4 Leaf Clover IVF / ICSI Buddies


Tanya - Not denying that one... hes lucky you are all so forgiving, the cheeky pig! lol

Cupcake - How are you? Yeah, I was surprised he asked me to apologise on his behalf and called himself a prick.... lmao

Mendy - Yep an easy answer to everything... believe the doctor. Hmmmm whatever!

Mrs G - Where you been lady? Come on keep up!!! ha ha (wink) Hows things going?

I just wondered if I could ask all the ladies that have had IVF and are pregnant or have been how long you had to wait after IVF before you could safely have sex?

Our clinic have not informed us or anything and not said yes or no but i dont want to risk hurting the baby....

When do you think it would be safe? Im 5 weeks pregnant :hugs::hugs:
Hi neyney and wrightywales, welcome back and glad to hear about apps!

Sorry not been around much, tbh REALLY bored of dregging and feeling a bit sorry for myself so just been keeping my head down and counting down the days....

Good to see some more Aussies on here!! Go east coast IVF girls!!

Sammy -not sure about the sex bit - check with your clinic maybe (although they haven't got a good track record do they!). Our clinic said we could as soon as it was 'comfortable' after ET. I'm fighting DH off though until test confirms or otherwise.

I am doing ok - boobs very sort and peeing a lot, but read info from progesterone cream and it said those were symptoms. Nurse at clinic said side-effects mimicked pregnancy so who know!
Good to see some more Aussies on here!! Go east coast IVF girls!!

Sammy -not sure about the sex bit - check with your clinic maybe (although they haven't got a good track record do they!). Our clinic said we could as soon as it was 'comfortable' after ET. I'm fighting DH off though until test confirms or otherwise.

I am doing ok - boobs very sort and peeing a lot, but read info from progesterone cream and it said those were symptoms. Nurse at clinic said side-effects mimicked pregnancy so who know!

Hey hun, i am with you on the progestrone, i have just started mine now ready for transfer on thurs, during icsi cycle i have to say the prog was the worst part for symptoms for me, injections no bother but the prog supps gave me thrush, and aching down there and dry skin and weeing and generally just feeling out of sorts, now i have to take 2!!!! supps this time so god knows how i will be haha. I am doing a bit of an experiment for everyone this time actually, see last time i had obviously been threw the trauma of egg collection and didnt know if what i was feeling down there was from bruising and bloating from the cycle and egg collection or wether it was medicine related. So will keep everyone posted if as to wether the prog gives me same symptoms as last time. I think it will be interesting to find out.....for me anyway.......cos some of hte symptoms last time definately mimicked pregnancy.

Good luck cupcake, fingers are still corssed for you although i have to admit they have to be uncrossed to type on here and take my tablets for FET hahaah :) xx
Good to see some more Aussies on here!! Go east coast IVF girls!!

Sammy -not sure about the sex bit - check with your clinic maybe (although they haven't got a good track record do they!). Our clinic said we could as soon as it was 'comfortable' after ET. I'm fighting DH off though until test confirms or otherwise.

I am doing ok - boobs very sort and peeing a lot, but read info from progesterone cream and it said those were symptoms. Nurse at clinic said side-effects mimicked pregnancy so who know!

OMG cupcake - didnt realized you are from this part of the world.. of cours go east Coast girls.. :happydance::happydance:
and i cant thank you enought for such a lovely post in my journo.. its so reassuring to know someone close by you is going thru the same process..
nothing much to report from me ... stil lwaiting to start down regging.. once that starts i will be pestering you ladies more often :)

I just wondered if I could ask all the ladies that have had IVF and are pregnant or have been how long you had to wait after IVF before you could safely have sex?

Our clinic have not informed us or anything and not said yes or no but i dont want to risk hurting the baby....

When do you think it would be safe? Im 5 weeks pregnant :hugs::hugs:

Hi hun

I asked my FS today if its ok if we have sex and she said.. "yes thats fine since you are past 9 weeks.."

I did not tell her we had sex at 6.5 weeks lol:blush:

So going by what she said - looks like 9 weeks

Good luck hun.. i know its hard....:blush:
Hello People

Not posted for a while as like Mrs G am still down regging and not much to report. Its quite boring waiting for action to happen.

Angelcakes - so sorry to hear this cycle was not the one for you, it really is down to chance sometimes. Keep strong and glad you have another cycle to focus on. Time goes quicker than you think.:hugs:

Sammy - not sure about the sex thing, its totally fine if pregnant normally but maybe with IVF pregnancy they prefer you to be more careful. Doesn't make sense to me though as sex is part of life and people don't worry about it usually. A lot of people don't know they are pregnant until 10 weeks and are usually bonking like crazy.

