4 Leaf Clover IVF / ICSI Buddies

Mary I'm so sorry to hear about your sad news. I'm glad you are looking forward and not giving up. :hug:

Sammy - Can't wait to hear of your good news! Do you have any frosties left? Did they tell you the grade of the embies?

Mrs G, Brambletess, angelcakes - Great to hear you are starting your cycle. Hope oyu guys will have lots of eggies growing!

If I missed anyone that is starting on their cycle, sorry!
Mary B - I am so sorry to hear that - my thoughts are with you, it is really helpful to have positive things to hold on to when mc happens. I suffered one myself nearly two months ago and it was probably the worst thing that has happened to me but I did concentrate on the positives and I pulled through fairly quickly. If you decide to go for egg donation, we are all here for you and will be cheering you on. You know they can impant now, which is definitely a positive thing. Just concentrate on yourself for now though.

Akcher - thanks for the well wishes, am now raring to go.
Brambletess, have they given you a date for ec/et yet??

Good luck Sammy!!!! Go Posh and Becks! woohoo xxx:happydance::hugs:

Sammy - when is you test date?

Tanya, I am going to test on Sunday 23rd August - 13 days after ET (but i will most likely cave in and test after 10 days - 20th August)

Akcher - I won't know until another week and half if we have any frosties, they were not quite up to scratch on the day of ET but she said she would look at them today and a letter will be sent out in the post in about 2 weeks to tell us if any of them were good enough.

Mary B - I am so sorry to hear your news... its what we all dread, I know myself there is the risk of a lot of things right now and I will just have to accept them if they happen. You sound strong and collected and i admire you for that. I wish you every success for the next time hun.

Brambletess - Dont worry about EC - mine was uncomfortable and a bit painful but there have been ladies on here that really enjoyed it. I was not screaming in pain or anything i think its just the thought of what they are doing that makes it worse. The pressure they have to put on to burst the ovaries and follies but it wasn't unbearable or anything. Maybe I was more shocked as i expected it to be completely feelingless... I just thought it was a bit barbaric when other ladies have had a local anaesthetic (which i would MUCH prefer believe me) I am a bit of a wuss with pain, just lie back and relax and you will be fine hun.

Mrs G - How are the injections going? You seem to be coping well with them... hubby got the hang of ours just as we were about to stop... typical MEN! lol
Why do I go into ttc??? Have just read a thread from a newbie who is stressing about not getting pg the first month off bcp.....................

I know we've all been there and I'm sure I probably made some equally dumb and insensitve comments but PUURLLEEEEEASE!!!!!!

Waiting, more waiting, stress, more stress, welcome to our world!!

:hugs: to my lovely friends
Sammy - Well how are you coping in the 2 week wait? Had any twinges yet?

Mrs G - And how are you coping with the drugs hun?

Beckic - Hey not long to wait and then we'll be reading about your :bfp:

Cupcake - Hope the down reggin is going well, when are you due to get your scan/blood test?

Tanya - Thanks for that, well I'm feeling better now, a few days ago I really didnt feel myself, was tender and nauseous and just felt down right lousy!!! How many follicles did you have and how many eggs collected? Good luck with your scan today, hope it goes well, let us know. p.s. What does koko's mean? :shrug:

Mary - Oh hun I feel soo sad for you. Although if it happens to me I hope I have at least half your attidute. You go girl...it will happen one day. Positive mental attitude!!!

Akcher - Well how are you and the twins keeping, all going well?

Brambletess - You'll be fine on the Menapur, I just had a couple of off days but feel great now. Just look about 6 months pregnant with the weight gain and the swollen ovaries/belly. But hey, no pain no gain.

Well thats me had my egg collection this morning and I have to say it was a breeze. Was in the clinic for 07:30 and procedure done and cup-o-cha in hand by 9am. I was consiously sedated for the whole things. They managed to get 17 eggs, which they seemed happy with. And DH handed in, in their words, a fantastic sample - so he's over the moon. I was panicking as he has the cold just now and thought that might have impacted it but no. So will get a call tomorrow morn to let us know how many have fertilised and then I've to go for the transer on Monday afternoon. We are still debating 1 or 2 embryo transers. I really want 2 but DH wants to er on the side of caution (bugger!!!). So I've told him that if we get to freeze 2+ embryos then i'll have one transferred this time and if it doesnt work we'll transfer 2 frozen ones.

I am slightly concerned, you girlies have been mentioning taking progesterone from EC, well i have the vaginal thingys but they didnt tell me to take them. Hhmm, wonder if i should wait and speak to embryologist tomorrow or call them this afternoon. Just dont want to look like a pest!!!

