3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

I completely understand. I wish I could have everything go as I had planned/wanted but Oh well for me. but I hope your baby shows you signs that labor are near very very soon. :) Im so excited for you! And all of you that are going to get checked! eak! you could be new mommies soon! I cant wait till its my turn!
hahaha batty as u posted that i was already in the bath relaxing!!! ive had quite a nice relaxing day!!! havent done anything hahaha!!!
may have to hold of on our walk unless weather is a bit better otherwise will just get soaked!!!
dare isnt that strange!! was your movement down low as well or all over the place?
hope u get on ok and keep us updated on what they say!!!!!
krystal a few weeks back i had sickness and nausea too!!! seems to have eased up again now!!!
Mrstacpoter i will give that a go later :haha: i'll tell u what your due date comes up and you think hmmmm well should be here today and your not hmmm!!!

the reason i am getting so ahhhhhh and frustrated is because if something doesnt happen soon the chances are i will have to go to a hospital that i really dont want to like if my new midwife wants to do a sweep or induce me she has said i will have to go to that hospital which i really hate the thought of so thats why i am getting so frustrated :(

Mine was all over the place!!! But i understand being so frustrated. I can't imagine NOT being. I would be the same way. I already am and i'm not there yet!
Ladies OMG we are having a horrible ant problem here at our house. Ants are even IN my laptop. Ill be typing and an ant will scurry out and up my arm! Its gross! I hate it here. we have tryed everything to get rid of them. The more we kill, the more we see coming in through the walls!
No explanation with the discharge, she said it could have been sweat as I was mowing(riding lawn mower) or pee. BUt i swear I did not freaking pee myself lol.

Im 36 weeks officially tomorrow but i wonder if its oka to start walking today to try and progress things or if I should wait.

Im starting to feel her a little lower today and its not very comfortable haha.
ahhh i hate ants!! I have to have ant powder put around our back door or we had loads of them in the kitchen!!! You'll have to call pest control! :(

DAre - let us know how it goes! Some do lose them in a small slow trickle, others big gushes, others lose the hind waters first etc etc

Oh and I heard nipple stimulation causes more painful contractions??
Ladies OMG we are having a horrible ant problem here at our house. Ants are even IN my laptop. Ill be typing and an ant will scurry out and up my arm! Its gross! I hate it here. we have tryed everything to get rid of them. The more we kill, the more we see coming in through the walls!

For the ants, you need to lay down some hot pepper spices near where they are going. like the main areas they are traveling. It helps!

ahhh i hate ants!! I have to have ant powder put around our back door or we had loads of them in the kitchen!!! You'll have to call pest control! :(

DAre - let us know how it goes! Some do lose them in a small slow trickle, others big gushes, others lose the hind waters first etc etc

Oh and I heard nipple stimulation causes more painful contractions??

Well i got called back an hour later- she didn't really seem to concerned since it's only in my panties and not anywhere else. Makes me feel kind of foolish. She told me to drink 3 glasses of water, and then lay down for an hour or two and see if there is an increase in fluid down there. not sure what that means if there is- maybe something is leaking! She asked if i was having contractions and i explained how i can't even tell and that i have braxton hicks all the time- and she started to say that they usually start in the back and wrap around- but when i told her that i have shortness of breath with some of the bh- she said THAT could be the real thing. So i told her i was very confused and she said 'it's hard to tell sometimes'. And that was my answer. It's hard to tell. whaaaaaaaat .

But i got my appt moved up from thursday to wednesday. I am happy about that though. rather go a day earlier.
Thank u ladies!!! I feel a bit Moany but just desperate to get to this particular hospital!!!
Eak ants yuk!!! I know to clean our keyboards we use like an air spray so maybe give something like that a try to get them out of the keyboard?! Other than that I know here u can get ant killers and like an ant bait thingy like a little round thing that's meant to attract and then kill them I think!!!
Awww dare I'm sorry u didn't get a straight forward answer but hopefully weds u will find out a bit more and they can do an internal to check your waters etc!!!!

