3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Krystal- what do you think of the Mobi wrap? I've been thinking about getting one, but it looks so intimidating, like I would never be able to figure it out! Sorry to hear about the Thrush, hope it clears up soon with the medicine, I always eat tons of yogurt when I'm on antibiotics, its supposed to help keep everything "normal."
Natalie- I hope you're not coming down with something, are you eating enough? I have found myself getting light headed, but then I realize I just haven't eaten anything in awhile so that usually helps!

I just got back from the in-laws farm. It was so relaxing to just sit by their pool while Jack napped, and my MIL took big brother for a ride on the gator to see the animals, now I'm back home and both boys are napping, what a miracle!
God your in laws should just wait to be invited and shouldn't all of a sudden be all interested! Hypocritical to behonest! My mil was gutted cause she had a holiday booked before we found out, no lie the exact hour she went to the airport I went into labour! She got really upset cause she won't see him for 2 weeks and then Steve's back at work!

Natalie - how you feeling?!
Krystal - hope the thrush clears up soon for both of you! Didn't know you could get boobie thrush hehe
Mal - hope her jaundice clears up soon!

I'm starting to wonder if they got his Birth weight wrong - he's just long and skinny - so can't see how that is 9lbs worth of baby! It's our first night at home so it's exciting to see what his feeding/waking pattern is going to be! I was trying my hardest to breast feed but he fed from half 10 last night non stop until 4am! And then today even though he latched on how they told me to do it, my nipples are bleeding and bruised so I can't do it! Plus with Stephen running about it was becoming hard work bfing him constantly and looking after Stephen! He's not taking it great either - You can tell he's jealous just by his extra destructive behaviour and he keeps trying to hit his head. Not intentionally to hurt him but because he wants attention.

With the baby blues how long do they last? I've been crying non stop and even just told steve I really want another one :dohh: nothing to cry over though! I remember some of you saying you felt happy but sad/crying over stuff - mean mean hormones!!

How's everyone else's day been? :D
Charlie, I'm sorry to hear your bruised and bleeding, that shouldn't be happening if he has the latch right. I can't imagine trying to nurse a baby with a 10 month old. I think its best for baby that he has a happy mommy, the breast/bottle debate is so personal for each person that I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't be happy with giving baby formula- everyone's situation is so different, so good for you for making a decision that's best for your family! I have heard the baby blues can last for the first two weeks, I know I'm starting to really feel like myself again, hopefully its short lived for you. Good luck with your first few nights at home!
Charlie don't even ask lol!!! The dizziness was better through day but it's just come back I think it must be to do with lack of sleep as I just ate (not very much admitably!) baby blues hmmm 1st 24 hours were the worst for me but then I keep having the odd day of them! But then when I have those days it's usually when haven't had that much sleep ad he as had a crying unsettled day!!

Ttc sounds like u had a lovely day!!! :) I'm probably not eating enough but I think it's more exhaustion hope not coming down with anything!!!
Well finally henry took his bottle! Still not drinking loads though it says for his weight be should be eating 4ozs but age 3ozs but we're lucky if he takes 2!! For some reason he hasn't learnt how to suck properly :shrug:

Ttc - how cool is that - they have a farm!! Like a proper one with animals??? Or just crops? Either way - lots to keep a child entertained hehe!

Nat - get some sleeeeeep!!!! :) you might feel better! Then again there's loDs of colds going around atm :(
Ahhh don't worry about what the guidelines are!!!! He will eat what he likes when he Is hungry!!! Daniel started just taking 1oz every3 hours for first 2 days then all sudden was 2-3 then now 3-4 oz's!!! What formula are u using?
I'm off to bed now dh gonna sleep with him in front room (he only wants to sleep in his bouncer last night and tonight!! It's cooler in there anyway!!)
I've had bit of bunged up nose but thats hopefully all!!!

Any of ladies babies suffering with reflux or what u think might be reflux?
Ttc sounds like a lovely day!!! I love farms! Dh's grandparents have a cow farm. It's lovely there!

I like my moby wrap. It's not difficult, a bit confusing at first but I practiced a couple times with a baby doll. it works really well and is very secure. I bend & squat cleaning & such with it on (lots of exercise!)it's a bit hot so I wouldn't wear it outnin the summer the material is heavyish. it's nothing but a huge long piece of fabric that tapers toward the ends! I like mine though there is a similar one that is simpler that you just put on & don't haveto tie called a maitai or somethigs I think you may wanna look into!

