3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Thanks Dare & everyone else. Hopefully I won't have to have one!

And yes My DH is wonderful, I Waited and prayed a long time to meet him & we have our days & we've had some ups and downs when we were dating but we really communicAte and he is so patient, we've learned a lot about what each other needs and what's important to one another & to be patient with each others quirks that drive us crazy! Like in the beginning of the pregnancy I would cry every night between 930 & 10 and once a week usually Sunday or monday night I'd have an all out meltdown. At first I didn't see the pattern or realize it was my hormones, and I would get mad at DH for everything or think I was upset bc he didn't tell me he loved me right then or crazy stuff That I convinced myself in my head. He was still good to me and we always discussed how i felt and stuff but after a couple weeks it started wearing on our relationship and we were tired of fighting. We talked about it and realized it was a pattern an had to be hormones ... So every night when I felt upset he would just hold me and rub my back and tell me he loved me & I wouldn't let myself say any of the crazy thoughts I had outloud ... I'd just cry til it passed ...then we didn't fight since it was hormones anyways! It got better after 1st tri but occasionally like last night I still have a meltdown & it's the same ... It has def kept pregnancy horomones from ruining or hurting our relationship! I adore him though he is the best man I've ever met in my whole life. he is my best friend and He is my favorite :) ok now I'm gonna tear up .. Darn hormones! :)

Glad you talke to your OH dare & feel better! I hope it keeps getting better and better!

ttc I bet that vet trip was exciting .... Sounds nap worthy! Haha

Natalie at least you have another sweep scheduled if that one doesn't work ... Keep us updated on how u go at the mw!

Oh an dare keep us updated on your apt! Mine are all first thing in the morning! I couldn't wait half the day I get so nervous lol!
Natalie - hope everything is ok! Maybe they'll decide to induce you now if you're feeling less movement?? I hope he's just having a sleepy day! Getting ready to be born must be so exhausting for them :haha:

TTC - I'd loved to have seen that!! I actually did laugh out loud imagining a little boy playing doggie on the vet's floor! :D

Jenna Lynn - Time to invest in a fan/ac unit if it's gonna be that hot!! What temp is it supposed to get too?
I wish they would just induce me now!!! Been hooked up had fair bit of movement think they will send me home gotta wait for doc to come round!!!!
lol I've got visions of you in labour updating us on your phone!!! Hope all is well and baby makes an appearance soon.


Pip x
Been discharged!!! They said any Questions so I asked If they could just get him out now?? Nope!!! How rubbish!!! Lol
Hate to moan more but I am so disheartened and fed up I really thought this baby would be Here by now!!! I don't like the idea of being induced but right now seems like that will happen and that's like 10days away which seems forever!!! I recon one of u will pop before I will!!!!! Sorry for moan I just so want to meet this monkey I am very impatient now!!!
@ttc- i know it's just gross out there! glad the appt went well. LOL that's funny about your boy on the ground. you know, the vet clinics i worked at we actually kept our floors REALLY clean. Because you can't risk animals spreading diseases. So, everything was pretty nice in there.

@natalie- Glad everything is ok though hun- but sorry you have to deal with all of it that much longer. These babies just don't want to come out!!

@krystal- aw that's great! Dh and i rarely fight as well! It's more when he does or says something REALLY stupid- but most of the time we don't fight at all. So it's been my hormones coupled with his own whacked out getting nervous things lately.

AFM- Had my appt today. It was SUPPOSED to be at 145- but the mw was on call- because all the others are out of town. SO they called me and rescheduled for 245. I got there- went right in, and had that nurse that rushes again- so she weighed me wrong again and took my bp real fast- and just rushes out of the room. She added at least 2 lbs that weren't really there- because it was still tipping quite a bit. Annoying.

But when the mw came in, she asked if i wanted an internal. I said sure- so, i am now 90 % effaced- she said i'm so thin i can't thin anymore. and 1 cm dilated. She said she is a great position, and then when measuring told me i was measuring at 35 (i don't know what that means) because she has dropped down and is getting ready. So overall great news! She then said 'so she'll be here in the next couple weeks!' and this is the same women who told me she'd 'be out definitely before the end of july' So- just waiting.
Oh Natalie, I can't believe they won't just let you have that baby, I'm feeling for you!

