4 Leaf Clover IVF / ICSI Buddies

hi Krissi

sammy how are you doing? i agree the 2 ww drags
well i tested today 13dpo and got 2 BFP's but it's only 4 days since my last 2500 pregynl injection, my boobs are mega sore. i know they are false positives, but at least it's good to see what 2 lines look like. x
i was googling pregynl half life, and it says it should half every 36 hours, then other people say wait 7 days to get a true result. Any ideas? last month day 5 was very very faint line, day 6 AF came. i am wishing my life away as i can't wait for the nxt few days to be over.

hope everyone is full of PMA xxx
Hi Mrs G

I had some little tiny yellowish bruises from injecting my tummy after about a week - they sting a bit when you try to inject into them, but otherwise they weren't anything too sore. Better that than injecting into a vein in my thigh ... now that did leave a whopper of a bruise!!!

Good luck

Pleased you had a good weekend!! :happydance:

18 follies is great! You must be so pleased.... I hope you manage to get loads of lovely ripe eggies!

Why is ET on Wednesday? Normally its 3 days after EC so would be on the Monday... just wondered.

OOh it all getting exciting now for you!!!

Well i tested a couple of times since and there is no line... it must have been the HCG injection in my system still. I tested today and the test is completely BFN so at least i know the HCG is out of my system now. I am 8 DPO so too early to test really as my OTD is not until 24th August!!!

I had my egg transfer both times on day 5 its called blastocyst, and both times worked 1st time,if you get good eggs they let you wait a few days longer meant to get a better result or only need to transfer 1 embryo.

PS did anyone else have problems with bruising and scarring from the injections?

PPS anyone hear from angelcakes today?? Isn't it ET??


Had a little bit of bruising on my stomach and if you did it to much in one place it was a bit tender but other wise ok.


Pleased you had a good weekend!! :happydance:

18 follies is great! You must be so pleased.... I hope you manage to get loads of lovely ripe eggies!

Why is ET on Wednesday? Normally its 3 days after EC so would be on the Monday... just wondered.

OOh it all getting exciting now for you!!!

Well i tested a couple of times since and there is no line... it must have been the HCG injection in my system still. I tested today and the test is completely BFN so at least i know the HCG is out of my system now. I am 8 DPO so too early to test really as my OTD is not until 24th August!!!

Some places do a 3 day transfer and others do a 5 day transfer and some do both depending on egg quality. I did a 5 day transfer.

When are your twins due, i had ivf i'm having a boy in October.
Can I join you girls please i have my IVF consultation on 05/09 and hoping to start end of Sept.

Welcome Krissi and good luck with your "journey" :hugs:

Mendy - Thanks again - i'm not expecting any clear result until maybe Thursday/Friday (OTD - next Monday)

Crikey this is the longest wait EVER! :hissy:

Yeah i know what you mean, i got up at 3 am on the Dday to do the test as i couldnt wait any longer.Good luck not long now.

Hi Krissi :flower:

Hope everyone is ok.

Glad you enjoyed your wkend away cupcake and HELLO new doctor!!!

Hope the wait isn't too bad sammy, have you been chilling out? I'm planning to go back to work after a few days, I think I'd go crazy stuck in the house!!

Have had a bit of a shit day today. Was supposed to be getting a new car, it was an ex-motability car, you know one that people on poor health or disability benefits get. When the lease company inspected it a few weeks ago it had good mileage and was in great condition. Anyway they rang me today to say that since then it has basically been trashed in and out and the only thing they can do with it is take it to auction or scrap it......:growlmad: Why would someone do that to a perfectly good car and worse one that they got help with paying from the state???? It was a really good price and I can't afford similar ones which are around atm.

Sorry, not ttc related but absolutely nothing to report on down regging.

:hugs: to you all my lovelies.

Kath xx

Vineyard - oh yes of course, i thought normally they saw how the embryos were progressing before taking to blast stage though? Maybe not...

Mrs G - Thats a really spiteful thing to do to a lease car and very intentional by the sounds of things!!! :growlmad: What are you going to do now? Im still on holiday from work until next monday so relaxing and taking it easy!!!

Gumb69 & Akcher - Its driving me mental - i just want to know one way or another.

