3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

hehe I like... whether he'll believe me or not is another story :haha:

Would you go if you were 38+ weeks?
way to do it i think is make up u are going and say u need to have a bath to try ease the cramps... then as u need to get out of bath... u need his help as the cramping has got worse.... a few oohhh's would help!!! then u cant bend down to get trousers on with the cramping hehehe!!!!
i think basildon is reading right.... if so think its like 10 mins from my dads, in which case i went there at nearly 38 weeks but not at busy times and wasnt standing up etc
Nah this Basildon is in Essex..... ooh is there more than one Basildon?! :D I just wish he'd get there is a genuine reason I don't wanna go... cause he already said 'oh it's because Sam's coming isn't it?' :dohh:
ahhhh i see yeah there is well basildon house near reading!! lol!!!
oh no did he say that.... hmmmm is he with u now?
noooo he's at work! But he comes in like every hour or two to say hello lol and that's when he told me! ahh I feel like I'm being a party pooper!!

Krystal - any more liquid gushes??
awww but if u dont want to go its understandable!!! i would slowly work up to it then!!! or have u been sick again..... LOL

yes krystal need update!!!!!!!
oh wow i just had the most amazing hot choc!!!!!!!!!!!
galaxy hot choc powder, mini marshmallows and squirty cream that was soooooooooooo good!!!!!!
krystals waters have broken!!! she is on her way to have baby!!!!
(hope u dont mind me posting this for u!!!!)
ahhhhhh no way!!!! :D After she was going on she had no symptoms etc!! WOW!!! GOOD LUCK :D
WOW pages to read!

@jenna lynn- they were really bad yesterday!!! awful! i have some minor ones this morning.

@krystal- i can't believe you are in the hospital right now!!!! That's so awesome! congrats hun!!!!

@charlie - I'm sorry you were sick last night- i'm having a bit of constipation too- is that a sign? I didn't know that it was! And dull aching cramps this am too. Hoping we get this going soon!! AND i am with you on the traveling thing- nothing worse than being uncomfy AND having to deal with people you don't like. I would also stay home. With my son. At least you told him he can go if he wants but as we are getting further along, they don't seem to get that we get MORE uncomfortable. and i AM 38 + 4 and i sure wouldn't go! DH wants to see captain america this weekend and i'm not going to do that either!

@natalie- Ew hun don't pop your own waters ewwwwww lol. And the cramping for me is period type pain. And natalie question- i have an anterior placenta too- does that mean i'll have trouble feeling contractions too? No one told me anything about that!

@tanasha- thanks hun- and yes- we are supposed to get to 100% effaced. And she said i'm so thin she doesn't think i can thin anymore. But only 1 cm dilated. So at least whenever i get to the hospital- the effacement is done so less work to do. But doesn't mean anything in terms of WHEN it will happen. AND i would call my dr!!!!! I don't know about the creamy part but if it ran down your legs i would think could be your waters????? Call call!

@ttc- make sure you go somewhere shady too!!! Bring like a hand held fan too because we don't need you cooking out there!

As for me- after i left midwife appt yesterday i had minor cramping. But by night i had a lot of it and very uncomfy. Woke up at 1 am and i was in pretty bad pain with the cramps and though for sure we were going to have to go to the hospital. And then... it stopped a half hour later. Gone. Have had some minor cramping this am- and having that feeling like it will be soon but i had that LAST thursday too. So i really don't know.

have a few errands to run today and then think i might be relaxing. Or going to swim again. Depends on if i'm up to it. I am so tired of being pregnant. i want my baby now. And Charlie- like you, i am a bit constipated (sorry ladies) but does anyone know if that means anything? And i have the anterior placenta like natalie- maybe that's why i don't feel as much too? I would like my body back please.
Yep def in labor on our way to the hospital ... Contractions are noticeable but not bad yet sure that will change just feels a little crampy and like tightening. Been taking my time getting there as I assume it will be a long day' will update when I know details like dilation etc!

Will say this- I've been rocking on the kids giant bouncy thing bc I didn't have a birth ball and it works the same just rocking back and forth ... Then last night we dtd at like 10 pm & he played with my nipples a lot & afterward I just propped up my butt and layed there for over an hour before I got up ... Then this mornjng I rocked for a bit while I ate my apple at 530 & I think that's when my waters started trickling... Then they started flowing at 730 am .... So seriously ... Rock forward and backward on the ball... Obviously whatever bubble I was feeling was water bag or babys head & dtd and let the semen sit there... It works & last Friday I was nothing! That'll show that dr that God is in control not her! :)
ooh now if only I had a ball.... hehe!!

