3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

TTC - we wake Henry up to feed him every 2-3 hours... usually by the third hour he wakes himself up but if he's not showing any signs of waking up then that's what we do :) and then he'll have a bottle about 12ish, then we wake him up at 4am, and then he usually sleeps through until about 8am after that :)

Natalie - Hope you're feeling a bit better now!

Dare - Have you tried a sling to carry her around the house etc with you? It might not be ideal but that way she feels as though she's with you all the time?

and your husband needs to sort it out. He is acting really really childish - how old did you say he was? 26? He needs to act like a 26 year old and not like a 16 year old boy :( He has a daughter now and he needs to act responsibly now! And he needs to put you both first! Don't ever feel selfish for wanting her that badly because you're not! He's being selfish acting this way! And if he doesn't change soon then he is potentially risking losing the best two things that have ever happened to him! Have you spoke to him? :hugs:
charlie- I don't even know what to say to him. I tried telling him to talk to her etc and he says he does or gets annoyed. He takes care of homself and that's it. I don't even know what to do. I just am really down about it and don't even want to see him.
Dare I am so sorry he is being this way I have no idea what to suggest or say other than hugs!!!! :hugs:

Charlie I am feeling a little better not much but it's a start!!! I'm getting loads of discharge from ears now sounds disgusting but it's all solidifying I have to keep removing it it's disgusting!!! But hopefully that means it's starting to clear!!!
Im sorry your dealing with that dare. I hope things get better for you.

how long do you think this thread will go on till we get moved to baby club?
I have just realised how much I am dreading this wedding on Friday I am so worried cos it's hubby's family that my little man is gonna get passed around loads I wanna keep him to myself is that bad??? I know exactly what dh is gonna be like he won't understand I don't want everyone holding him and taking him off for photos he will be oh just let them etc I do not want that!!!!!! I know I'm being silly but I do not want to go to this wedding and for him to be taken off me I don't know what to do :(
thanks ladies for listening and kind words. I think dh and I will have a hard time for a while but I hope we'll be alright. We had a hard first year and a half or so of marriage too. But we managed and became very happy.

making choc. Chip banana bread... That has made me feel better. I love baking.

and nat- I understand I'd feel the same. Maybe you could be "ill" that day. My inlaws are coming today and I'm dreading that too. And I think it's only two of them I ant imagine a whole event with a bunch!
U will get through it dare, I was always told these things are sent to try us!!!
If I was to be ill, dh would take him off me and leave me to rest!!!! I'm gonna get my sling working tomorrow and use that the whole time and make out it's hard to change it to fit dh after adjusting it for me!!! I've also been told to do the ice cube trick.... It's a bit mean but to put ice. Cube in a bag and when they start wanting him just to rub it on him so he crys it's mean but I'm sure he would thank me!!!!???? I can't stand his family more so since he was born they dont care about me or him it will all be for show they never call me up and ask about him or anything!!! I wish there was a way for this wedding that little man would not want anyone but his mummy the whole thing Is majorly stressing me out!!!!!! :(

Good luck with your in laws!!!! Don't go sharing your banana chic chip bread unless u want to show off that u are super mum!!!!!!
oka for those that are BF does it seem like all you do is eat or your constantly hungry
Nat - just say no! I know it's easier said than done but just mke something up like you have to feed him in a minute or you have to go change his nappy! If you're not comfortable with something then don't feel pressured into letting the in-laws pass him around. He's a baby not a toy :) glad you're feeling a bit better!

Dare - just keep persevering it will all work out in the end! And everytime he acts like an idiot tell him he's acting like one :) Oooh and send the banana bread this way please :D

Mal - my friend bfs and she said she's starving all the time! She has to just make sure she doesn't snack on junk lol

Afm, steve is in my bad books today! He's been so helpful but all of a sudden he's just changed and yesterday I was up at 6:30 with both of them he went to sleep. I got Stephen's breakfast ready, got the bags ready to go out, got all three of their clothes sorted, got myself ready, drove to the register office to get Henry registered, then went to the weigh in clinic and cafe where I had to feed Henry AND constantly chase after Stephen, then got Stephen's lunch ready, got stuff readyto see my brothers, drove there and back, got their dinners ready and have then had to deal with Henry who's just moaned non stop since 10pm so EXCUSE ME If at midnight I'm exhausted! All he's done is have a bath, then have a couple of beers when we saw my brothers who he left to play with Stephen, and then I said he could go watch football with his friend so he had a few more beers. I'm knackered and just want him to take over for me and he turns round and said "god you're so lazy" WTF!! And tomorrow I'll get "you were mean last night" and "i do do loads for you" - now I know he has done loads for me but he can't just tAke a day off when he chooses! Grrrr
Thank u! I'm hoping if he Is in his sling he will sleep most of time so I can do the I don't want to disturb him etc is it bad I don't want him taken away from me for photos? If it wasn't his family I wouldn't be so bad thing is hubby will be like oh just let them hold him etc I know I'm gonna get sooooo upset!!!

