3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

If it makes you feel ANY better as well...they do say bigger babies can actually be "easier" to give birth to if you stay upright because the extra pressure on the cervix/aid of gravity!

I heard this too! hope its true!

But then again surely with such a big baby there is no way I will be able to escape without a huge tear/cut???
Honestly, I think our bodies are far more adaptable than I've ever given it credit for. Your body will tell what size your baby is and release the amount of relaxin it thinks will help prevent a big tear. I know people so tear but not everyone and not everyone who has a bigger baby.

Plus...as someone said these are guestimates x
Anyone else REALLY grumpy??? I can't stop screaming at DH about the dumbest things (like he forgot to put the dog's Frisbee away last night and I saw it in the yard this morning). He's been so good about it, but every time I see him I want to yell at him, I feel horrible afterward but its like I can't control myself!
Dare I meant to say I never had a clear out!!!
Aww batty and tanasha I am so sorry u both had horrid appointments!!! So close to the end now though ladies hang in there!!! I know it's awful remember. I moaned on here like 3 times a day!!!! Lol

I got my stitches out today!! Healing really well hardly any bruising etc! My little man had had a better night last night and so far day today!! Dh was amazing he did the first part of nightshift and let me sleep for 4 hours!! He was then so exhausted himself so I took over fed and changed and had cuddles with little man then he slept for 3hours and so did I!!! :D
I experienced something new today, we had dh sister and husband over today and they held lo and they had him for ages it felt like hours my stomach and heart ached for him I wanted him back I could have cried and grabbed him back it was so hard I was getting frustrated as he needed his nappy done and kept saying I need to do his nappy but dh was like oh no he is fine for now u can leave it :(
Aww by the way tanasha 9lbs, well it's not the biggest weight if they were worried about u not being capable of giving birth they would have said something I am sure! Try not to worry! They can get weights wrong!! They did with me!! They virtually had the lb's and oz's wrong way round!!! I would be scared of tearing, is that what happened with krystal? (I don't know all the medical terms lol) my friend had a small baby and still had a tear so I don't think it's the size of baby it's more if baby comes out fast maybe and your skin hasn't quite stretched enough?

I tore with my son and he was 7lb 2oz. He turned just as he came out (causing me to tear), showed his "goods" and and promptly urinated in the face of the midwife! I needed a few stitches and it was sore for a couple of days or so but I really did forget about it when I held him. It was just the BMs that caused me problems as I was so sore.

Pip x
@Batty- i would be so mad!!! and why 2 weeks?! that's ridiculous! aren't you going every week now? And yeah students are ok (with some things) but they need a teacher there with them!!! they will never learn! Sheesh. Your appt sounds like such a waste of YOUR time!!!!!

@TaNasha- oh hun... i wish there was something i could say to make it better. I know that when they tell you the lbs that they also say give or take like 1.25 lbs. So MAYBE baby is only like 8 and they are just off. They can't give you an exact amount- but i know what you are feeling. If they told me that- i'd feel the same way you do. BUT remember- they also told poor krystal her baby would be big because of the gestational diabetes- and he was only about 7 lbs something. So there is still hope- and please, try not to stress too much ok? I'll be thinking of you and praying for you and hoping that everything is better than what they are telling you. I swear they love trying to scare the crap out of us, while telling us not to stress. :hugs: You know i was told my mws didn't do internals either- and then found out they did. THEN last week they did a sweep without me asking. I am glad the Netherlands are so pro-natural- (would love that more around here) but SOMETIMES not everyone can be the same! And obviously if you are concerned- i would bring it up tomorrow at your appt. And no matter what the baby weighs you can always have a huge tear or cut! I weighed 6 lbs and my mom said she had a HORRIBLE tear- i won't describe to you what she saw (they used the mirrors for delivery then) and well she saw the tear before they stitched it... *shudder*

@ttc- YES i have been very very grumpy. VERY grumpy. Especially towards DH and the animals- i just don't want to deal with anyone or anything right now! want peace and quiet, and to be left alone!

@Natalie- thanks hun! i feel so... well blocked right now!!! And i think i'm going to be the same as you love with the wanting my baby back. I am already dreading anyone holding her for long- and she's not even out yet!!!!

AFM- i had crazy dreams last night. And at least 3 of them i actually had my baby girl. One of them i was apparently really stupid and forgot i had to feed her. Like, she would cry and i would change her, and then put her back to sleep and then realized 'ohhh no i'm supposed to feed her!!!'. Another one i dreamed DH missed the birth because no one called him to tell him i was in labor- and the other one my mother was saying that her eyes were SO blue they looked violet. Weird.

