3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Lol Charlie I had a dream about doing it!!!!! I was literally poking this knitting needle everywhere till something happened!!!!!!
Lol I shouldn't have told hubby his nails were too long/sharp other day :dohh: :haha:

I wonder what's with all this cramping u ladies seem to be getting??? Where abouts is the cramping??? Is it like period pains????
Yep mine's just like period pains! If I wanted period pains I wouldn't have gotten pregnant hehe!

Were you contracting when you were being monitored last night? (sorry I can't remember what you said in your previous posts lol) Cause if you were, your body is still doing something but you're just lucky enough not to feel it!
It was showing up on the monitor but she said could be tightenings but they were quite irregular and mild!!!
Saying that I seem to be having a little pain at the min kinda starting near mid low back on left side coming round to just past hips.... Kinda constant pain but eases.... What's that do we think???
Sounds promising! Could be early contractions FX'd!!!!! Or he's just being naughty and leaning on a nerve lol - but we'll keep thinking it's early contractions!

How funny would it be if you went tomorrow nad she's like oh you're now 5cms! I'm surprised your waters have been bulging for this long though!
It's eased now standing up wasn't timeable yet though!! Not felt it that strong before..... Let's hope is start of things!!!
Haha that would be good if I got there and was more dilated!! Lol I know I thought If waters bulging they would break quite quickly... Maybe I should ask her to have a hook ready tomorrow!!!!! Lol
:haha: Yep just be like 'go on give them a poke - you can use anything you want... just break them!' Then again knowing your naughty monkey he still won't send you contractions even if they do break ! ;)
Hahahaha that is soooo true he really is naughty he is probably just teasing me now!!! I was playing foo fighters breakout thinking it might help him realise... Nope he liked that and felt like he was dancing... Would have preferred some head banging he might have broken the waters that way.... Then my dad suggested run to the hills by iron maiden thats when the pain started and increased with linkin park..... Hahaha strange child!!!!!!
All stopped again now!!! Grrrr he is just teasing me!!! As soon as he comes out he is going straight on the naughty step!!!!!!!!!
Good morning ladies!

Natalie you defenitly have a naughty monkey in there! LOL at trying to break your own waters! Hope the sweep tomorrow has more luck, or even that you have this baby before tomorrow!

Dare how are your cramps? I am abit clueless about the affected stuff, but 90% sounds good?

Mal is your bag packed?

Krystal I am also wishing for something- a cramp or pain or anything! Just to let me know that things are moving along, but so far nothing!

Here is abit of TMI, this morning when i woke up and went to the toilet, when I walked back to the bedroom i felt something dripping down my legs, so I checked my knickers and its almost creamy discharge but then quite watery. It soaked my knickers completely and ran down my legs, is this a normal pregnancy thing? I thought i might be my plug, but i imagine my plug to be more mucousy? snot like?
Thank u tanasha!!!
Hmmm the plug I've experienced the creamy colour, the greeny colour, the bloody one and had a bit of greeny ish again!!! I think we must lose a fair amount of mucus, the only one I've heard anyone take notice of is the bloody one! Ask your midwife next time u see her!!!
Out of curiosity I know me and krystal have anterior placentas and not had much feeling in way of cramping I definitely haven't felt getting to 3cm etc only feelings I get is down low on back and hips and sometimes right at top of bump, just curiously wondering if u have an anterior placenta maybe that has has something to do with it??
Morning Ladies!
@Dare- I'm in the same boat as you with the cramping. I feel pretty crappy and getting tons of Braxton Hicks but I don't really know if its anything. It didn't keep me up, I had a pretty good nights sleep, but I am feeling it this morning!
@Krystal- Keep bouncing! I had a nurse told me that really helps baby push on your cervix. Plus, I think it helps relax and strech my hips and back.
@Charlie- I'm sorry you are throwing up, but if its a good sign I'm happy for you!
@Mal-Good luck at your appointmnent, let us know how it goes
@Natalie-I'm so sorry you haven't had any more contractions, the knitting needle made me laugh out loud!
@TaNasha- I've been wondering the same thing as I've been having gushes of very white discharge and I would swear it was my plug, but who knows!

