3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Hey I haven't read any of the previous pages because, frankly, I'm lazy :rofl: Lol.

My name's Claire, married to Alan and my son, who'll be 3 next mont :)cry:) is called Jayden.

I'm currently Team Yellow but I'm very impatient so having a gender scan on Saturday! My due date is the 13th August and I'm sooo excited! xxx
Hi all! I'm Sarah, live in the UK with my hubby, and we're expecting our first baby on August 16th... two weeks after our second wedding anniversary & three days after my birthday! :)
I just found your thread on the second trimester board. Thought I'd pop in and say Hello!! :) Haven't been on this site for long, but have found it really helpful and everyone is so friendly. It's nice to know you're not going through pregnancy on your own lol. x
And P.S My name is Heather and I'm 26 from the UK. This is my third pregnancy :)
Im here!! haha

So Im Amanda, 24, engaged to my wonderful man and have a 3 year old called Phoebe.

We got a busy year ahead with a new baby, finishing our house, moving into our new house and starting wedding planning and I cant wait for any of it.

Scan in less than two weeks, cant wait to see baba again and find out what what we are having, I'm getting serious boy vibes.

Hiii everyone! :)

How's everyone doing today? After my day from hell yesterday :( - Stephen just wouldn't stop screaming for about 6 hours (and that's no exaggeration!) he's a lot happier today! He's got a cold coming we think so he was being extra clingy and wanting constant attention and cause he didn't get it all the time it was a constant scream fest :( Anyways I'm/he is feeling a lot better today....

Though i do have a Question - are any of you ladies getting heart palpitations?? :-/
Hey I haven't read any of the previous pages because, frankly, I'm lazy :rofl: Lol.

My name's Claire, married to Alan and my son, who'll be 3 next mont :)cry:) is called Jayden.

I'm currently Team Yellow but I'm very impatient so having a gender scan on Saturday! My due date is the 13th August and I'm sooo excited! xxx

Haha, I was the same! Had our gender scan at 16+2 and that felt like forever to come around! I admire those on Team Yellow- must have the patience of a saint!
Oh and welcome some more yay!!! Hehe Claire i don’t blame you theres so many pages!!! Its bad enough missing the thread over the weekend and catching up let alone the whole thing!!! Oooh how exciting for gender scan!! Mine is next week and it cant come any sooner!

Awww sarah how lovely that your due date is so close to you anni and bday!!!! August is a great month for you!!!

ProudMommy hiiii! How are you! BNB is a fab site – ive been on it since i was TTC and the support is so amazing! My OH always rolls his eyes coz im always going home with stories of girls from here haha! Fab that its your 3rd baba too – you can be an advice guru too hehe!

Yay barbles you made it!!!! Wow your year does sound busy! Similar to mine! Ive just moved once into temporary accommodation as I was living at MIL’s with OH ( we rented out our house before we knew we were pregs to get some extra dosh and then along came baby lol) so our contract doenst run out till after my DD so will be moving home either very fat or with a new born!!!!!!!
Hiii everyone! :)

How's everyone doing today? After my day from hell yesterday :( - Stephen just wouldn't stop screaming for about 6 hours (and that's no exaggeration!) he's a lot happier today! He's got a cold coming we think so he was being extra clingy and wanting constant attention and cause he didn't get it all the time it was a constant scream fest :( Anyways I'm/he is feeling a lot better today....

Though i do have a Question - are any of you ladies getting heart palpitations?? :-/

oh nooo! sounds similar to my friend! her little new born has a cold and he refuses to go to sleep unless hes on mummy so shes getting no sleeo! glad hes happier though hun! get some rest!!

no ive not had heart palps?! are you getting them? xx

I'm new here - this is my first post! I would love to join this thread - I'm expecting my baby on the 8th August.
This is mine and my husband's first - very excited :)
Hi Guys

Can I join in??? Not due untel 20th August but I am hoping that still classes me as midsummer dreamer?

My name is Lisa, I am 32 years old, living in Maidstone, Kent with my gorgeous OH and 1 DS who is 3 years old.

Currently team yellow but will find out on 7 March what i am having this time. I waited 9 months last time and I am unwilling to wait that long again! lol

Look forward to chatting to you all and hearing about us all having beautiful babies.