She has been insanely kicking today- i've had bad cramps and she feels like she is REALLY low again.

I can't believe i have to wait until FRIDAY for my next appt. :( i want to ask if i progressed but am kind of scared- because after the sweep (that i didn't ask for or want) that was done at the last appt- i was in a ton of pain for 2 days after. So i will ask them NOT to do that this time. I just want to know how close i am! it's driving me crazy. :( I feel insane.
question ladies- anyone experience a sharp pain down low near cervix? I have been getting this a lot today.
Dare I think that's baby moving down or hitting a nerve my midwife said.....
I warn u it's horrid really is they must of only had him 15mins or so but felt like forever!!! ESP when they were other side of room to me :( hated it and I think we got more of it tomorrow at least :(
I have had nothing, no more signs BH have kicked down a notch UGH I dont like this start up and stop stuff lol.
Oh dare I meant to say try getting some cereal bars that have lots of fibre in for when in hospital! My friend said to me to also try things like senna (natural laxative) to keep things moving and not getting blocked!!
Hey I've been lurking but not much time to actually reply!

Tanasha they told me 8lb 5 oz a week before he was born which meant he was gaining over 9 oz per week from the last u/s so his birth weight should have been 8lbs 14 oz.... He was 7lbs 10 oz & normal! (still swear test was a fluke and I didn't have the diabetes!!) don't let them worry you! Their heads are squishy and bones move to accomodate and regardless of weight they generally still
have similar average head sizes .... It's the shoulders being disproportionately heavy like you see in GD that worries them but if your baby is just big then she will be proportionatly long and so it won't matter! Once the head is out the body usually almost squirt out! :) don't worry!

And I was cut not a tear! The dr was trying to rush the delivery bc in the us they give you 24 max from when your water breaks to have the baby or they csection you for fear of infection. I almost had him out before they called her for the delivery ... Evil witch had no business cutting me but I couldn't stop and argue or she would have forced a csection. >:-(

I am very sore. I can sit sometimes
it hurts though. I don't take the pain killers though bc they cause constipation & that's the last thing I need with the cut there! They gave me stool softeners to take twice a day & I eat a Ton of fruit & avoid too much cheese etc a& I've been ok so far with my BM's ... Not comfortable but manageable.... Ready for it to be healed up though!! It sucks bad! I'm still scared she sewed me too much and sex won't be comfortable or doable ...and that makes me upset ... I must be part man bc I miss sex so much already, I've even dreamed about it lol and it's only been 6 days! I don't know how I'll make it 6 weeks or more! :( right after delivery when I was moved to the regular room my epidural wore off and the pain from the cut was horrible & I had to pee & that made it worse & I was crying and I got back in bed and told Jeremy in front of everyone (I was still a bit loopy) that we weren't having anymore kids & we weren't having sex ever again! He laughed and said "ok if that's what you want" then he said "but i know that's a lie because you have too much fun" ... All said in front of both our parents .. I covered my head with the covers I was so embarrassed but they were all laughing ... The nurses were ESP amused haha

Well time to Change baby and catch some zzz's while I can! Good luck to all of you and hang in there on the waiting! I'm still cheering for you all to pop!!!
Hey ladies! Sorry not really had time to get on - which is weird cause you think having all this 'spare' time I'd be on loads!

Natalie - yay for the stitches being out! :) You seem a lot happier than when you first came on here! Did you say they said it wasn't colic? Did they check for acid reflux?? I know how you feel about missing your bubba when he's not actually with you - when he was first born I encouraged people to take him but now he's older it has actually become harder :dohh: Especially, cause I have no idea what time they put him to bed, what they feed him, whether they remember to do his teeth and I miss him crawling over for a cuddle etc etc - I know MIL is really good with children! But it gets worse :haha: What have the in-laws been like for you?

Batty - I'd def complain! (although it is every 2 weeks in the UK, so that's about right) but, she should have been in with the student midwife - and did she ask for your consent? When I was in labour they had the student midwife and they asked me if I minded (the 'real' midwife did double check EVERYTHING she did) and she was in the room supervising at all times. You have the right to the best care possible and so does your little girl and I really wouldn't stand for this. If anything went wrong or your blood pressure was not done properly or any other of the stuff they check was not done correctly - which it was - then they could be missing anything! Plus, she should have gone through your birth plan by 36 weeks! That's absolutely disgusting she's not discussed anything with you! And it shouldn't be up to you to bring up in your appointment to discuss birth plans or what to do in labour, it's their duty to discuss it with you. Please please please complain because even if nothing goes wrong with you and your baby that's not to say she won't miss something seriously important with someone else!

