Hi everyone,
Beach lover invited me to the 3rd time lucky club so I've jumped at the chance to join in and thought I would introduce myself.
I am 27 and have been married for nearly four years. We were TTC for two years and fell pregnant end of July, turned out to be a BO/MMC diagnosed Aug 09. Strangely enough I got my second BFP in October 09 but mc about ten days later (assume chemical). GP says its just bad luck.
I got my third BFP on Friday and I am petrified, but hoping and praying that this one is ok! I've never made it past 6 weeks so every day counts.
Just wondered, did you all have early scans? My GP thought it best to wait to see him until I missed my second period, so I'd be like 8 weeks. I would have thought that as a high risk maybe he should see me sooner?!