I have not heard anything from Angelcakes.....
Hi Sammy

When i was waiting for embryo transfer they called me on days 1 ,2 & 3 to let me know how they were doing and how many were still ok.
Then on day 3 they made the decision to leave them until day 5.
So you dont hear anything from them from day 3 til you back on day 5 to get them transfered.Thats a bit nerve wracking but you have to trust them there the experts.
Hey ladies, hope all is well with you all :hugs:

Well I had my ET today. Can I ask, for the ones that have had their ET, were you shown your little embies on the ultasound machines when they were putting/had put your embies in. I thought thats what happened. They wheeled me and DH into the room, put me in stirrups, popped the wee embies in and that was it...I was hoping to see them. So feel slightly sad.

I also should feel really happy thats is all over but I kinda just feel weird, I cant explain it. I feel like I should feel them or feel something and I dont...so just feel, well, just blah!!! For those of you who havent went though it yet please dont think that I sound really ungrateful, as I want this soooooo much but I'm just not sure how to be feeling about it just now.

Has anyone else felt like this? Plus thats us in the 2WW...due to go for preg test next Friday the 28th...and I am the most impatient person you'll meet. So anxious about that.

Oh and to top it all, its now all down to me...I need to provide a good home for these little blighters...no pressure eh!!!

Another questions to anyone that has already had their ET and fallen pregnant with a 3 day embie...when did you notice pregnancy signs. My goodness....its only day one and I'm obsessing about pregnancy signs already...and Sammy you thought you were bad!!! :blush:
Hi Angelcakes

When we had ours put back in the embryo came up on the lcd tv, but i was to busy crying like a 5 year old to even notice as we were only allowed 1 embryo transfer not the 2 i wanted so i didnt even remember looking.
I had embryo transfer on day 5 but still didnt know i was pregnant until i did the test.
Hope all goes well, keep busy to make it go quicker.

Thanks Emma, well the countdown is on. Only 10 more days to go till test. I'll defo not be testing early as I've to take a pregnyl injectiojn this wednesdsy that could result in a false positive and i couldnt do that to DH or myself.

We have taken this week off as a holiday so hopefully we'll be doing some nice things to take our minds off it.

Oh I have to share with you all how sweet my DH is. Whilst we were in the theatre room getting the transfer the radio was on, so DH made a point of noticing what song was on, came home (didnt tell me he was doing this) downloaded the song and shouted me into the conservatory to have a wee dance to what is now known as out ET song - Al Green and Lets Stay Together, which we danced to and sang to our 2 little embies to 'lets stay together'...how appropriate. God I love him soooooo much.
<a href="https://lilypie.com/"><img src="https://lbdf.lilypie.com/DOTUp1.png" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="Lilypie Pregnancy tickers" /></a>
Just trying to work out how to put the tickers on
Thanks Emma, well the countdown is on. Only 10 more days to go till test. I'll defo not be testing early as I've to take a pregnyl injectiojn this wednesdsy that could result in a false positive and i couldnt do that to DH or myself.

We have taken this week off as a holiday so hopefully we'll be doing some nice things to take our minds off it.

Oh I have to share with you all how sweet my DH is. Whilst we were in the theatre room getting the transfer the radio was on, so DH made a point of noticing what song was on, came home (didnt tell me he was doing this) downloaded the song and shouted me into the conservatory to have a wee dance to what is now known as out ET song - Al Green and Lets Stay Together, which we danced to and sang to our 2 little embies to 'lets stay together'...how appropriate. God I love him soooooo much.

ah bless, that's brought a tear to my eye. how sweet is that.
i really hope this is it for your. i'll keep my fingers crossed x:hugs:
Sammy - we are going for 5 day transfer - they hatch the egg with a laser at day 5 I think to help with implantation. And we are also getting embies tested genetically which I think is why they are taking a little longer too.

Mrs G - I have some minor bruising with injection and today I drew blood for the first time.

Tomorrow is my last stimulation injection before a trigger injection tomorrow night. Then I will no longer be a pin cushion - well at least until Friday when I have EC.
angelcakes- lots of luck on your 2ww! FX'd for you! When I had my ET, I was able to see it on the screen, of course, you can't see much, its like a little cloud of liquid it seems like on the screen where the embies are supposed to be, and that's about all I saw, but DH swears he saw two dots. I'm like...the embies are MICROSCOPIC, how did you see them? LOL! And how sweet of your DH!!! :cloud9:
Hi Angelcakes

We didn't get to see any of our embies at either of our transfers - I would have liked to have seen them but we didn't. I think I'll ask at our next one - assuming we get that far...

