3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Dare they say a lot... You gotta do whatever works for you. I gave Silas a paci against what my hospital said bc he was using me as one and nursing a lot and often & another bf mom of 6 suggested it & said don't worry ..granted he will only take a soothie paci but he's never been confused! He will take the paci but when he wants the boob the paci won't satisfy him ... And he's used a bottle too with no issue. Personally i'd rather bf than pump but a few times I've had to do it to make things easier when I was out & it's been a good thing but I just wouldn't go more than a feed or two at first!

And don't worry about the going out thing! ... Most places we "go" to are not really out but to like my moms or other family so it's more like homey & there are people to hold and love him or I do! Going to the store ESP with a bf baby is still frustrating a bit ESP by myself! Ugh I can do it but I dread it bc I feel guilty if he is miserable & cries & it's hard to juggle him & shopping & people stare or give the "poor you" look & I just avoid it & wait for DH & try to keep carting the baby about to a minimum. If I take him
I usually pack everything up then the last thing I do is feed him then go straight to the car ... & it generally lulls him to sleep if he isn't already. Then I do what I need to & hope for the best ... Usually works out well but some days he isn't pleased with being in the stroller or buggy & wants to be held and just cries so we cut it short & go home bc it's stressful! ... We win some we lose some ... I think you just have to be flexible at first & if it's a bad day go home & try again later! & I try to plan it for when I am the best rested (as it gets anyhow) & in a good mood ... Don't worry! She won't be a newborn forever and getting out and about will be easier! I agree you do need to get out some but you cam always make it low pressure places like friends homes or parks etc instead of grocery stores where you are trying to get something done & it's more frustrating! And if u are happy sitting home snuggling her don't worry! She will only be little for a bit so get all the cuddles you can! You just have to do whatever works for you and Ava which may be doff than anything anyone says or does ... Just whatever makes things easy & happy for you two!
And I'm sorry about your DH :( I think men have a hard time ...it seems to be the same with most men I know. Even my DH . I was so frustrated with him & he told me he thought I didn't want him to do anything bc he was slow & didn't know much & so he left it to me... & one day baby was screaming for 1 minute literally
and he says "WHAAaaaaaT" to the babe in a loud voice & i said "don't yell at our child" lol & he calmed down I think he is just used to being the man and solving and fixing all the problems with quick easy cut and dry answers or work & not being able to make
the baby quit crying or know why he is crying is frustrating bc he feels like a failure or like there should be some easy answer that he can't figure out .... And when we make it look so natural it's daunting to them... DH told me it scares him
when he is alone with the baby bc he is scared something will happen like he will choke on spit up & he won't know what to do & something will happen o the baby and be his fault. A lot has gotten better since we talked things through & I let him know I am
scared too I just do what needs to be done. Hopefully
your DH will come around or maybe a good talk would clear up any miscommunication or issues that maybe he hasn't verbalized. Hang in there though! Ava is so precious :) when thing are tough or I'm tired I remind myself of the saying "this too shall pass" & remember it won't be like this for long so I try to enjoy the precious moments and survive the rest ;)
thanks krystal- I really appreciate all of that- :) I've tried a paci she just spits it out. No pacis! I will just take it one day at a time :)

nat- pku is a prick to the heel and they take blood and run tests for food born illnesses or something like that.
Grrrr now I need a rant about dh!!!! I've let him have4 hours sleep while I have looked after little man and done bottles ready etc then he wakes up I tell him I need to get some sleep I feel awful and he moans and acts if it should be him going to bed!!!!! I know he doesn't like sleeping on sofa but there isn't much I can do about that grrr :(
I'd just leave daniel in bed with him & sleep on the sofa by yourself! He's had 4 hours sleep - that's good when there's a baby about lol! Now you need your 4 or it's gonna take even longer for you to feel better!
all these OHs that are being stupid UGH... I am sorry you guys are havnig issues with ur OH's My oh have would LOVE to be here with me and our baby. Its been rough not having him here to help me as I have to do everything myself. I have to take care of the baby, 4 dogs, a cat, and a rat. Plus do all the cleaning, still have to go grocery shopping. PLUS keep myself clean. So I have to get out whether I want to or not. But we have NIP'd I just said screw everyone and did it. Luckily in my state they past a law that said that no one can harass me for NIP and legally I can sue.

My baby girl has been sleeping longer and past 2 nights we have slept in the bed instead of on the couch. Which has been a world of difference for my back. Im so ready to stop bleeding, my cut seems to have healed as it doesnt hurt anymore... I am having a hard time pooing as it seems tighter. Only thing that hurts me now is my tailbone

Also so question about thrush in the mouth has anyone experienced this with a baby or know anything about it...Lily has a dr appt tuesday but Im concerned she might have it.... I dont know.
If she has thrush she'll have a white coating on her tongue permanently

I could cry.....since 8pm last night she's been off my breast for 1 hour. I'm seroously not kidding you...I'll feed her, burp her and put her down and she immediately starts routing for more and really giving it some. So one hours sleep...this feed is currently two hours....AND my cat just bought home a live mouse, which I managed to catch with one hand while not breaking her latch.