We were gonna go for a walk just started raining again and I feel so lethargic at the min :(
Hope you get things figured out Dare! At least Wednesday isn't very far away! My appt will be Thursday or Friday but I'm not looking forward to it lol I'd rather skip it and go to a movie or sleep in with DH ... I almost don't want her to even check me bc she stresses me out & I read that it's really no indication of labor starting but just whether somethigs happening down there or not.. But that you can go from
0 to labor in a few hours ESP 1st time moms!

We got tons of stuff for the baby at the shower! Gosh I already spent some time last night and then about an hour this morning sorting things ... Then I felt bad and my bp was up a bit to 149/87 so I layed down for a nap thinking it's prob from not sleeping last night! I just got up and it's back down a lot lower so I think I was right! I've got to get to work now and get the house cleaned and finish sorting things! I've got a list to complete this week! It's amazing not to have to go to work!!! :)
I think the sickness may have to do with my bp being up ... I've been dizzy a lot lately and so my nurse friend said to watch it more closely.... I doubt I'm close to labor I expect he will be here sometime in early august unless we get to a point where she feels induction will be successful!
Glad u are feeling bit better krystal!!! Sounds like your body needs to rest a bit I find I can usually get a bit more sleep in day rather than night!!!!
Krystal- That information is wrong. First time moms Usually take forever to labor. You can be dilated at a 1 for weeks before you actually go into labor. Not to say that its never happened, but its a long shot. Its usually Multips-- that can go from 0-to birth in a few hours. Multips being women who have had previous children. Thats because their uterus is actually already a little stretched open from having a baby before. I labored over 23 hours with my first and it was a normal labor up until delivery. :/ it sucks I know.
Also-- Ive read that nipple stimulation causes harder contractions too, but they felt the same to me. I think most people say that because it brings them on strong instead of like a braxton hicks. I think its just the shock of the strength. But then again, if you are wanting to go into labor, then you need to welcome any kind of pain! lol sounds crazy I know, but I look forward to feeling twinges of pain, so that I know labor is near.

With the stupid ants--- we have tried everything you can think of except calling an exterminator. we dont have the money for one right now and we will be moving out of here next month anyways--hopefully. But thanks for the suggestions. OH and yea I have one of those cans 'o air lol. My hubby used them all the time in Iraq, so we have a ton of those things. :/ nothing works. It just sucks cause they crawl out and up my arms. (cringe) They also got into the motor of hubbys truck yesterday... ??? maybe they are attack ants? lol

Ive been cleaning some what and im tired already. I hate having to take frequent breaks, because i get side tracked and too lazy to get back up.
Awww must be horrid with all the ants but that's good u move in a month!! Very brave moving at 39 weeks!!! I thought moving at 33weeks was hard enough!!
I have to take breaks between cleaning too!! I usually do one room have a break then move on to the next!!!

I have major backache and hip ache come on it's constant so know it's not any kind of contractions haha bit more pressure down there too so I think someone may have moved down a bit! Dh said I looked a bit lower when he came home from work! One lady has predicted I go into labour tonight be interesting to she if she is right but I'm not gonna get hopes up!! For now I need to actually cook some dinner!!!! It's all prepped from earlier but wasn't feeling too hungry... I am now hahaha
I do Mal! I was up at 6am and had loads of energy, got everything ready for the day, ironed Steve's work shirt, set all his clothes out, had a shower, managed to catch up on some tv I'd recorded before Stephen woke up... then it hit 9am and i've been zombiefied for the rest of the day and I've had two decent naps :haha:

Dare - I'd be a bit worried they're not going to see you sooner to test your waters just because of the risk of infection - I know you're seeing them in two days but still, for peace of mind I'd have thought they'd have tested today? :shrug: And, it's not very helpful them saying 'it's hard to tell' - are they regular? Hopefully, you'll get some answers on weds :)

Natalie - you're perfectly entitled to have your baby where you want - if you don't like Watford but prefer Stoke that's your choice and they shouldn't force you to have him where you're going to be uncomfortable! So moan away :) I think we're all used to coming on here having a good old moan up! :) It's better to have a moan with people who understand what you're going through/experiencing!

