3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

aww i've just seen pictures of both of them - all you girls are popping out some seriously cute babys!!!!

Batty - Yep - everyone can wait until their DDs.... only me or Batty are allowed to pop now ;)

Dare - I really doubt you're gonna be the last one here! :haha:

Natalie - ahh even in labour he was a naughty baby!!! How are you feeling after having a C-sec? And I don't know why they gave you Pethidine before you were to push.... it should have been given way before that! lol - oh well he's here now!!!

Krystal - congrats on baby silas!!!
Congrats to the new mommas cannot wait to see photos

well I had a rough rough night, I went to bed early for me as I was having such bad back pains, bh and cramps. put it this way I had a horrible time trying to sleep. I had a little bit of a clearout yesterday and been to the toilet a few times today... ive felt nausous since I woke up which is normal for me but normally it goes away ugh...

I tried sleeping in different positions last night trying to get comfortable and ended up having to sit up and sit with my legs in the butterfly position to try and get my hips to stop hurting...and felt like I had a bubble in hoohoo. I finally after a restless night I slept this morning I think just out of pure exhaustion.

I thought my waters had broke when I was on the toiilet last night as I was peeing and felt a pop but turns out I was farting at the same time as trying to pee never had that happen. lol gave myself a laugh
Well here's a quick update; just returned from prenatal and I'm now 80% effaced but still only 2 cm dilated. I have another appointment scheduled for Tuesday but the nurses said don't be surprised if I don't make it in for that one, so we're crossing our fingers and SO and I will dutifully 'do the deed' bunch later after he returns from work. :happydance::happydance:

I can't wait to read Natalie and Krystal's birthing stories!! Natalie, how are you feeling after your C-section? And welcome beautiful Daniel and Silas!!
:blue: :flow: :blue:
OOh Jenna Lynn - hopefully not too long now for you either! :)

It's gone sooooooo quiet in here at the moment!!!!!

I've done loads today and finally losing more of my plug!! woo hoo! I got rather excited when I saw it :haha: and the pressure he's putting on my cervix is getting immense! Come on Henry come soooooooooooon :D and for some reason something in my head told me to get Stephen's bag ready so he's ready to go to his nanny (wishful thinking I think!!!)
Gooo, Charlie!!
Mal, how are you holding up, dear? Hopefully you are a bit more rested.

I'm showing blood in my panties still so going to put my feet up on the couch for a bit to watch some telly and cross my fingers for us. I also tucked a garbage bag underneath my fanny in case the waters go. :haha:
Hmmm I'm ok after having section will be glad when bleeding eases it's horrid I get up and getting up and blood going everywhere I hate it and having a catheter and still having drip leads in me still!!! Will be so glad when I can go home I've been emotional wreck really!!!! I don't have a clue how to do anything so yeah I'm not feeling too great about things :( just being stupid I know!!!!
aww hun what are you worrying about not being able to do? It's perfectly normal to feel how you're feeling! It does go away I promise! :hugs: Hope you feel better soon!
@Jenna - did they say the blood was ok? I would be scared! Glad you are 80 effaced and 2 cm! that's good!!! I am 90% and 1cm. So we are close! lol.

@natalie- aww hun i'm sure i'm going to feel the same way. i think all us new moms will!! It's normal to not know what to do. I'm sure you'll feel TONS better when you get to go home and be in your own environment!!! How long do you have to stay in the hospital?

Thinking of you all!

It was 101 here today- and it was horrid! tons of cramping and BHs today- sometimes they were coming together... lots of sciatic pain... but no baby. Still waiting. Would've really liked to have had her today because MIL won't be back in town until sunday- and i would've really enjoyed the fact that she couldn't be anywhere near me- being she decided to take her vacation so close to our due date. She better not come near that hospital when i'm in labor i'll have a fit.
im doing better, and have been sleeping most of the day just an uncomfortable sleep. Called my OB and said that sounds like early labor and to just rest, drink water and if the pain gets 5-6 min apart to come in, if baby isnt move to come in.. So i havent been up since earlier and I was having contractions earlier.. Im gonna attempt to eat something as I have had no appetite and had ALot of poos today :(
Congratulations on baby Daniel and Silas!!

Natalie- big cuddles to you! I'm sure your still in shock from how the birth differed from how you thought it would be.. But at the end of the day you little boy is here safe and sound!
I don't think any first time mum isnt scared once her baby is in her arms! I know I'm gonna be like 'uh what do I do with these two tiny people who are depending on me?' but that's what the midwives are for Hun! Ask questions over and over if you have to!

