hahaha krystal made me chuckle about looking down there! i looked down there the day after and nearly cried! and i refused to let chris look! and i still wont let him look its still recovering but the bleeding is dying down! ive passed a few clots too which are groooooooooooooooosssssss! they are like the size of a cookie (mmmmmmmmmm cookie) but in blood form!!!!
Tanasha so sorry your having a bad time
try every evicion process under the sun! try looking up pressure point massaging, ive heard it works!
Hiii emma! welcome!!! didnt expect to get a newbie this late on hehe!!
Arrrgh emma thats so poo about your OH!!!! worst timing in the world! hat off to you for seeming so calm about it, id be in a panic but as you say you are in a much better situ that many others out there!!
AND more congrats to TTC and jaydalee!!!!!!!!! we are all poppingggggggggg!!!!! so exciting!
Hayden is doing fab, he has put on so much weight! he is well over his birth weight now which the MW said is unusual for a BF baby!!! to be fair i do produce a silly amount of milk and he feeds every hour n half so im not surprised!!
Oooh i have a fab app on my phone, its called Baby ESP (on android) so im not sure what it would be for i phone. bit its fab, you can log when he feeds, how long for, when he goes to sleep, when he wakes up, when you change his nappy, what boob you BF on so you know which one to do next time, when he bathed etc! i have found it sooooo useful to estimate when he will have next feed, how long ago i changed him and how long i think he will sleep for! definately recommend you finding a similar app!!!! xx