3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Thanks Charlie!!! I think once the pain goes and I am not so limited because I am 'recovering' I will feel a lot better!!!
Natalie I'm bf-ing so right now I'm making too much milk & have to limit his time feeding so he doesn't get sick, he also only seems to be getting the foremilk not the fattier hind milk bc his poo is green now instead of yellow! (oh the joys!) I was pushing feedings every 2 hours then when he gained a whole pound I backed off and just decided to feed on cue which is about every 2 1/2- 3 1/2 hours ... So my milk has to adjust to our new routine ... I think he'd nurse himself sick(well he has actually) he just likes to nurse, I can only give him 5 mins per side nursing sessions!

Aw that's understandable your first night! I was so sleep deprived and in still in like awe/shock at the hospital I was fine... (only 3 hours of sleep in 80 hours, 24 of which were labor!) I have been around infants my whole life so I knew "what to do" mostly ... It was my first night home that was so hard ... dH just slept, I was bf-ing so not much he could do but it's all really new to him and he didn't know any better but I was so ill that he was sleeping & had slept every night and I was still running on no sleep & the baby was nursing for long stretches all night, & I was sort of lost at where to go or what to do bing home with him. So I cried a lot that night & the next day! Once I got sleep it's been better but I just have meltdowns occassionally like thursday I just cried all day bc I was ugly & my body was messed up & I couldn't have sex & I probably never will be able to again (it feels like lol), and that we are newlywed and I'll never get to wear my lingerie and be attractive again ... I'm jst going to be a frumpy ugly mommy now & how could DH love me anymore after everything he'd seen... Etc etc crazy thoughts of course buy everything just felt like the end of the world! DH was so sweet when he came home then took us out for the day yesterday and made me feel much better! :) most of the time I am happy & fine ... Just a little moody but nothing major! Hopefully these horomones will level out sooner rather than later for us Natalie! And the bleeding, good gracious I'm
sick of it! I pray it doesn't last 6 weeks!!!

Well the plans for this weekend were to spend time together at home... But then DH's great uncle died so we are headed on a 2 hour road trip back out of town today for the funeral & then right back home again! :-/ then my mom comes Back in town tonight later from her week long trip and shell be around to see the baby since she hasn't seen him in a week which is ok with me just going to make for a longgg day! I hate being in the car with the baby all day & not getting to snuggle him!

Any news Dare? You're making me crazyyyyy!!!!
I'm hoping these cramps I've been getting the last few hours are something....at least I hope they are because I think I could handle intense version of these!!!

Only bad thing is I'm currently at a football match!!! Probably nothing....like all the other times!!!
Hi ladies,

Just quickly popping in with my birth story! Me and my gorgeous baby Esme are doing fine, and I love being a mom
Born: 2 August 2011 at 22.36
Due date: 30 July 2011
Weight: 3260 gram

I was scheduled to be induced on Saturday 30 July due to high blood pressure and expecting a 4.5kg baby. We arrive in the hospital and they check my cervix but it was still completely closed, so I got a strecth and sweep and they sent me home hoping i would go into natural labour.

By Tuesday I was only 1 cm dialated, so they inserted gel at 9am and at 2pm my waters broke and I was 3 cm, it was meconium so they had to keep an extra eye on Esmé and she was not engaged yet so I was not allowed to walk around, I had to stay flat on my back on the bed which was horribile!I then got pitocin to get my contractions going. They started and I was thing "hey this is not that bad", but then suddenly the contarctions started coming every 2 mins and lasted more than a minute, I was exhausted and have never felt so much pain in my life!

My plan was to have a drug free birth but I just could not keep up and asked for an epidural. I got sent to the theatre and the 1st try only the one half of my body got numbed. They said they would take it out and try again, so after they took it out they tried 3 times again but each time the needle hit a vein and they couldnt get it into my spine. So I was sent back to the labour ward with no epidural and contractions still coming every 2 mins.

When I got back to the labour ward they checked me and I was 6 cm, I thought I was going to die because I still had such a long way to go! After a few mins, my stomach started forcing itself down- or at least thats what it felt like to me, and I got the urge to push, the gynea didnt believe me, but finally after screaming for 15 mins that i need to push he checked and I was 9 cm!

Esmé's heartrate started dropping with every contaction then, so we needed to get her out soon. After pushing for 1.5 hours the gynea used the vacuum pump and she was finally born at 22.36.

I had an episiotomy and a 3rd degree tear, so my ladybits are in pain, but how cliche this must sound it is all so worth it :)

Oh and I am very embarrassed to admit that i pooed, and with that all over the gynea's shoes :blush: But afterwards he joked about it and said i owe him new shoes.

I am defnenitly not having sex any time soon, nr 1 because i dont think down there will ever be able to handle it again and nr 2 I am too terrified of falling pregnant ever again because at this moment I dont want to do any of this ever again!
Thanks for sharing your birth story TaNasha. Congratulations!

