3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Oooh well not long until 5! Lol

Yeah it is strangely quiet on here today!!
TTC good luck at the vet!

Natalie anything yet?

Im having a lazy day today, i just want to stay in bed and sleep.
Hehe I know!! It's almost been 25hours since sweep so just over half way if it's gonna work!! I've had a few bits of pain like back ache and period style pains they seem to last a while then all sudden realise they are not there lol apparently my friend said that's the start of things like how it started for her!!!
I've been busy cleaning again hehe gonna tempt fate and put some washing out to dry!! Hope it actually drys and doesn't rain!!! Eak!! Then gonna set up the bouncer and monitor etc!! Make sure we are all ready!!
So please do a sunshine and wind dance need this washing to dry!!!!! Hehe

Tanasha make the most of having a lazy day!!! Enjoy it!! I would!!!! :D
Dare I understand :( I hope he starts listening & stuff! I agree that he will be so taken with the baby and worrying over you both you prob won't have anything to worry about!

Charlie it's your turn for some of that cramping to mean something ...haha so go ahea and pop... Your a pro you already did this once this year .. You get an early pass ... One two three GOO! (did it work?) lol

Natalie we are trying to bore you into labor... It we act like too much fun on here you might stick around and we are trying to help you get on with it! Haha oh I do hope it starts up soon for you!

Tanasha enjoy your lazy day!!

I didn't make it back on last night bc I came home from the church had dinner and watched DH play his new game, then I had a meltdown ... Stupid hormones! I don't even really know why except I was exhausted & I cried and told him this baby would never come and how mad I was about going back to the doctor Friday & terrified of not progressing & scared of getting my hopes up & terrified of ending up In a csection etc ... He was so sweet to me like always & just talked to me and held me and rubbed my back until we were both laughing again bc I alway joke about wanting 13 kids ... So I was crying and he said "it will be ok and even if worse case scenario you have to have one it will be ok & the baby will be here!" and I cried "but If I have it with one i have a chance of needing one every time ... And and I don't Want 13 csections!" ... His eyes got real big and he said "I don't want you to have 13 of anything!" then we were both laughing! But I managed some sleep last night which was really nice! :) today I'm
finally going to pack or mostly pack mine and baby's hospital bag I think and maybe try t get a couple things done here before I go to my parents to cook and clean! I'm really enjoying the laziness and taking it easy!! So nice to have a break!
Hey ladies! Somebody needs to have a baby soon, please! It is super hot here today so I am just staying in the air conditioning with the dog, hopefully get some cleaning done. And some napping, and probably have ice cream for lunch. Yeah, I am pretty exciting today :) I keep thinking this could be my last quiet day for awhile....
hmmm nap sounds good i think i may just do that myself that will help pass time!!!!!
ahhhh krystal thats the plan is it??? :haha:
aww bless u!! these hormones drive us crazy dont they!!!! all they have seem to do to me is make me moan more hahaha!!!!
@krystal- yeah we had another discussion yesterday- and he apologized and was much better for the evening. He said he wouldn't be going and he didn't understand. So- right now we are ok. :) And i'm so glad you have such a nice supportive husband!!! that's awesome! And yeah- i wouldn't want 13 of anything either!!!! lol! but if you DO have a c-section- you could still have a vbac later!!! it is possible. I know, for me that's like worst case scenario too- and everyone tells me not to be anxious about it but i can't help it! it's scary! esp. when the office keeps telling you that if you don't do this this or this by this time then we HAVE to do this- and it's scary. I understand :hugs:

@Natalie- tell that baby you just had a sweep and it's time to come out now :haha:

@Estar- it's so hot here too!!! Thinking i will be doing the same as you- the agenda sounds fab!

--as for me- dtd last night- hoping it would get things moving. I have had some increased cramping on and off this am- hoping it's something! But doubt it.

MW appt at 145- going to ask for that internal too. I wanna know if anything is progressing. Even if it's like 1/2 a cm more than before- i would feel better knowing SOMETHING is going on. Rather than just assuming nothing is happening.

Tired this morning. Was planning to do a few things- now i think i'm cutting all that back to like 1 thing. A visit to the old job to say hi to them- and then the appt, then i will go to the store after the appt- OR i will go see mom again. That sounds better- going to see mom and swimming again today. That 2 hour swim yesterday did me good. Would love to repeat it.
Hi Natalie, wow it is quiet! Haven't made it to the vet yet, appointment is for noon, I"ll be sure to let you know. Anything new with you??? Some contractions that can be timed??
ttc- i missed it- what is he going to the vet for? Everything ok i hope?

And yeah i don't know where everyone is today!
Nothing's wrong with him Dare, just his yearly appointment. I was just whining because its so hot, and my dog is big, plus my son doesn't always behave very well in public and I'm so huge that going to the vet should be quite the experience!
Ahh wrote a long page and it deleted itself :dohh: now I have to try and remember what I put

Just been to asda and bought Stephen some new clothes to go in his bag for his visit with the mil!! Got the most cutest swimming outfit as she has a hot tub in her garden and there's a swimming pool next to where she lives/works :) and I got it cause I'm hoping when Henry gets here steve will look after him one day a week and I can take Stephen swimming so we still get mummy and Stephen time :) until H is older!

