3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Ha ah I just noticed that too!!! Love it :) better than foof by miles!!!!!

You're going to have a big family aren't you? :) we want 3 but if number 3 isn't a girl (not that it's majorly important but I would like one girl hehe) then may have to persuade him for number 4!!! He's already telling people we're just gonna be one of those couples who keep popping them out :dohh:
Lol it was suppose to say lady bits but I left out the space and iPhone auto corrected me I guess without me noticing! :) ..

Wondering the same about batty... Back to fb stalking I guess!

Yes I want a big family :) ... Haha I think 3 or 4 doesn't sound to bad! You seem to adore Stephen an be a wonderful mommy so why not! Besides there were 4 of us & we've always got each other! & family get together are exciting and like small parties bc there are so many of us & so many personalities... Lots of laughter ensues! :)
Hi ladies!

Batty any news?

TTC great birthstory!

Charlie and Mal your babies better hurry up and make their appearance soon!

Krystal I can not believe you are thinking about sex! I dont think I will ever want sex with the way things are down there at the moment!

I have the babyblues, i keep crying for no apparant reason? I hope it passes soon. Also I am not bleeding alot, is this normal? i was expecting so much more! The 1st day it was alot, but after that it is only a little bit of blood on the pad each time I go to the loo- sorry for the tmi!

We are going to see the plastic surgeon tomorrow to see what their plan is with fixing her cleft. I hope the can fix the palate quite soon as this is the biggest issue for me at the moment. The lip is fine and I think its not that bad, but I am totally biased offcourse as I think she is the most gorgeous girl ever!
Sorry to hear about the baby blues TaNasha, I'm sure it can't help that you have to deal with a plastic surgeon and all that. And I would be happy about not having alot of bleeding, I'm so sick of it already... I got so used to not having my period for 9 months! I hope Batty is doing well, can't wait to hear from her! I always thought I wanted a big family too, but I feel so contented with two. I told my husband that and he laughed and said talk to him in a year. He told me I said the same thing after I had my first, but after a year I was begging him to get started on number two, so you never know!
Tanasha - I hardly bled either so it can be normal :) I stopped bleeding after 10 days! :)

and I didn't even notice the cleft at first so it's not even obvious imo! :) and she is absolutely gorgeous! :)

And they'll pass hun, if you notice any PND signs then talk to your dr asap but the first week or two is always difficult! Hormones everywhere, it's overwhelming having your baby finally etc :) And we're always here to chat if you need us
Here are some pictures I thought I'd share, me and Jack and my oldest son and his baby brother!
aww he looks well happy being a big brother!!! And look at how much hair Jack has! :) Did you get bad heartburn? lol
Thomas Emlyn was born at 7:42am on august 7th weighing 6lbs 8.5oz!! He shares his birthday with his daddy and is unique in that he has three thumbs (one has no bums its just the skin/nail). He is perfect!!!!!
Congratulations again Sequeena. He's gorgeous. Well done you!

Pip x
Congrats Sequeena!!! :)

oooh Steve just came running in and said 'Someone just told me sex would get the baby out' - bearing in mind I've told him this on a regular basis!!!! then he said 'so how many times a day do we do it to get him out?' :haha: !!! Men!
tanasha she is just gorgeous i didnt even notice the clef!!! sorry about the baby blues, sucks doesnt it!!! it gets better!!! im still having days where i dont feel hmmm whats the word.... myself, but i am confident it wont turn into pnd but i am keeping an eye out for it just incase as i know i have a history of depression!!!

ttcnumber2 your baby is gorgeous!!!! and what a proud big brother!! and how fab do u look in the pic!!! how have u managed that???

congratulations again sequeena!!!!

i cant believe u ladies talking about sex already!!! hahaha im still recovering!!!! plus still bleeding so that puts me right off!!! im sure it will change once bleeding has stopped if we ever get any time and energy!!!! i have to say my bleeding has changed!!! its weird its gone from a little to none mucusy kinda red to now a very bright red??!!! is it now my period?? i dont get it!!! ive had such a busy day today!!!! i went to bed at like 6am for few hours then got up got little man dressed and fed well dh did most of that while i go a shower and toast!!! then fed again and changed went out shopping for a few hours got myself some lovely new float tops and make up!! :D and birthday pressies!! then came home fed little man again and well dont know where the time has gone done some cleaning sorted some washing out did some ironing only just eaten some dinner!!!
i am kinda dreading tomorrow as dh goes back to work i have an engineer coming in the morning so i cant get any extra sleep and i gotta do the usual stay up with him through the night i should really get a couple of hours sleep now before dh goes to bed but im not tired!!! hmmmm!!!!