Also when i got my drug pack from the pharmacy I got a wee box called Pregnyl, do you know what happens with this and when you take it? As they haven't mentioned that either.

Anyway hope you are all well and have a lovely weekend :hugs:
Hey angelcakes, so glad ec went well. 17 eggs is fantastic!! Do you not have any instructions from the drug company or hospital?? Mine say to use pessaries twice a day from the day after ec. I also have pregnyl but mine says to use 36 hrs before EC?? It may not be the same as yours but I would def ring to make sure if I were you.

FX for a lorra lovely embies tomorrow!

Hi girls

Girls.. the Kokos is alive.. :happydance::happydance:

I saw the heart beating and DH too and brought a tear to my eye.. quite emotional moment..i saw the blob :cloud9::cloud9: our kokos :cloud9::cloud9:

Baby is measuring right on track and i go for my next scan in 2.5 weeks :happydance: FS says that if all well at 9.5 week scan she is confident it will carry to term..

Kokos is just a name me and DH have for eachother.. but now our baby is called kokos for now

take a walk over to my journal for scan pic.

What I have learnt from this.. never give up on your dream!:cloud9:

Love to u all

YYAAYY for kokos and his/her little beating heart!! :dance:

Sammy - Well how are you coping in the 2 week wait? Had any twinges yet?

Mrs G - And how are you coping with the drugs hun?

Beckic - Hey not long to wait and then we'll be reading about your :bfp:

Cupcake - Hope the down reggin is going well, when are you due to get your scan/blood test?

Tanya - Thanks for that, well I'm feeling better now, a few days ago I really didnt feel myself, was tender and nauseous and just felt down right lousy!!! How many follicles did you have and how many eggs collected? Good luck with your scan today, hope it goes well, let us know. p.s. What does koko's mean? :shrug:

Mary - Oh hun I feel soo sad for you. Although if it happens to me I hope I have at least half your attidute. You go girl...it will happen one day. Positive mental attitude!!!

Akcher - Well how are you and the twins keeping, all going well?

Brambletess - You'll be fine on the Menapur, I just had a couple of off days but feel great now. Just look about 6 months pregnant with the weight gain and the swollen ovaries/belly. But hey, no pain no gain.

Well thats me had my egg collection this morning and I have to say it was a breeze. Was in the clinic for 07:30 and procedure done and cup-o-cha in hand by 9am. I was consiously sedated for the whole things. They managed to get 17 eggs, which they seemed happy with. And DH handed in, in their words, a fantastic sample - so he's over the moon. I was panicking as he has the cold just now and thought that might have impacted it but no. So will get a call tomorrow morn to let us know how many have fertilised and then I've to go for the transer on Monday afternoon. We are still debating 1 or 2 embryo transers. I really want 2 but DH wants to er on the side of caution (bugger!!!). So I've told him that if we get to freeze 2+ embryos then i'll have one transferred this time and if it doesnt work we'll transfer 2 frozen ones.

I am slightly concerned, you girlies have been mentioning taking progesterone from EC, well i have the vaginal thingys but they didnt tell me to take them. Hhmm, wonder if i should wait and speak to embryologist tomorrow or call them this afternoon. Just dont want to look like a pest!!!

Also when i got my drug pack from the pharmacy I got a wee box called Pregnyl, do you know what happens with this and when you take it? As they haven't mentioned that either.

Anyway hope you are all well and have a lovely weekend :hugs:

Cupcake - i didnt realise you were doing EC today!!!! yayyy!!! So pleased it all went ok for you... obviously my pain and "wuss" barrier is not as good as yours! If you thought EC was a breeze then ET will be a walk in the park - thats the nice bit! Fantastic news on the eggs, 17 - wow!! Wishing you all the luck that they all progress superbly.

I took my Pregnyl injection exactly 36 hours before ET so you must do that but i would call the hospital just in case. I was told to take the Progesterone vaginal pessaries after ET. I didnt take any meds after EC until after ET. I have been told to take Progesterone 2 x tablets 3 x a day but i think most hospitals say 1 x tablet twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.

Your hospital sound like mine with their "lack of information" tactics! :dohh:

Yes, I have had plenty of twinges today... i think they may be hatching!!! Posh and Becks are hatching!!!! lol

Good luck for Monday - dont worry its a nice procedure and doesnt hurt one bit! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Mrs G - This really makes me laugh - people who winge and complain about failing to conceive the first month, go if only they knew all the heartache we had been through with the 50 negative tests! Grrr....