Thanks everyone. In the USA if the infection is in your girl parts it's called a yeast infection. If it's in your mouth, nipples etc it's called thrush. So the baby has it in his mouth & transfered it to me. Feeding on my left side where it's worst is very painful right now! But we are sticking it out!

Glad you worked things out Charlie! Ttc is right they are both better off with a happy mommy & you have a lot on your hands! They shouldn't be bruised or bleeding or hurting so something wasn't right anyways! Whether it was wrong latching or wrong info! That sounds painful! I am glad you are all happy and getting settled! My nephews are 12 mos apart and it was hard at first but they are best friends they won't even sleep in separate rooms! They are partners in crime literally! Stealing cookies and whatnot haha Henry & Stephen will be the same bfore you know it! :)

We had a lot of reflux symptoms but it was a breastmilk oversupply problem that is finally starting to get better! Samira's Hayden has reflux, you may should talk to her!

We had a nice dinner out tonight with the mil & fil. They bought us dinner and we sat and. Just talked and relaxed with them for a couple of hours or more. & they held the baby and it was a really nice night! We rented movies but I think they'll have to wait til tomorrow night! :)
Aww krystal sounds like you had a lovely night! :) nice to just go out & socialise with other adults isn't it :) what movies did you rent?

Natalie - we went for aptamil again but for £8.97 a tin - feel like we're wasting way to much of it!! You're using aptamil aren't you?
Yep we using same one!!! U can use it once made up for 2 hours says on box so if he doesn't take much we keep it just incase he wants a bit more in that time!!!

Awww krystal that sounds lovely!!! I will talk to samira when she is back from her camping!
@ krystal - have been thinking about the mobi wrap. Sounds fabulous. Just don't know if i can do it. But i might have to since baby refuses to sleep alone. going to have to get one of those co-sleeper things today because i worry too much about squishing her. DH finally gave in to the idea.

@ Ttc- sounds wonderful for a day out!!!! :) I want to go to the farm.

Having kind of baby blues... i mean, i really miss cuddling with DH. But, i want the animals out of the house- because they seem to be more trouble than anything else right now.

Dh seems to be losing patience with her crying- and she doesn't do it much! She is hungry a lot- and he gets upset because there is nothing he can do to comfort her (since we are bfing) so it's rough on him. He also mentioned that he has to go back to work on monday and that was going to be hard- and i think he stressed himself out- so now he gets agitated quicker whereas he wasn't like that before.

I keep getting engorged so i have been instructed by my nurse who came by yesterday to pump. Because otherwise my milk won't let down right because it hurts- and baby doesn't want that nipple and refuses to eat from it. So i have one working boob right now. Ugh. So, waiting for the equipment to dry so i can get pumping on the left one because i'm in such pain right now. I have been self-expressing by hand every little bit because i have to relieve the pressure, it's pretty bad. But i can't get enough out unless i stand there for a while squeezing the sucker. A ton of milk comes out but not enough to relieve it. sheesh.

Anyone else bfing waking up with the night sweats? Apparently that happens a lot- but even worse with engorgement too. I mean literally dripping with sweat. It's awful. Baby doesn't seem to mind. Sleeping very well through the night now- seems to get night is night- at least for the last two nights. And last night was the best. She did very well. Proud of her. But jeez. I'm a mess!
Dare, I'm sorry to hear about all the problems. I don't just get night sweats, I get sweaty throughout the day, I figured it was associated with BF'ing... but I am always turning down the AC and turning on the fans, DH thinks I'm crazy!!! My engorgement seems to just now be getting under control, it doesn't hurt as bad when baby initially latches anymore because the engorgement goes down. Hopefully it will get better for you! And you're invited to the farm any time, my in-laws just have cows, but the neighbor has goats, and horses so we go from farm to farm to see all the different animals, its really nice. We would love to have a farm as well, but land around here has gotten crazy expensive because so many people from Maryland have moved up and bought up all the land!
Oh, and I forgot to mention that your avatar picture is absolutely adorable, Ava is a little beauty!!!
Dare, I'm sorry to hear about all the problems. I don't just get night sweats, I get sweaty throughout the day, I figured it was associated with BF'ing... but I am always turning down the AC and turning on the fans, DH thinks I'm crazy!!! My engorgement seems to just now be getting under control, it doesn't hurt as bad when baby initially latches anymore because the engorgement goes down. Hopefully it will get better for you! And you're invited to the farm any time, my in-laws just have cows, but the neighbor has goats, and horses so we go from farm to farm to see all the different animals, its really nice. We would love to have a farm as well, but land around here has gotten crazy expensive because so many people from Maryland have moved up and bought up all the land!