Batty..... im hoping your silence means u are having your gorgeous baby!!!
charlie when u are in labour u best keep us updated on here i cant bare the suspense!!!!!!! or text/facebook me!!! even though i know u will have more important things to do just hate the suspense!!!!! :haha:
oooh some retail therapy! Feel better for it? :) God... and look at you being so busy!! Hope you're not pushing yourself too much! If I had a section.... I'd be getting Steve to do everything for as long as I could ;) nah... I wouldn't let him go near the washing - have OCD over that I think! :haha:

And not sure about the bleeding - could be your period, you're not BF are you... so it could well be! Just over 2 weeks seems a bit soon though? and yes goooooooo to bed!!! Do you nap when Daniel sleeps?

I hope she doesn't mind me saying, but I asked how she was getting on on FB earlier and she said it had gotten a little more irregular but still intense - but that was a few hours ago! :)

and I willllll - trust me, I'll be in Watford Gen on the iPhone checking in on FB etc haha :) My brother's girlfriend said she thinks tomorrow is the day which is funny cause the first dating scan we had said the 8th, but because it was 11 weeks, they said it was inaccurate and they'd take the date from the nuchal scan the week after! FX'd!! He's causing me way too much pain now! I seriously don't get how he is comfortable being so low, it feels like his head is being chopped off when I walk/bend down/stand up etc!
Congratulations Sequeena!!

Natalie- I've heard that if your bleeding turns back to bright red it means you need to relax and put your feet up. Maybe all that shopping wore you out a little?
Sorry to disappoint ladies -no baby.

Been having contractions since Saturday around lunchtime, although really only been noticable since about 6am this morning. They were averaging about 5 mins for most of the time, stopped for an hour or so...went to 2 mins apart then stopped for a bit...they now stick at around 6-10 mins but have really intensified over the last 5 odd hours. Had a couple of what I think may be bloody shows as well when I wipe but at the moment it's just a simple case of waiting it out until it gets going...or see if it stops. I couldn't deal with this being a false labour...these chuffing hurt and if this isn't real I don't think I can do the real thing.

Been trying lots to stay active....been on four walks with pooch, bouncing on my ball, on all fours, leaning over the backs of chairs...I basically haven't lied down the entire day thinking gravity may help me....gravity SUCKS.

I'm not a happy bunny. I just know I'm going to be going like this for days. *******.

ps...very self-involved post there. Sorry, hope everyone is okay.
charlie def retail therapy was fab!!! didnt buy new trousers yet decided not ready for those yet as not lost weightround hips etc!!! i know i felt so busy throughout the day and have no idea where the time went!!! i just got 3 hours sleep then dh woke me up so we could swap little man has been unsettled feel bad dh will only get 4 hours max sleep before full busy day at work least i know in the aternoon i can have a catch up hopefully!!!
i am shocked and a little worried about bleeding now, cos dont periods usually have a slight smell to them? been so long i cant remember what a period is like?!!! :haha: i havent done anything in last 6 hours at least so would have thought it would have calmed down if it was because id over done it?! or could it be something to do with this lump? ahhh so confusing why dont they have a manual for what your body does after pregnancy???

awww batty nooooo sorry no baby yet... your body sounds like it must be getting ready or at least the start of things!! maybe you are dilated now? when do u have a check up next? wow u must be exhausted after all that!!!!!
Hey guys, been MIA all day today. Spent all day with OH, MIL and some of our friends at the lake. Then cooked out. Been crampy all day but nothing serious just incomfortable still. dtd again today.... not has enjoyable as yesterday it felt alot tighter and raw :( but hoping things get moving soon. I had contraactions for 2 hours last night that kept me away as they hurt but I ended up falling asleep outta of exhaustion.

I have a dr appt. in AM so hoping things have moved along a bit. Lost some more mucus plug today but not much.

Batty hope things start moving soon and you have your baby

Charlie not long for you either.

Hope everyone with there babies are doing good. Has anyone started the NEW baby club group thread yet? I cant wait to see pics of everyones babies :)

Batty - sounds like early labour :( just try and relax as it could be a long process! Apparently the way to tell is if they wake you when you're sleeping then they're real! Hope today's the day! :)

Natalie - don't ask me about periods - not had one for 18 months :haha: but did look online and it says that it starts of as mucus, then turns bright red, then should go a pinky/yellowish colour - so maybe it is normal?! Hope you catch up on sleep too!!

Mal - glad you spent some time with the hubby :) bet you're well happy to have him home and yaay on the single digits!

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