I don't know how you can not test early ... I'd be testing to see the HCG booster disappear and then I'd keep on testing - but that's just me .... mega impatient. Although DH is threatening to divorce me if i keep POAS - so maybe I won't do it this time.
Thanks Emma, well the countdown is on. Only 10 more days to go till test. I'll defo not be testing early as I've to take a pregnyl injectiojn this wednesdsy that could result in a false positive and i couldnt do that to DH or myself.

We have taken this week off as a holiday so hopefully we'll be doing some nice things to take our minds off it.

Oh I have to share with you all how sweet my DH is. Whilst we were in the theatre room getting the transfer the radio was on, so DH made a point of noticing what song was on, came home (didnt tell me he was doing this) downloaded the song and shouted me into the conservatory to have a wee dance to what is now known as out ET song - Al Green and Lets Stay Together, which we danced to and sang to our 2 little embies to 'lets stay together'...how appropriate. God I love him soooooo much.

OMG that is so sweet, I'm getting all emotional. Bless him!! I reckon that song is a good omen though. Glad it all went well. :hugs:
Aw Angelcakes - what a sweet hubby you have!

And good on you for not testing early! You are a strong woman!
Cupcake - I'm saying that now that I'll not test, whether I'm the same next week is another story :blush: Oh I had my egg collection last Friday...so you'll be feeling the same as me this time next week...do I lye down, do I not wrap myself in cotton wool and just get the ironing and hoovering done. :wacko:

Maz - Oh so I could just keep testing till it goes out my system ad then continue testing and wait for it to hopefully get dark again...hhmm think I may need to go PG test shopping today :winkwink: No no no no, I'm going to wait till next Friday...its not that long, is it!!! :wacko:

Mendy - Oh well I also would have like to have seen the two little dots...I feel robbed of that. Nevermind, fx that I get to see it/them in a few weeks time :winkwink:
Hey ladies, hope all is well with you all :hugs:

Well I had my ET today. Can I ask, for the ones that have had their ET, were you shown your little embies on the ultasound machines when they were putting/had put your embies in. I thought thats what happened. They wheeled me and DH into the room, put me in stirrups, popped the wee embies in and that was it...I was hoping to see them. So feel slightly sad.

I also should feel really happy thats is all over but I kinda just feel weird, I cant explain it. I feel like I should feel them or feel something and I dont...so just feel, well, just blah!!! For those of you who havent went though it yet please dont think that I sound really ungrateful, as I want this soooooo much but I'm just not sure how to be feeling about it just now.

Has anyone else felt like this? Plus thats us in the 2WW...due to go for preg test next Friday the 28th...and I am the most impatient person you'll meet. So anxious about that.

Oh and to top it all, its now all down to me...I need to provide a good home for these little blighters...no pressure eh!!!

Another questions to anyone that has already had their ET and fallen pregnant with a 3 day embie...when did you notice pregnancy signs. My goodness....its only day one and I'm obsessing about pregnancy signs already...and Sammy you thought you were bad!!! :blush:

Hi Angelcakes - I saw my embies on the ultrasound monitor! I went into the room, they explained how many had fertilised and the grade etc and then i sat down, they had a look around and explained where my ovaries were on the screen and pointed out the lining of my womb and then they had a little chat with me... all very relaxed and then showed me the catheter with the embies inside (god it was narrow the embies must be minute!) and then explained where they were going to put them to give them the best chance to implant. They showed me the catheter inside of me and told me to watch as they squeezed the two embies into my womb. After they had drawn out the catheter they pointed with the cursor to the two little white dots which were my embies (the ultrasound magnifies things so you can actually see everything close up)... I could see them crystal clear and me and hubby got quite emotional. It was really lovely.... so i cannot believe they never gave you that option. Why not? This was the best part of the IVF for me... cos as we all know, I hated EC :growlmad:

Anyway well done on the ET... the big 2WW wait now... its really hard, you just want to test everyday!!! If there is a faint line you are convinced you are PG and if there is no line you convince yourself it hasnt worked. It a bit of a rollercoaster as well this bit. I feel pregnant but then what does that really mean? Nothing. Good luck hun :hugs::hugs::hugs:

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