4 Leaf Clover IVF / ICSI Buddies

Sammy - OMG OMG!!! Thats wonderful news hun. :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: You must be over the moon. When do you go and get your official BFP?

Cupcake - Oh I soooo know how you feel right now. I knew people in work were looking at me last week with my bloated belly...bet they thought then that I was preggers. It does pass, I felt back to normal by Sun/Mon of this week, so not long to go hun. Have you had your scan, how many follies do you have?

Brambletess - Thanks, I'm off all this week to take it easy. However, and dont shout at me, I went to a U2 concert last night. DH and I stood at the back, I wasnt aloud to jump, sway, clap, sing...anything. It was either that and I wouldnt have been aloud to go...and that would have just been the worst outcome!!! If i even looked like I was going to do anything I would feel a jab in my side he he!!! Well thats my little embies had their first night with U2...they'd better get used to it cause mommy's a die-hard :blush: So not long till you start your stimms hun...you excited?

Beckic - Glad your keeping your chin up, fx for you in Oct :hugs:

Mrs G - How are you keeping, wow it feels like you've been down reggin for forever!!!

To all the rest, I hope you are all well x :hugs:

Not much new with me, just had my booster Pregnyl injection so thats the last of the injections. Just on the vaginal progesterone now. So today I'm 5 days past egg collection, so if its meant to be, I should be starting to hatch/implant sometime soon. I'll be soo paranoid about any symptoms...am I preggers or are the symptoms just due to pregnyl/progesterone. When should the pregnyl be out of my system?

Although I'll defo defo not be testing early as I gave DH my 2 unopened PG tests to hide from me so that I dont test early...AARRGGHH what have I done!!!

Anyway only 9 days till testing...phew this is a drag!!!

Hi and thanks!!!

Monday is the official testing date.... i just `felt`pregnant though... all the twinges and pulls and little pains made me realise I have only ever felt this when confirmed pregnant with DD.

The hospital have scared me telling me to call back Monday as I have tested early.. well its 11 dpo EC (used as OV day) so in my eyes I am testing within a period of getting a BFP. Digi says detection 4 days before AF which is due actually on Sunday 23rd so Monday for a OTD is not correct... they just said after i had done ET to test 12 days later... maybe they were counting ET day as one of those days since I had it done at 1.30pm that day? Maybe Sunday 23rd is the official testing day!!! Ramble ramble... i'm nervous can you tell!!!

Sammy, when did you start to feel pregnant, i.e. when did you start having the twinges/pulling etc?

Dont worry about the hospital, they are only being cautious. You know your body best.
Those gals on dreg - Kath and Brambletess - all I can say is use your time of downregging well!! Eat well, exercise and take care!! Because when you start the stim drugs - you will be sooo bloated!! Skirts that fit me last Friday no longer fit this week!! :rofl:

LOL dreg is about right, very fitting name for it!! Am not looking forward to stims. The students at my school are brutally honest (Miss, what have you done to your hair, Miss I don't like your top, Miss you've got a massive spot...) and will have no problem pointing it out to the world if I'm the size of a whale!!!

Saw acupucturist this morning and was talking to her about SET. She said because we only get a 2 day transfer at our clinic she would def push for 2 embies. Think I might ring consultant to discuss......


What age are you Mrs G, my clinic said that <33 they would suggest 1 but >33 they recommend 2. And since I'm 33 in 5 months time and also because I'm quite pushy I got 2 put back. If you want 2 then you put 2 back, its your decision :thumbup:
OMG Sammy!!!! CONGRATS!!!! I know how you feel about being uncertain, though, that's EXACTLY how I was feeling when I tested. I never told my clinic though, cause I was scared they would tell me I had probably tested too early and that would have made me go crazy. So, I just waited it out and wondered, am I, or am I not??

But CONGRATS!!!! Monday will come around soon and it will all be confirmed!!! :happydance::happydance:
Sammy - OMG OMG!!! Thats wonderful news hun. :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: You must be over the moon. When do you go and get your official BFP?

Cupcake - Oh I soooo know how you feel right now. I knew people in work were looking at me last week with my bloated belly...bet they thought then that I was preggers. It does pass, I felt back to normal by Sun/Mon of this week, so not long to go hun. Have you had your scan, how many follies do you have?