Ahhh what is it with these men??? Does Having a baby make them into monsters? Did steve do anything like this when Stephen was born? If he wanted a 'day off' he could at least give u some warning!!! That must have been such a busy/mental day for u!!! Don't forget or let him forget u are still recovering!!!
Hi ladies!

Natalie your ears draining is a good sign! Hope you feel better soon!

Dare I am so sorry you are going through all this. Hope things sort out soon xxx

Charlie and TTC I have no idea how you guys do it with a newborn and a toddler! My hands are so full with little one, I cant even imagine taking care of someone else- let alone myself and DH!

mal I am not bf but i just dont have the time to eat! I think i might constantly be hungry but i just dont recognize it as hunger anymore!

Esmé is now weighing a whopping 3550gram, which is perfect according to the growth charts and we can even switch to normal bottles now as she is drinking completely on her own!

And she is sleeping so well at NIGHT- we got between 5 and 7 hours of sleep per night! But then during the day she is awake and refuses to sleep and only wants to be held, so I cant do anything. I have a sling, but she is still too tiny for it, so sometimes i just have to leave her to cry to get something done which is heartbreaking. But today it was so dark and rainy, I just left all the housework and we both stayed in our pjs all day cuddling in bed watching movies! Total bliss! and now DH is bringing take away for dinner and I quess we will just continue our evening on the couch!
I have just realised how much I am dreading this wedding on Friday I am so worried cos it's hubby's family that my little man is gonna get passed around loads I wanna keep him to myself is that bad??? I know exactly what dh is gonna be like he won't understand I don't want everyone holding him and taking him off for photos he will be oh just let them etc I do not want that!!!!!! I know I'm being silly but I do not want to go to this wedding and for him to be taken off me I don't know what to do :(

I am the same! I just dont want some people to hold her! In the hospital we had some visitors and this one specific person was there and I didndt want her to hold Esme so I didnt offer, but then she had the nerve to ask! And then you cant really say no. i was fuming
I know it really is just his family that I have real issues with I really do not know how I am going to cope cos hubby I know will say I have to!!! I am really going to use his reflux to my advantage!!! I hope my ears are starting to clear they are still very painful and deaf so I've booked myself into the docs (again!!!!) just incase hasn't improved by tomorrow afternoon I'm also taking my little man in to get more gaviscon and the medicine which is next stage up from gaviscon cos I feel he needs more than gaviscon!!!
Oooo your day sounds lovely!!!!! :)
Hi ladies, haven't been on much lately... On top of taking care of a baby, my previously potty trained 2 year old pooped in his underwear twice today and peed in the yard like the dog. Oh, and we had an earthquake which freaked me out and made me wake up both kids who were napping. I think all that combined with about 3 hours sleep makes me about half delirious, I hope everyone else is having a better day. Dare- I'm sure you felt the earthquake too, hope everyone's okay!
wow ttc what a day!!!!! potty training eak.... i am not looking forward to that!!!!!!
earthquakes sound sooooo scary to me esp with baby!!! how bad was it? any damage?
ttc yeah I sure felt it! Insane! Scared me really bad! I went outside with ava because I didn't believe it really happened and neighbors confirmed.

so we keep our babies safe all day for f'ing what? Dh comes home- cooking with ava in his arms. Starts to put dishes away above the hot stove and almost puts her foot in the hot sauce pan!!!! If I hadn't been there omg. And I was asking him not to- and he was so confident about how he could do it.

I took her away and told him he could never cook with her again an he shouldve known better. Then, while holding her, hit her head on his laptop. Seriously?! I'm going to f'ing kill him.
Hey girls.. I'm still here & still pregnant! Nothing happening, not even a teeny tiny twinge, so I'm off to be induced in hospital this afternoon. A million miles from the waterbirth I had planned at the local midwife led unit, but I've gradually got my head around it. Eeeeeek.. nearly baby time!!
congrats sarahbella! that's wonderful! you will have joined us in a few hours!
Good luck Sarahbella! Dare, sorry to hear DH is pissing you off so bad! I know my DH was horrible when our oldest was a baby, he really did get better and he is great with this on... I just don't think men know what to do with a baby!

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