@Dare, so good to hear from you.. can't wait to hear your story!
@Batty- I'm really feeling for you, I've heard early labor can last quite a long time, I hope you aren't suffering much longer.
@Charlie- I'm not sure, but I think I was losing my plug for a few days- but I'm still not sure if it was my plug or just extra discharge... the whole thing is still a mystery to me after two. I hope that means your plug is gone now and baby is coming soon!
@Natalie- today is my DH's first day back to work as well- I cried when he left and my older son kept giving me hugs and saying "its okay mommy." We've done okay so far, and everyone is sleeping right now. I hope your little man has a nice big poo, and hopefully he isn't getting sick, good luck with getting some sleep I'll be thinking about you!