3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

thanks natalie. I wonder if I should even bother with the stupid stress test. I just am afraid to NOT do it- because if something is up I don't want it to be my fault something goes wrong. But honestly... I think it's stupid.
so my nice uneventful day has turned into a stress filled day... just walked outside and there is a huge freaking LIMB on my car still attached to the tree and I cant move the car as Im afraid the rest of the limb will fall. So now waiting on a friend and her OH to bring a chainsaw n help me... :( ugh
dare i would do it simply because if something (god forbid it) did show up u would hate yourself for not getting it done and u dont want to live with that guilt etc!!!
(im not 100% sure what the stress test is!?!) but i would still get it done! thats my opinion anyway xxx
natalie I think you are right. The test is like a half hour- they strap a monitor to see baby's heart rate- then they measure (by ultrasound) amnoitic fliud around baby. That's pretty much it. I just worry about how much $ this will cost us in the end. I also just want my baby :/
Oh I see!!! Wow how do they measure the amniotic fluid is that by the scan? So u get to see baby each time u have a stress test?
I know money is such a worry at best if times! Be so worth it though! And would really make complaints about your level of care!! We british very good at moaning etc I would aim to get back some of your money!!!
I totally agree with everything Natalie has said Dare (Especially about us British knowing how to moan :rofl: ) nah in all seriousness I feel for you everytime you have an appt - being told one thing, then another and then getting your hopes up by saying things like 'oh we think baby will be here by then' etc. There is nothing worse than wanting so desperately to meet your baby and to be told a 'date' so to speak and then everything changes! Midwifes/Drs/Consultants need to keep their opinions to themselves and then deal with the facts!!! Dr said to me that she thought he'd be here by Tuesday latest - and I still have had no real signs apart from he's still engaged and still putting so much pressure on me and irregular contractions! All this causes unnecessary excitement :(

Plus, why is it you don't want to be induced again? I'm not sure if you've mentioned it on here - if you have I'm so sorry I've forgotten your reasons :( and do the stress test - it may cost money but at the same time you get everything monitored! :) Gives you that little bit more extra reassurance - though FX'D she's arrived before then!!!!!

Mal - sorry about your car :( Couldn't live without mine so can completely understand why this is horrible for you!!

Afm... my friend came to visit me yesterday and she asked me when my next appt was - I was like oh I'll be 41+5 and she said that's awful! Apparently, that leaves NO time to get an induction booked/sweep done etc. I tried booking it for 40+4 but she was fully booked so I'm really confused now! Me and Steve are going to go into Watford General later and talk to reception because it's ridiculous! Especially as I heard the hospital/birthing centre don't induce any later than 41+5 :shrug: Plus, I do think it's disgusting to let a pregnant lady go 3 weeks without an appt!!! It's not the hospital's fault - it's my surgerys! So hopefully I'll get a date they won't let me go past later!! :D

And, I'm taking a long drive today - I'm going to pick Stephen up :D :D :D (unless anything happens in the next few hours!) They all keep going on how they'll bring him to me, but completely fed up of sitting in and not doing anything... plus hoping to tempt fate ;) THOUGH, I'm dreading if anything happens tomorrow as it's a Sunday and unfortunately it's MILs, Steve's and everyone else who has volunteered to watch Stephen here until MIL arrives most busiest day at work!! Steve is hoping it really happens tomorrow so he gets Sunday off :haha:

Anyone got anything planned today? :)
Oh wow Charlie that's an awfully long time to go so near the end!! Hopefully watford can do something for u!! Let us know how u get on!! Hahaha I tried tempting fate so many times!! Hope works better for u!! How far have u got to go?
Hmmm me I have furniture to build!! So proud of my little man he slept in his Moses basket for once!!!! Woohoo!!! Seems like such an achievement!!! :D
I know it's ridiculous right? and to Colchester - so it's about 70 miles each way :D That's gotta tempt something :haha:

and yaaaaaaay Go Daniel! :D How long does he sleep for now?
Wow!!! Take everything u need just incase!!!! Would laugh if it happened on the way!!! Is Steve going with u?
He sleeps for 3 hours wakes up feeds has a nappy change is awake for a bit then sleeps again as long as he gets his feeds on time seems to be happy although wakes up again if still hungry so gonna up his intake!!!
yeah! I'm not driving on my own incase something does happen - I'd panic like mad! :haha: Yep my hospital bag's in the car... babyseat is going in, and I'm taking spare clothes incase my waters pop! :D What happens if I do go into labour there.... do I go to the nearest hospital or do I attempt to get back to Watford?

ahh that's really good! Are you FF or BF? How's hubby getting on with a baby around?

