3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

some of the things he does is so stupid! Like no common sense! I don't get it!

anyway had our 2 week check up- she gained another lb- weighing 9 lbs 1oz and 21 " !! They said she looks so good she doesn't need to go to her month appt and they'll see her at 2 months in october!! So relieved she is gaining and doing well!!! Yeah bbs!
Hi all...how's it going for everyone. Bee's had a couple of really unsettled nights. I just can't get her to stop crying unless she's on the breast even thouhh it's mainly for comfort. I've had about an hour sleep in two days adnl feel like I must be doing something wrong. She was such a happy, content baby what the hell have I done to make her so fussy..
my cousin is a child psychologist and told me not to let baby sleep on the bbs- it's hard! Ava dud this a lot too. She still will try. It's hard just try to stop it slowly. She just said it's a habit that'll be so hard to break later.
Hi!! Just quick update as have really bad signal!! Down here for wedding now I Hate his family so much had his Parents come to our room 3 times!!! Grrrrr we had litterally just arrived at hotel 1st time then again 10mins later then 30mins after that grrrrr I will update when u can hope u all ok!!! Wish us luck!!!!
oh nat good luck hun!!!!!!! I'm so sorry! Maybe you can hide or pretend to be asleep!!! Ha! That's what I would do!!!!
Ha Nat....tell them the do not disturb sign applies to them to and stick twenty on the door! Hope it goes okay for you! Deep breaths, hun.

I"ve had a bad day....but amazingly at the start of another long night I feel pretty great! Following the night where Phoebe wouldn't settle and I had an hour tops, I went out most of the day so didn't manage to nap at all today, forgot my purse when I wanted to buy Bee her first outfits and proceeded to lose my last twenty quid I had on me from my pocket! Plus with me feeling like a failure today round at the MIL she takes LO off me as I'm winding her (without asking) and proceeds to say 'see, you like Nannies rubs' after she settled for her. Thanks for that, you old troutbag. BUT I emailed my NCT ladies for advice and got loads back, and as I settled into bed I got a phonecall from one of them just seeing how I was doing....I cried when it finished just because of the thoughtfulness of picking up the phone to see how I was. It's what I needed today.

So far this evening she has been far more settled, I'm hoping it continues with one block of sleep! Here's hoping.

Hiope everyone is okay x
batty- first off 'troutbag' ! I've never heard that before and it's hilarious!!!!! Second I'm so sorry for the rubbish day!!! You are not a failure. I do hope bee gives you a break tonight though love. :) :hugs:

afm- nothing exciting to report. My nights consist of 2 & 1/2 hr feedings- she will sleep in her co-sleeper from 12 ish until 9ish in the morning then wants to be held and sleep in your arms all day. I have decided to embrace that- and let her sleep on me all day. I will get my housework done on the weekends when dh can hold her for a bit. Afterall... This won't last forever.

so sad she's not 8lbs anymore. She never will be again. She's going to grow up so fast :(
I got like S hours. Got her down by 11, wasn't woken til 2.30aam, got her down again by 3.30 and then she slept til 6.

Dare - I really don't like the woman. I know it's not nice and she's Phoebe's nanny, wants to be parts of her life and have a relationship with her but I really don't like being around her. I'm not going to stop her seeing Bee and I've made as much os an effort to include her and made sure she's see her as much as possible but I genuinely cringe when she even touches her. She's a miserable cow who doesn't give her son (my OH) a single bit of praise but we're forced to constantly listen to how well his brother is doing in life...HeELLO, he's 28 and has been a drug addict alcoholic who hasn't done a bloody days work all his life, who done so many drugs he had a psychotic break, beat his mum and is now on so many meds he's unemployable. But oh well, he gets a free flat, bus pass, and money off the govm't while we are living with my parents because they won't give us a single bit of help!

Oooh rant over!

I think letting her eat and nap on you is a good choice while she's so little. I genuinly agree with the thought it"s impossible to spoil them when they're this young....like you said, enjoy those cuddles!!!
Batty, glad to hear you got some sleep! And, sorry to hear about MIL, luckily mine has been really crazy at work so she has left us along, but she's really not that bad!
Dare- I'm with Batty, I really don't think you can spoil a new baby, they need lots of cuddles and love- worry about spoiling them when they get older! I co-slept with my son for the first 6 months and he started sleeping in his own crib just fine, and never had any problems with sleeping!