And talking of cramps - i still keep getting these dull aches but he's just messing with me!! :( it's actually like a game to him now :haha: but walking around asda he was so low that I felt he was gonna just pop out and be like :hi: lol and I am trying to evict him krystal but he's having none of it lol -- thanks for asking ladies!

Krystal - 13 children really?? Wow! A nice big family :) but your hubby sounds lovely and I'm so glad he has the ability to reassure you exactly the way you need him too :)

How many children does everyone else want? I want three in total so one more after this!! But not for a few years?

Natalie - if the sweep doesnt work did you say you were being induced on Friday? If so he'll pretty much be here by Sunday latest right? Sooooo just think by the end of this week you'll have him finally :) and I must admit I do keeping checking on here to see yours (or if anyone else) is in labour!!

Dare - glad your hubby and you had a chat and sorted things out :) feeling a bit more relieved? And let us know how your appt went - though I'm guessing it's a few more hours as it's just about to turn 4pm here! Good luck!

Tanasha - enjoying your lazy day?? :)

Ttc - hope it goes ok at the vet!
Nothing's wrong with him Dare, just his yearly appointment. I was just whining because its so hot, and my dog is big, plus my son doesn't always behave very well in public and I'm so huge that going to the vet should be quite the experience!

Glad to hear nothing is wrong with him! My animals always seem to have SOMETHING going on. So even our normal yearly appts turn into something extra. My dog has had his blood drawn at least every 6 months. And he's only 3 years old. What kind of dog do you have?

Ahh wrote a long page and it deleted itself :dohh: now I have to try and remember what I put

Just been to asda and bought Stephen some new clothes to go in his bag for his visit with the mil!! Got the most cutest swimming outfit as she has a hot tub in her garden and there's a swimming pool next to where she lives/works :) and I got it cause I'm hoping when Henry gets here steve will look after him one day a week and I can take Stephen swimming so we still get mummy and Stephen time :) until H is older!

And talking of cramps - i still keep getting these dull aches but he's just messing with me!! :( it's actually like a game to him now :haha: but walking around asda he was so low that I felt he was gonna just pop out and be like :hi: lol and I am trying to evict him krystal but he's having none of it lol -- thanks for asking ladies!

How many children does everyone else want? I want three in total so one more after this!! But not for a few years?

Dare - glad your hubby and you had a chat and sorted things out :) feeling a bit more relieved? And let us know how your appt went - though I'm guessing it's a few more hours as it's just about to turn 4pm here! Good luck!

I have those low feelings too!!! and i can't seem to evict her either. :( seems cozy up there. I'm going to be so jealous of whoever goes next. just saying. :) And i don't know if we want more. Originally we wanted 2- but we have to see how we do with one first!!!! lol. And yes, my appt here is at 145. And it's just about to go on 11 am right now. So a few hours!
wow it has been quiet today normally i go to bed and wake up to read 5 pages lol. nothing new with me my Dr Appt is tomorrow. It know what they will check so we shall see. Im just being bored and gotta go pay a bill today ugh dont wanna but gotta.
Natalie, I have my fingers crossed for you. C'mon baby! :dance::thumbup:

Soo today is another brutal one - an excessive heat wave warning has been issued for our area and I'm in a second floor apartment with no air conditioning. Bleh. Right now all the windows are wide open and at least there's a refreshing breeze hitting from behind.

Not sure what to do with myself today until SO comes home for dinner. It's going to be hot and sticky so I'll be in and out of a cold shower a few times. Honestly I don't feel like moving at all - it's terrible. My feet become soo swollen with this heat too. SO and I giggle at my cankles and sausage toes. :haha: at least I'll have a nice foot rub to look forward to later. :winkwink:

Charlie, this is my first peanut. I'd love to have more (maybe two or three more?) but not for another year or two!
Thanks Jenna Lynn!

Charlie I got another sweep booked for Friday, my induction is for the 30th!

Ttc2 hope u get him there ok I have visionsof him not going u dragging him then going into labour on vets table lol!!! Me nope nothing yet!!!

Haha I'm trying dare!!!!!! Such a naughty baby!!! I'm wondering if I might need a second sweep!!! Good luck with your appointment!!! Let us know how u get on!!!
Vets went well, everything is fine with the dog (chocolate lab), but my son was bad! He kept taking off his shoes, and he wanted to lie down on the floor which you can imagine in a vets office is disgusting. The problem is his favorite "game" is to play doggie with our dog, I didn't think he would actually do it at the vets... thank God he's adorable, I can never really get anygry!

Charlie, I always thought I wanted 3, but I think I might be done with two... of course I'm saying that now at the end of a pregnancy when I'm just ready to be done. Ask again in a year and I might want another one, who knows. DH wants another one because he's convinced we'd have a 3rd boy and he is one of 3 boys.

I'm also getting those cramps and twinges that keep me guessing, but they come and go, can baby engage himself then come out? Sometimes he feels alot lower than others so who knows!

Hope everyone in the US (at least on the East Coast) is finding a way to stay cool, its just nasty outside!!!!
I'm going into l&d now as had hardly any movement pretty anxious! Will update when I can!!
oh natalie hope everything is okay

ttc I am in Tennessee and our heat index is 101 degrees F today.. I so did not wanna go out but i had to return something and pay a bill and it was horrible.

Been feeling very nausous today and off.... probably gonna go lay down for a bit

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