Hi everyone!
I'm so glad I have this place I can write a few things down. I just can't bring myself to make a journal yet and I can't keep posting in LTTTC - it's not fair. So, I'm feeling quite sick and tired today

. Not as much as last time, but then I'm less than 7 weeks, so I won't go wishing for sickness too much - I hated it last time!!
It's so nice to hear how everyone is getting on all at different stages.
Beachlover - I remember that stage, it's quite worrying isn't it?! I remember being really glad to go to midwife appointment at 16 weeks and listening to heartbeat because I didn't really feel pregnant at that stage.
Samzi, I'm so excited for you. It actually made me cry when I read that your little one is 3/5 engaged (I'm kind of emotional right now!!), It sounds really stupid I guess, but it's just the thought of getting to that stage and hearing everything is on track and going well, it's fantastic.
Omiomen - It's great when people "recognise" your bump isn't it?! I can't wait to have a proper bump again.
Poshie - hey hun, so glad I can join you. Glad to hear it's all going well.
My tummy is popping already. I have just come back from an all inclusive holiday but seriously, my tummy is already looking pregnant. I was about 12 weeks last time it was like this. Oh please, please, please let me get there. I so badly want this baby.
When I went for my scan the other day, there was a woman going into the labour ward - the receptionist asked if she was a birth partner and she said yes. I was so jealous that someone was giving birth at that time to what I assume was a healthy baby. I was really upset (stupid, but like I say, I'm emotional!). Dh said to me, you'll be there soon. I just don't know if I can believe it. I'm just so scared and can't see it happening for me. I soooo hope it does.