Brambletess - Thanks, I'm off all this week to take it easy. However, and dont shout at me, I went to a U2 concert last night. DH and I stood at the back, I wasnt aloud to jump, sway, clap, sing...anything. It was either that and I wouldnt have been aloud to go...and that would have just been the worst outcome!!! If i even looked like I was going to do anything I would feel a jab in my side he he!!! Well thats my little embies had their first night with U2...they'd better get used to it cause mommy's a die-hard :blush: So not long till you start your stimms hun...you excited?

Beckic - Glad your keeping your chin up, fx for you in Oct :hugs:

Mrs G - How are you keeping, wow it feels like you've been down reggin for forever!!!

To all the rest, I hope you are all well x :hugs:

Not much new with me, just had my booster Pregnyl injection so thats the last of the injections. Just on the vaginal progesterone now. So today I'm 5 days past egg collection, so if its meant to be, I should be starting to hatch/implant sometime soon. I'll be soo paranoid about any symptoms...am I preggers or are the symptoms just due to pregnyl/progesterone. When should the pregnyl be out of my system?

Although I'll defo defo not be testing early as I gave DH my 2 unopened PG tests to hide from me so that I dont test early...AARRGGHH what have I done!!!

Anyway only 9 days till testing...phew this is a drag!!!

Hi and thanks!!!

Monday is the official testing date.... i just `felt`pregnant though... all the twinges and pulls and little pains made me realise I have only ever felt this when confirmed pregnant with DD.

The hospital have scared me telling me to call back Monday as I have tested early.. well its 11 dpo EC (used as OV day) so in my eyes I am testing within a period of getting a BFP. Digi says detection 4 days before AF which is due actually on Sunday 23rd so Monday for a OTD is not correct... they just said after i had done ET to test 12 days later... maybe they were counting ET day as one of those days since I had it done at 1.30pm that day? Maybe Sunday 23rd is the official testing day!!! Ramble ramble... i'm nervous can you tell!!!

Sammy, when did you start to feel pregnant, i.e. when did you start having the twinges/pulling etc?

Dont worry about the hospital, they are only being cautious. You know your body best.

Its been a few days now... have a look at my diary im pretty sure i put in on there... they started off as like pulling movements, little pains just quick and sharp but today they are quite strong. I was in IKEA as i went "whoaa" and held my stomach, i had quite a strong one. Really to be fair i was still suffering from egg collection when i had ET but it was wearing off. As soon as i was back to normal i started having little twinges early on, maybe 2-3 days after ET I knew i was pregnant i think yesterday when the twinges and pulls continued and i started to "feel pregnant" today i definately do... sometimes it feels a bit like your period is going to start, just for a minute or so and then something else happens... pulling or twinging. Its a strange feeling but you will know it when it happens. can't wait for you to be at this stage too :hugs:
OMG Sammy!!!! CONGRATS!!!! I know how you feel about being uncertain, though, that's EXACTLY how I was feeling when I tested. I never told my clinic though, cause I was scared they would tell me I had probably tested too early and that would have made me go crazy. So, I just waited it out and wondered, am I, or am I not??

But CONGRATS!!!! Monday will come around soon and it will all be confirmed!!! :happydance::happydance:

I know Mendy.. you go through nervousness while waiting for the test... disbelief when it says pregnant.... shock....happiness....then you doubt your test is right, start looking for reasons why it might not be... panic when you find one/some.... go crazy thinking you are not now pregnant....get reassured by some nice girls on here that in fact YOU ARE... relax a little and try and believe them knowing you were all along anyway!!! :dohh: I think apart from crying I have been through every emotion today... i never knew testing would be so worrying, confusing and stressful. I still find it hard to believe and hubby says he wants to wait until Sunday/Monday until he believes/accepts/wants to dance around the room.. etc. :hissy:
Sammy - Well since I'm only 2 days past ET then I suppose I shouldn't be looking for symptoms just yet. I feel really quite down about it all today actually, I think because I'm bored just pottering about the house and 'taking it easy' and also because I desparately want something to happen or to feel something to give me a little bit of hope.

