3rd Time Lucky Club

Hey all

Hope alls ok! I had another episode of lazy baby for 36 hours so ended up in hospital again on a monitor yesterday!! obviously he woke up as soon as i got on the bed but prior to that there was NOTHING all day and night!!! grrrrrrrrrrr

anyway, since it has happened twice, i had to be scanned today....all is good with LO, he really is just lazy!! Head is down (after being told im breech yesterday by a MW) and the best news is is that the placenta has MOVED!!! so, im good to push! now just gotta get thru the next 7 weeks!

Where is everyone??

Good to hear you grads are doing well with your LOs, yep a 3rd time lucky grad club is a must ;-) xxx
I am glad the placenta has moved BL. :happydance:

They have a BnB groups in the Lounge Area so we'll have to start a group there once we have a few more grad's, which won't me too long now!
Hey girls

popping in with some love nd hugs for you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

:hug: :hugs: :hugs2: :kiss: :flower:
Morning ladies :) (is there anyone out there?)

I had to scroll down a long way to find this thread :(

Anyway, how are we doing? How was your GTT BL?

I'm generally finding things tougher these days. Hurt my ankle which is now week and also my knee. Finding it hard to get comfortable at night so feeling very tired during the day, especially in the afternoons. Going to ask if I can cut my hours a bit now, leading up to my last day which is 3 weeks on Friday.

I have another mw appt tomorrow, when I will have my last blood taken to check iron levels, to see if my tablets have helped up it a bit.

Pip has been very active since about 30 weeks and has been booting my ribs alot which is quite uncomfortable.

Can't believe it's nearly time to pop! :shock:
Morning all

yeah its sooooo quiet around here these days. All good here, GTT came back fine, so thats good!! I cant believe its only 6 more weeks now Poshie!! I spent the whole weekend doing baby jobs!! Nursery is done almost bar the accesories. Bags are packed....one for labour, one for after labour for me and LO, carpets are cleaned, baby stuff washed...im getting sorted yey!!!!

How is everyone else??

Poshie, hows the ankle?? Im fining its pretty easy to strain and stretch muscles just now!! Im sooooooooooooooo uncomfy at night, sleeping is CRAP and bordering on non existant!!!!

Come on girls are you all ok?? xxx
BL, Yes same here! Should have mentioned it but sleeping is not happening. I am snoring so badly too that poor DH is suffering too. I just CANNOT get comfortable anymore.

Yes, I think you are right about strains being more easy at this stage. My ankle is okay, but some days it is sore and it won't take much for it to really hurt again. DH says its like being an old lady and I should act accordingly - great!

You sound very organised BL. I really need to get my bags packed and ready.... :blush:
Oh and we haven't even been for the hospital tour yet!

Glad your GTT test was ok :D
Morning :D

My ankle pain has been replaced with foot pain and now in both feet! The bit where your foot goes into your leg, so top of foot. Painful to walk which isn't much cop. Went shopping yesterday and it nearly killed me. Think I'm reaching that point of it all getting too much and I just can't do as much. I knew I'd be feeling it at some point in 3rd tri and it appears now is that time.

Still, EDD is frighteningly close now. Had our last antenatal class on Wednesday and we are all getting together at one couple's house for a BBQ next week. Dog is invited too! So I think we will keep in touch with some if not all the couples which is nice.

Still need to get a crib/cot sorted. Thinking about getting one of these alongside ones so that you barely have to move to feed or see to baby. We have plenty of room either side of our bed so it shouldn't be a problem.

Still haven't packed hopsital bag either - was going to try to do that this weekend.

Hope everyone else is okay? It would be good to hear from you x
its so quite around here, im assuming everyone ok!!

Im like you now poshie, im really tired and things like shopping arent so comfy and things are getting a bit much!!

Im glad i got sorted a bit earlier now! I washed a pile of muslins and towels today to soften them up, nursery is pretty much there and as i mentioned bags are packed. I dont really feel ready.....yikes!!

