3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Great news Natalie!!!!!!!! Anytime now!! 3cm that is awesome!

Just curious have you lost any of your plug that you have noticed?
Yep just wait if it's going to work it will work in next 48 hours so thats cool she has booked me in for Friday just in case!!! Yeah waters could go at any time! I'm so happy and shocked in last 6days I have got to 3cm dilated and havent felt anything!! Very shocked!!! As she was doing it my stomach was tightening but I didn't feel it!! Lost a little blood now but she said was blood after she had done it!! Just waiting for next appointment now I had lost that green mucus estar but I haven't had a bloody show yet, unless I've just had a bit of that on my pad will have to ask!!!!
Pip - thanks for popping in. Hope you're doing well and so glad to see you're 22 weeks!!!!

Nat - that's amazing! Get bouncing on a ball or something to pop those bad boys!
@ natalie- lol mine don't follow a pattern either. I keep trying to explain to myself that i will know and it won't be hard to tell but that's hard!!! and YEAH it's hot out there!!!! They said today it's supposed to feel like 102! And for all you Celcius ladies thats : 38.88. just did the conversion thanks to google! And that is AWESOME about your visit!!!!! so great!!!! So jealous!!!!! hope i get really good news like that when i go tomorrow!!!!

@ ttc- i don't know why ANYONE would want to bring along stronger and longer painful contractions! isn't it enough you are going to have a baby ripping through your hoo ha? Or is that just me?! the nipple stimulation scares the crap out of me!

@ charlie- never got the massage!!! Instead we got into a fight. And WOO HOOO to your plug!!

@ Tanasha- they are really weird! Everytime i try to time them they stay for like 2 minutes or less and then i don't have them again for a while. I think i had maybe 4 episodes all day yesterday. that was it. Then i wonder if it's really her foot or something pushing in that area hurting it? I just feel stupid about all of it. Have fun in town!!! hope it's great!!! and no, i'm not making dinners- i thought about it- but dh has been selfish about a lot of things lately- he can go forage for food for all i care. Just read you had to come home early from your trip out but hope the mw appt goes well!!!

@krystal- so sorry you still aren't feeling well. Although i think it's a really good sign actually that you are going to have this baby soon. :) That's what i choose to believe anyway!!!!!

--- As for myself- been having trouble at night with dreams. Last night i had a dream that i went into labor but there was a lot of blood. :( and i was so afraid in the dream that something was very wrong. Then i had another bad dream that people said i couldn't clean efficiently and then another about my dog. :shrug: Wondering if it's lack of sleep catching up with me? Just had a rough time last night!!!

And my leaking- i hate to say it but i think i'm leaking a touch of urine here and there and can't tell. Seems to be the general area where the leak is coming from. Or so i can see. Not sure. But- either way how embarrassing. :(

Going to mom's to swim today- excited about getting out and getting that going. Need the cooling and the exercise. Hope i don't burn too much. My skin is so fair the sun can really scorch me good. Very tired again today. Think i overdid it yesterday with the cleaning and the cooking.

Got into a fight with DH yesterday- because we were talking about that new movie Cowboys vs. Aliens. And he said he is going to see it with his friend. I asked when it was coming out he says July 29th. (or something like that) and i said - "but i wanted to see that" and his reply? "you won't be able to, because if she's here you said you can't leave her for 2 hours to see a movie". IF HE THINKS- that those 2 weeks he is taking off to be with me and baby and HELP me is going to be spent seeing movies with friends?! He has another thing coming! I said "what do you mean you're going to see a movie when i can't" and he turned and ignored me and watched the tv. If he does that i swear i'm going to make his life hell!!! Is it just me? Or would that upset you ladies as well? Or is it just my hormones? I mean, baby isn't out yet and he's already planning to leave us? And let me do it all day long? What the crap? I'm pretty upset about it still. Just tell me if i'm being ridiculous please.
wow natalie 3cm is great! how very exciting!

No news from me, mw app was fine, nothing special, baby still has not engaged yet so I quess I still have quite a long wait ahead for me.

