4 Leaf Clover IVF / ICSI Buddies

Sammy - we are going for 5 day transfer - they hatch the egg with a laser at day 5 I think to help with implantation. And we are also getting embies tested genetically which I think is why they are taking a little longer too.

Mrs G - I have some minor bruising with injection and today I drew blood for the first time.

Tomorrow is my last stimulation injection before a trigger injection tomorrow night. Then I will no longer be a pin cushion - well at least until Friday when I have EC.

Cupcake - Good luck for EC on Friday, its getting close now!!!:hugs:

Mrs G - How you getting on? Everything ok? The injections are a bit of a boring phase, not much happens really. :hugs:
Can I join you girls please i have my IVF consultation on 05/09 and hoping to start end of Sept.

Welcome Krissi and good luck with your "journey" :hugs:

Mendy - Thanks again - i'm not expecting any clear result until maybe Thursday/Friday (OTD - next Monday)

Crikey this is the longest wait EVER! :hissy:

Yeah i know what you mean, i got up at 3 am on the Dday to do the test as i couldnt wait any longer.Good luck not long now.


I know i'm finding this really hard.... when do you think would be the first chance a faint line would show? I would imagine tomorrow as that will be 10 days after EC. Todays test was negative, as negative as a negative can be! lol
Angelcakes, your DH is so sweet! It made me all emotional at work lol. The day of the ET, they brought out a picture with all 10 of my fertized eggs. He showed me which ones are the best quality, which are ok, and which are abnormal and need to be discarded. Then I was in put in stirrups and the nurse was operating the ultrasound which helped the dr guide the catheter. When the dr injected the 2 embies, I saw 2 white dots appear. He took a picture and gave it to me. We had a day 5 transfer.
I'm amazed at how many of you ladies had your ET, guided by US. Both of my ETs were done without US. I was clamped open and the cathethers seemed to be marked for length so that the FS and embryologist knew how far to insert it. I wonder if my up and coming NHS procedure will be any different?
Hi ladies!!

Just wanted to pop in and see how u all are.

sammy - hang in there!! Keep the PMA!
Cupcake.. cant believe you are having ET already - woohoo :happydance:
Maz - I never had ultrasound either :nope:

To all the other lovely ladies.. hope u r all well and good luck !!:kiss::hugs:
Thanks Emma, well the countdown is on. Only 10 more days to go till test. I'll defo not be testing early as I've to take a pregnyl injectiojn this wednesdsy that could result in a false positive and i couldnt do that to DH or myself.

We have taken this week off as a holiday so hopefully we'll be doing some nice things to take our minds off it.

Oh I have to share with you all how sweet my DH is. Whilst we were in the theatre room getting the transfer the radio was on, so DH made a point of noticing what song was on, came home (didnt tell me he was doing this) downloaded the song and shouted me into the conservatory to have a wee dance to what is now known as out ET song - Al Green and Lets Stay Together, which we danced to and sang to our 2 little embies to 'lets stay together'...how appropriate. God I love him soooooo much.

now that made me get goosebumps and tears to my eyes.. what a lovely husband u have. Good luck hun :kiss::hugs:
best of luck tomorrow sammyx

well i tested today and i got a BFP but it's only 5 days since my last pregynl injections, i'm 14dpo, so if i can just get to Friday i will know for def as i'll pk+17, i rang the clinic about my meds and they said it is more likely than not the pregynl oh man!!!!
I'm amazed at how many of you ladies had your ET, guided by US. Both of my ETs were done without US. I was clamped open and the cathethers seemed to be marked for length so that the FS and embryologist knew how far to insert it. I wonder if my up and coming NHS procedure will be any different?

Mine was ultrasound guided as well.
Hi Everyone

Feeling all bloated and full of eggs!! Hanging for friday for EC.

Very interesting info Akcher on ET - I wonder if I will get pics of my embies. I hope I get an US.
Angelcakes - Sounds like your ET was a really special day for you both, your DH is obviously one in a million. Mine would NEVER be that thoughful. Hope the wait goes ok, are you going to couch surf or get back to normal life straight away?

Sammy09 - Its the waiting isn't it, it goes on and on and on. it is way too early though isn't it, have to give them a chance but at least you know the pregnl injection is well out of your system so when you get that line it will mean only one thing!! I know I will be thwe same though, battling with buying some internet cheapies in preparation in order to avoid spening 100 on pregnancy tests but also don't want to encourage the dark obsessive in me to come out!

I am way behind you guys and am on day 3 of sniffing. Not stimming until 2 sep so just trying to forget about it for time being as I still have ages to go before anything much happens. Anyone get many side effects with buserlin?

