Ok girls let me try and gather my thoughts.
I started having sharp pains in ASDA, enough to make me stop and keel over. When I went to the loo there was enough blood to soak a (thin) pantyliner, it was brown but with bits of red. I wiped bright red blood for about 5 minutes. It's since turned to brown, turned to spotting and right now has stopped.
The sharp pains have gone, I'm left with an ache in my (rock hard) abdomen, an ache in my back and left kidney, and when I try to pee it feels like there's so much pressure my uterus is going to fall out.
I rang the birthing centre who said to ring primecare because my doctors was closed. Got an appointment in primecare. When I got seen I had a urine sample which only had blood and nothing else. Doctor said could be a threatened miscarriage and is worried about my kidney. He transferred me to singleton but I had to get there myself - the problems started here.
I can't get to singleton, I can get no-one to take me. I rang my local hospital - they can do nothing as everyone who can scan has gone home. I had to ring primecare to try and get hold of the doctor, still waiting on that. Rang singleton who said I probably won't get a scan tonight and if I can't get through the doctor will need to tell them I'm not coming.
So I'm in limbo. I don't know what's happening and I don't know what to do.