3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

batty- glad you are ok! And that you went for help!!! That's awesome! Proud of you!

natalie- ahhh a leaky boob! Already?! Wow! My luck it'll happen at work on me!!!!
I know!!! i was shocked!!! and shocked how it made me feel!!! very self concieous even around DH!!!!
Charlie - Im getting it done at 28 weeks which they say apparently is the best time to get it done and that's on the 13 May .. cant wait :o)

Natalie .. we are all going to go through it but it can't be pleasant esp if u are at work and not prepared for it :o(

Sarah .. actually at the end of the day it's your baby - your decision. It has nothing to do with anybody else what you do and you should tell them that. And yes it does get annoying when ppl start telling u u should do this and that and how to bring up your child .. that really gets my blood boiling !!!!

Batty .. glad u went to get help hon .. nothing worse suffering in silence because it really does make it so much worse and it's good when someone who knows what they are talking about puts things into perspective. Take care sweetheart and no we are al right here if u need us :o)

Dare to dream .. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay that glorious movement moment .. such an amazing feeling .. gets better too .. I keep getting little kicks if i sit in a funny position .. clearly my little man does not like being squashed .. laugh .. :o)

Love Kyrstal .. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay 21 weeks .. all downhill from here they say :o)
Hey ladies, i think i can say definitely- just felt baby move!! Like little pokes in my lower abdomen below my belly button! So awesome! :dance: First time i feel like it REALLY was baby!

Aww bless! It's such a wonderful feeling isn't it?
The husband felt the baby kick for the first time the weekend. He was nearly in tears.
I had a terrible nights sleep last night. Was awake till 4am. Thought I'd better get up, then the baby started kicking. So was feeling him kick my hand for an hour then fell to sleep. :flower:
Morning all!!

sorry i dont come on at the weekends! i dont have net at home at the mo and my phone is like 5 years old so no internet for me at the weekend! its nice but annoying at the same time!!

AndreaBat congrats again :D your avatar pic is fab!!! xx

OOohhhh so excited for more scans this week!!!! its all moving so fast!!!!!!!!!!

hahahah krystal ive done exactly the same thing before - it was soooo embarassing but funny at the same time! luckily it was at the end so not a passion killer....much!

Daretodream thats fab news!!!!!!!!!! such an amazing feeling isnt it! i feel mine everyday now which is sooo amazing! he always seems to be more awake at night time though! or maybe thats when im sat still and feel it??

eeek battynora your scan is today!!!! are you still staying team yellow or going to find out?! i guess your on your way now so il find out when your back hehe! good luck!!!!!!!!

Nat my placenta is the same! cushions it so much! i feel little pops now but its nothing strong! chris has felt it once which was amazing to share that with him but thats all at the mo! hopefully in a couple more weeks it will be really strong :D x

so update on me! ive had severe back pain over the weekend! last night i was sat watching a movie with OH and got up and could barely walk! luckily ive got a pelvic girdle and back class to go to this week reffered by my midwife so will be taught exercises etc to help!!!

how nice was it this weekend!!! couldnt believe it!!! woooo summer nearly here!!!! xx
Baby being a bugger, have to wait another month to finish the anomaly scan!
urgh!! i feel crap!

went to a baby shower at the weekend (which was fab) but the pics have just been posted and i found myself untagging!!! i look so fat! i mean in my face and my body in general its just gross!!!! it might of been the jumper i was wearing but i now feel awful!!! :( it will pass im sure but i want to look yummy pregnant!!!! thats it! i need to go shopping asap and get some flattering clothes! NEVER wearing that jumper again LOL

oh nooo batty!!! well on the plus side you get to see baba again :D why a month to wait? did you deicde to find out sex in the end? xx
i regularly find myself doing that ATM! Nothing seems to be very flattering right now :( maybe as i get a little bigger it will be 100% obvious that its a bump and not just a chubby belly... does your FB journal not work?? or is it just my comp no letting me??
oh i dont know why its not working :S

ummm search ickle bean journal, il try fix it :) x
Hey girls!! Just on my way for my 20 week scan!! :D hope baby isn't goin to be a pain again like at the 12 week scan!! :)

Batty - glad to see you're back!! and how comes you have to wait a month? That seems like so long away! Bet it goes quick though! And like Samira said you get to see your baby again!!

And Samira I bet you did look yummy pregnant! You're probably just looking at yourself negatively! :)
Charlie!!! awesome! Good luck with the scan!!! i still have to wait two days! argh!!!

Morning ladies, hope you all are well today- good luck to all the ladies who have scans today!! i work all day, from 11-7, so might not make it back on again tonight. will TRY to peek by phone to see the results for scans though!!!!

Can't wait to hear the teams! There are a few girls going today right? for some reason i feel there are!

Had another dream today that my mother had bought all this boy stuff and i told her that it was a boy- and she said she just knew it was a boy- and i told her that she had told me she thought it was a girl, and blah blah she said oh well i wasn't saying that definite. LOL it was just like my mom. She can't stand saying she was wrong- or that she doesn't know. It was kind of funny actually. So really dying to see if my recent dreams are right.
Happy Monday folks :) I can't keep up with this thread so just randomly posting, possibly in the middle of a discussion about something else! Things to note in my existence:

1. I was really tired at the weekend. Like really... Been sleeping so badly and I'm tossing and turning all night to try and get comfy. But then of course by the time I have to get up I'm shattered and could fall asleep on a pin-head!

2. Exciting news 1: I pick up my new car on Wednesday night!

3. Exciting news 2: We're off to Lanzarote on Thursday!

4. I had a good old waxing session at lunchtime to prepare for hols, I feel like a new woman again! And the waxing lady was very good considering she had my belly to contend with, she's obviously seen it all before!!

5. I had a cuddle with my friend's 6-day old bub on Friday, she is so beautiful and tiny! Am in love!

6. The only food I have left for the day is a banana and two satsumas - I could eat a whole stable of horses!
Heeey - everythink with baby is ok :) Right on target! They wouldn't tell us the sex, so have to wait for our gender scan which is on the 4th April (so not long!!)

Here's Baby Wilson :) Any guesses?


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