4 Leaf Clover IVF / ICSI Buddies

Tanya and Mendy - so glad to hear you are both getting through the 2WW. Just keep busy and you will be done before you know it. (I know easy for me to say)

Beckic - I am so pleased to hear your lil embies made it to transfer. How blessed you are to have 2 transferred. I am keeping my fingers crossed you will have twins growing in no time. Yeah for seeing your first ever BFP tomorrow. I did the same thing.
Beckic- YAY for being PUPO with 2 embies!!! Glad all went well, although sorry about the full bladder, it's just torture, isn't it?!
Okay ladies, none of us will be left behind, I expect us all to announce our BFP's very soon!!!


Been stalking this thread for a while and am delighted so many of you are now Pupo! can't wait to hear all the BFPs being announced!! yay. Big congrats to Akcher

I would like to join this thread as i am hoping to start treatment in August, just waititng for :witch: to arrive so I can ring up and order my drugs for day 19. The trouble is I had a miscarriage nearly 4 weeks ago and i don't know when it will arrive could be in a few days could be in another month. My miscarriage was at 9weeks and was an unexpected pregnancy. I was due to start ICSI late May but ended up getting pregnant naturally which was amzing as I have blocked fallopian tubes. Anyway I am back to where i was in April waiting for the :witch: and uber health living. My acupuncturists advised me to see a chinese herbalist as well as her in order to get my blood stronger in time for ICSI as miscarriage can take it out of you. It is costing an arm and a leg but i hope it will be worth it.

Mrs G - hopefully we will be going through this at the same time roughly! be good to have firends to share this with. :hugs:
Morning girls,

Brambletess - I was stalking you in the May thread - and so very sad to hear of your loss - crossing fingers that the witch shows her ugly face v soon so you can get started on your treatment and a BFP - which you truly deserve.

As for my update today - I did a 10miu test this morning - as I have decided to do a test each day to see the hcg go out of my ystem - and then hopefully a true BFP a few days later - AND it was a BFN!!??!!:shrug:
Really confused as I thought the hcg was in your system for about 10 days - and I only took it 4 days ago? Could my tests be faulty / have I done it wrong - or can it truly have gone already? I bought the 10miu cos I thought they were supposed to be really sensitive - so really surprised that it was negative.

TBH was a bit gutted cos I really wanted to see that BFP for the first time in my life - I cant even get a BFP when they artifically give me hcg!!!:haha::haha:
Oh well - hopefully the first time I see one it will be in two weeks time and will be for real.:winkwink:

Mendy - hope you are doing well hun - are you still thinking of testing tomorrow?

:hugs::hugs::hugs:to Robin, Akcher, Mrs G and all the August girls (and special ones for Tanya if you are still popping by)..

bx x x

Been stalking this thread for a while and am delighted so many of you are now Pupo! can't wait to hear all the BFPs being announced!! yay. Big congrats to Akcher

I would like to join this thread as i am hoping to start treatment in August, just waititng for :witch: to arrive so I can ring up and order my drugs for day 19. The trouble is I had a miscarriage nearly 4 weeks ago and i don't know when it will arrive could be in a few days could be in another month. My miscarriage was at 9weeks and was an unexpected pregnancy. I was due to start ICSI late May but ended up getting pregnant naturally which was amzing as I have blocked fallopian tubes. Anyway I am back to where i was in April waiting for the :witch: and uber health living. My acupuncturists advised me to see a chinese herbalist as well as her in order to get my blood stronger in time for ICSI as miscarriage can take it out of you. It is costing an arm and a leg but i hope it will be worth it.

Mrs G - hopefully we will be going through this at the same time roughly! be good to have firends to share this with. :hugs:

Hi, I was so pleased to read you got your :bfp: before your treatment started and then devastated for you at your loss. :hug:

I'm guessing you're going to Bristol? I looked at the clinic there,they have a shorter waiting list than Salisbury but it's just a bit too far away for us. I'm also going to acupunturist and also waiting for the arrival of :witch:!! She's due anytime after tomorrow. It will be so nice to have someone to share this with. I've been stalking these poor girls here and I'm sure they're sick of me by now!!