Good luck Krystal - hopefully next time you're on you'll be showing off Baby Silas! :D

Dare - I only think constipation was a sign because that's what happened last time around - whilst everyone else was having clearouts and then I had Stephen and I had my clearout the day after (sorry girls! lol)
dare lol i wont pop my waters hahaha!!! i cant find a knitting needle :rofl: im not sure if its a actual thing if have anterior placenta, be interesting to see how krystal gets on with contractions and having a anterior placenta!! i will try to remember to ask midwife tomorrow but that is if i remember.... my memory is awful these days!!! in my case cramping pains have also been more period type pains as well, oh and lower pain round hips etc!!!!

charlie i wish i had a ball as well!! i was gonna try edge of bed haha!!! how are u getting on? do u have to go to Basildon? sorry i completely missed you not feeling well last night!!! how are u feeling now? have u managed to go? thats interesting to know that some have the opposite to a clear out!!!

as for me after my yummy hot choc i decided to have a little sleep feel better for it!! still a bit crampy but nothing much oh dare i was going to ask is your period pains quite constant as well? like u feel it to begin with then it kinda subsides without u really noticing until u suddenly realise its not there?? oh i had more mucus go again no more blood so no more bloody show... i wonder is there a bloody show and a mucus plug???? think we might be going to harvester tonight... i just want the salad bowl i love it!!!!
krystal i am so excited for u!!! so happy for u esp after u were worried after what docs said!!!! i am only a little jealous!!!! :haha: good luck hun!!! will be thinking of u and cant wait to see how u get on and see baby Silas!!! loved your final pics on facebook brought tear to my eye you both look so happy and excited!! bless u!! so amazing!!!
So I'm 50% effaced & just abt 1 dilated so they are starting pitosin to make contractions more consistent ... And hopefully bring babys head down more ...said it would be a long day and maybe night :-/ but hopefully I can do it vaginally even if it's long and when he's here it will be worth it! Said I'll need an epidural for sure bc pitosin was going to make it painful !
Loooooooooove Harvester!! :D

Oh I'm always moanign about something being not right :haha: so I'm feeling better sick wise but still not managed to go! ... being pregnant is so attractive ;) I told him I'll decide Tuesday if I want to go but he said that Lina (manager) thinks it's cause I don't like her if I don't - which I told him to stop being so stupid! I spoke to my mum about it as well to see if she thought I was being mean and she said she completely understands why I don't want to, but I should let Steve take Stephen so I can chill out and do whatevvvvvvver I want! :D

hmmm hot chocolate!!! Maybe cause you're a bit more crampy, when you have your 2nd sweep tomorrow you'll have more success!! Though you'd think being 3cms dilated and bulging waters it would have done the trick :haha:

Krystal - I agree with Natalie - I loved your final pictures before becoming parents! :D Though I do find it funny that you were on your way, getting your stuff together and you still found time to take a couple!
So I'm 50% effaced & just abt 1 dilated so they are starting pitosin to make contractions more consistent ... And hopefully bring babys head down more ...said it would be a long day and maybe night :-/ but hopefully I can do it vaginally even if it's long and when he's here it will be worth it! Said I'll need an epidural for sure bc pitosin was going to make it painful !

i have been told if but on that stuff does really make everything hurt a lot more so be sure to take them up on the epidural!!! have they given u a ball while u are there to bounce on? keep walking as well as ive heard that helps baby move down as well as stairs!!!! thats what my friend did ended up running up and down stairs as her baby was breech and had to keep trying to get him in position everytime she stopped baby would go back to being breech!!! have u got much with u to pass the time? eak so excited for u!!!!!
Loooooooooove Harvester!! :D

Oh I'm always moanign about something being not right :haha: so I'm feeling better sick wise but still not managed to go! ... being pregnant is so attractive ;) I told him I'll decide Tuesday if I want to go but he said that Lina (manager) thinks it's cause I don't like her if I don't - which I told him to stop being so stupid! I spoke to my mum about it as well to see if she thought I was being mean and she said she completely understands why I don't want to, but I should let Steve take Stephen so I can chill out and do whatevvvvvvver I want! :D

hmmm hot chocolate!!! Maybe cause you're a bit more crampy, when you have your 2nd sweep tomorrow you'll have more success!! Though you'd think being 3cms dilated and bulging waters it would have done the trick :haha:

Krystal - I agree with Natalie - I loved your final pictures before becoming parents! :D Though I do find it funny that you were on your way, getting your stuff together and you still found time to take a couple!

hahaha u are not as bad as me for moaning!!!!!!! hmmm u need some thing with fibre.... lol tell me about it!! i will be spreading my legs tomorrow for another sweep.... these poor midwives i dont know how they do it!!!!
omg so she is guilt tripping him into making u go thats awful behaviour you will be 38 + weeks preg its totally understandable u dont want to go i hope u go into labour day before!!!! that'll show them!!!!
oooo the hot choc was amazing!!!! haha u would have thought it would have worked but oh well fingers crossed for the weekend!! if it by chance happens tomorrow he will be a cancer star sign but from 23rd he will be a leo which seems to fit his personality more :haha: dh said can u ask her to break your waters.... lol i wish!!!!
yep looking forward to harvester!!!! i really do just want the salad bar... i know what main i will have and i know fine well i wont be able to eat it all cos i will fill up on salad but i will make room for pudding!!!!!!!! :haha:
Hey guys had alot to read and catch up on already..

Good luck krystal we cannot wait to see your pics and birth story.

Well I had my 36wk appt and i told her about being in the hospital sunday with a possible broke water and what they said about being dilated.
so Sunday I was 1 cm dilated but my cervix was still really thick... SO she asked fi I wanted her to check me and I said I wouldnt mind just to know...

My cervix is half way thinned out not sure percentage and 1 1/2 cm almost 2 cm dilated and she said babies head was right there and that when she pushed on her head it stayed down. not sure if that means baby is engaged or what i have no idea.
First time I have NOT had to put my fists under my butt for them to reach my cervix so I hope this means something but who knows..

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