I did stop to buy some evening primrose oil though. are any of you taking it? Any idea how much I should be taking?
Dare - that would piss me off too! Steve already tried the well can I go out with my friends when we go to his mums for a couple of days - :dohh: no way in this life is he leaving me on my own with TWO babies! Especially, when we have no idea what Sleeps gonna be like and how Stephen's gonna take it etc. I'd lay down the law now and say you're gonna need as much help as you can get (and if anything goes wrong and you need a c-section - he's gonna have to do everything for you for two weeks but that's a different story!) and that it's unfair to just make plans when your daughter could actually be here as he should be wanting to spend time with his new family not his friends. Sorry to say cinema trips etc do become infrequent lol

And 38 celcius!!!! How are you coping with that??!!

Natalie - just thought it must of been those faijtas last night!! :) bring on dinner :haha: can you not feel them bulging? I remember it to be fairly painful? You must have a high pain threshold or just one of those lucky women!!

Ladies I need some cheering up - I've just realised I gotta leave my baby and cause we agreed mil is taking him for a few days so we can adjust to Henry's routine and get the midwife visits done etc that I might not actually see him for a week! And he's stRted standing unaided (for like 10 seconds max) people have said about his first steps are gonna be soon and I'm terrified now I'm gonna miss them :( it sounds silly cause I can say I want him back ASAP but we know it's best for him to be there whilst we adjust and then wean him into it all. I know this isn't about pregnancy lol just needed to get it off my chest really :) :(
Dare- it's not just you, I wouldn't be too happy with that either. I like to think I'm quite laid back with letting Paul do what he wants in most respects but for those first two weeks I'd be pretty annoyed if he thought he could swan off and do things that I want to but aren't able to because....oh yes... WE have a kiddy to look after now!! Stupid men! If he DOES go you know what you have to do though...as SOON as he walks in the door, hand babs over, tell him you'll see him in two hours and go upstairs and have the longest soak in the bath in the world and a good old pamper!

And I agree....39 degrees......sounds like hell to me. I think we're probably

Ladies I need some cheering up - I've just realised I gotta leave my baby and cause we agreed mil is taking him for a few days so we can adjust to Henry's routine and get the midwife visits done etc that I might not actually see him for a week! And he's stRted standing unaided (for like 10 seconds max) people have said about his first steps are gonna be soon and I'm terrified now I'm gonna miss them :( it sounds silly cause I can say I want him back ASAP but we know it's best for him to be there whilst we adjust and then wean him into it all. I know this isn't about pregnancy lol just needed to get it off my chest really :) :(

Oh hun....I can't imagine how hard it must be thinking about leave Stephen, but you are right - you can get him back as soon as you want. Hopefully, in some warped way, you'll be so busy getting into a routine with Henry that - not that you will forget about Stephen - you'll not be so upset about not having him about and appriciate being able to spend time with Henry. I on't know, it must be so hard hun.!

Right...can I ask you ladies opinion on a name please??!?! We've ACTUALLY agreed on one or two over the past few days (Phoebe, Megan, Edie) but I wanted to see what you guys thought of ELENI? I'm really curious as to if you saw it how would you pronounce it? There are two ways apparently and I like one but not the other, but wouldn't want to go with a name where she is constantly correcting people.....
Whew lots to catch up!

Natalie- yayyyy! I wanted to yell out loud! So excited for you!!! Def gonna be a lo soon and see I told you ftm moms can go from nothing to something when it comes to dilating in a matter of days or hours even right at the end! Can't wait to see your little monkey!! I agree go bounce on the ball lol I've been trying that today hoping and praying for progress Friday although I don't wanna get my hopes up and be shattered again!

Charlie I'll be the one cooking for my parents lol and DH ... They are buying the food and paying me to do so bc they work long hours & it will let me help DH with income until we get our mortgage done!

And I still can't believe your riding a bike Natasha! Stay on it and I bet progress will happen! Whew!

Pip- good to see you! Like Charlie said we are here if you need us and you must keep us updated on your pregnancy with your new LO!! Can't wait to see you holding him in your arms :)

