3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

all these babies! congrats ladies!!

Dare i have the same milky stringy discharge, ive had it for a few days now. There is no blood so Im not reading too much into it. I also dont think I have you on FB, Im Natasha de Bruyn - anyone else on here can add me aswell!

Natalie are you home yet?

TTC i know the feeling, it feels like im living towards all my mw appointments and a week is such a loooooong time!

What is everyone doing today? DH is helping a friend out in their garden, so I am home alone. I thought i would do some laundry and then maybe go see a movie, but knowing myself i will just end up in my pjs all day!
We're having a lazy day too - OH is downstairs at work so I'm still in my pjs! :D and just finished off a whole chocolate bar to myself (one of hte bigger ones) :haha: though I am starting to feel rather sick after doing that.

Anyone got any appts this week? I've got one on Tues - and I'm reaaaaaaaally hoping she says it's not gonna be long!!! Fx'd :)
Mal- that craving made my stomach turn a little bit, ha ha!
Natalie- You are making me so nervous about the first days after baby is born, I know I've forgotten how tired you are and how much stuff needs to get done!
Dare- I'm with you on the plug, I've been thinking I'm losing mine for the last two weeks, but I'm still finding that stuff just about every time I go to the bathroom.
Charlie- I've got an appointment this week but it isn't until friday, so I'm really hoping I have baby before then!

My In-laws kept DS overnight last night and my DH is still sleeping so I'm just sitting here watching adult news (not Thomas the Train for once), and relaxing. But.... I'm super bored and really want to go pick up my son. Even the dog is being lazy!
@ Mal- thanks hun :)

@ Charlie- thanks hun i think you're dead on. thinking it was just a lot of plug. Gross. lol. Bleck. Hoping that's all done! haha. Cramping has been on and off, since that sweep on wednesday. Nothing with a pattern though. just, random cramping.

@ TaNasha- added you on FB! And there is nothing wrong with pjs all day!!!

@ttcnumbertwo- glad you know what i mean about the plug thing. Is yours really like sticky and stringy too?! (tmi! tmi!)

My next appt is on Friday- i think i'm going to mention about that sweep and how much pain i was in afterwards - because i didn't ask for one to be done. I'm a bit upset about that. I had no warning and almost was doubled over that night from the cramping.

Have had some cramping on and off since then- and this morning had some lower back pain which i never get- maybe a sign of labor coming soon? Hoping she comes before friday.

39 weeks today!!!!! all by myself cause Krystal ditched me!!! lol! So tired, and anxious, and ready for baby! I have some grocery shopping today to do with DH and then we are seeing Capt. America (DH really wants to see this and i really don't) and i just want to stay home.

Anyone else in the mode where- you just want to stay home all day if you can? I really don't want to go anywhere, i just want to lay down relax sleep, anything that requires not moving...
well I have to say I slept AMAZINGLY last night... Like IM amazed at how well I slept. I woke up twice once to pee and once cause I thought i had to poo but didnt lol. I slept through my phone rining and everything. Went to bed around 230am and just woke up at 12:15. I soo needed that after my sleep being so bad over the past weeks.

But the only off set is my pelvis and area down there feel very sore and my legs hurt.
day 3 of having soft poo.. I just dont see where its coming from as I have not had an appetite past few days so I have not ate much.

... its the quiet before the storm hehehe.

Ya that was a weird craving. I had pizza later that night and HAD to have tobacco sauce on it.
Well hasn't it just been a bundle of baby popping activity in here the last week!!! It's hard to keep up.

CONGRATS Krystal, Natalie and Estar!

Krystal - so glad to hear you managed to avoid a c-section like you wanted, although looking at a few facebook comments it sounds like you're doctor was pretty much no help in the matter! Silas is BOOTIFUL and hope you settle in nicely at home!

Nat - hope your recovery is going well. Don't worry about feeling a bit overwhelmed...just think in two/four weeks time when this one pops out you'll be giving me advise that you've picked up while you become a fully fledged supermum!

Estar - you kept that quiet!! Congratualtions.

Jaydalee - I assume you've had babs by now, looking forward to an update.

Samira - glad to hear you're really getting into the swing of it. I've loved your fb pictures...the ones with Hayden and Chris are so damn cute!!!

Dare/Charlie/TTC/TaNasha....don't worry it's nearly us!!! :D
:haha: hopefully soooooooooooon!!!!! It's only a week tomorrow until August!! Scaaaaarry! :D
Dare have u got an electric pump? I would recommend, i have electric and i cant imagine how tiring it would be if you had to do it manually! i do about 10/15 mins on each boob, how could you pump with your hand for that long!!!!!!!!!! and some ppl do it with their hands!!!! Still pumping my milk and hayden had it in bottles today when chris went out with him and hes still latching on my boob too so hopefully i dont screw up his latching abilities! its nice for chris to be able to do feeds too!

Charlie not had any baby blues yet! well i had a bit of a grouch this morning at chris and he was like ok you need sleep il take baby out so i got a couple of hours in this morning yay! Hayden is a nightmare, he sleeps soooooo much from about 6pm to bed time and then as soon as we put him in his cot for sleep for us he wakes up loool! im sure patterns will change soon!