I have a play date at a park today at 9:30, but its already over 80 degrees and the heat index is supposed to be something stupid like 110 today. I am thinking about canceling, but its a friend I haven't seen in a while and my DS loves playing with her kids. Who knows, either way I'll be drinking a TON of water today!
ttc im seriously contemplating it!!! hahaha!!!! i am sure i have read somewhere that the plug is either greeny colour like u have sneezed down there or bloody..... but i could have read wrong!!! eak that sounds horrid keep drinking loads get an ice lolly at the park or something!!!!

well ive been on a walk for an hour done nothing!! i came home to dh popping in for his lunch, i feel awful he is soooooo tired after yest having to rush around and go to hosp and it was all a waste of time really he is having a power nap really feel bad for him he looks so tired!! gotta wake him up in 10 mins he looks like he could do with a lot more....
TTC - god... could not imagine sitting out in that heat! I wouldn't do anything that's going to make you feel uncomfortable or not very well :( Maybe ask if she wants to come round and they can have a playdate at yours?

Natalie - it could be... I've read that an anterior placenta cushions most of the movement etc, so it would make some sense if it cushioned your contractions
Woke up this morning & had an apple at 530 am ... Then at 630 was hungry again :-/ like very hungry. Ate something heavier ... Now I'm coughing and gagging and trying to keep from throwing up! Wish my body would make up it's mind! :-/ Charlie I think you've jinxed me with your throwing up! Lol my body is trying to copy you to get things done maybe? :)

Ttc maybe you could move your playdate indoors to mcd's or chicfila or some other indoor play place restaurant or somethnng ... It's been hot like that here and that's just miserable! And dangerous ! Thankfully it's rainy here which cools things a bit but also means I won't be on the road in my SUV for fear of hydroplaning bc my back brakes need changing! Hope all your cramping means something! I mean it has to right? We are the end ... They can't stay in there forever! Can they???? I'm sure Natalie is beginning to wonder!

I'm going to keep bouncing and praying for enough progress to
maybe be induced next week! I have to stop procrastinating and pack mine and babys bag :p! Friday DH & I are going to get lots of things done so we will be ready for baby! We've got my dr appt. Eye exams. Exchanging baby items from
the shower, getting my car cleaned so we can install car seat base, and picking up parts to have my battery and brakes on my car fixed and his oil changed! So it will be a long day! Just hope my dr appt goes well so I don't start the day off on a sad or unhappy note!
Um I think my water may have just broke ? Else I peed myself! I fellt really wet down there so I stood up and water went all down my legs ...
And it was kinda mucusy ...but I'm not contracting or anything and it's stopped so I'm gonna wait a bit and see...
oooooo krystal!!!!! was it like a gush? or did it feel like it popped or anything??? how exciting!! def get it checked cos they say should get it checked straight away cos otherwise could get infection??? i think!!! call up!!!!!! oh and was the liquid clear and have any smell to it???
and yes i am beginning to wonder that!!!
48 hours since sweep now so it hasnt worked.... fingers crossed for tomorrows!!!!!
charlie it would make sense wouldnt it??!! im sure it might have something to do with it!!!
I agree with Natalie - if you think it is your waters I would call up! :)

I'm absolutely fuming! Steve has arranged for us to go to visit the new Toby Carvery that's opening up in Basildon which means driving on a really busy motorway and then a busy A-road etc - it's about an hour-an hour and a half away. He agreed to go yesterday without getting my opinion (when we were at dinner with his manager last night) and I was like yeah ok well we'll see. Anyways, now two more people are coming - one of the girls coming I really dislike. She's alway flirting with Steve and she's just one of those girls who looks down on everyone cause she is stunning! Plus, the new resturant is going to be REALLY busy because it's the test opening day - and I can't stand for very long without feeling funny :( He came in and was like 'oh yeah and we're doing this and we'll do this and so and so is now coming' etc and I was like I really really do not want to go. I want to stay at home - and although I don't have to drive it's not the point. Then he throws in the 'but everyone really wants to see Stephen' - Tough! So then he says well if you're that worried we'll take our car - urm not gonna happen, going to the MIL's driving absolutely shattered me. Plus, we have our midwife appt that morning so we don't even know what she's gonna say. I told him he can go and he then goes on about taking Stephen and although I could do with the break I really don't want him going either. I'm not gonna see him for a while soon, so I'm just enjoying everyday I can with him if you get me? Plus what happens if I do go into labour? I'll be 38+4... so it's not like it might not happen :( But, I don't fancy being in labour in Basildon when I really really want to give birth in Watford and if we get stuck in traffic on the M25 on the way back there's a chance I could even give birth in the car :-/ Am I out of order? I told him he could go but don't really like the thought of him being so far away either :( :shrug:
right charlie u dont wanna go.... u need to be a bit sneeky.... you have these cramps right.... hehehe just play on that!!! :hehe: you shouldnt go far if these cramps are bad... if u get me...... :haha: u might need a trip to watford u never know (well steve can think that...)

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