I took the boys to story time at the Library yesterday, it was nice to get out of the house and feel pretty normal! I did have to nurse Jack the whole time, but none of the other mothers minded, in fact, they helped Tripp with the craft because I was busy with Jack, it was so nice! I woke up this morning with a piercing pain in my right breast, I hope nothing is developing there, I think I just got engorged because Jack slept really well last night! I might try pumping to see if I can get some relief!
Oh yea, Dare- are you in the Hurricane path? We're supposed to get alot of rain and some high winds, but we're projected to be just outside the worst part of it. I think DH and I are going to clear off the deck furniture tonight just to be sure. I hope you're not in harms way!!!
ttc- honestly not sure about the hurricane. We are supposed to get tons of rain I know that and I asked dh to bring in the furniture off the deck. But it's so rusty he doesn't want it inside. But... I don't want it going through the window either!! Hopefully we will all be just fine!

so tired today- ava won't sleep very long in the morning anymore. Trying to sneak her back in the sleeper (shes in my arms right now) and take a shower.

oh yeah ttc- pump that side that's sore. That's how my mastitis started. Just a sort of sore pain and I didn't think much ekse of it. Then just thought I was engorged. I'm so afraid I'll get it again!!! It didn't last super long but while it was full blown man- I was miserable. So take care of those bbs!!!!
Awww batty I know exactly how u feel with mil!!! It's his whole family I can't stand and I hate it when they touch or hold Daniel!!! I have to say the sling is the most amazing thing in the world ever!!!!!!!!!! It's been amazing this weekend!!!! Seriously they couldn't come near him without me and it gave us such an excuse for him not to be taken off me for other people to hold him!!!!! He was such an angel this weekend he really was he slept loads so had the excuse of no u can't hold him I don't want him being woken etc!!!!
The weekend was hmmm interesting mil gave me the dirtiest looks all weekend and I virtually blanked her majority of weekend.... Well I couldn't hear her I am pretty deaf!!! I was shocked that we were not included in ANY family wedding photos I mean ok fine obviously we are not family!!!!!! Fine!! Suits me!!!! :D as soon as we got to the hotel mil jumped on us then hubby was bringing up luggage so she followed him up to our room (hubby wasn't happy he had tons of bags and of course she didnt offer just told him e was unfit as he was sweating (seriously??? He brought so much up!!!)) anyway I was feeding Daniel and she decides to hand over this envelope and say oh I know we didn't get u anything when u moved so this is from us to pay for your hotel (she had the smuggist look on her face as to say we have money u don't hahaha!! I would have happilly thrown that money in her face!!! Thy like to think they are so mug better than us grrrrrrrrrr!!!! Anyway 10mins later fil knocks on our door ffs!!! Can't they let us get settled???? Then I think I must have been frosty enough for them to leave us alone!!!
Next day at breakfast they talk to this lovely little family that was down for the wedding on table next to us then claim they didn't see us there!!! Yeah right!!!!
Like I said we were not included in the wedding at all!!! It was only his niece that came over during the meal and said if u are struggling I don't mind holding him I declined bit nicely as she is one I get on most with even she moans about her nan!!! She can't stand her!! Hahaha!!! I think it's hubby's aunt!?! I'm not sure she hasn't seen us since last wedding in sept first thing she says is 'oh when does the diet start?' we were fuming ok I know hubby is overweight but that's the first thing u say???
Sorry I know I'm going on here!!! We went to evening reception for bit then took a break and I decided the day had been long enough so said we should probs go down and say bye (big mistake!!) the music was soooooo loud and hubby was carrying him not protecting his ears and I said no it's too loud he was like no it's fine Daniel actually looked scared!!!! He then gave him to his sister to hold who had been smoking loads I was fuming he had blocked me so I couldn't take Daniel of him or her I went mental!!!!!!
Other people were lovely saying how gorgeous he was and so well behaved what was my secret etc!! Only person from the family to say anything to me was his niece that said I looked amazing and she didnt think I'd put any weight on from the pregnancy and said I was all bump!!! As for rest I should have turned up in tracksuit and no make up!!! I was so proud of make up I thought I looked really good and loads commented on how I had no bags under eyes etc!!!
Anyway theres how the wedding went almost home now will catch up properly then!!!