Pip x
I love how you girls are now talking baby things!!!! It seems so surreal that you've been mums for a couple of weeks now.

EDIT: congratulations Tanasha!!!!!!! Esme is a beautiful name!
Great birth story TaNasha, I need to get around to writing mine because it was pretty crazy! Dare and Batty I'm going to be stalking this website to hear news from you! Sorry about the baby blues ladies, just make sure you keep an eye on it that it doesn't turn into depression, make sure your OH's know the signs to look for because you probably won't!

We just got back from the one week checkup and Jack has gone past his birth weight and is now 9lb 7oz, so everything looks good! Guess we're having a boring weekend around here!
well OH got home this morning and we slept for a while. DTD YAY hopefully things will start moving cause he could only be home for a few days to a week. So hoping baby will make an appearance before he leaves... I dont want to be induced but if they check me monday and says its an option then Im going to do it S so OH can be here for the birth.

More mucus plug came out today.. no cramps yet but wish things would get moving.
Aww tanasha - it's things like that that put me off wanting an epidural!! But sounds like she was quite comfy in there hehe! :) how are you finding being a mummy and what was the vaccum thing like? Did it hurt?

Ttc - vet your birth story up :) and yaaay for him passing his birth weight!

Im hoping no news from dare means LABOUR TIME :)

Batty - how was the footie?

Mal - the more you try to rush it - the more likely you are to join us in the overdue club :haha:

Afm - still losing plug everytime I go toilet, his head feels likes it's about to be beheaded everytime I walk! Had the runs today :( and feel really spaced out and tired :( I don't mind people asking me but I keep getting texts and fb messages from family asking if he's on his way yet and I just wanna reply 'yes cause I'd have him or go into labour and not tell anyone!!!' :dohh: and to hurry up and pop - well i have full control over what he does haha! I know they're all excited and just wanna see him but at the same time it adds unneccessary pressure. I don't mind you asking or talkingabout it cause on some level it's different but my family/Steve's family should know I'd not go into hospital without telling them lol
I hope she doesn't mind me sharing ... But Charlie, it looks like from stalking her fb that the baby is here!!!!

Mal good luck!

Charlie-- yay for more signs! Hopefully it will be soon! Lol @ your family ... They get a little crazy waiting too huh? DH's brother used to call and check on me at least once a day and remind DH to not forget to call him when I went in labor ... It's DH's only sibling! How could we forget lol?!? And when we tell you to pop already we aren't putting pressure on you just cheering you on and trying to magically make something happen ... You know the power of words! Maybe you should talk to dare's psychic friend haha! Won't be long for you and batty! Afterall they can't stay in there forever!!! I'm ready for everyone to have their babies here! So we can all be on this new step in our journey together!!

Lovely story tanasha! :) so glad Esme is here and healthy! She is a beauty! Just wanna squeeze those cheeks! & looked to me like she'll have your eyes?!!! :) don't worry I am pretty sure I pooped too lol ... No one mentioned it, but I felt them wipe me with the pad and move it ... So I assumed that's what it was unless it was just blood ... But I didn't care either way I was trying to darn hard to push the baby out and avoid a csection! I understand about the ladybits hurting! Mine hurt terribly the first couple days even with pain killers! It gets Better though! And it is worth it!

Ttc- yay for a healthy boy! Way to go him surpassing his birth weight in a week! That's awesome! :)
Ha ha I know I dont mind you ladies saying stuff cause we've all been there/are there now etc so it doesn't bother me, but my family should know better :haha:

CONGRATS dare!!! So happy for you that she's here!! :)
So happy for you Dare, can't wait to hear how everything went!