I will try not to think about it too much over the next couple of days and then I'm back to work on Monday which will DEFO take my mind off it and then its testing next Friday.

I really hope I feel a little bit more positive about it tomorrow as I dont want to be feeling like this for the next wee while :-(
Sammy - Well since I'm only 2 days past ET then I suppose I shouldn't be looking for symptoms just yet. I feel really quite down about it all today actually, I think because I'm bored just pottering about the house and 'taking it easy' and also because I desparately want something to happen or to feel something to give me a little bit of hope.

I will try not to think about it too much over the next couple of days and then I'm back to work on Monday which will DEFO take my mind off it and then its testing next Friday.

I really hope I feel a little bit more positive about it tomorrow as I dont want to be feeling like this for the next wee while :-(

Hi hun, nothing happened for me two days after ET, i was still suffering the EC! It was hard to distinguish what was bruising and what was pulling and im still not sure. My insides have never been the same since! lol. For sure, everyone is different. I never even KNEW i was pregnant with my daughter until i was 6 weeks pregnant... i had no idea. I didnt have any twinges or nothing until the day after I tested at 6 weeks and then i was doubled over in pain. If i knew what i knew now I would have thought I was miscarrying as i was crying in pain but it was just my body adapting and stretching for the baby to grow. Dont feel disheartened if you dont feel anything.... many people dont believe me. I didnt think i would either. Its going to seem like a long wait for now and it is because you KNOW there is a strong chance of that BFP its not just TTC and it might happen... be positive that its going to happen. I was always convinced it would but testing early made me doubt it. I dont regret it though because at least i knew when the HCG was clear of my system and that if i got a BFP is wasnt the drugs... so its not a bad idea to do that. Good luck hun and anything you want to know, just ask. Im no expert but i am learning a lot as the days go by... mainly from the girls on here who have experienced the same.... :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Sammy - Well since I'm only 2 days past ET then I suppose I shouldn't be looking for symptoms just yet. I feel really quite down about it all today actually, I think because I'm bored just pottering about the house and 'taking it easy' and also because I desparately want something to happen or to feel something to give me a little bit of hope.

I will try not to think about it too much over the next couple of days and then I'm back to work on Monday which will DEFO take my mind off it and then its testing next Friday.

I really hope I feel a little bit more positive about it tomorrow as I dont want to be feeling like this for the next wee while :-(

Hi hun, nothing happened for me two days after ET, i was still suffering the EC! It was hard to distinguish what was bruising and what was pulling and im still not sure. My insides have never been the same since! lol. For sure, everyone is different. I never even KNEW i was pregnant with my daughter until i was 6 weeks pregnant... i had no idea. I didnt have any twinges or nothing until the day after I tested at 6 weeks and then i was doubled over in pain. If i knew what i knew now I would have thought I was miscarrying as i was crying in pain but it was just my body adapting and stretching for the baby to grow. Dont feel disheartened if you dont feel anything.... many people dont believe me. I didnt think i would either. Its going to seem like a long wait for now and it is because you KNOW there is a strong chance of that BFP its not just TTC and it might happen... be positive that its going to happen. I was always convinced it would but testing early made me doubt it. I dont regret it though because at least i knew when the HCG was clear of my system and that if i got a BFP is wasnt the drugs... so its not a bad idea to do that. Good luck hun and anything you want to know, just ask. Im no expert but i am learning a lot as the days go by... mainly from the girls on here who have experienced the same.... :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Oh hun, thank you soo much for listening and understanding whilst I rant on and moan, I'll hopefully be back to normal tomorrow. I'm just putting it down to all the drugs I've been on, its been one hell of an emotional rollercoaster.

I'm soo glad I have you girls who are going through the same emotions, when I talk to family its as though some of the things i'm feeling are nuts...unless you have been in this situation then you'll never understand how this feels and what things, crazy as they may be, go through your mind.

I'm now going to sit with my feet up, cup o cha, a good book :coffee: and get lost in something else for a while and hopefully tomorrow/Friday will bring me some twinges to get excited about. Oh in fact its nearly 8pm, Jon and Kate plus 8 is coming on...i'm sooo addicted :blush:

Hope you, Posh and Becks are keeping well :winkwink:
Sammy - Well since I'm only 2 days past ET then I suppose I shouldn't be looking for symptoms just yet. I feel really quite down about it all today actually, I think because I'm bored just pottering about the house and 'taking it easy' and also because I desparately want something to happen or to feel something to give me a little bit of hope.