Hope you aussie's girls are doing ok in 2ww wait. Progesterone sounds horrible if its worse than the dregging stage.

Chocci, its come round so soon. Really hoping it all goes well for you this week. :hugs:

I just wondered if I could ask all the ladies that have had IVF and are pregnant or have been how long you had to wait after IVF before you could safely have sex?

Our clinic have not informed us or anything and not said yes or no but i dont want to risk hurting the baby....

When do you think it would be safe? Im 5 weeks pregnant :hugs::hugs:

Hi Sammy!

My Dr recommended waiting until we saw the heartbeat which was 6wks for us. Only because if something went wrong they didn't want us blaming ourselves for having sex, etc. I still waiting a bit after, but every time we do I'm scared to death that something will go wrong. And now that I've been spotting no BD until I know everything is okay. :)
Hi Girls,
Thanks for all the info on when its best to test after ET, as clinic semmed to think a month was reasonable. :shrug:
However AF turned up Last Friday 7 days after ET, so I never got close to a test day ... Im completely devastated to be honest and have spent the whole bank holiday weekend in bed :cry:

Good luck to all those still in the running.
Sarah xxx
Hi Girls,
Thanks for all the info on when its best to test after ET, as clinic semmed to think a month was reasonable. :shrug:
However AF turned up Last Friday 7 days after ET, so I never got close to a test day ... Im completely devastated to be honest and have spent the whole bank holiday weekend in bed :cry:

Good luck to all those still in the running.
Sarah xxx

Hun, i know how hard it is and how bad you feel, i felt the same, in a daze for 2 days, just wanted to run away and never come back, didnt want to contunue in the same life, wanted a change, allsorts went through my head after my BFN. BUT and you have been here before, you know that you can pick yourself up andkeep going cos you are strong. You get more determined each time and each time you get stronger. Although its hard right now, think about those snow babies, you have lots of chances there, your baby is amoung them, fate stopped this one workingcos your actual baby is not ready yet :) Keep strong hun and keep going, IT WILL HAPPEN. Hey and think of this, when i was fed up a few weeks ago i took consilation in what one of the registrars told me........we are very very lucky to have snow babies, only 1 in 5 couples have good enough quality embies to get them!!! XXXX
Thanks for your kind words Chocci, and you are right my time will come as will all of ours, we just need to be strong.
Hi guys, I hope its ok that I drop in. I will be starting my first cycle of IVF next cycle if things don't happen with this one. I found it hard to get my head around it to begin with, but I guess if thats what is needed to get our BFP then I guess that is whats needed. Oh yes, and if one more person person around me (present company excluded) announce they are either pregnant or just had a baby I am going to scream....oh the pain :(.

I was wondering if someone could answer a question for me. If I start IVF next cycle I think I need to take the pill for a month before the nasal spray and injectables making it 6 weeks before retrieval and implantation can be preformed....is this correct? And then if the first IVF cycle doesn't work, then you have a month off and then go onto nasal spray and injections again. Is this how it works? I hope this makes sense. Any help would be appreciated.
Oh, I was wondering what are chances of success with IVF?

Best of luck to everyone on getting their BFP.
Sarah, so sorry to hear your news. Chocci said it all, you are a strong woman and however hard it is now, you know you will get through this. We are all here for you :hugs:

Lioness, hi!
Every clinic does a slightly different protocol. Some girls have gone back on bcp, i didn't. Some have had nasal sprays, others injections from the start. I'd ring your clinic and get them to give you an idea of what will happen. After I got my last af before treatment started we had a long app with the nurse and everything was explained in loads of detail. Don't be afraid to ask questions though. Good luck!!

Kath xx

PS :hugs: and :dust: to all my lovely ladies.x
Sarah - so sorry to hear AF got you. But chocci is right - you have a bunch of snow babies and that is great!! With my first round of ICSI, we only had 1 embie ok for transfer out of 13!!! None were suitable for freezing due to fragmentation. So at least you have some chances on ice and not have to go through down regging/stims/EC again!

Lioness - welcome hun! It is so good to see you here. This is a brilliant thread for you to join.

I have been told my by clinic that if this first round of IVF doesn't work for us - that i have to take the pill for 3 weeks before starting nasal spray and injections again. I think they do this so they can get some control of your cycle. Once you start nasal spray - it should only be 2 weeks to EC and then a week to ET (if they go to 5 days - some clinics only go to 3).

Hope Sydney is treating you well - it was 35C here last w/end which is crazy for a winter's day!!

Take care hun.
Wow-wee ladies, havent we all been busy!!!

Maz - My appointment on 23rd Sept is our initial consultation for NHS, which I think normally thats when they start looking at bloods etc however I have all that paperwork already from this last cycle, so I'm hoping that its just a chat about when I've to start my next cycle.

