3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Well they certainly have done that....ever ten mins throughout the night. Makes me feel slightly better...I SO can't wait for gas and air!

Natalie - can you ring a midwife tosay and ask just for peace of mind?
i was thinking incase ive just over done it im gonna wait till thurs as i will have to go back to docs then if lump hasnt gone down etc so seems pointless going twice!!! i would call midwife if i had a number for her!!!!!
i am exhausted little man has not stopped crying all night i am wrecked :(
Bleeding seems to have stopped again!!!! :D lump seems to have gone down as well!!! :D
Batty - at least you're making progress and it's getting closer and closer for you :) if you feel you need pain relief then I'd call up and tell them!

And yaaaaay Natalie!! :)
Aww, Batty you are totally allowed to be self involved at this point- at least you know the end is near and you should get to meet baby soon!
Natalie- I'm not sure about periods either. But, the nurse at the hospital told me that I might think my bleeding has stopped, but then it will start up again. Basically she said don't leave the house unless you are prepared.
Natalie - good news about the lump - but make sure you go to the appt just to clarify about the bleeding.

AFM.....someone shoot me.
Good morning ladies- can't tell birth story right now, baby is waking up (got a few hours finally of sleep) but wanted to let you know that our hospital wouldn't let me access BNB on my cell and all the internet info was awful. Was thinking of you all.

Thanks so much for the kind words- will catch up soon. so exhausted.
Can't wait to hear your story Dare :)

Batty - how's it going?

Afm... I've got a cold.... I'm avoiding sneezing coughing as much as I can as I swear I'm peeing myself like mad today :-/ I've not pee'd myself pretty much the whole pregnancy and then today I can't keep it in - it's so embarassing!

Also.... This is Day 4 of losing my plug - is that normal? To lose it non-stop for 4 days? :shrug:
batty i will go docs if lump hasnt gone totally and say about the bleeding, but seems to be if im active i bleed whereas if i do nothing bleeding is barely there!!!

nice to see u back dare!! cant wait to hear your birth story!!

eak charlie!! some say you get a cold before labour! i have no idea on plug maybe call L&D see what they say!?!

as for me today was tough i was in tears loads dh went back to work today and i really struggled as little man has been so unsettled and crying loads!! also he hasnt been for a poo in 25hours so must be uncomfortable and he sounds snuffly worse than he has been!! so wondering if he has a cold :( hopefully tomorrow will be a better day, i know with my first night in hosp i was the same very teary then was ok again but then i wasnt left alone with him!! sooo hmmm we will see!! plus i've only had 3 hours sleep!!! that doesnt help!!!!
@Dare, so good to hear from you.. can't wait to hear your story!
@Batty- I'm really feeling for you, I've heard early labor can last quite a long time, I hope you aren't suffering much longer.
@Charlie- I'm not sure, but I think I was losing my plug for a few days- but I'm still not sure if it was my plug or just extra discharge... the whole thing is still a mystery to me after two. I hope that means your plug is gone now and baby is coming soon!
@Natalie- today is my DH's first day back to work as well- I cried when he left and my older son kept giving me hugs and saying "its okay mommy." We've done okay so far, and everyone is sleeping right now. I hope your little man has a nice big poo, and hopefully he isn't getting sick, good luck with getting some sleep I'll be thinking about you!
Oh overdue ladies hang on in there!!

I Lost plug from the 3rd right until I gave birth on the 7th. It started off like dark red snot and got much 'wetter', more bright red and with yellow mucus as the days went on xxx
aww Nat :hugs: It's always hard first week they go back to work! Plus, with the weather changing so much it's not surprising if he has caught a cold :( Is there anything he can take to help his bowels move more regularly? and being sleep deprived won't help either - it's easy to say nap when he does but for a little while it is hard to sort of get into a routine like that! Plus, if you're stressed these little things can sense it too - so you have to try and stay as calm as you can when he's crying. If it gets to much just leave the room for 5 mins and try to chill out and then start again!

Ooh and have you heard? Apparently the riots are moving around the m25 circle .... Steve's just been sent an email with a checklist and if they answer yes on 3 questions they have to shut, as apparently Barnet has been affected and they're on their way to Watford......... Scary !!! :-/ Luckily we're not anywhere near the town centre.... but that didn't stop them in Enfield last night! My brother text me last night saying him and his g/f have been locked in their flat for two days (he lives inbetween Woodgreen and Tottenham) as its' really really bad there!
Have you not heard about all the riots going off in Tottenham? Well it moved to Enfield, Woodgreen, moved all the way around to Brixton and Croydon... and no apparently moving back up the top of 'North London' again! They're going mental because police shot a man suspected to have a gun with the intent to kill someone and be part of a dangerous gang - so they're all looting and attacking things etc... bbc news it/the sun it! It's disgusting what they're doing!
Hey guys well finally home ugh been a long morning but went to dr and it went well baby is estimated at 7lbs but of course that could be off. I am 2 cm and 80% effaced but I am being induced at 8am tomorrow morning. Being induced is not what I really wanted but because OH is leaving saturday to go back out of town for who knows how long I really needed him here. Dr said the everything was favorable or we would not been able to do it. SO Im spending today to make sure i dont forget anything that I need, make sure I got everything in my bag. Im a nervous wreck but have faith everything will be oka. I will be there at 6am to get paperwork set up and the baby monitored and everything will get started at 8...

Im scared, nervous and just i dont know what else I feel
thanks Char :) im excited, nervous, anxious and a whole lot of other things right now lol
I've only just seen it on the news Charlie it's disgusting!!! Wtf is wrong with people?

Mal good luck Hun you'll be fine! X
Good luck Mal, I'm sure your induction will go smoothly and its nice that you will have OH around for the birth!

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