I will try not to think about it too much over the next couple of days and then I'm back to work on Monday which will DEFO take my mind off it and then its testing next Friday.

I really hope I feel a little bit more positive about it tomorrow as I dont want to be feeling like this for the next wee while :-(

Hi hun, nothing happened for me two days after ET, i was still suffering the EC! It was hard to distinguish what was bruising and what was pulling and im still not sure. My insides have never been the same since! lol. For sure, everyone is different. I never even KNEW i was pregnant with my daughter until i was 6 weeks pregnant... i had no idea. I didnt have any twinges or nothing until the day after I tested at 6 weeks and then i was doubled over in pain. If i knew what i knew now I would have thought I was miscarrying as i was crying in pain but it was just my body adapting and stretching for the baby to grow. Dont feel disheartened if you dont feel anything.... many people dont believe me. I didnt think i would either. Its going to seem like a long wait for now and it is because you KNOW there is a strong chance of that BFP its not just TTC and it might happen... be positive that its going to happen. I was always convinced it would but testing early made me doubt it. I dont regret it though because at least i knew when the HCG was clear of my system and that if i got a BFP is wasnt the drugs... so its not a bad idea to do that. Good luck hun and anything you want to know, just ask. Im no expert but i am learning a lot as the days go by... mainly from the girls on here who have experienced the same.... :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Oh hun, thank you soo much for listening and understanding whilst I rant on and moan, I'll hopefully be back to normal tomorrow. I'm just putting it down to all the drugs I've been on, its been one hell of an emotional rollercoaster.

I'm soo glad I have you girls who are going through the same emotions, when I talk to family its as though some of the things i'm feeling are nuts...unless you have been in this situation then you'll never understand how this feels and what things, crazy as they may be, go through your mind.

I'm now going to sit with my feet up, cup o cha, a good book :coffee: and get lost in something else for a while and hopefully tomorrow/Friday will bring me some twinges to get excited about. Oh in fact its nearly 8pm, Jon and Kate plus 8 is coming on...i'm sooo addicted :blush:

Hope you, Posh and Becks are keeping well :winkwink:

You rant away hun!!! I know what the emotional rollercoaster is like we have had a year and a half of it if not longer. I rant all the time... I feel tired tonight, hot and sticky and tired! Been travelling around all day to DIY places and achieved nothing basically! lol.

Hopefully you will get some nice twinges and uncomfortable nudges soon... :happydance:

It all worth it though.... i will be watching this space and will be there for you when i was in that position. You take care, relax and enjoy your going to be pregnant soon hun! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Angelcakes - I have 18 follies!! :happydance: Let's hope there is quality eggs inside.

Sammy - It's all good hun - just relax!! If you have been pg before and know how it feels then I am sure twinges/pains you are having are the little bean getting comfy!:thumbup:

I am looking forward to not being a bloated egg farm! 1 day to go.

Did my ovulation trigger last night as well as last dose of nasal dreg spray. So now I'm drug free for 24 hours!!

I have been getting a bit of anxiety in last 24 hrs however. :wacko: I have been awake since 4.30 am - had a dream (or nightmare!) that my husband's ex-wife had twins!! Then I was chatting to an old school friend last night that told me she had a 5.y.old daughter to an English backpacker she met for 24 hours!!! Wanted to tear my hair out!!:sad2:

I'm sure it's a mixture of lack of sleep and all these drugs. Feeling the size of a whale doesn't help!
What age are you Mrs G, my clinic said that <33 they would suggest 1 but >33 they recommend 2. And since I'm 33 in 5 months time and also because I'm quite pushy I got 2 put back. If you want 2 then you put 2 back, its your decision :thumbup:

By EC day I will be 35. I'm quite pushy too!! :blush:

Hope you're feeling better hun :hug:
6 days after last pregynl 2500 injection, still BFP!
is it still the pregynl??? BT on friday if still showing positive!!
Cupcake - 18 folllies is great you must be chuffed to bits! Well done hun xxx

Gumb - I dont have a clue to be honest as i never had any injections after EC or ET.