GOt my MW check on Tues for 35 weeks, cant believe the time is flying now! My Manager is being an arse, making me fit appts around "business needs" i really had to fight for my appt this coming week as it clashed with a training session, if i couldnt have made it id not have seen MW for 4 weeks!!!!!!....no way at this stage!!

I put in to use my last weeks anual leave from the 2-9th July so mat leave starts on the 12th....my manager hasnt approved it and i had an email from her saying "please call about this" so im guessing she will reject!! my MW will go mad as she wants me done by 37 weeks.

hope alls well with everyone!! xxx
hey girls,

how are you doing?

just a flying visit - bk in cyprus so borrowing a m8s tinterweb -

will add some piccies to my journal if u facny a look xxxxxxxx
Hello (is there anybody out there??)

BL - sorry to hear work aren't making it easy for you. How did you get on re maternity leave etc? My last day of work is 9 July but I don't start my ML til my edd which is 29 July. So my return to work date is 29 April (at the moment) so 39 weeks.

I had a mw appt yesterday which went well. Only thing is I have to go for a presentation scan as she's now 'not entirely sure' which way baby is lying. She seems to be blaming my strong stomach muscles which make it more difficult for her to feel. Up til then, she's said cephalic roa. My scan date is 9 July which is also my last day at work. It could turn out that baby is indeed the right way, but I guess at least this way we will find out for sure. Be kinda cool to see pip again too ;)

Been having some treatment on my feet and my left foot is pretty much better, which is great. My right foot is now the issue but I'm hoping with some treatment that will improve too. ;)
God girls, sorry I haven't been on!! I'm in hospital!!!!!!! I have been here almost a week. I was in Kingston 2 hours from home on sat and suffered a large bleed! Anyway i came to hospital and bled even worse! I was prepped for a section and a transfusion. I stabilized and all slowed to a stop. I had a scan here on tues and it showed my placenta is les than 1cm from cervix. I am not allowed to leave!!! They have booked me in for a section on 13 th July. I am 2 hours min from home and gutted!!!! I'm not even ready at home. So all on all it's a bit crap but most importantly baby is fine!!!

The bleeding has started again today so we will see how it all progresses. I'll keep you posted.

Other than that glad to hear all is well poshie and now I have my charger I'll be on the net all day!!! X
Oh goodness you poor thing BL! :hugs: What a week you've had then! Glad to hear things seemed to have stabilised. Hope baby can hang on in there for a while yet. Keep us posted :hug:
Shit girls ...... I'm having my baby today. Been bleeding all night so I'm off to theatre in a couple of hours!!! Xxx
Hi all! thought id peep my head in to say hello as i havent been here in a while lol. How is everyone doing?

Not long now Poshie are you all prepared?

beachlover please keep us updated when u can and i hope you are okay!

Im 16 weeks today and really cannot believe ive made it this far i truley didnt think it was possible but it is and im over the moon.
Oh my goodness, BEST OF LUCK BEACHLOVER!!!! Not as you would have planned it I know, but lots of love to you and baby BL. Hope you can update us later. Big :hugs: :hug:

Hello Zoe, good to hear from you. Wow, 16 weeks! How is your pregnancy going? Do you have a date for your 20 week scan? Yes time is flying. Four weeks left for me and I'm kind of ready ;) Won't be getting his moses basket til my sister comes down which won't be til she gets the call to say I'm in labour! Other than that, I think I've got most things.......start my ML next Friday so I have a few last bits to get and house to organise.
best of luck Beachlover :hugs:

not long left now Poshie!

Happy 16weeks Zoe

sending you all hugs
Just checking in to see if there's any news from you BL......I am thinking of you and hoping everything has gone ok and you're currently busy with your baby boy :hugs:
I'v not being on to check on you all for a while and it looks like we have another graduate by now! I hope it all went well BL. :hugs: I look forward to seeing your little man and hearing a update.

Not long left for you now Poshie. I hope you don't go overdue, it sounds like you have got to the point where it feel like enough (I guess the one good thing about having a planned c-section was I knew when I was having him, lol).

Not long until the 20 week scan for you Zoe! :thumbup:

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