Oh, and I forgot to mention that your avatar picture is absolutely adorable, Ava is a little beauty!!!

That's awesome about the farm!!! we would love to visit. Maybe when she's a bit bigger and i'm not bf'ing every 5 seconds?! Sheesh. I really shouldn't complain so much- i mean honestly, it could be a lot worse. I've been very lucky. I guess it's those blues. Poor ava, i have to change her outfit because as some point i leaked milk on her during the night and her shirt sleeve smells like sour milk! lol. Pads can't contain their power!

Thanks for the comment about the avatar photo, i love her so much! Everyone keeps saying she looks like me... and i just don't see it!!
Oooh she does look like you! Especially the eyes!! I can't believe how gorgeous ALL of OUR babies are!!!! And how well behaved they all seem! :)

Afm - my mum, step dad, brother and his g/f came to visit today. It was 4pm so we decided to go for lunch as I assumed hte midwife wasn't going to turn up! AS soon as we sat down she phoned and was like 'Oh I'm outside are you about?' :dohh: urm....... I waited all day for a phone call - nothing. So I have to take him in to the drop in clinic tomorrow!! I really can't see how he's carrying 9lbs worth of birth weight! He's got the skinniest legs and the skinniest arms/body! He is long though which would explain how I could feel his feet in my ribs when he was engaged! He's now just tucked up on my chest asleep in the fetal position! Was really worried about how I could love him as much as I love Stephen and it's amazing how much love you have for all your children!

Also.... not to make you jealous ladies - but I've pretty much stopped bleeding already :D Is anyone else getting bad afterpains as well?

What has everyone else done today? Hope all mummys, babies and mummy's to be are happy and had a nice day :)
Charlie go away, seriously :rofl: I bled through my trousers today... white trousers... why oh why did I think that was a good idea??
:rofl: noooooooo you never wear white!!!!!!! Unless you're sure you're 'safe'
Charlie, I think I'm done bleeding too... almost, but I'm still to scared to quit using pads, and I'm definitely not ready for white!!! I just love your new picture too, two boys are really a blessing!!!
TTC – I have a moby wrap as well and haven’t used it with Phoebe yet, but practised with a bag of sugar and a teddy bear! I’m going to be using it when I go to football next Saturday so I’ll let you know how we get on! It looks daunting but the tying is really simple – and you get all the instructions (with pictures!!)

Charlie – happy mummy is the best thing! Oh, and even though you may have stopped bleeding don’t be going jumping on Steve JUST yet..unless you want to make it 27 months pregnant in a row! :haha:

Dare – so sorry to hear you’re having trouble. Hopefully the pumping will help and you’ll manage to find a comfortable level and Ava will be one happy booby monster. And I think we forget how big of a time this can be for our other halves..and you’re right, not being able to help must be such a horrible feeling. If Phoebe cries and I know it’s not something I can help with it’s such a horrible feeling.

As for night sweats – not something I’ve had as extreme but since being home it’s like I’ve got a radiator attached to me! I’m so, so hot all the time.

Sequeena - :dohh:

AFM - I'm a bit sore with BF so I know the latch isn't right but Phoebe is a right little booby monster, and is good at it. She can find a breast on anyone (as both grandad and daddy have found out!) so I'm sure a trip to the BF clinic next week will help and with a little work we'll get there.

I'm so totally smitten, and Pauly has surprised me so much....he's been amazing. I don't think he's stopped smiling in four days! He's a natural, even with the pooey nappies!

I've also decided, already, that I'm not going back to work. Bee is my life already, I don't care about not having the money. I've always worked my butt off and we live with my parents because we can't afford to move out, and they give us so much support, that why shouldn't I take this time to properly be with my baby. I hate the work I do, and I love this little girl. It seems like a no-brainer to me. Pauly can be the man and make me a kept woman for once!
Ahhh Charlie I'm jealous!!!! We drove past your place earlier :haha:

Sorry will catch up properly shortly

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