Maybe one of the other girls can help? Good luck x
Sammy - CONGRATS!! I even doubted the blood test that confirmed that I was pregnant lol. I thought they must have switched my results with someone else's. It's not until I got home, tested with 2 tests till I started to believe.

gumb69 - I'm sorry hun, I don't know about pregynl. I remember when I tested when I had a HCG shot (the day of) I had a faint faint positive. The next day it was gone. When I had my BFP test the line was really really dark. Good luck, I really hope you have your BFP. When are you going to the doc's for a test?
Congratulatiosn sammi - wonderful news.:happydance::happydance::happydance:

Angel :hugs::hugs::hugs:to you hun - hang on in there - i recommend sleep and shopping - it works a treat.

Cupcake - nearly there hun - fingers crossed for you for tomorrow.

Lots of hugs to everyone.

Bx x x x
Congratulatiosn sammi - wonderful news.:happydance::happydance::happydance:

Angel :hugs::hugs::hugs:to you hun - hang on in there - i recommend sleep and shopping - it works a treat.

Cupcake - nearly there hun - fingers crossed for you for tomorrow.

Lots of hugs to everyone.

Bx x x x

Thanks Becki - God i have just had the most awful pulling pain this morning, only lasts a few seconds and then its gone but quite strong.

I have tested with an ebay cheapie and compared to the other ebay cheapies the line is stronger but still faint. Therefore, if you want to have "some hope" with early testing I would not recommend these! They really are slow at detecting and I have the strongest 10 miu ones! Good luck everyone! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hiya Girls

haven't been on a for a while and and was sooooooo exited to ready Sammy's news - chick you are PREGNANT!!! woohoo. Its made me feel very emotional.

Gumb69 - Sounds like your official BFP might not be too long either!!!! that is so great!!

Mrs G - Sorry you have to down reg for so long, I am HATING it already. I feel tired, groggy, achy, depressed, trouble sleeping and waking up sweaty etc.. don't want to moan about it but i can't help it. Hoping it will improve but have 13 days to go before stimms start. Having to down reg 5 days more than a lot of others coz of bank holiday, so can't imaghine having to dowen reg for as long as you. The trime will go though won't it and we have lots of lovely women to chear on in the meantime :flower:

I am not a pushy person and need to become more so i think. You push for whatever you want.

Angelcakes - Hang in their hun and let out all those feelings iuf you need to, it is a rollercoaster and we all understand that. I would feel really lonely if it wasn't for you guys.

Cupcake - 18 follies is truly spectacular, big cheers, and massive good luck vibes going out to you for ec and subsequent fertilisation report :thumbup:
Oh and Akcher - congrats for passing the 12 week milestone! you are well on your way now and second trimester will be the best time.
Hiya Girls

haven't been on a for a while and and was sooooooo exited to ready Sammy's news - chick you are PREGNANT!!! woohoo. Its made me feel very emotional.

Gumb69 - Sounds like your official BFP might not be too long either!!!! that is so great!!

Mrs G - Sorry you have to down reg for so long, I am HATING it already. I feel tired, groggy, achy, depressed, trouble sleeping and waking up sweaty etc.. don't want to moan about it but i can't help it. Hoping it will improve but have 13 days to go before stimms start. Having to down reg 5 days more than a lot of others coz of bank holiday, so can't imaghine having to dowen reg for as long as you. The trime will go though won't it and we have lots of lovely women to chear on in the meantime :flower:

I am not a pushy person and need to become more so i think. You push for whatever you want.

Angelcakes - Hang in their hun and let out all those feelings iuf you need to, it is a rollercoaster and we all understand that. I would feel really lonely if it wasn't for you guys.

Cupcake - 18 follies is truly spectacular, big cheers, and massive good luck vibes going out to you for ec and subsequent fertilisation report :thumbup:

Hi, thanks hun :hugs: I'm still a bit in denial though... i am still doing ebay cheapies even though my period is due on Sunday so any test "should" show a correct reading by now... after a lifetime (it seems) of trying though it takes a LOT to sink in!!! :hugs:

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