Charlie- You have a great attitude, I wanted to punch people in the face every time someone asked me if he was here yet, I was just soooo grumpy!
Ok, here's my birth story.... I was woken up by a few contractions overnight from Friday to Saturday, but they were very irregular. When I woke up on Saturday morning I was getting regular crampy tightening about every 10 minutes. I wasn't sure if I was in labor though, because they didn't really hurt. I told DH I might be starting labor, and he became a mad-man.. he mowed the lawn, brought the swing and bouncy seat up from the basement, installed the carseat bases in both cars, and wouldn't stop doing stuff- I think he was super nervous. Around 1pm they were coming about every 8 minutes which is when I was to call my doctor because I was attempting to VBAC. Got told to go to the hospital for monitoring and I was only 1cm at 2pm. They told me to walk the halls for an hour, which was really boring but helped make the contractions stronger. By 3pm I was only 2cm, but they admitted me because I needed to be monitored throughout my whole labor. By about 6 or 7 pm I was 5 cm and I requested an epidural which I had planned on the whole time. The epidural didn't go so well, and only really worked on one side, but it was better than nothing (I'm a wimp). Around 8 or 9 my blood pressure started to drop pretty drastially and I was throwing up from the drop. At the same time, the baby's heart rate started to drop as well. The anesthesiologist turned down the epidural but it really wasn't that great anyhow because I was feeling every contraction. The Doctor wouldn't break my water because she didn't want to cause more trauma to baby who's heart rate wasn't looking that great. By 11pm I was 9cm dialated and I was feeling the need to push big time- I was shaking from the pain and throwing up... it was not pretty! The doctor decided to try to put pin holes in my bag of water to see if leaking some of the fluid would help bring baby's head down, but it didn't work. At that point I was 10cm and ready to go, but the bag of waters was still intact and the baby was not dropping down, nor was his heartrate doing well. So, the decision was made that I had to have a c-section because she wouldn't break my water and baby wasn't doing well. At this point I was in complete agony because I wanted to push so badly and couldn't. While I was being placed on the table in the Operating room and a spinal was being administered my waters broke on their own. The doctor was scared of cord prolapse so quickly checked me to find that baby's head had dropped, there was no cord, and I was given permission to push... Halleluiah!!! Our families were waiting in the waiting room thinking I was having a c-section while I was pushing! I only pushed for about 20 minutes, I had to have an episiotomy, but I didn't care because I was so glad I wasn't having a c-section. When baby was born he wasn't breathing, so they had to resuscitate him which was the scariest moment of my life, but as soon as I heard him cry I was the happiest woman alive. Baby Jack was born at 11:32 pm, 9lb 6oz and 21 inches... and absolutely perfect. Our families thought something went horribly wrong because everything was taking so long, but were thrilled to find that I didn't have to have a c-section! Once baby was checked out I was allowed to nurse him, and he took right to it! After it was all said and done, my doctor told me she needed a stiff drink, ha ha! Anyhow, if you made it this far (what a long post), thanks for reading, I couldn't be happier about my birth experience even though it was very scary at times!
Awww that's actually a nice birth story :) well apart from the epi not working and how you thought you had to have a section but i bet you were so happy to have your vbac!!!! Are you a US lady cause I've noticed episitomy's seem to be fairly common out there - actually outside of the uk?

Oh and (I'm so sorry if you've mentioned his name but i have forgotten :( ) how is your other little boy liking being a big brother? :)
Congrats TTC....So glad you got your VBAC in the end, although sounds like you went through the ringer to get there a little.

Oooh, SO happy for Dare! Ava is gorgeous, the pic on facebook just made me squeell!

Come on Charlie - now we just need to go at the same time!!
:haha: it's gotta be one of our turns next!! I think apart from Mal we're the only ones left aren't we? Well that comment on here regularly :)
tanasha thank you for your birth story.... if i hadnt been through it i would have been scared!!! :haha:

ttcnumber2, my hubby knows all about depression so knows those signs to look out for, i do wonder if pnd differs much from normal depression, i dont want to read up on it as i swear u can start thinking u have it when u dont if that makes sense?
i was also going to ask you tc, after your section last time did u start exercising or even just feeling able to walk up hills etc?

awww charlie i was lucky i didnt have people texting and facebooking to see if i had given birth etc thats good still losing plug!! is it the greeny plug?

batty how was football? who did u see? if watford how did we do??
That's a great birthstory ttc! And I thought I had a close call with a c section!! Sounds like a traumatic labor but I am so glad you got your vbac! That's awesome!! :)

Charlie I think so, they'd rather cut you than have you tear ? & the use of pitosin & other measures to induce and speed up labor is higher which causes more incidence of the baby not moving down or being ready & forcepts & episiotomies being used to speed delivery ... Plus the overall rush people live in here ... I think some dr's would schedule all c sections just for their own ease & convenience! And a lot has to do with malpractice lawsuits ... They avoid them by being "extra" cautious, which is why if your water breaks and you are having a hospital birth u only have 24 hours to deliver at best before they csection you! They hook you right up to pitosin too ... Don't give your body any time to do it naturally like God intended... And pitosin causes stress to the baby much of the time .... It's like a huge downward spiral! And even though we have private health care and choose our providers in my state it's illegal to use a midwife or for Birth centers to be open so you actually have no choice but to do how they wish!

Charlie and batty I am cheering for you! Relax and do something fun! Maybe your babies will share birthdays! That would be cool!
lovely birth story ttcnum2!! thank you for sharing!!! woohooo for your vbac!!! shame epi didnt work too well and u had scary moments!!! i think after last time i would want another section.... well hopefully i have a little while before i start thinking about that!!!

congratulations dare your daughter is just so beautiful!!!

all the babies we have had are all gorgeous!!! i just wanna have cuddles wit all of them!!!

come on rest of u!!! wanna see your beautiful babies now!!!!!!!

just incase u havent seen my gorgeous young man:


such a poser!!!

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