Hopefully you'll feel better once you've had a rest :)
Cuddles again xoxo
Sorry I haven't updated just got my first 2 hours sleep in over 42 hours including 24 hours of labor!

Crazy dramatic random labor I'll have to share about when Ive rested more... Included me yelling to my doctor that I really hated her & that no wonder I never had to wait at her office ... She couldn't keep ppatients bc she was mean lol ... and then Ginger best nurse ever!!! Due to her encouagement etc I got to have him vaginallyy!!

He's incredible! Absolutely beautiful and im in love :) pics on fb I can't download them here but anyone who can figure out is welcome to!

Congrats Natalie :) we got our sweet boys!!!
Krystal and Natalie your boys are so cute! You are making me so jealous!

Jenna Lynn sounds like you are next!!

I am still just waiting, but ive accepted that this little lady is going to keep us waiting. DH´s 3 week holiday started yesterday so ideally she should come this week! Otherwise it might just be that i end up goping till 42 weeks, have the baby and then DH has to go back to work! But we said a few days of just us would be nice, and then the rest with the baby, so hopefully she will co operate!
Today is my due date!! :dance: :happydance: :dance:

So yesterday morning I was 80% effaced and 2 cm dilated, according to the doctor, and they didn't seem concerned about my bloody 'show' but felt I may have the baby within the next few days!

Last night SO and I walked to a little Japanese cafe for vegetarian sushi rolls for dinner and indulged in a few scoops of green tea ice cream to complete our meal. Mmmm. Then after returning home we DTD for more dessert. ;D

It's about 6 a.m. here and last night the cramping occurred again for the third night in a row, except this time the cramps started around midnight and continued all night long. There is also mucous tinged with bloody discharge when I wipe still (the second day of this happening), and I've also pooped quite a bit in the past few hours, at least three times!

I plan to lay off food for now and stick with clear liquids and juice until these cramps either subside or evolve into something more substantial. :baby:
Congrats Krystal and Natalie :). I have been off havIng baby Frances Elaine. 8lbs6oz 20inches born at 2:52 am July 22. Details to follow:). So In love!
Congratulations ladies. Loving hearing all the early labour and birth stories.

Pip x
@krystal- LOL you said that to your dr?! OMG you are my hero! how hilarious is that!?

@tanasha- feeling the same hun. really thinking my girl is going to be late as well. I just don't want them talking induction! that's what i'm afraid of!

@Jenna- i've been having cramping a lot as well- but the pooping- not so much. lol. Hoping that things are getting moving for you!!!!

@Estar- CONGRATS hun!!!! that's fantastic!!!!!!! :) :happydance:

So jealous of everyone having babies already!!!!

So my fetal movements are decreasing slightly- i mean on my counting thing anyway- i don't feel her as often as i had. I guess she is just running out of room? have felt her go insane though too- really low down sometimes. Right now she's moving but it's just not the same attacking as she had been doing. Any sign in that? who knows.

Cramping comes and goes. No sign of anything else. just waiting. waiting waiting waiting. Now i'll be 39 weeks tomorrow by myself since Krystal went off and had a baby. Thanks a lot krystal leaving me alone! :winkwink: lol.
ahh lots of babies born yesterday! - Congrats ESTAR!! :)

Dare - I've noticed my bubba's gone really quiet today - was gonna wait until Steve's finished work and then ask him whether we should get him monitored or not cause it's not like him? If you're concerned I'd phone up just incase though cause it's better to be safe. It probably is less room or they're having a sleepy day but less movements should be checked out.

Jenna - congrats on your DD
Dare - I've noticed my bubba's gone really quiet today - was gonna wait until Steve's finished work and then ask him whether we should get him monitored or not cause it's not like him? If you're concerned I'd phone up just incase though cause it's better to be safe. It probably is less room or they're having a sleepy day but less movements should be checked out.

Thanks love- i'm not too concerned i still feel her moving around. They said only to call if it takes more than an hour to feel 4 movements. And she's not taking THAT long- i think the most it took was 20 minutes and then she kicked the crap out of me for a while after that. She's also just not as forceful when she does it so when i look i can see the movement but i can't necessarily FEEL it. Does that make sense? Like i know her foot is in my side RIGHT now, but i can't feel it. So i touched the area and she kicked me back and now is squirming around again repositioning. BUT if it gets longer- i will call. :)

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