Oh anyone in path of hurricane Irene or anywhere near please please stay safe!!! Will be praying u are all ok and please let us know u are ok!!!!
Oh my gosh Natalie, what a bitch!!! I'm sure you looked beautiful, and I would have let that mean woman be as smug as she wants and just take the money!!! I'm glad the sling worked for you, I think I need to get one of them!
natalie you did fantastic hun! Proud of you!!!

irene is supposed to hit here I think during the night (and then I guess on to you ttc be safe!!) I think it's going to be no big deal though. Ava is 3 weeks today. Very fussy. Was all night too. Poor kid.
Aww thank u!! The thing that got me with the money she said we didn't get u anything when u moved she failed to say we haven't got Daniel anything which has annoyed me they brought him a bib from when they went on holiday after he was born!! Then she was going on oh we will catch up properly when we are back so she is gonna want to come over or demand we go over there :( I have never felt so much hatred towards people!!!
Ttc are u on facebook? Dare u will see my profile pic one of the few photos taken at wedding can't even see my dress I was hoping we would get a family photo of us 3 but didn't :( so decided when we doing wet babies head party I'm gonna dress up and make sure we get some nice pics!!!
Still not had a chance to catch up properly!!! Dare please stay safe and u too ttc I hope it doesn't hit u both!!! I would be sooooo scared!!! I don't know how u are staying so calm!!!!
Popping in to announce that our little princess arrived on 24th August (was due 11th). Bree Eliza Harley was born weighing 6lb 8oz after a very quick labour (that'll be all the Raspberry Leaf then!!)

Congratulations to all the new summertime Mums! xx
a bit late but good luck sarahbella!! hope everything went ok and cant wait to hear an update!!!
Dare thats fab she has gained weight so well and doesnt need to be seen for a while!!
Batty i hope she has settled a bit more so u can get some rest!!! and u are not doing anything wrong!!!! its just sods law that when she took her off u she settled i know hubby will take him off me if i appear to be getting wound up or bit stressy says that they pick up on that and will act up like they know so if i cant settle him hubby tries then he is fine cos he is all calm something to do with heartrate!?! i used to sit there and cry cos hubby could settle him when i couldnt i felt like such a failure!! but then when he doesnt settle with hubby and settles with me he feels the same!! remember there is no one more important to her than her mummy!!! u carried her for 9 months and she loves u so much!!!
TTC glad u had a day of doing normal things at library!! i cant remember what 'normal' is any more haha!!!!

we have just been to upstairs little party in his garden it was nice actually!! except for being a bit stuck with this one girl who was a bit drunk and one of those 'know it all' types and knows everyone and everyones business haha daniel did a little cough and splutter and she was like oh thats the refulx... erm no its a little cough and sneeze!! hahaha i made my exit to feed daniel hubby came with me but he has gone back as we feel a bit bad this guy was expecting 30 people and i dont think there is even 10 there and that includes his girlfriend, parents and her parents and his sisters!!
i'd better finish unpacking otherwise will never get any sleep!!
hey guys sorry been MIA, internet has been off and got it back on yesterday. Things have been going good. my poor booboos are raw from BF so i have been having to pump and feed her with a bottle to give my boobs a rest.

My lily bug is such a good baby, she eats great, sleeps great. last night she was awake more then normal but its oka. She has been sleeping great at night. Stays awake most of the morning and sleeps alot during the day then is awake from about 9p to midnight then gets a good feedin sleeps till 2 am gets another feeding and then sleeps till about 6 sometimes 8.

She had her 2 week checkup tuesday and weighs 6lbs 15 ounces. she gianed 8 ounces in a week. we have a one month check up in a week in a half. My OH comes home wednesday for a week YAY I cannot wait.
Natalie - I would have smacked them! Then blamed it on the hormones ;) At the end of the day I bet your husband thought you looked gorgeous! and that's all that matters! :) Ignore all their comments and just get on with what you're doing cause you're doing a lot better without them! :)

Batty - aww I hope everything's starting to settle down with her now :) I know you said earlier you think she's a bit colicy but it will pass! It's just one of those things that's horrible to watch and can be so frustrating when she's crying a lot but keep strong :)

Dare - Cuddle her as much as you want! They're only baby's for a little while so enjoy every cuddle, every kiss, every smile etc. You can never spoil a child too much with cuddles or falling asleep on you in my opinion! :)

I still think it's funny how all your baby's still haven't gone past Henry's birth weight!! :haha: and he was one of the last Midsummer babies born!

GOOD LUCK SarahBella!!! Though.... ~I'm guessing by now you'll have had your baby and are enjoying the first few days :D
she went 4 & 1/2 hours last night! then every 2 & 1/2. Sad how excited we get over such little hours of sleep!

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