystal glad you had a good shower, post some photos!

This waiting game is getting old and tiring now! I had loads of painful BH last night, they really hurt, and each time I got excited thinking this might be it! But we timed them and they werent regular and only lasted for about 30 seconds, boo! And today i have nothing!

It looks like Samira has had the baby as everyone is congradulating her. I can just see all of us trying to drag our OHs to take us camping!
Thank u tanasha!!!!
I agree this waiting and wondering game is no fun!!!! I am very fed up of waiting now!!! Just want him here already!!!! So hoping my sweep works tomorrow I think I am hoping a little bit too much and getting hopes up I shouldnt do that if it doesn't work I will be disapponted I know I will :( but then I have my follow up from my stay in hosp and sure they will do internal as well so 2 lots of people poking up there I hope will work!!!
Nat - seriously...just relllllaaaaaaaaaaax. I know it's easier said than done but the worst thing you can do to delay labour is being stressed and anxious.

Without sounding too preachy it's exactly something from my natal hypnotherapy book...our bodies are designed to give birth in a calm and relaxed atmosphere and any stimulus that makes us produce any kind of adrenaline (stress..worry....fear...impatience) will cause our body to hold out. They use the animal giving birth in wild - it a predator was to appear the body is so wonderful it would actually be able to stop labour there and then and give them the needed hormones to get away.....but the funny thing is our minds can't distinguish between a real present threat and a preceived one.

Getting worked up about is he/isn't he coming will actually have a similar effect to your body ..... so have a bath, go for a wander, re-pack you hospital bag (my favourite one personally!!) bake a cake or do anything just to help yourself relax........ :D
I agree batty! I think that may be why camping worked for Samira... She was just relaxing doing what she loved and going about her business not sitting at home "trying" to "make" the baby come with crazy antics! That's why I've decided to relax and not worry about it unless it gets over a week into august! Poor DH is the one going mad, he wants the baby here now, he can't wait! ;)
I'll avoid camping then ;) I can be a proper stress-head!! I

I can't believe she had him so quickly! For a first labour her waters breaking at 10pm to people saying congrats at about 8ish - that's REALLY quick!! Can't wait to see pictures of little Hayden!
Congrats on your due date Natalie, now lets see that baby!!! Krystal- I'm so glad your shower went well. Mal, glad your home from the hospital, I think 1cm is great for a first baby, I was still totally shut at 36 weeks! So happy for Samira getting the ball rolling!!!
Happy Due Date Natalie!!

I feel as if morning sickness has returned the past few morning? I've been nauseous and gagging & almost threw up at the smell of things that don't bother me like mustard and chicken! I wonder if my hormones are just crazy for some reason!!? Anyone else had this?
@Mal- sorry about the false alarm- what happened? was it just discharge or what? Just curious!!!

@krystal- glad you had a lovely shower!! that's great! Also- if your dogs are howling it could be because of YOU. I knew a lady that had a husky- and as soon as she hit 7 months pg the dog would howl ALL night because it wanted her to be awake and with her at all times. They had to give her all kinds of medications to make the dog sleep through the night because literally would howl all night long. I worked with a behaviorist who told filled me in (because i had no idea) that they can go crazy due to hormones!!! Probably your howling dogs have to do with your hormones. My whiny needy annoying dog is due to mine! Btw- your gagging and being sick could be a labor sign as well. :)

@natalie- i had increased movement last night too. Very strange!!! She was dancing and is doing it now too actually. and HAPPY DUE DATE!!! :happydance:

as for me I feel pretty darn good today- not as tired as normal, and my hips actually do NOT hurt today?! Strange. DH's birthday is today so i'll be cooking him up a nice meal, have to get to the store and get what i need. decided to pack the dogs bag sometime today- as he'll be staying at my mother's for the first like week or two after baby comes. and i need her to be able to come in and just grab the bag and not worry about getting things together. PLUS all his meds and instructions. Funny i have a dog that needs like his own manual and most people refuse to even pet sit him because of how scary his problems can be.

I have my next appt on thursday- very anxious for it. Was super anxious all day yesterday, feeling a bit better today- probably because i have a lot to do today. It's cleaning day for me today. I think i might ask for another internal to see if anything's changed. I hope i'm more effaced and that i've dilated a bit more. But- not getting my hopes up. I feel like all signs i was thinking i was having have vanished. Kind of sad about that. 13days left. Very exciting and scary at the same time!
Natalie-- TRY NIPPLE STIMULATION!!!! It works. I swear that is what sent me into labor with my son. Google Nipple stimulation and do it. You WILL have contractions. It only works if your body is ready to go into labor and it is completely safe, and natural. And congrats on 40 weeks! and at the same time... Im sorry for you.. Lol

Wooowee ladies... my house is a mess and I need to get motivated to clean!
Just called my ob office and waiting for a call back... feel like that discharge i was having has increased already this morning, and although yesterday it smelled like normal discharge today it doesn't smell like anything- just water. Worried about the amniotic fluid so... i called and have to wait for a return call. But it doesn't smell sweet like i read either. Just nervous.

Not going to the store until they call me back just in case i have to go in. Afraid they are going to make me go in and check it out. :/ scared to though. really don't like going unless i have to. BUT maybe they'll let me do that instead of my appt thurs and i can get checked today instead?! lol. I might have to go thurs anyway. But i'll update you ladies as soon as i know anything. Don't think it's my waters because it's a light amount compared to what they said- like soaked pants- but reading online some ladies said they had a very small trickle that only affected their pantyliner and panties- and they called and went to get it checked to find out they were losing fluid.

So for babies sake i sucked it up and called. Hoping, it's nothing.
hahaha batty as u posted that i was already in the bath relaxing!!! ive had quite a nice relaxing day!!! havent done anything hahaha!!!
may have to hold of on our walk unless weather is a bit better otherwise will just get soaked!!!
dare isnt that strange!! was your movement down low as well or all over the place?
hope u get on ok and keep us updated on what they say!!!!!
krystal a few weeks back i had sickness and nausea too!!! seems to have eased up again now!!!
Mrstacpoter i will give that a go later :haha: i'll tell u what your due date comes up and you think hmmmm well should be here today and your not hmmm!!!

the reason i am getting so ahhhhhh and frustrated is because if something doesnt happen soon the chances are i will have to go to a hospital that i really dont want to like if my new midwife wants to do a sweep or induce me she has said i will have to go to that hospital which i really hate the thought of so thats why i am getting so frustrated :(

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