4 Leaf Clover IVF / ICSI Buddies

Thanks guys

Sammy- I am glad nurse showed went through injections with me - they talked about it a month ago when we first decided to go for ICSI and I had really forgotten, so needed them to explain again. As for cost - meds are covered by Gov't!! So $8500 is for whole EC/ET, Genetic testing etc. Just a lot of money up front!!

Mrs G - It's all quick - I guess I am on a short thing - it is just standard here in Australia - you do down reg drugs at same time as stims?!
Love the new ticker cupcake!! I guess it's a toss up between you paying for short protocol and me getting a long one on NHS!!

Mary - Congrats on the twins hun, thats excellent news. So what is your due date?

Sammy - Hope you're feeling better today, you looking forward to the transfer tomorrow? Let us know how many fertilised? Good luck, have you decided how many to transfer?

Well I went for a scan/blood test today to see how I'm responding to the stimms, turns out I may be hyper-stimulating. Have 14 follies on left and 15 on the right!!! So I'm booked in for my egg collection on Friday and transfer on Monday. So I still have a couple of hurdles to jump but we're getting closer.

Anyone else over/hyper-stimulated?

Hope you are all well :hugs:
Mary - Congrats on the twins hun, thats excellent news. So what is your due date?

Sammy - Hope you're feeling better today, you looking forward to the transfer tomorrow? Let us know how many fertilised? Good luck, have you decided how many to transfer?

Well I went for a scan/blood test today to see how I'm responding to the stimms, turns out I may be hyper-stimulating. Have 14 follies on left and 15 on the right!!! So I'm booked in for my egg collection on Friday and transfer on Monday. So I still have a couple of hurdles to jump but we're getting closer.

Anyone else over/hyper-stimulated?

Hope you are all well :hugs:

Hi, No not really im still sore inside so now im dreading ET even more... that catheter being put up inside me when already sore and hurting... great! I will let you know how many fertilised. We have to ring the doctors tomorrow morning between 9.30 and 10.30am but i bet they won't tell us then. We are going in for ET sometime in the afternoon (they will tell us tomorrow mornig what time) We are going to have two embies put back in if two have fertilised that is!!!

29 follies!!!! Oh my word! I think i must have been "under" stimulating then with 6!!! lol. Oooh not long now... wishing you all the very best! :hugs:
Mary - Congrats on the twins hun, thats excellent news. So what is your due date?

Sammy - Hope you're feeling better today, you looking forward to the transfer tomorrow? Let us know how many fertilised? Good luck, have you decided how many to transfer?

Well I went for a scan/blood test today to see how I'm responding to the stimms, turns out I may be hyper-stimulating. Have 14 follies on left and 15 on the right!!! So I'm booked in for my egg collection on Friday and transfer on Monday. So I still have a couple of hurdles to jump but we're getting closer.

Anyone else over/hyper-stimulated?

Hope you are all well :hugs:


I think Tanya did. FX for Friday - exciting !!

Hi girls,

Mrs G and cupcake - hope things going well with the down reggin - i know they call it long MrsG but i promise it does go quicker than you think once they start with all the appointments and scans - although not as quick as cupcake - you are going great guns hun!!

Sammy - good luck for tomorrow hun - and you were soooo brave with your EC - i was partially sedated for mine and really enjoyed it as got to lie there and watch them collect the eggs on the monitor - so awful that yours was terrible.

Angel - good luck for friday hun.

AS for me - still v v vv long way behind you all - but have a review appt. on the 1st September when i get to discuss protocol for second go and pick up my drugs - so that will give me something to obsess about to pass the time - plus cheering you girls along that is.:happydance::happydance:

Hugs to everyone,
bx x x
Hi girls,

Mrs G and cupcake - hope things going well with the down reggin - i know they call it long MrsG but i promise it does go quicker than you think once they start with all the appointments and scans - although not as quick as cupcake - you are going great guns hun!!

Sammy - good luck for tomorrow hun - and you were soooo brave with your EC - i was partially sedated for mine and really enjoyed it as got to lie there and watch them collect the eggs on the monitor - so awful that yours was terrible.

Angel - good luck for friday hun.