Hi all my names Joanne im 31 married this is baby number 6 I have 3 boys 17,13,12 two girls aged 11 and 7 baby due 10th July and were on team pink
Hi all! I'm Sarah, live in the UK with my hubby, and we're expecting our first baby on August 16th... two weeks after our second wedding anniversary & three days after my birthday! :)
Aug is a good month for u too I see!! I'm due on the 7th, my birthday is the 9th and my little boy turns four on the 3rd!! Expensive month I'm thinking!!
Hey I haven't read any of the previous pages because, frankly, I'm lazy :rofl: Lol.

My name's Claire, married to Alan and my son, who'll be 3 next mont :)cry:) is called Jayden.

I'm currently Team Yellow but I'm very impatient so having a gender scan on Saturday! My due date is the 13th August and I'm sooo excited! xxx

Haha, I was the same! Had our gender scan at 16+2 and that felt like forever to come around! I admire those on Team Yellow- must have the patience of a saint!

I managed to stay on Team Yellow with my sons pregnancy, even after having a 4d scan at 26 weeks lol. But I htink that's because I already had that feeling that he was a boy, I was 99% sure since I had my scan at 14 weeks. But this time I'm getting girl vibes but I don't want to get my hopes up too high for 9 months (not that I'd be disappointed with another boy:haha:) so I just have to find out and luckily hubby has agreed for us to find out! But we don't want to tell anyone else the sex so we're going to keep it secret! Well...... try lol xxx
ooohhh so many newbies!

I had a midwife appointment this morning and my little Princess is doing fabulous! I love hearing that heartbeat!

I have also gained 3kg in 4 weeks, eeeeeekkk! But the mw said its all normall
Hiii everyone! :)

How's everyone doing today? After my day from hell yesterday :( - Stephen just wouldn't stop screaming for about 6 hours (and that's no exaggeration!) he's a lot happier today! He's got a cold coming we think so he was being extra clingy and wanting constant attention and cause he didn't get it all the time it was a constant scream fest :( Anyways I'm/he is feeling a lot better today....

Though i do have a Question - are any of you ladies getting heart palpitations?? :-/

I have had heart palpatations on and off and haven't got too worried about them. I think if they were happening consistently everyday I would see a doctor!

Just realised you have a 4 month old baby and you are 4 months pregnant, Well done lady that must be some record! ha ha! xx
lol there's like 3 and a half weeks difference I think! .... It really wasn't planned but at the same time we didn't listen to the midwives at the hospital who said if we weren't careful we'd be back in 9/10 months time.... haha oops! :D

and they're not everyday but I get them and then get this dizzy feeling without feeling dizzzy :/
Hey I haven't read any of the previous pages because, frankly, I'm lazy :rofl: Lol.

My name's Claire, married to Alan and my son, who'll be 3 next mont :)cry:) is called Jayden.

I'm currently Team Yellow but I'm very impatient so having a gender scan on Saturday! My due date is the 13th August and I'm sooo excited! xxx

Haha, I was the same! Had our gender scan at 16+2 and that felt like forever to come around! I admire those on Team Yellow- must have the patience of a saint!

I managed to stay on Team Yellow with my sons pregnancy, even after having a 4d scan at 26 weeks lol. But I htink that's because I already had that feeling that he was a boy, I was 99% sure since I had my scan at 14 weeks. But this time I'm getting girl vibes but I don't want to get my hopes up too high for 9 months (not that I'd be disappointed with another boy:haha:) so I just have to find out and luckily hubby has agreed for us to find out! But we don't want to tell anyone else the sex so we're going to keep it secret! Well...... try lol xxx

I am in exactly the same boat as you about finding out gender. In my heart I dearly want a girl but I am actually feeling boy vibes again. I won't be disappointed with a boy but would like to know asap.
lol there's like 3 and a half weeks difference I think! .... It really wasn't planned but at the same time we didn't listen to the midwives at the hospital who said if we weren't careful we'd be back in 9/10 months time.... haha oops! :D

and they're not everyday but I get them and then get this dizzy feeling without feeling dizzzy :/

Things happen for a reason hun! they will hopefully grow up to be really close, they will even be in same school year won't they? I think we were active within a month last time but I have to admit I went back on pill as soon as i could.

I wouldn't worry to much about the palpatations then unless you actually faint when you go dizzy.
Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow SO many Newbies .. Congrats and Welcome to all of you .. we are all a very happy chatty bunch on here so join in :)

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