3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Aww Congrats on your little girl whit :)

Proudmummy - did they say why baby's hb was skipping a beat? :( are you 100% sure it wasn't yours when you thought it was slower?

And babyboyle congrats on ttc - didn't know you had a blokey ;-) hopefully you'll get your bfp soon!!! :)
Charlie - yeah i'm very suprised but he is so keen for a baby, he already has a 7 year old son, who he has full custody of, who is a little sweetheart! Only problem is his name is Jack, and i wanted to call my first son Jackson (so that names out the window lol!)

He's purrrrrrrrrrfect, not been together long but everythings just slid into place (literally haha) and i'm extatic!

Still doing the midwifery access course, (currently avoiding doing an essay by being on here lol), but the good thing is if i hopefully fall quickly, i can still study, and i can apply to University when baby is older too as i have this access course :D YEeeeeeeyy!!!!

Not long for your scan Charlie!! Eeeekk!! xx
Aww Congrats on your little girl whit :)

Proudmummy - did they say why baby's hb was skipping a beat? :( are you 100% sure it wasn't yours when you thought it was slower?

And babyboyle congrats on ttc - didn't know you had a blokey ;-) hopefully you'll get your bfp soon!!! :)

Yep, it's definitely the baby's heartbeat. I feel my pulse and listen to the baby's the same time, both different beats. They can't really say what's wrong with the heartbeat, just that sometimes this happenes. Because the baby is growing, the heart is hard at work. But it's been happening for a few weeks now and now it keeps slowing down. It's probably nothing though and I'm just worrying for nothing. But being 18 weeks now, hopefully they may be able to check the heart, just to make sure everything is ok. My daughter does have a heart murmur (which is nothing, she's perfectly fine) could maybe be something like that. x
Aww do you get on with his son too? Better start thinking of new boys names just incase! Lol but sounds like you've got a good one there!

I think that it's really nice that you're doing a midwifery course! It's going to be well exciting when you do your work placements and you get to see/help deliver babies!! Sounds like your life is really settled :)

And Ahh I know, it's going reaaaally quick! Can't keep up with it lol thing is I'm now starting to feel the aches and pains which worries me because I have no choice but to pick up/carry/go walking with Stephen and my back is starting to get painful! Oh well :)

Proudmummy - I hope they can give you some reassurance! Hopefully it's just him working hard trying to grow etc :)
Aww Emily you have the perfect baby situation in my eyes! I want a boy then a girl! Ive got the boy this time round so lets hope the girl comes next in a few years!! Its hard for us coz of chris’s sperm probs we had when we were TTC obviously they are still going to exist next time round and we may not be so lucky with a little miracle so do I use contraception after ive had baby till we want another or do i stay off contraception and just make sure we don’t have sex in the 6/8 day fertile period until we are ready again – a risk i know but its hard! If i went on the pill it takes time for it to come out of the system again for some ppl so i don’t know!

Congrats on team pink Whit!!!! We are being dominated with pinks! And who said the males are the dominant species PAH!

Proudmummy have the suggested anything that could be the cause of the skipping? It cant be anything serious as they are not doing further tests etc. When you go for your 20 week scan they do a very detailed check on the heart anyway so not long for you till you can have that checked.

Wooooooooo andreabat thats amazing news!!!!!!!!! Time is flying isn’t it! Its so nice to be able to follow it with such a great bunch of girlies too!! Its great to be able to share experiences with everyone in the same boat, same weeks etc!! I love it :D
SO you should be at your scan now andrea!!!! Good luck and get the pics up! So excitedddddddddd!

BABYBOYLE you what!!!!!!!! Thats amazing news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek im so excited i might pee! So happy for you, found a great man and now TTC!!!!! Are you going the whole hog and doing charting, OPK’s etc or you just :sex: lots!!!! Awww i do miss TTC, and i bet Chris does too!!! I was all over him like a rash and then the BFP comes along and it all stops hehe! Please always come over on this thread to chat though and tell us how its all going like when your in TWW and all that jazz!!!!! Excitinggggggggggg!
Proudmummy - as you said its probably nothing but ill keep you in my thoughts! babys getting bigger & will be kicking lumps out you soon!!

Charlie - Yeah get on really well, always go to watch him train and play football, help with his homework he always wants a kiss goodnight and is very affectionate, its lovely :D

Have lots of male names i love anyway so thats not a problem haha :D

Ahh i can't wait to get a placement :) this access course has about another 11 months to go, but if it takes longer then it doesnt matter, as i hope to be pregnant before i go to Uni, then i can go after baby is older :D xx
:flower::flower::flower: How AWESOME to hear your news :flower::flower:

Hope it happens soon for you. Please keep us updated and hope you get your :bfp: soon hon ..

Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Luck :flower:
Thanks Andrea!!!!! :D

And Samira - i knowwwwwwwwwwwwwww lol.. We havent been together long, so not obviously shouting from the rooftops but we both want the same thing and clicked soooooo well.... Gone from the little boy that was Madisons dad, a 21yr old that lives at home, doesnt drive, crap unstable job (YAWN) to a 34yr old MAN, No issues,no paranoia, gorgeous son, very houseproud, has been mum & dad to Jack for 7 years, and ooh a FIREMAN hehe.. :D

Not charting or counting etc, as 1) i dont understand it lol (i am intelligent but i honestly dont have a clue!) and 2) took 8 months to concieve last year without charting but DTD a lot, but tbh i think having a heavily smoking drinking partner didnt help. This one's very active and healthy :D

Apparantly its very easy to fall quick after pregnancy or a loss, and hopefully my uterus is where it should be now (as it was posterior in pregnancy and Dr said that could of made it more difficult to get pregnant). I think it is as sex feels the same as it did when i was pregnant, so im HOPING!!!!!!!!!! :D

Stopped all the bleeding about 2 weeks ago, was naughtilly DTD a few times in the past 3/4 weeks, but been regular now! Im hoping for a cheeky BFP ill test end of April as im unsure if my hormones will still say pregnant at the mo!!

& Samira - Facebook profile pic - YUM! lol
(ESSAY!!!!) xxxx
oooh how exciting! there was a post about being in the top UK baby / pregnancy magazine on here yesterday for first time mummies and i responded. She said they needed 4 ladies to be part of a feature and apparently its about how much happier we are in our skin now we are pregs etc. Anyway i got her email address and sent her my story and she said her editor is quite interested in it and we will talk properly when she gets a response!!!!! they pay for all expenses for me and a friend / partner to go to london and get a full make over! i would have to do shots in a bikini though LOL!

how exciting!!!! i hope i get picked!!!! doubt it as theres gota be so many ppl that applied but still wooo! x
Thanks everyone :) I've had a word with the hospital and they said it would be best for the midwife to come round to see me tomorrow and listen to the heartbeat, and if she is worried then she will send me in for a few tests. Not much can be done now though as I'm only 18 weeks, but as samira said I have my 20 week scan next week, so will know more then.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for your BFP BabyBoyle x
Thanks Andrea!!!!! :D

And Samira - i knowwwwwwwwwwwwwww lol.. We havent been together long, so not obviously shouting from the rooftops but we both want the same thing and clicked soooooo well.... Gone from the little boy that was Madisons dad, a 21yr old that lives at home, doesnt drive, crap unstable job (YAWN) to a 34yr old MAN, No issues,no paranoia, gorgeous son, very houseproud, has been mum & dad to Jack for 7 years, and ooh a FIREMAN hehe.. :D

Not charting or counting etc, as 1) i dont understand it lol (i am intelligent but i honestly dont have a clue!) and 2) took 8 months to concieve last year without charting but DTD a lot, but tbh i think having a heavily smoking drinking partner didnt help. This one's very active and healthy :D

Apparantly its very easy to fall quick after pregnancy or a loss, and hopefully my uterus is where it should be now (as it was posterior in pregnancy and Dr said that could of made it more difficult to get pregnant). I think it is as sex feels the same as it did when i was pregnant, so im HOPING!!!!!!!!!! :D

Stopped all the bleeding about 2 weeks ago, was naughtilly DTD a few times in the past 3/4 weeks, but been regular now! Im hoping for a cheeky BFP ill test end of April as im unsure if my hormones will still say pregnant at the mo!!

& Samira - Facebook profile pic - YUM! lol
(ESSAY!!!!) xxxx

awwww so happy for you!!! he is yummy! he doesnt look 34!!!!!!!!

and you missy your gona have to stop your heavy drinkin :p says me miss drink my body in vodka before deciding to have a baby!

It is so easy to get pregs after a loss! i dont know if you know babyhopes on here -she was TTC for 2 years, got pregs and had a MC and shes pregs again now and all good so far!!!! and my friend had a MC back in sep and she is now 18 weeks! so i have lots of hope for you!

awww so :D your so happy!!!! xx
oooh how exciting! there was a post about being in the top UK baby / pregnancy magazine on here yesterday for first time mummies and i responded. She said they needed 4 ladies to be part of a feature and apparently its about how much happier we are in our skin now we are pregs etc. Anyway i got her email address and sent her my story and she said her editor is quite interested in it and we will talk properly when she gets a response!!!!! they pay for all expenses for me and a friend / partner to go to london and get a full make over! i would have to do shots in a bikini though LOL!

how exciting!!!! i hope i get picked!!!! doubt it as theres gota be so many ppl that applied but still wooo! x

WOW! That would be amazing if you got picked! Fingers crossed :D x
Good luck on TTC BabyBoyle! Hope it all works out for you and would love to hear how it all progresses :)
Cheers guys!

Samira - I knowwwwwww lol. I needed a good few nights out to chill out! My body was like "WOO ALCOHOL!"

Ill have a look up on Babyhopes! :D

Im sure you will get picked too, you're gorge :D xx
Aww Emily you have the perfect baby situation in my eyes! I want a boy then a girl! Ive got the boy this time round so lets hope the girl comes next in a few years!! Its hard for us coz of chris’s sperm probs we had when we were TTC obviously they are still going to exist next time round and we may not be so lucky with a little miracle so do I use contraception after ive had baby till we want another or do i stay off contraception and just make sure we don’t have sex in the 6/8 day fertile period until we are ready again – a risk i know but its hard! If i went on the pill it takes time for it to come out of the system again for some ppl so i don’t know!