Dare, I've heard that for first time moms that effacement is more important than dialation, so maybe you're close. Of course I have no medical training at all so my opinion isn't really that important.... I'll just keep my fingers crossed for yoU!

I'm really uncomforatable today, very crampy and alot of BH... most likely my body playing mean tricks on me. Hows everyone else feeling?
thanks ttc- yeah I hope you are right!!

I have been cramping on and off since this am- then much stronger after the internal at the appt. Other than that.... Just waiting and waiting. Ready to get this over and done.
Thank u ttc I really am feeling a bit sorry for myself at the min!! Hate feeling like this!!!! Sorry your feeling so crampy and uncomfortable!!
Dare so glad u had a good appointment!!! Fab u are do thin and started dilating!!! Really happy for u!!
Lol pip I could imagine me doing that lol
I have got to get on the ball and pack my hospital bag... I just have a weird feeling that I need to get it done.. been having a really bad off feeling today
aww natalie don't feel bad. You are right at the end- and baby will so be here soon! I know it. :hugs:
got my fingers crossed for you dar
Wow, I've been cramping pretty strongly for the past hour and since I've only experienced Braxton Hicks twice during this entire pregnancy, any type of cramping is very unusual for me. SO and I went for a walk and I slammed a few glasses of water to see if they subside, but so far they keep returning. Hmm ..

We'll see how everything goes throughout the evening.

Daretodream, how are your cramps progressing, dear?
Ooo everyones all crampy! Dare I wonder if your getting closer!!

I'm jealous! I want cramps or BH contractions or something to make me feel like something going on :-/ ... I've been bouncing on the stupid ball & even dtd & letting the semen sit on my cervix just hoping and praying for a big change by Friday but trying not to get my hopes up!

Weird thing ... When I rock forward and backward on the birth/exercise ball it makes me feel like I have an air bubble in my lady bits... I can't figure out what it is? If it's just the pressure or maybe babys head? I dunno I just hope for the best and rock on! Lol
oka ladies get to popping babies out! lol
Natalie - I think it's so out of order that you asked them to just get him out but htey make you wait. I hate that they make you wait to 42 weeks... To me I just think what's the point of giving you a due date if they won't help you along when you've gone past it iygwim? How have you felt overnight? Did you get your washing dry? :haha:

Dare - how are the cramps??

Krystal - Get bouncing!!!!!! :) With my first I didn't get anything apart from immense pressure from 30 weeks and then no BHs etc until my hind waters went - so maybe that will happen for you! You'll just get straight into the labour pains when it's time :D

Jenna Lynn - Hope it's the real thing! :)

Went out for dinner last night - was so yummy but I was so full and it just wouldn't settle in my stomach! So before bed I ended up throwing up everything I'd eaten that day! Good job i'd drunk like 4 litres of water during the day :( But, I'm starting to wonder if it's coming up soon cause (tmi) I'm a little bit constipated and I've started throwing up - which is what happened a few days before my other little man arrived! (fingers crossssssssed! hehe) Then again, this baby seems to like getting me excited and then nothing happens! Cramps are still a constant ache rather than getting stronger etc. Oh well I've got to the point where I'm gonna stop thinking about it, let my body get on with it (with the help of some natural inducement methods hehe) cause starting to drive myself insane wondering 'when' :dohh:

What has everyone got planned for today?? :D
well I have 36wk appt at 11 gonna talk to them about my "weird off" feeling Ive been having.

other then that nothing important going on... bout time for me to go to bed hahaha
Ooo everyone getting cramping.... Send some my way eh!!! I had mild irregular contractions/tightenings at hosp could I feel them.... Nope!!!
Thank u everyone!!! I will read posts properly later.... My first job of day find a knotting needle and break my waters myself lol... Seriously can I do that???? Hahaha!!! I've had more plug go it's green this time no more bloody show :(

Oh Charlie no it didn't get dry.... I fell asleep while it was outside when I woke up it was pouring with rain!!!! :dohh:
I never got a bloody show hun, so I don't think cause you're not getting any more doesn't mean you're not progressing :)

:haha: I'd def get your hubby to do that job... you might end up stabbing something if you do it! Surprised you can bend that far to pop them! hehe!

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