AS for me - still v v vv long way behind you all - but have a review appt. on the 1st September when i get to discuss protocol for second go and pick up my drugs - so that will give me something to obsess about to pass the time - plus cheering you girls along that is.:happydance::happydance:

Hugs to everyone,
bx x x

Hi Beckic, I got to that too but it hurt so much I couldnt watch. I was dreading every stabbing so much i didnt want to know when it was next coming! Perhaps i'm just a big baby! lol. Thanks for your well wishes! :hugs:
Hi everyone

Well I did my first injection at home and it all went ok! No side effects yet.

Mrs G - I love my new ticker too!! Quite appropriate I think. :) I'm still a bit confused with short/long cycles - basically in Australia, you can't do IVF on the public health system - it's all private and you get some rebate back - so maybe that's why it is quicker??

Angelcakes - Sorry to hear you have overstimulated!! But I guess better to have more eggs than less? Hope you are not in any pain. Mrs G is right - Tanya overstimulated too but she also go pregnant :) FX for you.

Sammy- ET sounds a bit scary doesn't it - but I guess it is nothing compared to childbirth!! :rofl: that is what my DH keeps saying!! (he gets the easy bit!!).

Beckic thanks for your kind words and support. Actually thanks to everyone for their support!!
Hi Angelcakes

Yes I hyperstimulated but only later in my cycle... I got OHSS about 4 days before I got my BFP and then it lasted 2 weeks... it is not pleasant so please look after yourself.... and if you get pregnant it gets worse cause its the HCG hormone which affects it.. so you can either get it when u do HCG trigger shot or get it later when your body starts producing HCG from pregnancy hormones... hope you dont get it hun as it is not nice but hope you get your BFP!!

Girls - I am surpised u were awake for EC.. i was out cold and woke up feeling i had slept for hours lol and it had only been like 20 minutes..lol

So i have my 7+2 scan on friday.. quite nervous as we are hoping to see heart beat.. once i see that i will feel more relaxed.. been feeling really nauseous since friday all day and everyday so hoping thats a good sign and so so tired.

Good luck ladies who are having EC and ET soon and good luck to everyone else for your cycles xxxx:hugs::kiss:
Hi everyone

Well I did my first injection at home and it all went ok! No side effects yet.

Mrs G - I love my new ticker too!! Quite appropriate I think. :) I'm still a bit confused with short/long cycles - basically in Australia, you can't do IVF on the public health system - it's all private and you get some rebate back - so maybe that's why it is quicker??

Angelcakes - Sorry to hear you have overstimulated!! But I guess better to have more eggs than less? Hope you are not in any pain. Mrs G is right - Tanya overstimulated too but she also go pregnant :) FX for you.

Sammy- ET sounds a bit scary doesn't it - but I guess it is nothing compared to childbirth!! :rofl: that is what my DH keeps saying!! (he gets the easy bit!!).

Beckic thanks for your kind words and support. Actually thanks to everyone for their support!!

Hi, Yes, EC was horrible (if your awake - only in my opinion!) but ET was a walk in the park... no pain, really quick, quite emotional. I actually enjoyed watching the little embies injected in and float around.

Can anyone help me though... I am sure I am supposed to be taking these pessaries after ET but afterwards they just wished us well and sent us on our way! No mention of any medication! Do i take these pessaries I have and if so when and for how long? Not very happy about not being told this if i do have to. I have Progesterone tablets, squishy round ones. Thanks
Hi, Yes, EC was horrible (if your awake - only in my opinion!) but ET was a walk in the park... no pain, really quick, quite emotional. I actually enjoyed watching the little embies injected in and float around.

Can anyone help me though... I am sure I am supposed to be taking these pessaries after ET but afterwards they just wished us well and sent us on our way! No mention of any medication! Do i take these pessaries I have and if so when and for how long? Not very happy about not being told this if i do have to. I have Progesterone tablets, squishy round ones. Thanks

Hi hun, so please it went well. how many embies did you have put back??

On my drug info sheet it says to take pessaries vaginally after ET and I'm sure the nurse said to continue to 12wks after :bfp:

I started them after EC.. so u can start them now I suppose.. I would def phone clinic in the morning hun and ask

Hi, Yes, EC was horrible (if your awake - only in my opinion!) but ET was a walk in the park... no pain, really quick, quite emotional. I actually enjoyed watching the little embies injected in and float around.

