Yay for some progress tanasha!!! I'm sure you'll do fine and like they said I'd be surprised if she actually weighed 9 lbs! They are wrong a lot! Silas should have been 20 inches and 8 lbs 13 oz or more the day I delivered & he was 21.5 inches and 7 lbs 10 oz! ... Not even close on either measurement! Don't worry!
Ahh Charlie how frustrating!!! I'd go with you! I hope something gets done or you go into labor soon! I think Henry is going to have to sit on the naughty step when he is born for being naughty & taking his time & causing you so much pain! Mischevious little boy!
Dare, your going to have to run up and down the stairs and get this baby out!!! Haha she is being a little mischevious too getting your hopes up then settling in for a long stay! ... I had non stress test's every week since 33 weeks, even had one scheduled for the day he was born! It's nothing ... Kinda cool listening to them move and hearing the heartbeat but other than that it's boring! You just lay there and they strap the contraction monitor an heartbeat monitor to you & give you a button to push when you feel movement & they just check to make sure that the babys heartbeat goes up when it's moving which indicates it's getting enough oxygen... They like to see 2 increases of 15 bpm for 15 seconds in a 20 min period ... If baby is sleeping they will give u a cold drink or use a buzzer to wake her.... As long as everything is ok the scan is just a nice chance to get another peak at your lo all squished up inside you & this far along you can see hair and stuff even though clear pics of babys face are nearly impossible bc they are so squished!
maybe you'll have her before then but if not the non stress is nothing except an extra step to ensure the placenta is still healthy!
I am so excited about all the new babies! Can't wait to see your little boys Ttc & ttc diho!
I'm ready for everyone else to pop! I thought I'd be the one still waiting to pop right now!
Afm- we went out of town to stay with Dh's brother & sil & celebrate our nieces first birthday (our due date was her bday
..) ...it was fun but very hectic running from
place to place & DH & I both were exhausted! I had to pump quite a bit bc DH's family is super nice and loving but sort of ignorant when it comes to breastfeeding and it makes them uncomfortable ...& although I would tell them where they could stick it or just bf with my coverup anyways... Out of respect for DH I just pumped to make things easier. It's messed us up a little bc now the baby wants to over feed a bit & has spit up a couple times & it made me sad bc I missed him & feeding him, he was passed
about so much between grandmas and aunts and great grandmas and great aunts and cousins
it was hard to share him but we are very blessed to have so many who love and care for us
I swear he gets cuter every day! He is so sweet
I couldn't ask for a better baby! He's a little spoiled but I don't care I enjoy our co-sleeping etc even though I was 200% against it before he was born! It's really helped our bf-ing go smoothly! I absolutely adore him! We have our second pediatric visit tomorrow, I'm eager to see how much weight he has gained! He's been eating like a piglet!