Poshie - I am glad your m/w appointment went well yesterday hun and, my FX that you get a scano date very soon hun
Beachlover - When are your appointments hun? I am feeling abit uncomfortable today and getting cramps but, I know its coz I need a poo

I haven't been taking my fybergel twice a day as they say and, I think that is the problem
Omiomen - I know you feel disappointed hun but, the best place is hospital hun. For every scary story you hear about hospital births there are loads of really good positive ones. One of my friends wanted a home birth for her 1st child but was talked into going into hospital instead bloomin' good job too as she had to have an emergancy c-section as baby went into distress. I hope that doesn't happen to you obviously I was just giving an example. On a really good note big

for m/w finding the hb super quick.
I am beging to feel quite hopeful as, today is 6wks by my dates and, I have had no bleeding!!! This is the longest I have been pregnant so far! FX that this continues! Just had a phone call from my m/w and she is coming round this Sunday @10am

I am going to be so tired! I have my works christmas do and I wont be back until at least 2am!!!! She also told me my 12wk scan is on 11/01/10 @11:30am

I haven't even had my early scan yet! Talk about feeling like you are running befofre you can walk!