3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

@ Natalie- Try to hold out to the drs hun. But apparently the Gripe water you give like a dropper full at night and they are so much better. Hoping you can find some

@ jenna- awwww congrats hun- i'm so happy for you! can't wait to read your story!!!

@TTC DH FIFO - hun i'm so sorry about the diagnosis. But you'll get to have your babies soon!!!! I know that particular problem they have to get the babies out pretty fast. I hope everything goes smoothly and you and babies are well and safe. Will be thinking of you- and i'm sure everything will be just fine!!! :hugs:

@Charlie- so excited for you hun! and jealous of course! I'm sure this one will slide right out in comparison to the last! :) I wish someone could give ME a timeline on when baby should be here!!!!

@ttcnumbertwo- LOL that's just like me!!! my symptoms all just left!!!! Even feel a bit lighter than i did! What's going on? i feel like i'm going in reverse!

AFM- feeling like you ttc, that i'm just never going to have this baby. :( I've had no clean outs like the other ladies here that were having them constantly. In fact, quite the opposite! No luck with eating tons of fruit- fruit juice- nothing is working. :( My skin is itching from where it's been stretched on my stomach- and i just want some relief. I feel so huge. I want to meet my baby.

I guess the only thing keeping me sane is knowing that they'll only let me go 2 weeks after the due date before they force me into induction- meaning in the next 2 & 1/2 weeks i'll have my baby. I just hope it's sooner rather than later. I really want to see her and hold her. AND NOT BE PREGNANT ANYMORE.
Well I have loads of errands to run, which I hate doing but its gotta get done today. So hoping all the running around and walking will help get some things started I guess.

Nothin new to report today, still have a bachache, on and off cramps. Some slight pressure. Still having not so nice bowl movements that come when I least expect them ugh and a serious case of gas. my bump does feel a little sore.

Ive been debating the induction even though I dont want it. MY OH works out of town and I started considering it because I could then schedule it around the time he could be home and be here to see the baby born. sooo Ive now put my self in a dilemna of going against what I want and having my OH here. I dont know what to do
Thanks Dare - but you know better than anyone the Drs can say one thing and the complete opposite happens!!! It's just a waiting game and it can be bloody annoying :haha:

ooh and don't worry I've had no clearouts either (but I didn't with Stephen!) It won't be long now until we all have our babys and can start the Midsummer baby group :D

As for me - I've had loaaaaaaaaaads of plug today!! :) So I'm happpppy lol...... god the things that make us pregnant ladies happy hey ;)
Congrats Jenna Lynn!

Charlie I got sooo excited for you yesterday when you were having contractions! But looks like it wont be long for you anymore! Lucky you!

TTC DH FIFO Good luck, and 37 weeks is good for twins!

Dare and TTc i feel exactly the same, I am fed up of being pregnant and just want my baby! But it feels like my body just does not know what to do, so i feel like I am going to be pregnant for forever!

I have an appointment with the gynea tomorrow, I really hope something exciting will happen then.
TTC, I"m so sorry to hear about the problems with your health, but how exciting that you will get to meet your babies tomorrow. I will be sure to put in an extra prayer for the three of you, good luck!
Thanks Dare - but you know better than anyone the Drs can say one thing and the complete opposite happens!!! It's just a waiting game and it can be bloody annoying :haha:

ooh and don't worry I've had no clearouts either (but I didn't with Stephen!) It won't be long now until we all have our babys and can start the Midsummer baby group :D

As for me - I've had loaaaaaaaaaads of plug today!! :) So I'm happpppy lol...... god the things that make us pregnant ladies happy hey ;)

Woo hooo plug!!! that's wonderful news! Wish i had something fun to report. i've got nothing!

Congrats Jenna Lynn!

Charlie I got sooo excited for you yesterday when you were having contractions! But looks like it wont be long for you anymore! Lucky you!

TTC DH FIFO Good luck, and 37 weeks is good for twins!

Dare and TTc i feel exactly the same, I am fed up of being pregnant and just want my baby! But it feels like my body just does not know what to do, so i feel like I am going to be pregnant for forever!

I have an appointment with the gynea tomorrow, I really hope something exciting will happen then.

will have fx'd for your appt hun! hopefully it'll be great news!!!!!
Congrats Jenna! ... I still feel like I'm in the blur and we've been home 2 days now I think! ...

Aw Natalie I hope your little monkey feels better!

TTC DIHO- yay for twins arriving!!! I will be praying they are happy healthy big bouncing boys! :) can't wait to see pictureS!

Charlie sounds really promising!!!

Dare, ttc, tanasha, hang in there ... They will get here and sleep all you can ... People are
NOT lying ... I feel better not being pregnant (mostly) but I'd strap the belly back on for a good nap right now haha!