Tanasha - Like the other ladies have said it's a guess - plus they're right when they say you're less likely ot tear with a bigger baby and it's easier to push them out apparently! But, if you're that worried about size you can request an induction - it's within your rights and I'm surprised they'll let you go over if they think it's going to be a 'big' baby! There are a lot of women on here who were told they were having 'big' babies and went on to have 'normal' sized ones :)

Krystal - :haha: I understand your urge to want to have sex already.... that's how I ended up pregnant again! I can't believe she cut you or the fact the US will only let you go 24 hours, whereas you get an extra day in the UK! It's actually really interesting how different countries have different procedures! :) She should have left you to tear naturally but am impressed at how you told her you hated her! :haha:! Maybe Batty should do that to her midwife :D And they couldnt have forced a c-section on you could they?? That's so mean if they can but I thought you'd have to sign consent forms etc??

Dare - sounds like your dreams are telling you you're starting to worry about looking after a baby and giving birth etc! Do you feel nervous? I'm soooo surprised you haven't had her yet - especially when they said how well you were doing!

Afm - had a bad night last night, I had Stephen most of the day and we went for dinner with MIL and Steve's boss which was fine. Apart from I'm fed up of all the pressure he's putting on my cervix. I can't walk properly cause his head is so low it fricking hurts! I'm just waiting for him to send that one signal to get things started but it feels like he's enjoying me being in so much pain with the on off contractions, the constant period pain, the lower back ache and the pressure!! grrr Then I didn't get a chance to say good bye properly cause he was asleep :( I'll probs get to see him again at the weekend but I feel so lost cause I've cleaned EVERYTHING, and now I've got nothign to do and it makes it worse cause I'm now thinking more 'when is he gonna come' which is the one thing you don't wanna do at this stage :haha: However, after some of your lovely comments on FB I have woken up a lot happier and just gotta get on with it :) We're all pretty much in the same boat on here which does make it a lot easier knowing you have people to talk too :) (apart from you lucky ladies who have popped already ;) )

Anyways, enough of the moaning!! What's everyone's plans for today??
Hi all.
I'm joining a little late.
I'm Emma and my OH is Craig, we are waiting for our yellow bump which is due 12 August 2011 :)
I've just found out hubby has been suspended from work and more than likely is going to be fired tomorrow. I can't believe the timing....I'm so angry.
I've just found out hubby has been suspended from work and more than likely is going to be fired tomorrow. I can't believe the timing....I'm so angry.

oh my gosh!!! are u ok? thats awful can they do that? do they have good reason? so not good timing!!! hope u ok hun xx:hugs:
aww Batty thats terrible! Did they say why? Shouldnt e get a warning 1st?
@Krystal- thank you for explaining better!!! They always get weights wrong. They told my friend her baby was 5 lbs and he came out at 10. :/ now THAT is some seriously wrong info. That was also 8 years ago.

@Charlie- me too hun. I started to get very anxious last night- more about just waiting i think and having to be in the hospital and having to push the little thing out. But i'm so mad at the mws for giving me such false hope too. They act like they know everything and then the next week they were like 'oh well who knows!' and shrugged. Then don't tell me i'll 'definitely have her by the end of july'!!! If you don't know! :( i'm actually not worried about taking care of her- looking forward to it. I think i am more worried about the delivery but not realizing it yet? Like, subconsciously i'm worried- but it's only coming out in dreams- because when i'm awake and moving around i'm not worried at all. I don't even think about that part. just the when is it going to happen part. I am so sorry you are being teased and nothing is progressing. I hear you about the pain- but i don't think i'm having it as bad as you are yet. You seem to be moving along just fine! I bet you'll be next!!!!!!

@eandc123 :wave: Hello!!!

@batty- WHAT?! that's horrible!!! what happened!?

AFM- nothing really new going on here. just, the low down pain and i THINK i may have dropped more? My belly hangs out below my shirt now :blush: so i HAVE to keep the belly bump thing on the pants up at all times when i'm outside because no one needs to see that!!! I just don't remember it hanging out quiet so much! Think i lost a lot more plug through the night and this am though.

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