Can anyone help me though... I am sure I am supposed to be taking these pessaries after ET but afterwards they just wished us well and sent us on our way! No mention of any medication! Do i take these pessaries I have and if so when and for how long? Not very happy about not being told this if i do have to. I have Progesterone tablets, squishy round ones. Thanks

Hi hun, so please it went well. how many embies did you have put back??

On my drug info sheet it says to take pessaries vaginally after ET and I'm sure the nurse said to continue to 12wks after :bfp:


Hi two ebies put back in... my friend has named them Posh & Becks lol.

We found out its the Progesterone we have.They want it inserted 3 x daily. :hugs:
Lots of luck Sammy2009!!!! Hoping to hear all about your BFP soon!!! :)
Good luck Sammy!!!! Go Posh and Becks! woohoo xxx:happydance::hugs:
Lots of luck Sammy2009!!!! Hoping to hear all about your BFP soon!!! :)

Thanks very much Mendy and Tanya.... fingers crossed!!!!

Congrats by the way! Great news... (i have probably congratulated already somewhere down the line but just in case!):happydance:
Wey to go Sammy, can't wait to hear that you have your BFP!!!! wey to go posh and becks. Your ec sounded horrible, I have been told i will be having a light general so hoping don't have to go through that. I am sure it will all be worth it for you.

Tanya - hope the scan goes well, so excited to hear the news. Sickness is a great sign. I never had it with my pregnancy that miscarried so hoping next time I feel sick all day.

Angelcakes - hope you are feeling ok and not too uncomfortable, thats a lot of follies! I am going to be on a high does of menopur and worry that might happen.

Mrs G - How you doing? have side effects kicked in yet??

Cupcake Queen - glad to hear its all going well so far, I haven't got my head around different drug protyocols either. There is such a lot to remember with sniffing five times a day and the injections on top, wish i could just have one of injections but will do whatever works.

Beckic - your time will be upon you soon and then we will be cheering you on.

I am getting so close now. Norethisterone tablets start tomorrow for 7 days and start sniffing on Sunday, two weeks of that then menopur injections for however long, I have 10 days worth at the moment. So its going to be about a month I guess in total. Irt doesn't seem real yet and plan to carry on as normal. My work is a nightmare at the moment as we are going through a crisis in my team and the whole team except me have been pulled out to sort it, with me left holding the fort and training temps to cover the workers jobs. Jobs i don't even do myself but luckily know most of the stuff as i have been here so long. Its probably the most stressful time i have experienced in this job and its typical its coincoided with my treatment but hoping it will leave me very little time to obsess and boy do I LOVE to obsess!!

Well that seemed like an essay. Good luck to everyone and :dust:
Wow, things are kicking into gear around here! :happydance:

I have to check in and report that things are no longer a go with my little guys. My scan yesterday was not good (no heartbeats this time) so I am currently having the world's most uneventful mc (at the moment...). I may be back in a few months if I do donor egg. For now, I'm going to lose the weight I've gained on these drugs (haven't exercised for months with ovaries like basketballs) and get back to my healthier, "fighting weight" and see if that helps things along.

Good luck, Sammy, Posh & Becks. Hope work clears up, Brambletess, it sounds crazy! And good luck everyone else, you've been so supportive since mid-July when I showed up with my first BFP after a long haul of tries - thanks!

My 44th birthday is tomorrow. So, I think I can be the one to say, keep at it, you just have to.

***Keep your eyes on the prize.***
Wow, things are kicking into gear around here! :happydance:

I have to check in and report that things are no longer a go with my little guys. My scan yesterday was not good (no heartbeats this time) so I am currently having the world's most uneventful mc (at the moment...). I may be back in a few months if I do donor egg. For now, I'm going to lose the weight I've gained on these drugs (haven't exercised for months with ovaries like basketballs) and get back to my healthier, "fighting weight" and see if that helps things along.

Good luck, Sammy, Posh & Becks. Hope work clears up, Brambletess, it sounds crazy! And good luck everyone else, you've been so supportive since mid-July when I showed up with my first BFP after a long haul of tries - thanks!

My 44th birthday is tomorrow. So, I think I can be the one to say, keep at it, you just have to. ***Keep your eyes on the prize.***

Mary I am so sorry. I don't know what to say, this is such sad news. It is good to hear you are positive about where to go from here and althought I'm sure it is the last thing on your mind, I hope your birthday is as good as it can be.

Stick around here with us if you fancy it, we are all here for you.:hugs:

Kath xxx

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