I really need to start my uni assignment - it's due in 2 days after my due date so, I want to get it done and sent off now but I have no enthusiasm.... anyone have any? If so... send it my way pleaaaaaaaaaaaaase :D
Ooh i missed this whole page!!

Krystal - take it easy :) It was good that you recognised your BP was getting higher and ot stop what you were doing!

Mrstacporter - god I hope that's true... so can you be not dialated one minute and then quickly start dilating with the 2nd/3rd child.. if you get what i mean?
Mstacporter I don't think you understood what I meant. I wasn't speaking about fast labor at all or just speaking ignorantly ... I read tons of medical journals and nonsense like that, as I had planned to be a doctor before I decided to be a stay at home
mom. Most of the info I receive is from there or from my friends/family
that work in labor and delivery. (my best friends mom who is like another mom to me has been the head nurse on the l&d floor for 30
years) .... What I meant was it isn't at all strange for a first time mom to not have any or much progression dilation wise until the very end (39-40 weeks) or even until the start of labor. A FTM's cervix has never done the effacement & dilation before so it often takes longer and the pressure of the babys head & labor contractions are needed to cause this progression. Which often means the opposite of what you thought I meant. It can mean first time labors are much longer than any subsequent ones.

So what I mean is that I could go in for my 40 week appt, still just be 30% effaced or so & not dilated, then go into labor that night or two days later or a week later .... There is no set time, just that labor can start without any warning (or any or mch dilation) just like a second or more time mom (& sometimes even a first timer) can walk around dilated to 3 for weeks before the baby is born. It's not an indication of anything except that your body is doing something .... It doesn't have any effect on how quickly you will go into labor.(but may effect the speed and duration of labor once it begins bc part of the work is already done)

For instance my sister with her first wasn't dilated at all until 39 wks and she was just at 1. She went into labor at 40 wks and a few days still dilated to 1 when it began. Her labor lasted altogether about 18-20 hours .... With her 3rd she was dilated to 3 and effaced from around 37 weeks, didn't go into labor until almost 41 weeks, but her labor lasted only 6-8 hours, with her going from 6 cm to delivery in less than 15 min!

So I said all that bc my dr acted angry that I wasn't dilated yet at 37 weeks...& that I woul prob need a csection.... But being a ftm, it isn't unreasonable or even odd that I am
not dilated (natalie you weren't either when they checked you at 39 weeks right?) and that it's too early for her to be pushing me toward a csection. The baby is big and we may end up in a csection but I pray that's not the case and I'm
going to give my body every natural chance
possible before I let her cut me!

Does that make more sense?
@krystal- i really like my mw this time on wed- :) And she's so positive and great- actually i like almost ALL of the midwives i see. But this one is great. She makes me feel very positive when i see her. I wouldn't want the internal normally but now with the dripping thing- it freaks me out. And i'm generally getting curious. :) Not that i expect it to tell me when i'm going into labor but, i just wonder if i'm dilating anymore or anymore effaced than before. And glad you are feeling better! And you are totally right about all that info! my mw told me it's extremely rare for a first time mom to be effaced even at 37 weeks (i was 36 when she told me i was 80% effaced). And that it is no indication but just good that my body is working so well.

@charlie- i totally agree with you. She seemed like she didn't think it was my waters. It had also calmed a bit since my original call. I can't even tell. it's so hard to tell! So who knows? they tell you to call if something is concerning you and when you do- it's like yeah ok. What the hell?
so ya after I postes i was tired I went and laid down. I have not been taking naps but man that felt SOOOoo good. Im still a little tired but one of my best friends dad died unexpectadly today so Im going to spend time with her.

So since we are talking about dilation and what not. I am 36 weeks is it good that I am already 1cm and 50% effaced? of course I know I can sit like this till 40 weeks... and I am a ftm

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