Kath xx
i think u should take the summer 09 bit out and make it the permanat 4 leaf clover ivf/icsi buddies thead cos i think its a brilliant thread and seems very popular

good plan! Will you be sticking around with us?? Not at all long til Sept

Bec, that :bfp: WILL be for real in a few days time. Confused about the 10mui but it'll make it all the more special when you do get it!!
Mendy and Tanya have you tested???

hi girls:flower:

I am on a BnB break till Monday but forgot to tell u girls so popping in just to let u know i will be back on Monday.. just need to try and give my mind a break from too much ttc talk or i will go crazy.. this 2WW is so hard!! its already doing me good to step away from the laptop and google lol.. i test next wednesday..blood test.. so i am sure i will get nervous from monday...

I have changed the name of the thread so that it is for all IVF / ICSI buddies.... great idea wrightywhales..

ok.. so over and out for me for now.. l

Good luck girls and Mendy good luck for testing on Monday, I will pop in to check on u:hugs:


love to u all

Hello ladies,

Made it over to this thread, thanks for the invite.

For those that hadn't read my wee story on 'Aug IVF Buddies', here is my story so far:

Me 32 and DH 29 have been TTC for 2 years and in March of this year, via a Lap n Dye, it was discovered that I have severe endometriosis. So have been on Zoladex for 3 months now, due to get my Prostap injection on Tuesday 28th July and then to be starting the stimms approx 11th August, or thereabouts depending on when :witch: decides to show up.

Dont have any children yet, so hoping that this is our time for a :baby:

We were at the clinic on Tuesday to sign consent forms and to pay the money (aarrgghh!!) and we were talking to the nurse about 1 or 2 embryo transfer. I dont know what to do, DH wants to use just one as thats what the docs are recommending however I wamt to give this the best chance and want to use 2 but I'm worried about the complications.

Also I have decided to take baby asprin and go for accupuncture, have any of you ladies thought about these also?

Look forward to hearing your stories and making new friends :hugs:

(Was going to read the thread to catch up...but its 31 pages long...boy oh boy you ladies can talk!!! :wacko:)
Hello ladies!

:hi: Brambletess and angelcakes! Good luck on your upcoming IVF!!!

Beckic-- I am thinking on doing an HPT tomorrow morning, but I'm not promising anything cause I may chicken out! :rofl:

It's hard to explain, I want to know, but I don't. I want to know if it will be positive, but then again if it's negative I don't want to know cause I want to keep believing I am preggers at least for a while longer...make sense? LOL!

Tanya--Looking forward to Monday! Lots of luck! Can't wait to hear that BFP!

Fully understand Mendy - it is nice just feeling pregnant isnt it - I keep getting so excited and just have to stop cos i know this might not work - but right now I feel really special - my boss rang earlier to see how I was and he said that he 'has a good feeling' about it - which got me even more excited - which is just stupid - its going to be a tough come down!:dohh:

Crossing everything for you hun whatever you decide re testing - and cos of damn time difference I will have to check BnB on my blackberry when i wake up in the middle of the night to go to the loo (which I do at least three times a night at the moment - thanks progesterone!) - soooo want this for you - you deserve it.
:hugs::hugs::hugs:to you sweetie.

Bx x x
Angelcakes - Welcome! Aug will be here in no time.
Mrs G - So excited for you! Just a few more days.
Brambletess - Thank you. I was heartbroken to hear of your loss. You're positive attitude is inspiring.
Mendy - I know how you feel. I started testing way too early and got gutted when I saw BFNs. Keep us updated if you test!
Tanya - Rest up girl. Taking a break is a great idea or else it will drive you mad!
Beckic - The only time I got a BFP on the trigger shot was a the day of. And it was very faint. It was nice to see that BFP finally though!
Ladies, I updated my journal earlier today, but forgot to update on here.

So...I tested this morning and....it's a BFP!!!!

I don't want to get my hopes up too high though, just in case it's the trigger shot. It's been 13 days, and I've googled and read it takes 10 days to get out of your system, but others say 12 and even 14.