Cupcake - its getting exciting for you know, keep up the good work

Mrs G - Boring just down regging isn't it? I don't have a day booked for egg collection, it will depend on how I am doing at my baseline scan. BS is booked for 9th Sep so will be anything form 11th Sep until 18th I guess. Your clinic have set a day for you, what happens if you are not ready at that time? I guess they have ways and means to make sure you are!

Hope everyone else is well and our lovely pregnant ladies Akcher and Vinyard and doing well. Hi to Maz too!!
And how could i forget Tanya & Mendy!! who are also lovely pregnant ladies.
Angelcakes - Sounds like your ET was a really special day for you both, your DH is obviously one in a million. Mine would NEVER be that thoughful. Hope the wait goes ok, are you going to couch surf or get back to normal life straight away?

Sammy09 - Its the waiting isn't it, it goes on and on and on. it is way too early though isn't it, have to give them a chance but at least you know the pregnl injection is well out of your system so when you get that line it will mean only one thing!! I know I will be thwe same though, battling with buying some internet cheapies in preparation in order to avoid spening 100 on pregnancy tests but also don't want to encourage the dark obsessive in me to come out!

I am way behind you guys and am on day 3 of sniffing. Not stimming until 2 sep so just trying to forget about it for time being as I still have ages to go before anything much happens. Anyone get many side effects with buserlin?

Cupcake - its getting exciting for you know, keep up the good work

Mrs G - Boring just down regging isn't it? I don't have a day booked for egg collection, it will depend on how I am doing at my baseline scan. BS is booked for 9th Sep so will be anything form 11th Sep until 18th I guess. Your clinic have set a day for you, what happens if you are not ready at that time? I guess they have ways and means to make sure you are!

Hope everyone else is well and our lovely pregnant ladies Akcher and Vinyard and doing well. Hi to Maz too!!

I don´t know what i´ll do if this doesn´t work...
Its a nightmare... i dont know which is worse, waiting for EC and stimming or waiting to test! Both are hell.
Good grief - i don't come on for a couple of days and I think we've grown about 10 pages!!!! :happydance:

Just dropping in to say hi to everyone,

Sammy - hang on in there hunni - i wont say it gets easier cos it doesnt I am afraid - but I found that sleeping alot helped to pass the time!!:blush: I was lucky in a way cos AF turned up after only 9 days of the tww so i didnt have to wait as long as most - got my grief out before my official testing date. Crossing she stays away from you for the next nine months!!

Angel - crossing everything for you too hunni.

Brambletess and Mrs G - hope all going well with the DR - i know it drags but you'll be at stimms in no time. (Mrs G - any news on teh witch??)

Cupcake - good luck for Friday hunni.
I did have US with my ET but was too busy crying with the pain of how bloody desperate I was for the loo to watch anything - ended up with bite marks in my hand where I was biting down trying not to cry out - comfortably full bladder my arse!!! I am not looking forward to that a second tiem!!! We did get a photo of our embies though - which was lovely at first cos DH and I cooed over them like they were our future children (which I suppose at the time we really thought they were) and I put the photo up on the fridge - had to take it don the next day however as became obsessed that i could see signs of fragmentation and was googling a thousand pictures of embryos trying to self-grade them - drove me insane!!!
I have kept the picture - but filed it away in my IVF file - it hurts to look at my maybe babies at the mo.:cry:

Krissi - welcome to the thread hun.

Maz - :hugs::hugs::hugs:to you hun - we'll make it to Ocotber!! And maybe we'll both have the bext xmas pressie ever eh?

Lots of hugs to everyone - and lots of kisses to all the bumps,

bx x x x x :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Morning all.

Brambletess, I'm not sure what happens if I'm not ready?? I've got 10 days of stims with 3 scans during that time so I think they up or down the dose accordingly?? If you go in around 18th I'll only be a week behind you!!

Yep down regs are boring...... esp for as long as I've gotta do!! Am a bit worried cos tomorrow should be the last dose from the first bottle but I'm sure there is more than 5ml left... have def been measuring properly... well I think!!

Oh and still no witch.... not sure if I should still be temping, would buserelin makes temps artifically high??

:hugs: to all

Oh my god Sammy!! Congratulations!!! I am so incredibly happy for you!! :happydance: you did it!!!!!!


Those gals on dreg - Kath and Brambletess - all I can say is use your time of downregging well!! Eat well, exercise and take care!! Because when you start the stim drugs - you will be sooo bloated!! Skirts that fit me last Friday no longer fit this week!! :rofl:

I'm getting insight into what pregnancy is like I suppose!!