I always gave Stephen an extra ounce at about 11pm/12 and that did the trick hehe! :)
urgh dare that sounds so frustrating! come on mini dare, get out of there quick!!!!!!!!!!

urgh to not finding the app either! i know the app store on iphone have diff apps to the samsung android apps but i am more than sure there will be other apps that do the same thing! its fab you can get graphs n stuff after a full day is done on how many feeds he has had, nappy changes, how long he has slept etc! plus its great to know how long ago i fed him and changed him so i can estimate when he is next due!

he has been awake for 3 hours (wekll just got him off to sleep) we had a fab sleep last night! i finally gave in and co-slept and we slept soooo much better! i would deffo recommend! i was scared that co sleeping would make him dependent on sleeping with me but ive done some research and apparently as they get older they will rather be in their cot......if this is true or not i dont know! time will tell! :S

is anyone else co sleeping?

Charlie today i am at the mo waiting for OH to get home from work, should be back at 1ish then we are gona go do a food shop and im gonna nip to next to get a new nuirsing bra! my boobies are too big for my bras now and i need to get measured again! get my new monsters out infront of an old lady with a measuring tape yay!

Also need to find some good wind treatment for hayden, anyone got any recommendations? he gets trapped farts a lot, after a massage on his tummy and back he lets out some biiiiiiiig farts (which i love hehe) but if i dont do that he seems like he is uncomfortable so i want to get soemting for him! xx
charlie as for hospital it totally depends! if your waters break and you have no contractions, go back home! if your contracting go to the nearest hospital!

if you dont have contractions your probs have a few hours (or more!) before contractions start! my waters broke at 10 pm and contractions started 2 hours later but according to the MW this was quick! when i called my mat unit to tell them my waters had broke they were like ahh ok go to bed and get some rest, and come in tomorrow morning if nothing happens!!! yea right! hehe! xx
We co-slept with Stephen for the first week, then we co-slept from when he wanted his first morning bottle (which was usually 6am), we co-sleep now when we take naps together but when it came to putting him in his cot at around 5 months he had no problems being on his own! It's only been since he can get up and crawl around that we don't co-sleep when he wakes up anymore (apart from nap times!) but he very very rarely wakes up before 7am! :D I agree with you and recommend it too! :)

:haha: at getting your massive baps out! ahh just imagine if you leaked a bit and all over her - sexxxxxxxxxxxy ;) lol

Oh and I recommend Infacol! :) Or there's gripe water, but we've always used infacol and it's worked wonders until he could regulate his own wind :)

ooh I'm getting nervous I've had two bad period type pains in 25 mins (refuse to call them contractions now ;) ) it better not start up when driving!
ooooh how exciting! imagine you get there and have to leave immediately hehe!
I had a massive towel on seat in car on way to hosp glad I did as otherwise would have totally soaked the seat!!!! Erm I would be tempted to say see how u feel and where u are! I never thought I would get to Stoke and be so far along everything happened quickly after waters went!
I am FFing him! He is amazing with him he is worries about when he goes back to work how he will deal with lack of sleep!!!
@natalie- lol that is hilarious about you brits :) Well you also have the fun accent to go along with it- makes people listen. In my state we have a lot of really dumb sounding accents (myself included) and they tend to just kind of stare at me when i complain lol And yeah i guess i'll get to see baby again with the ultrasound but am scared that they'll tell me she's a he like they did to you!!!!! lol