Chocci - Thanks for your kind words, to be honest we were devasted on Friday but I made DH and I go to the pics on Friday night to see a comedy (Funny People) to cheer us up and by Sat we had snapped out of it. Onto round 2 which will be a :BFP:. Fingers crossed for your FET on Thursday hun, let us know how it goes...then the symptom spotting begins :hugs:

Cupcake - Well how are you today, have you resisted the urge to POAS yet? I know what you mean about the progesterone symptoms...they play with your mind. :wacko: And I hope you're not rubbing it in about the 35c as its a mere 14 here with dark clouds and rain :nope:

Kelly - Your IUI appointment is similar to my NHS IVF consultation...so not long to wait now...phew!!!

Mrs G - 22 days to go - thank goodness I hear you cry!!! There is light at the end of the tunnel. Hope you're keeping well :hugs:

Sammy - Ha your DH has the same thoughts about this as my DH...b*****d!!! Re: the sex thing, I've read that you should wait till your first scan and hear the heartbeat and then you should be ok to get jiggy with it :happydance:

Mendy - Hope your keeping ok and the headaches have gone!!!:hugs:

Tanya - Loving the avatar chick :happydance::happydance:

Wrightwales - Hey only 3 weeks till FET, not long now hun :hugs:

Noddysgirl - Fx for your IVF in Oct hun...hope you keep in touch :hugs:

NeyNey - Looks like we may be starting our cycles about the same time or there abouts...we can keep each other company through the very painful and emotional process...aarrgghh!!! :hugs:

Gumb69 - Whats your appointment for on the 26th Sept?

Brambletess - Not long to wait now...is this your first cycle?

Emerald-Sarah - Hi hun, sorry to hear your news. Be greatful that you have 9 snowbabies, I've just recently completed our 1st IVF cycle and dont have any and need to start all over again. I'm sure there is a baby, or two, there waiting for you :hugs:

Lioness - I know what you mean about the pregant people...they are EVERYWHERE!!! :wacko:

All - Any idea how long you need to wait from one IVF cycle to the next? Do you need to wait a certain amount of time before you can try again.

I had a call from the clinic today that we have just used to say that they reviewed our case this morn to see if there was anything they would change next cycle and they said that everything went perfecly. However next time they would consider culturing the embryos to 5 days, to give them a better chance...THEN WHY DID YOU NOT DO THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! Jeez!!!
emerald star sorry to hear about AF
cupcake queen - hang in therex
angel cakes- best of luck not long until your next appointment
my appointment on the 24th is another appointment with my Fertility specialist, it's to chat about the medication i'm on, and i think to see where we go from here. i.e. keep on the medication or try something else possibly IVF. i don't have long as i've only one ovary and fallopian tube and risk of scar tissue and endometriosis coming back again quickly. so they said after my last op that 6 months was our best chance to conceive, so 6 months is well and truly up and still no baby.
Just wanted to send :hugs: to all. I'm afraid I'm feeling far too muddle-headed to say words to each of you so I hope you'll forgive a bear of little brain :blush:

I am sooooo tired! Completely zonked :sleep: I guess I must just be going through one of those phases because I can't believe the buserelin would be having any side-effects already (3 days injections completed so far :happydance:) and anyway, I'm not sure tiredness is necessarily a side effect :shrug:

Hi Angelcakes

I was advised to leave 3 cycles between egg collections to give my ovaries a chance to recover from the trauma of aspiration. As our first cycle ended in MC,I had my second cycle as soon as possible, but in hindsight I wasn't mentally ready for the negative result that we ended up with. Hope that helps...
Hello girls,

Sorry I havent been around much - and god if you dont keep up you end up with about 15 pages to read!!!

just wanted to drop in with hugs for everyone.

I'm just hanging around waiting for my next AF so I can start the 21 day count down to stimms so like Mrs G just keeping my head down a bit.

Emerald sarah and Angelcake - also wanted to give you special hugs hunnis. I'm so sorry this wasnt it for you. I actully felt OK when AF turned up at first - cos like you angel I had known since two days after ET it hadnt worked cos my AF cramps were so bad and then she turned up 8 days after ET - but it actualy was about two weeks later when it hit me really hard and I was a complete wreck. So please do give yourselves time to heal and as much as you can tell yourself that round two is round the corner (and we have to beleive so is that BFP) you do also need to let yoursleves have a good cry about the lost dreams of this cycle and dont beat yourselves up about it if it takes a while to get over it. Thinking of you :hugs::hugs:

Good luck everyone down reggin, stimming and waiting.:hugs::hugs::hugs:

bx x x x

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