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does anyone have a cure for hiccups for a baby. She gets them ALL the time and they sound sooo painful and uncomfortable.
thanks ttc :) made me feel better.

I can't see the photos on my cell :grrmad: and mal- hiccups are normal. :)
Dare I had an overabundance of milk & the pedi told me not to let him eat more than 5 min on each side bc when the breast are full the let down of milk can be really forceful so they get a lot quickly! It's good she's cutting herself off it's called self regulating! Silas is a piggy and I had to cut him off then I did block feeding to reduce my supply & now he feeds just on one side for 8-10 mins and cuts himself off usually ! ... Don't worry as long as she is peeing and pooping (at least 6 wet & 4 dirty for a bf baby but likely more) no worries :)
Thanks Nat- she just did a 5- then changed her and then did a 10. So i feel a bit better. I didn't know about the letting down like that but i believe it. I got out of the shower today and usually i have plenty of time to go and get stuff to put on. I immediately started leaking all over the floor! How embarrassing! She has been acting like she's getting too much too fast sometimes- where she has actually choked slightly so i have to pick her up and burp her and i feel awful about it. But she seems fine- it's just me that freaks out. Guess there's going to be a lot of- 'she's fine but mom's not.' in our lives.

Anyone try tummy time yet? Thinking today will be a good day to do it! i feel like breaking out her gym and letting her go! i expect she'll hate it. But, gonna try anyway!!! she's wide awake right now.

Anyone else been really ridiculous and have those moments like 'you're never going to be 8 lbs again' or 'i really don't want you to ever grow up' moments?
Dare- we've done tummy time a few times, and Jack hates it, but so did my oldest so I'm not surprised! And its funny you should say that, because every time I get into my car, I swear that song about "your going to miss this" comes on and I start bawling like a baby. I keep looking at my older son and thinking what happened, you were just a baby. I really hope time slows down for us!

I just spent all morning doing some online shopping, I have two wedding showers and three babies showers in the next two months, plus three weddings this summer. I swear I am going to go broke buying all these gifts!!!
Oh yea, and DH's birthday is in two weeks, and I always go overboard for him!
lol im the same with dh gifts!!! we just did tummy time. she wasnt thrilled but i was! she can hold her head up for a few seconds! AND she can slide herself slightly with those back legs! Sheesh! She's insane!
lovely photo squeena!!
dare we do tummy time he likes it for about 10mins or so then gets frustrated where he is trying to crawl and can't
well I had to go to the dr today, I have been having horrible headaches since the hospital and yesterday started getting blurry vision so they are testing me for toxemia

and my little baby girl keeps breaking out but only from her eyebrows up. I think its a heat rash as she was wearing a hat I was worried she would get cold in the car with the ac but its still kinda there and she had a fever of 100.1 one but I stripped her down to her diaper and her temp is now 99.3 but keeps bouncing to 99.5
I called her pedi for an hour and kept getting hung up on it pissed me off. But her rash is better then before.. but if her temp goes back up we are going to childrens hospital.

I am so stressed now... just feels like Im not doing anything right
Mal, hope you and Lily are both okay and get answers!

We've not been brave enough for tummy time yet! But she seems to have strong neck control and can kind of push herself up when she's on my chest, like mini push-ups.

Bee just had a MONSTER feed.....on/off for the past THREE HOURS...literally burped her and she was frantically routing again. That was mental...! I hope it means she sleeps for a while.
ya I am just stressed out. I think the whole being alone thing is getting to me now.

she is eating really good though just not sure bout this rash on her forhead
mal- that rash would scare me. I am sorry you are all alone :(

batty- sorry love about no sleep. I feel like I have had no sleep.

afm- ladies I have mastitis. I feel horrible. Just hit while I was making dinner for dh. Waiting for mw to call in Rx so I can get started on antibiotics. Ouch. Feel like the flu :(
dare i called my best friend since the damn drs office cant answer a phone call.

since she had a fever she told me to strip her to her diaper and let her sit for 30 mins and if temp didnt come down to take her to the hospital. SOO thats what I did, temp came down and rash went away. So I think where I messed up is my dumb butt thought she would be cold in the car with AC and so I had pants, socks and hat on her plus her light blanket. SOOOooOO I learned my lesson about over dressing my baby.