@Charlie- i don't want to be induced because i don't want an epidural- and the pain from being induced (they use pitocin here) is so bad- that it makes the contractions so close together you can't recover from one before the next one starts. It also usually makes ladies tear pretty badly because of everything moving and the chemical itself. My mother had been induced with me- she didn't know until AFTER they had given it to her - they were like 'oh we just gave you some pitocin' and my mom is one of those people that is like- pain isn't a thing to her you know? She said it hurt so bad- she couldn't stop screaming- she tore HORRIBLY - and they had to like shake her and say 'oh baby is out its ok now' and they didn't give her the epidural. Didn't even offer it. and i've known some ladies who have been induced and as long as you have the epi its ok but i'm terrified of needles- so i would have to overcome that too. And it's like 20% of women can have nerve damage from the epi- and then i've known a bunch to be paralyzed after the needle too- not forever but for like a month or two after baby- they couldn't walk and had to have a nurse living in the house with them- So really- it all comes down to total FEAR of all of it. That's why!!! Scared to death of Epi- then the stupid pitocin and the pain- i would have to be forced into it. And inducing also makes a higher risk for C-Sections too- and lordy i just want to have my baby naturally. :( Sorry if i sound like a loon, but i'm terrified of that path! Also i tend to have a nice streak of BAD LUCK where if someone says 'oh the really rare side affects of this could be this' i'm one of the rare people that get those damn side affects. It's probably just ridiculous that i have these fears but i can't help it. :( So glad you get to see stephen today!!! that's great! i hope you get to relax and enjoy the day!!! :)

@Samira- I have something called 'Gripe Water' - my cousin sent me 3 containers of the stuff- swears by it. She said you give like a dropper full at night and it helps with the gas? (also with colic) She said she was having trouble with her baby with gas at night and was suggested Gripe Water- so she got it- and said she can't imagine not having it. Just the bit at night and she sleeps all the way through. it's worth looking up! And we are not co-sleeping, baby will be staying in her nursery- (i might wind up in there on the floor due to not being able to leave her :dohh: ) am a big part of - don't let baby sleep in your room because they get too attached. My brother was in my mom's room a lot as a baby- and then she could never kick him out! He wound up sleeping on an air mattress on her floor until he was like 18 years old!!!!!!! :dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh: Of course i understand that's worst case but seriously?! I was always the one that wasn't allowed in there. I would watch my mom take my brother into her room at night- and i would be tucked in and if i asked to come in i was told there wasn't enough room. I wasn't supposed to feel left out or anything though. Sheeesh. However, i would do it with like naps and stuff. Just not for nighttime. But that's just me!!! A lot of people love co-sleeping! (and i might wind up doing it anyway) As for the waters breaking thing too- here if it breaks we HAVE to go in right away and stay there. We have 24 hours to deliver baby or they do a c-section. :growlmad:

AFM- today is my father's birthday- going to be celebrating with them at their house. that'll be nice. Have a bit of a headache- not really hungry today, had to force down my banana which usually in the am i'm starving. Probably just my nerves from yesterdays appt. Sleep is getting worse and worse and i am up almost every hour to pee. And because of where baby is laying, she is making it harder to get pee out! it's like i know it's there and i have to like rock on the loo to get it out! i feel like a crazy in there. minor cramping on and off but nothing exciting. Very tired today. Just want to sleep without the fear of peeing my pants. lol.

looking forward to swimming a bit in the pool today too- maybe that'll help move baby along? But it hasn't so far. I'm just sad. I will call on monday to schedule that test- get it over with. I will schedule for NEXT monday- at 41 weeks. Can't believe i'll be full term tomorrow. I can't wait to have control of my bladder again. I feel like a child trying to master the loo. waking up just in time to run to the bathroom at night. :( talked to DH about the inducing thing- and even though i am terrified, i told him that if its how we have to do it, it's how we have to. It's hard because my mother is very 'NO WAY we're not doing that' because she doesn't want me to go through what she went through- however, a sweep put her in labor 2 weeks before i was due. So MAYBE even though it was super painful last time i will ask to have a sweep done next appt. Better than the other kind of inducing right? Sorry this is so long, just kind of thinking out loud.
well hopefully today will be a better day, I am off to the lake with my friends and there kids. Maybe some swimming will get things going. After the drama that unfolded last night I will enjoy being away from my house.

hope everyone has a good day
Hi ladies, been off the computer for awhile as I have been so busy! I think I might be in labor!!! I've had consistent contractions for almost 4 hours now. THey're about 8 minutes apart now and not VERY painful, but they definately hurt worse than BH! I just called L&D and they want to see me in an hour. I'm trying to keep DH from climbing the walls... I really hope this isn't a false alarm!

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