Me & baby Silas are doing well! Finally got a little sleep last night! Fx-Ed it happens again tonight! I am sooo very in love with him! I am still in lots of pain from my
delivery, I haven't had time to type my story but I recieved a very unnecessary very severe episiotomy compliments of my doctor the evil Witch! Most painful thing I've ever had to deal with! Talk about a pain in the butt! Literally! Suppose to heal in 2 or 3 weeks I'm just hanging tight for those to pass fast! I'm terrified to get a mirror and look ...I cry every time I think of it! But I have an appt with a new dr for my 6 week checkup so no more dr evil! ... The baby had his welness check today and he is doing well! :) he is such a doll baby, laid back and sweet, rarely fussy (thus far ;) ..) just precious! I adore his little self to pieces! Worth every second of waiting!
oh krystal I'm so sorry about ur hoo ha!!!! Sounds absolutely horrid!!! jhope you get a ton of rest tonight hun!!! Thinking of you!!!!
Ttc really thinking of u Hun must be so scary!!!!
Congratulations Jenna Lynn
Sorry u Ladies fed up of waiting hope your not all too uncomfortable!!!
Charlie that's fab news!
Krystal glad u doing so well!!
Sorry if missed anyone!!!
No colic for us not sure what it is that's making him so upset breaks my heart when he cries so much
well nothing exciting happened today but managed to get alot done with my yard that really needed some TLC even though I did more supervising as i had a friend helping lol.

Have had a few contractions and a few BH but nothing consitant yet. My MIL dog was acting weird towards me not like bad weird but clingy weird and wouldnt even listen to MIL BF haha which is funny cause he always listens. He would not leave my side.
Geez Krystal, how horrible! I'm glad you were able to get rid of that horrible doctor! Can you sit down and relax properly, or does that hurt? I'm really terrified of having to be cut, I'm so sorry to hear about the bad experience!
Krystal, Natalie - nice to hear from you. I hope you all continue to settle in nicely and heal!!!!

TTC D - I know you won't see this, but thinking of you and the twins. 37 weeks is awesome for them and glad they caught this all early for you and the babs! Can't wait to see pics.

Charlie - you popped yet?!? :-D

Just had midwife. Biggest waste of time. Was in there for a grand total of seven minutes, my midwife asked if babs was moving then left the room, so the student took three attempts to do my bp (and even then snuck a look at my notes to check), then felt babs but didn't say how far she was engaged or anything, midwife came back and didn't even ask so nothing written in my notes.....then said 'see you in two weeks'. So I next see here when I'm a week over and have no idea if that will mean a sweep or anything. And I'm all for students getting hands on...but she didn't even stay in the room to check...my appointment was her toilet break!
Just back from the dr and I am in tears. Baby already weighs 4.5kg and they dontw ant to do anything in regards to induction or a sweep. I only got an appointment for in 2 weeks time when we will "discuss"induction. I am so depreessed and ive just gotten into bed and feel like crying all day. Not only am i going to have to push out a monster baby, but it looks like I am still going to have to wait 2 weeks, and that means that DH will have to go back to work again, so I will have to take care of a newborn all by myself.

I am so fed up. I just want this to end. it took us long to get pregnant, and then the 1st tri was just so much stress with all the bleeding, and then the cleft, and now the freaking huge baby that doesnt want to come out, I am just feeling so sorry for myself.

Sorry for the moan ladies, I just need to cry and then tomorrow I will be fine again.
oh yes 4.5kg is 9 pounds!

I've just seen my midwife, she said baby's at least 8lbs probably bigger. I'm due on 29th and she's scheduled to come round to do a sweep on that day, I think it's really unfair yours arnt offering you the same, not that I'm looking forward to the sweep but I think you should at least be offered one on your due date.
That's awful - whereabouts are you. I didn't think most places let you go past +14 before induction, and you'll only be three days from that at your next appointment...surely they need more time to book you in?
awww 9lbs is a big baby but they cane be off on measurements.. I just dont understand why they wouldnt be concerned with the size and you trying to deliver. rubbish

Well no new updates for me. woke up to horrible cramping pains and sat on toilet for 30 min thinking i had to poo eventually did but my body just couldnt help but push when it was cramping. so ready for my next dr appt already I wanna know if I have progressed since last week guhhh lol

Hope everyone is doing oka
Batty- I"m sorry you didn't have a very good appointment, sometimes I feel like there is no reason to even go to the appointments... I mean you wait forever to be seen for like 5 minutes and they are always so busy that I very rarely feel like I am a priority!

TaNasha- I'm sorry to hear they won't give you a sweep or talk about induction or anything. I guess the only hope is that their measurements are wrong. However, having a big baby has its benefits- my first was 9.4 and he just didn't seem as fragile as most newborns, and they say that bigger babies sleep better too.
If it makes you feel ANY better as well...they do say bigger babies can actually be "easier" to give birth to if you stay upright because the extra pressure on the cervix/aid of gravity!
Thanks TTC, that makes me feel better!

I have an appointment with my midwife tomorrow but they dont do any internals unless you are in labour, so I doubt tomorrow will bring anything new.

Baby is also still not engaged, so I still have a long wait i quess.

I am also hoping the scan is out, but she has had the same growth pattern for the last 7 weeks, so I highly doubt it. And I am guessing 5 scans in the alst few weeks cant all be wrong.

Batty I am in the Netherlands, and here they are very very pro natural, i think they even let some women go up till 43 weeks!

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