So now she is perfectly fine Makes me feel so freaking stupid but I guess being a new mom its a learning process it still scared me :(
Aw dare I was about to tell u that you prob are produjng a lot and would benefit by pumping a little off so it doesn't cause mastitis or choke the baby when she latches on ... Also sleeping on your sides when they are engorged can cause it ... I was told by other moms to sleep on my back. I hope you feel better!

Batty, hun it sounds like she is using you for a pacifier/comfort! :) that's a LOT of feeds... I bet she just likes the comfort of nursing... It satisifies her sucking reflex!

We've done tummy time, Silas likes it, sometimes he flips himself over to his back but most times he goes to sleep lol lazy boy!

I have to say we are cloth diapering and I LOVE it!!! It's so easy & the diapers are a little bulky but cute! I was excited but really nervous about being successful at it but I LOVE it!

Mal I'm sorry you are stressed Hun! Babys can hve temps from 97-99 and it be normal... They usually admit them if it's over 101. Rectal temp is more accurate than some other measures. But if it was hot she could just be overheated. Contrary to pop belief after the first week when they can regulate their own temps babies only need about the same amount of clothes you or I would wear maybe one extra layer when it's super cold. Also skin to skin her for a while... That has a way of regulating all sorts of things for them including blood sugar temperature etc ... The mothers chest naturally changes temp to accomodate baby. And I woulnt worry about the rash ... It could be a number of things but most baby rashes are harmless ...Google newborn rashes and it tells u all the crazy skin things they get & it also tells u what to look for when it comes to serious rashes (very few) ... A lot of it is just caused by horomones! I am sure it's difficult and scary being a lone, but you are the Momma and you can do this! There is no one else better for the job! Trust yourself and hang in there!! Don't worry God made new babies for new parents! They just like to scare us and we like to worry! Be more confident in yourself! You are doing fine! :) just smile and enjoy her and get the rash checked if it makes you feel better, but don't get down on yourself' that is the last thing either of you needs :)
Don't feel bad, Silas & I both have thrush, he has a butt rash from the yeast in his body & he broke out with a huge rash over his whole diaper area bc he was allergic to the diapers (b4 we started cloth) ... With babies things happen an they will keep happening all through childhood ... Kids are known for their germ spreading and middle of the night fever spikes lol

Afm- Silas has been spitting up a lot and very gassy & a little fussy bc his belly hurts. I am trying to figure out if it's something I ate or if he may have some reflux or something! :-/ who knows I feel sad when his belly hurts though!

I feel the same way about him growing up so fast! I cried when he turned a week old and then two weeks old ... It was flying by ... Tomorrow he will be 4 weeks and he is getting bigger and more alert and changing so much it that it does make me sad bc he will never be "this little" again :( ... Ok I might cry just typing that! ... But I am also excited about him being more alert & smiling & talking etc I just wish I could have it all lol
This is good to know:
im so freaking tired lol, been up since 5am and she is wide awake took an hour just to get a good latch and she kept grabbing an then pushin me away.. SOOo its now 720am and she is wide awake with the hiccups :( I wanted a nap soo bad :( oh well no rest for the weary or whatever that saying is lol

i still love her and her cute hiccuping self
Hi all, been busy all morning with guests to see the baby, that really wears me out! I stupidly gave poor baby bad gas by eating a fiber one bar- I should have known better because they give me gas, duh!!! I think he's feeling better and I'm going to stick to regular granola bars from here on out!
Dare- I'm so sorry you got mastitis, I've heard that its terribly painful, can you take anything besides tylenol for the pain?
Batty- I guess you hit a growth spurt, they really suck don't they! I remember thinking with number 1 that I was going to have to switch to formula because I couldn't keep up with demand, but after about 24 hours everything was fine again!
Mal- I think its good you had that experiene because you learned from it, everything I know about raising a baby comes from a mistake I made with my first- I think thats the only way to really learn something!
Krystal- good luck with the gas, I just hate always wondering if I ate something stupid (which is usually the case, because I never think before I eat!)
ttc- you would never think a fiber bar would do that to baby! Have to watch what I eat. The mastitis is pretty painful but it's the flu likeness that's the worst. No worse feeling than being afraid you won't be able to function to take care of your baby.

on antibiotics right now- and taking ibuprofen. They actually said it's safer than tylenol. I don't get that since tylenol was all we could take while pg? Pretty bad headache right now and aching back. But I'm functioning again which is a good step.
So baby Lexi was born the 28th June i cannot believe she i 7 weeks old already

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