I'm so tempted to express a bottles worth so that he can do one night feed if she's like this, but I don't want to ruin her latch!

Sorry your OHs are being rubbishj. Is it bad I tend to expect nothing from mine so anything is a plus!
I think these men have some unknown male hormone that makes them like this!!!!
I'm not feeling so great after 3hours sleep I really struggled to sleep with the pain :( fingers crossed little man is good for me today so I can attempt some more sleep!!!!

Awww Batty that must be so hard on u!!! I wonder if she is having a growth spurt!!! Have u thought of a dummy to try comfort her and give u a break and a chance to regenerate more milk? It may well be worth u trying to express so u and your body can have a break!!!!!!Oh good luck at the docs let us know how u get on!!!
Batty - I don't think one bottle will hurt? But I'm no BF'ing expert :shrug: I know Samira does/did both and that was before Hayden was a month old! Try and sleep when you can today too! Looks like she's going through a growth spurt

Mal - bet you're counting down the days until he's home again!
Thanks girls - got an hour and a half last night and she's still crying/routing. She can't be hungry again, surely...I don't get how, even in a growth spurt, she could possibly be needing to feed again.

Sadly not much chance of getting a nap in either...what with midwife appt and having to take my effing car into the garage after some douche crashed into it and drove off.

Oh, Paul watch out today...I'm in a mood
Okay, I feel a bit better. She's put on 9oz in a week, so at least I know all this booby time is doing it's job!

EDIT: But looks like my car will cost more like 1500....bugger!
9oz!!! That's fab well done!!!
Wow that's a ridiculous amount with your car!!!!!! :(
Hi ladies, I sure missed alot by not checking in a few days! Looks like we're all struggling a little bit. I had a horrible night, I swear I didn't sleep at all until 5am when LO finally seemed to be done feeding for the night, than DS#1 got up at 6:30- I am soooooo sleep deprived. Baby is sleeping now, so Tripp and I are watching cartoons, I wish I could go back to bed! Anyone else feeding all night, and having long stretches during the day where baby sleeps? What do I do to get him to eat more during the day and less at night?.
ahhhh little man has decided to be soooooo unsetled so far i am really struggling :(
Ah Nat, sorry to hear that. Is there anyone that can come give you a hand or even someone up near Stoke you can stay with while you're recouperating?
Thanks Batty only available people near me are the in laws and I would rather not have them near me right now!!! They wouldn't let me rest they would sit there and watch while I struggle and keep talking to me!!! I'm just outside of Watford now!!! :)
Plus hubby home in like 1hr30mins now little man settled more now after gaviscon and cuddles touch wood!!
TTC what i have been doing is when she wakes during the day for a feed I let her get unsettled for a godo 15-20 min so that way she stays awake longer and rather then her falling asleep as soon asi put her to the breast she is wide awake to eat. It seems to have been working as she slept last night from 230-6am fed then didnt wake up till 10. and even then she was awake for 30 min before she decided to eat at 1030.

I cant wait to see how much weight she has gained. She has her appt tomorrow :)

as far as my OH I cannot WAIT to see him. He comes home labor day weekend but is only home for a week then off to work again.
Ttc a friend advised me to wake and feed the baby every 2 -2 1/2 hours all day & not let him sleep longer since I am home and awake anyways & do that til bedtime then don't wake him at night & he will sleep longer ... & I've been getting 3-4 or more hour stretches. Also during the day I turn on lights & talk to him etc ... At night when he wakes to feed they say keep it as boring as possible .. So not much light, I don't talk to him a lot unless it's a few words to settle him and then I whisper ... And I feed him, only change his diaper if he I'd dirty or soaked (cloth diapers make this easier bc they hold more wee :)...) or change him before the feeding that way when he's done eating you can put him back to bed & he never gets very roused! It's no guarantee that's for sure but it works pretty well for us most nights!

Silas is one month old today!!! It's sad and happy! This month def flew faster than the last month of pregnancy!
Thanks for the advice ladies, I will be trying both today and see what happens!
ladies what good advice you gave! I also do all night changes because dh needs the big lights and that wakes her too much! So I use her little lamp across the room and her night light.

she is having detachment issues from me lately doesn't want anyone else. I love it but hate that when I put her down she wails and those tears.... I can't handle that! My heart breaks.

dh got even worse last night. He seems to think it's funny to rouse her close to bed time and say things like ha! Now you have to deal with her. And I don't get it. There were a bunch of little things he said- that really hurt. I am so depressed with him I can't even talk to him right now.

mil & fil are stopping by after 6 today... Great.

she vomited once this morning- seems fine since. Think I didn't do a good job at burping her before that. She's eaten since and kept everything down.

the way dh has been- I'm so hurt and sad- I feel so selfish for wanting her this badly. I love her dearly and I feel she deserves so much better than how he has been. She is my world. And I just don't think he was ready. And that- really- really hurts me in my heart. Feel like doing a lot of crying today. I'm miserable. :(

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