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Sammy - OMG OMG!!! Thats wonderful news hun. :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: You must be over the moon. When do you go and get your official BFP?

Cupcake - Oh I soooo know how you feel right now. I knew people in work were looking at me last week with my bloated belly...bet they thought then that I was preggers. It does pass, I felt back to normal by Sun/Mon of this week, so not long to go hun. Have you had your scan, how many follies do you have?

Brambletess - Thanks, I'm off all this week to take it easy. However, and dont shout at me, I went to a U2 concert last night. DH and I stood at the back, I wasnt aloud to jump, sway, clap, sing...anything. It was either that and I wouldnt have been aloud to go...and that would have just been the worst outcome!!! If i even looked like I was going to do anything I would feel a jab in my side he he!!! Well thats my little embies had their first night with U2...they'd better get used to it cause mommy's a die-hard :blush: So not long till you start your stimms hun...you excited?

Beckic - Glad your keeping your chin up, fx for you in Oct :hugs:

Mrs G - How are you keeping, wow it feels like you've been down reggin for forever!!!

To all the rest, I hope you are all well x :hugs:

Not much new with me, just had my booster Pregnyl injection so thats the last of the injections. Just on the vaginal progesterone now. So today I'm 5 days past egg collection, so if its meant to be, I should be starting to hatch/implant sometime soon. I'll be soo paranoid about any symptoms...am I preggers or are the symptoms just due to pregnyl/progesterone. When should the pregnyl be out of my system?

Although I'll defo defo not be testing early as I gave DH my 2 unopened PG tests to hide from me so that I dont test early...AARRGGHH what have I done!!!

Anyway only 9 days till testing...phew this is a drag!!!
Sammy - OMG OMG!!! Thats wonderful news hun. :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: You must be over the moon. When do you go and get your official BFP?

Cupcake - Oh I soooo know how you feel right now. I knew people in work were looking at me last week with my bloated belly...bet they thought then that I was preggers. It does pass, I felt back to normal by Sun/Mon of this week, so not long to go hun. Have you had your scan, how many follies do you have?

Brambletess - Thanks, I'm off all this week to take it easy. However, and dont shout at me, I went to a U2 concert last night. DH and I stood at the back, I wasnt aloud to jump, sway, clap, sing...anything. It was either that and I wouldnt have been aloud to go...and that would have just been the worst outcome!!! If i even looked like I was going to do anything I would feel a jab in my side he he!!! Well thats my little embies had their first night with U2...they'd better get used to it cause mommy's a die-hard :blush: So not long till you start your stimms hun...you excited?

Beckic - Glad your keeping your chin up, fx for you in Oct :hugs:

Mrs G - How are you keeping, wow it feels like you've been down reggin for forever!!!

To all the rest, I hope you are all well x :hugs:

Not much new with me, just had my booster Pregnyl injection so thats the last of the injections. Just on the vaginal progesterone now. So today I'm 5 days past egg collection, so if its meant to be, I should be starting to hatch/implant sometime soon. I'll be soo paranoid about any symptoms...am I preggers or are the symptoms just due to pregnyl/progesterone. When should the pregnyl be out of my system?

Although I'll defo defo not be testing early as I gave DH my 2 unopened PG tests to hide from me so that I dont test early...AARRGGHH what have I done!!!

Anyway only 9 days till testing...phew this is a drag!!!

Hi and thanks!!!

Monday is the official testing date.... i just `felt`pregnant though... all the twinges and pulls and little pains made me realise I have only ever felt this when confirmed pregnant with DD.

The hospital have scared me telling me to call back Monday as I have tested early.. well its 11 dpo EC (used as OV day) so in my eyes I am testing within a period of getting a BFP. Digi says detection 4 days before AF which is due actually on Sunday 23rd so Monday for a OTD is not correct... they just said after i had done ET to test 12 days later... maybe they were counting ET day as one of those days since I had it done at 1.30pm that day? Maybe Sunday 23rd is the official testing day!!! Ramble ramble... i'm nervous can you tell!!!
Those gals on dreg - Kath and Brambletess - all I can say is use your time of downregging well!! Eat well, exercise and take care!! Because when you start the stim drugs - you will be sooo bloated!! Skirts that fit me last Friday no longer fit this week!! :rofl:

LOL dreg is about right, very fitting name for it!! Am not looking forward to stims. The students at my school are brutally honest (Miss, what have you done to your hair, Miss I don't like your top, Miss you've got a massive spot...) and will have no problem pointing it out to the world if I'm the size of a whale!!!

Saw acupucturist this morning and was talking to her about SET. She said because we only get a 2 day transfer at our clinic she would def push for 2 embies. Think I might ring consultant to discuss......


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