Tanya - Great news on the Kokos!!! Really pleased all is well and keeping my fingers crossed for you. Good luck and all the best hun xxx
Hi Girls,

Well I caved in and tested today... I know its way too early but I was getting withdrawal symptoms at not being able to pee on a stick!

I was hoping it was negative because I thought then at least I would know if the Pregnyl injection was out of my system (this is the 8th day since I took 10,000 mg of it)

I used an ebay cheapie because I know i cannot expect a true result at this stage and there is a really faint line, very faint but visable without having to hold it up to the light, squint or pull it apart!!!

Whats the earliest anyone has tested after IVF/ICSI and got a BFP?

Has anyone got a false BFP because of the injection?
Hi hun

I took ovitrelle not pregenyl - but I didnt even get a positive test with it two days after I had taken it - so the hcg definitely went out of my system v quickly.

Hoping this is a good sign,

bx x x x x:hugs:
Sammy - This is a good sign...fx for you hun :hugs:

Well I had a call from the clinic this morn, of my 17 eggs 5 of them were abnormal so of the remaining 12 we've had 100% fertilisation. So we have 12 little embies growing. We are absolutely over the moon, so looks good to have one put in on Monday and then a good batch for freezing. Husband is telling everyone he has a football team with one on the sub bench, ha :happydance:
Sammy - This is a good sign...fx for you hun :hugs:

Well I had a call from the clinic this morn, of my 17 eggs 5 of them were abnormal so of the remaining 12 we've had 100% fertilisation. So we have 12 little embies growing. We are absolutely over the moon, so looks good to have one put in on Monday and then a good batch for freezing. Husband is telling everyone he has a football team with one on the sub bench, ha :happydance:

BeckiC / OMG im excited now then! Do you think its too early to test though? There is definately a faint pink line (not evap - there is one of those as well!) and even hubby can see it.... Thanks so much for letting me know!

Angelcakes - 12!!!! My god woman are you sure your not a chicken? Thats flipping GREAT! Hope they all progress and good luck!!! :hugs:
Well ladies ... It's about time I come and join you all.

We got our offer letter from the hospital this morning and we'll be starting our THIRD cycle in October. We have a pre-treatment appointment in three weeks time, and then the countdown will start again.

I have mixed feelings about this next cycle ... our first cycle worked for a few days and we should have been having our baby next week, our second cycle didn't work at all, and I am feeling quite anxious about this third cycle. I never thought we'd be going for cycle number three while still waiting for baby number one.

Oh well. Nevermind. I'm going to try and do a catch up with everyone else later on today. Hope everyone is well and coping as well as can be expected...

Welcome Maz!! So good to hear u got your letter!! Such fab news!! I really hope this is it for u.. you so deserve it!:hugs:

Sammy - things are looking very good :thumbup:

Angelcakes - my gosh 12! wow!! congrats and good luck for monday :happydance:

Hi everyone else - love to all - hope u r all well and good luck to those down regging / injecting etc :hugs:
Sammy, I got my positive on a stick 12 DPO. I tested from about 8DPO and was getting negatives and also had 10000 IU of HCG. So, I really do think the HCG would be out of your system by now.

Best of luck!
Sammy, I got my positive on a stick 12 DPO. I tested from about 8DPO and was getting negatives and also had 10000 IU of HCG. So, I really do think the HCG would be out of your system by now.

Best of luck!

Oooh Vineyard thanks.... crikey I thought it would take longer... im getting excited now... ive never had a positive in all the time we have been trying to conceive this time. I have seen faint lines though before so i´m not there yet. I have two CB digi´s but dare not do one. I guess im scared of it being BFN. I know IVF may not work first time and im not going to lose my mind if it doesnt work... of course i will be disappointed, there is no doubt but for once I hold out some hope. I will test again maybe later... and tomorrow. I have 24 cheapies to waste so there is no harm and i might as well use them to give me a little bit of hope i suppose. I have felt lots of twinges today... it might mean nothing though. I feel pregnant but it might be in my head... tense times eh!!! Thanks for you reply its so very much appreciated :hugs:

I have just taken another test... ebay cheapie but cannot see any lines (apart from the control line) I could on the one this morning and i can still see it but not on this test. Looks BFN to me.... its too early to test but no harm in trying. We will see what the next few days bring. I am a serial POAS addict so i guess i will be testing EVERY day just for something to do... for some hope! Ill keep you all updated....
Crossing fingers there was a second line on the test this morning Sammi.

Glad you are joining us Maz - two October IVF'ers now - we can follow all the Aug/Sept girls into first tri together (as you can see I am trying to stay positive!!).

Lots of hugs to everyone.

Bx x x :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

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