Dare- I agree mostly ESP if it's something you want to see too ... Not that I wouldn't let him out with his friends a bit to celebrate and unwind...men dont discuss all their feelings like we do but becoming a dad is a lot on your shoulders just like becoming a mom I think men need a little time out to sort of cope and deal with their feelings since they don't talk them out generally and relax sort of like how we need each other to talk to and lean on. I would ask him to wait and see that with you when you both can go and I'd def expect his help for sure and for him not to be out all the time with friends that would be in called for ... But I'd make sure he had some time with them .. Plus I've found the less pressure I put on DH an the more appreciated and free he feels like I'm not trying to separate him from all his friends and hobbies the more I actually get out of him and the more he WANTS to be around me and with me and help me! Does that make sense? I'm not saying he should have free run of the town but making sure he knows he isn't going to lose himself or his buddies just bc he is a dad can go a long way. :) my DH doesn't drink and most of his buddies are parents and they all work so he doesn't get to hang out with them often but if he ever says he wants to I encourage it. He has been Doing a ton around our house for months and exhausting himself getting ready for baby and stuff and I know he can't wait for him to get here but I also know he feels like the world is on his shoulders when it comes to providing for us and he is as scared as he is excited about being a dad.... So I let him know last week that by this past Saturday we were going to finish projects and he was going to relax. then I got him that new football video game Friday bc he enjoys playing to unwind but rarely plays bc he isn't going to put it in front of me or things that need to be done. This week I've gone to the church in the evenings to help with the kids vbs but I told him to stay home and relax. It's been really good for him to have some time to himself and unwind & enjoy a hobby he likes & it doesn't hurt me any bc I am staying busy with something else ... Then when I get home he can't keep his hands off me and is so sweet to me. I know when the baby gets here his world is going to change not just mine so I'm trying to make sure that although he doesn't get maternity leave lol that he gets some time to relax and chill before baby gets here and puts our lives and schedules on a rollercoaster! :)

Charlie - I think I'd be more worried if you were sad about leaving Stephen ... He is still your baby :) and your a good mum :) just sit him down and give
him instructions that he isn't to walk until he gets back home unless he wants to be naughty! Haha ... It will all work out ... Andit will be good to enjoy some bonding time with Henry efore you are balancing and juggling two babies at once! Hang in there!
dare i would be furious!!!! there is no way!!! the only thing i think i would agree to is wetting of babies head!!! and wow thats hot!!! make sure u wear suncream thats waterproof last thing u want is sunburn!!!!!!! i've had a few nightmares as well i think its just cos we are getting near and labour scary and when peoplecome over to visit i know i will be worrying about what state our place is in!!!!

awwww charlie :hugs: i cant imagine how hard that must be :( wow thats incredable he is starting to stand up unaided!!! maybe was the fajitas....!!! nope i cant feel them at all i havent even felt my stomach tightening!!!! i am shocked hubby is worried that i wont feel contractions when they get bad!! lol i doubt that very much!! i think i have felt my stomach tighten up a bit more since the sweep but nothing much!!!! everyone i have told is so shocked!!!!!

tanasha u mad chicken going out cycling i would be so worried i would lose my balance on 2 wheels!!! i would need stablisers!!! :rofl:

batty hmmm i think i would pronouce it Elen-ie if that makes sense!!! curious to know if thats right or not!!!! :)

hmmmm so nice to be back home and sit down in comfy chair!!! my 2nd appointment was pretty pointless to be fair they wouldnt do any internal checks as already been to see midwife and she'd done the sweep! all he really did was book me in for an induction if i need it!!! so no idea on my plug!!!
hehehe thank u krystal i am shocked!!!! took me a min to figure out ftm!! haha! i havent got a ball :-S gonna go for a walk soon wait for rain to stop might have a power nap as feel exhausted all the sudden!!!! fingers crossed for your appointment on friday!!! i must admit i always kinda look on the neg side of things so i dont get hopes up and then get a surprise like today!!! as i was so worried last night that i wouldnt be able to have the sweep cos my cervix wasnt favourable!!!! never did i imagine i would actually be dilated!!!!!!
Hi ladies

I was feeling a little sad yesterday that baby was due this week (Thursday) but reading your posts and feeling your excitement has cheered me up.

I'd like to wish you all luck for the speedy, straightforward labour you'd like. Hopefully it won't be too long for you now. I'll be keeping an eye out on FB for those of you who are FB friends and look forward to reading your birth stories on here in due course.

I genuinely can't remember a great deal about my labour (it was almost 15 years ago) but I do remember going in to the hospital on the Saturday after a show (I was 38w) and being sent home as nothing was happening, and then throwing up Sunday morning and contractions starting Sunday tea-time (Note to self: don't have lots of fibre as your last meal before delivery :rofl). I eventually went in on Sunday night and was found to be 6cm dilated and my DS was born Monday morning after a 16 hour labour.

Take care everyone.