SOOOOOOO funny too! chris went to change hayden and he was clean, and then as he lifted the bum up he sharted (lovely word we use for a fart n shit) and it shot out everywhere!!!!!!!! i would have loved it to go over chris LOOOOOL!

ooooh good idea on the midsummer in baby club! il do one soon hehe! xx
samira- yes! I ordered an electric but it only does one boob at a time. Cheaper- and it got excllent reviews so doing that! And we want to do the night feedings with dh too. Right now he's all for it- lol wonder how cranky and nasty hell be after he actually will have to do it!! An idea and fact are def two different things! We will see. Ideallyhe will do nights on like weekends so it won't affect his work. But again that's an idea!!!! Hope you have good luck with it and can teach me the tricks :)
I am finally home with my sweet baby :) he is a booby-monster, he eats allthe time the little piglet! he loves to be cuddled and is very laid back, but rotten. He has yet to lay in the crib or basket for more than minute without fussing :) but he never fusses otherwise & mommy doesn't mind all the holding and snuggles!

Congrats Natalie & Estar! :)

Glad to see all the new Mommys doing well!

How are you all holding up dare & Charlie & ttc & batty & everyone else! ?
I've missed being on here with u guys but I've been exhausted! And the hospital kept me so busy! I'm ready to see u guys holding your little ones!!! I'm still cheering for you to pop soon!!! :)
well since my post earlier I have been in bed ALL day sleeping away. Just not feeling good. :( fixing to call on call dr as baby has not moved but once since this morning. :( not sure if its cause we have slept all day or what but kinda worried. Ive tried the cold drink and laying on my side. Walking just gives me BH and I have an awful headache :(
ok.. Im heading to LnD will update you guys when I get home.
Good Luck Mal, keep us posted!
Samira- I love your new picture, what a sweet daddy/son moment!
Krystal and Samira, keep those baby stories coming, I love hearing them, especially ones that involve Sharting ha ha ha!!! I remember DS not being able to be laid down, I woke up one morning with baby asleep on my lap and my breast exposed, we had both fallen asleep while I was feeding him and just stayed there all night, its funny to look back on it now, but at the time I was horrified that he could have fallen, or been smothered or something.... the joys of being a new mommy!!!

For all of us still waiting... it can't be too much longer for us, keep up your spirits!
mal- keep us posted hun! Sending you all the best!

krystal- I'm good just miss my weekly bump buddy! You went off and popped first!!! Lol. Hope I an join you soon- ur boy is so handsome! Congrats!
well im home they monitored me for like 30 min, dr came in and buzzed her head witha vibration thing. Think it scared the piss outta her lol. But Im home now just still dotn feel up to par. Im hoping all this sleeping is just preparing me for whats to come.
Aw dare I miss you too! Hopefully when you pop it won't be as long or traumatic as my labor and birth .... Seriously! My body wasn't dilated still and only 50% effaced & baby was really high so it was long and rough! .... You are more effaced and dilated & hopefully you will keep progressing and so labor will be much quicker and easier for you! It would be worth the wait for it to be! :) she will be here soon and you'll forget the agony of waiting immediately! Hang in there!
@Mal- glad everything is ok- and that you got to go home. I have been extremely tired lately too! it sucks.

@krystal- thanks :) Trying very hard to be patient. Really just want her here though!!! This sucks! Especially since i worry that at this next appt on friday they'll try to talk induction and NO i don't want it!!!! no pitocin for me please! ugh.

Feeling tired but getting things done today- it's my 'cleaning day' where i tidy the place up- do tons of laundry and have everything done for the fresh start of the new week. Head is bothering me off and on- and baby feels lighter again ? Can't be right.

Went to see Capt. America yesterday- and the blowing up things had her doing insane punching and kicking through the ENTIRE movie. lol. Guess her hearing works!!!!!!! lol.
Also real quick thought i'd ask you ladies what you think of this- my SIL was babysitting this little boy on saturday and she posted photos on her fb. I asked how old he is, being he looks SO incredibly tiny! She said he was only 2 weeks old!!! The mother was going to a baseball game- and since it was like almost 100 degrees at the last minute decided not to take him. So instead, she left him with my SIL and took herself and her entire family to a baseball game (and btw- our team SUCKS and loses all the time) !!! i can't imagine leaving my 2 week old for hourse while i go to a game!!!!!
well I had an appt today, all is well they did not check me or anything. Np i saw today just irks me but oh well. Told me that if I am 2 cm at my 38 wk appt I can choose to be induced at 39wks. i was like ya I dont want to be induced and she then went to say well the longest we will let you go is 41 wks umm I know this but I still dont want to force my body to do something its not ready for. I have a scan at 39 wks If I make it she said. I guess to check fluid and babies weight i dont know she didnt explain what it was for. all in all it was an ok appt.
Dare I also cant imagine leaving my 2 week old baby with someone else!!

My mom is coming in September and I am already worried about driving 2 hours to the airport to pick her up and leaving baby with DH!

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