Congrats on team pink Whit!!!! We are being dominated with pinks! And who said the males are the dominant species PAH!

Yeah we always said we only wanted 2 - so it really is perfect having one of each...... OH feels abit weird about having a daughter, he hasn't said anything but I know him so well I know hes worried.
He has said in the past that hes a worrier and he will be worried about our daughter esp when she hits her teens, but I think its just a man thing :thumbup:

I haven't brought anything pink yet - I was in town yesterday and picked up lots of cute outfits and put them down again! I don't think its sunk in yet!

If I was you I wouldn't go back on the pill - you can just avoid your fertile days and you know what if you did have an accident then it would be meant to be :winkwink:
My best mate is in a similar situation and took her 3 years to fall with her bean (shes 3 weeks ahead of me) they have already said they are not going to go back on contraception as they want a 2/3 year age gap between lo's. x
Hubby wants to have another baby straight after this one... lol I have already told him that its not happening!
Cheers guys!

Samira - I knowwwwwww lol. I needed a good few nights out to chill out! My body was like "WOO ALCOHOL!"

Ill have a look up on Babyhopes! :D

Im sure you will get picked too, you're gorge :D xx

Shes on my friends list as theres a few babyhopes out there!

fankooo :D i hope so! never done ne thing like it before! x
Aww Emily you have the perfect baby situation in my eyes! I want a boy then a girl! Ive got the boy this time round so lets hope the girl comes next in a few years!! Its hard for us coz of chris’s sperm probs we had when we were TTC obviously they are still going to exist next time round and we may not be so lucky with a little miracle so do I use contraception after ive had baby till we want another or do i stay off contraception and just make sure we don’t have sex in the 6/8 day fertile period until we are ready again – a risk i know but its hard! If i went on the pill it takes time for it to come out of the system again for some ppl so i don’t know!

Congrats on team pink Whit!!!! We are being dominated with pinks! And who said the males are the dominant species PAH!

Yeah we always said we only wanted 2 - so it really is perfect having one of each...... OH feels abit weird about having a daughter, he hasn't said anything but I know him so well I know hes worried.
He has said in the past that hes a worrier and he will be worried about our daughter esp when she hits her teens, but I think its just a man thing :thumbup:

I haven't brought anything pink yet - I was in town yesterday and picked up lots of cute outfits and put them down again! I don't think its sunk in yet!

If I was you I wouldn't go back on the pill - you can just avoid your fertile days and you know what if you did have an accident then it would be meant to be :winkwink:
My best mate is in a similar situation and took her 3 years to fall with her bean (shes 3 weeks ahead of me) they have already said they are not going to go back on contraception as they want a 2/3 year age gap between lo's. x

I guess so! thats what im scared of, going on pill then coming off when we want one and taking a long time to conceive! ahh you similar situ to me, me and both my best friends were pregs at same time! one of them had her baba in Feb and the other is a week behind me! its funny coz the youngest of us had her baby first, then im in the middle with baba in the middle then the oldest of us is due the latest! is so weird we all grew up in school together and our kiddies are all gona be in the same year at school! xx
Thanks Andrea!!!!! :D

And Samira - i knowwwwwwwwwwwwwww lol.. We havent been together long, so not obviously shouting from the rooftops but we both want the same thing and clicked soooooo well.... Gone from the little boy that was Madisons dad, a 21yr old that lives at home, doesnt drive, crap unstable job (YAWN) to a 34yr old MAN, No issues,no paranoia, gorgeous son, very houseproud, has been mum & dad to Jack for 7 years, and ooh a FIREMAN hehe.. :D

Not charting or counting etc, as 1) i dont understand it lol (i am intelligent but i honestly dont have a clue!) and 2) took 8 months to concieve last year without charting but DTD a lot, but tbh i think having a heavily smoking drinking partner didnt help. This one's very active and healthy :D

Apparantly its very easy to fall quick after pregnancy or a loss, and hopefully my uterus is where it should be now (as it was posterior in pregnancy and Dr said that could of made it more difficult to get pregnant). I think it is as sex feels the same as it did when i was pregnant, so im HOPING!!!!!!!!!! :D

Stopped all the bleeding about 2 weeks ago, was naughtilly DTD a few times in the past 3/4 weeks, but been regular now! Im hoping for a cheeky BFP ill test end of April as im unsure if my hormones will still say pregnant at the mo!!

& Samira - Facebook profile pic - YUM! lol
(ESSAY!!!!) xxxx

I tested the day of my 6 week check up after Stephen (as I was about to go on the pill) and it said negative (even though I was about 3 weeks pregnant!) - so I think pregnancy hormones disappear quite quickly?
Hubby wants to have another baby straight after this one... lol I have already told him that its not happening!

lol my OH joked as I was pregnant with Stephen about having one straight after... I was like Nooooooooo!! Then oh look my kids have a 10 month gap :dohh: lol :) When they say you're "extra" fertile - believe them! :)

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