So...I'm gonna keep testing over the weekend and hopefully this is IT!

I am trying SOOO hard to not get overly excited, just in case!!!


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OMG hun - as promised I am up at 4.40 in the morning over here sitting at my mac with an early morning cuppa to check up on you - (after the loo) you were the first thing I thought of - and I can now go back to bed happy :happydance::happydance:
SUch wonderul wonderful news hunni - I did a HPT 4 days after trigger shot and it was a BFN - so i honestly thinki this is for real hun.
OMG you're PREGNANT!!!!!

Rest up, send us all some of that 4 leaf clover luck and let yourself get (a little bit) excited!!!!!


Bx x x :hugs::hugs:
YAY Mendy!!!! The four leaf clover works again!!

So pleased for you hun. Snuggle in tight little bean.

Hi, I would just like to introduce myself... (I have posted a more indepth intro in the Long Term and Assisted Conception board) I have just collected my medication and hope to start ICSI as soon as my AF arrives (around 26th July)

Anyway it will be so nice getting to know you all.... xxx
Hi! I'm new too. I'm 43 and 11 months, and DH and I are TTC.

This thread cheered me up last weekend while I waited for my beta test on Tuesday. (Thanks!!) Everyone here was testing a bit after July 14 so I didn't jump in since this is probably my last time. :yellowcard:

Well, I got a BFP (beta was 47 tuesday, 137 Friday) but they won't test me again until July 28 when they do an ultrasound. So, another wait! :coffee:

I'm struggling to let the good news sink in, since mc at my age is 40-60%. Flipside of that is maybe someone can take away something from hearing my facts/data. I did assisted hatching this time (after 5 IUIs and one very wooly IVF experience!), and I think that helped alot.

Good luck to everyone, right now and in decisions on next steps.
hi sammy - :hugs::hugs::hugs: crossing everything for another 4 leaf clover bfp coming your way.

MaryB - congratulations on the bfp hun :happydance:- thats brilliant news - and hoping that your little one is snuggling in nicely.

b x x
sorry to butt in your thread girls.. but my mum found a four leafed clover today on holidays.. and she text me to pass on the luck. so i would love to pass it on to all of you for your bfps!!!!! :hugs:
I took another HPT this morning and the line was lighter! I don't know if it's the hcg leaving the system or what, but today I used FMU and yesterday was second morning urine and yesterday's was darker.

I'm scared to death that this may be the trigger still, although today is now day 14 since my trigger shot.

Do you any of you know why the line would be getting lighter? My DH did say that yesterday's urine looks darker than today, even though yesterday was second morning urine. So I don't know what to think, I'm sooo confused!!

I will post the pictures of the second test later on today so you all can tell me what you think.

Sammy2009 good luck on your ICSI cycle!
MaryB congrats on the BFP!

Dippy Yvanne- How cool! Thanks so much for passing on the luck, we need it!

I took another HPT this morning and the line was lighter! I don't know if it's the hcg leaving the system or what, but today I used FMU and yesterday was second morning urine and yesterday's was darker.

I'm scared to death that this may be the trigger still, although today is now day 14 since my trigger shot.

Do you any of you know why the line would be getting lighter? My DH did say that yesterday's urine looks darker than today, even though yesterday was second morning urine. So I don't know what to think, I'm sooo confused!!

I will post the pictures of the second test later on today so you all can tell me what you think.

Sammy2009 good luck on your ICSI cycle!

MaryB congrats on the BFP!

Dippy Yvanne- How cool! Thanks so much for passing on the luck, we need it!


Thanks Mendy and good luck for your BFP... i really feel as though i know nothing now I have read some of your threads!!! And here was me thinking i knew all there was to know about ICSI,.... ha ha. Well i dont. I still have a lot to learn and not much time to learn it in! :dohh: I have read so many threads on forums about it and a friend from another forum i was once on has helped me a lot as well. I really hope you will be able to offer me your knowledge and help me through trying to understand it all. Best of luck to EVERYONE who is TTC with or without ICSI/IVF. :hugs::hugs:

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