Pip x

awwww :hugs: pip!!! i can understand how upsetting it must feel but wow look at u now 22 weeks over half way!!!!!

big :hugs:
Oh and dare I wasn't trying to belittle the situation With your DH so I hope it didn't come across that way! I know all of our Dh/OH's are different and the dynamics of our relationships are different so everything doesn't work the same ...that stuff is just something I've learned from being with my DH & Learning our difference as a man and woman and what works best for us! Like the old saying "you catch more flies with honey than vinegar" (or something like that) Ive learned to get my way (lol) or more favorable responses by doing things that way instead of trying to rope or nag him into submission (ive tried it all lol) which does nothing for me but make him mad and get me nowhere! LoL

besides... I think when baby gets here he will be thrilled and she will have him wrapped around her finger! He will be too busy fussing about her to run off too far from you! :)
Oooo another update I think I might be starting to have my bloody show, just been toilet and when looked was mucusy but had a brown kinda colour so probs old blood from sweep but oooh!!! I'm going to have nap have a feeling I may need some energy!!!!!
Wow Natalie, that's so exciting that you're already at 3cm and hardly any pain.... hopefully you'll be able to have a quick delivery, I was climbing the walls by the time I got to 3 cm with my first!

Dare, so sorry your DH is giving you such a tough time. Hopefully he'll better understand how tough it is to have a newborn once the baby comes, I really don't think men have a clue.

I've been feeling generally crappy, I think its because its so hot! I tried to take my son to a movie this morning but we only made it an hour, that kid just wants to play outside, ugh! Maybe the heat will bring on contractions!
Aww thanks ladies :) knew I could rely on you! Steve just said I was silly being upset I 'could' miss them but he doesn't get I've been with him everyday (apart from 1 day and 1 night) since he was born :dohh: men!! Lol

And batty - I agree with Natalie on the name pronunciation - or el-en-e if that makes sense? It's a gorgeous name though!!

Krystal - you have such a down to earth attitude on things :) All the rest of is are like no way are they going out and then there's you who says you try to encourage it etc - it'd actually really nice to see a refreshing point of view cause it's like you have actually really thought about it and come to a nice compromise! Having said that OH still isn't going out in the first two weeks hehe :)
wow 3 pages I missed since I went to sleep.. haha so much happens when I sleep.

Natalie CONGRATS on 3cm I am jealous well I am sure we all are. your gonna meat your LO soon YAY.

As far as OH going out... i dont try to get upset with my oh going out as he is the only one working and works his ass off for me and deserves to go out. But seeing as how he works out of town now I dont see him I have only seen for 3 days in about 4 weeks and its unknown how long he is outta town because they move him alot due to where the work is needed on the railroad. So he may very well miss our LO being born or if he is here he wont get much time with us before he has to leave us again.

everyone is getting on to me for doing to much but um... someone has to mow the yard or im gonna have a FIELD. I have to feed my dogs they cannot starve. Its like hello no one has offered to help and even when asked no on accepts. I have ONE friend that is gonna help me get trash halled off this weekend but she has 9 kids so I understand that her time is limitede and I am understanding of that. Just wish some of my others would offer.

So I am trying to accept that I will be alone taking care of our baby as I dont trust to many people to be around anyways. my Mom/stepdad are not involved at all and my dad/stepmom live in another country who would like to be involved but cant, Oh well I am doing fairly well hanlding living alone while OH is gone its just hard. But I have enough pets to keep me occupied and loved. 4 dogs, 1 cat and 2 pet rats. AND been wanting something else but not sure what as I have an empty tank and an empty wire cage.

Ohhh JUST went to the bathroom and I had a LONG stringy sticky piece of goo that was ooey gooy... plug? maybe
Hello midsummer dreamers! I introduced myself waaay back in this thread and disappeared due to the last few months being insanely hectic between working and moving to the city. So any time spent on B&B has been in lurk mode unfortunately.

My due date is this Saturday and this is my first week off from work. :happydance: Friday morning baby was fully engaged and I was 2 cm dilated and 60% effaced at my prenatal.

How is everyone passing their time? My SO is at work so I've been putting my feet up and napping all day, lol. Yesterday I did a full clean of the house though so I figure today will be a nice 'lazy' day for myself with no guilt. Just me and the kitty hanging out right now. :flower:
def think i've been having bloody show now lost fair bit second lot was more red on colour!! had a few pains aswell so really dont think it will be long now!!! bets are on for early hours/tomorrow!!!!!

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