4 Leaf Clover IVF / ICSI Buddies

thanks everyone getting really excited now :happydance:

hospital phoned back and said my embies will be taken out thursday morning and i will recieve a phone call sometime in the afternoon with all the details of how my embies are doing and if any made it through the big thaw. id be happy as long as 1 makes it through. thats all i need i hope but will be very surprised if most of them do. i have heard the earlier they freeze them the better chance of making it through the thawing process

will updates you all as soon as i find out

I know ladies who have done IUI and it worked for them multiple times. I need to hold out hope cause we can't afford IVF. It;s not covered or funded out here so if its a no for IUI then no baby for me for many years.
I am sitting here in tears with all the stress that OH is sending me through about my job.

Basically my contract comes up for renewal in middle of November, I am on a one years contract and then they will decide if i can have another years contract leading to a permanent contract after that or whether I can have a permanent contract straight the way. Thing is i´m showing with a bump and two people have already started chin wagging and gossiping about it. My friend has masked the comments by saying I have been sterilized so i cant be pregnant but i am never going to keep this from them for another 2 months. OH wants me to tell work im pregnant (this will risk the chance of them not renewing or maybe they will i dont know) I am only going to be off for 6 months.

My friend thinks I shouldnt tell them as they wont renew my contract as they will have to pay me for maternity leave. They are not entitled to renew my contract, its their decision. I have only worked for them since end of January but i have worked hard and I know they are pleased with me as they have told me so.... I dont know what to do. OH is stabbing me in the back saying "i told you this would happen"

I never showed with my first child until 5 months which is why i thought i would be able to get away with it this time but its too late, im too big already.

Can anyone advise me what to do.... if i lose my job we may lose our house that we have just bought as well. I just dont know what to do.... :cry::cry::cry:
I know ladies who have done IUI and it worked for them multiple times. I need to hold out hope cause we can't afford IVF. It;s not covered or funded out here so if its a no for IUI then no baby for me for many years.

Hun, it must work as they would not do it otherwise but with male factor infertility its not usually recomended. My hubbys 2nd sample after a terrible first one came back pretty good in comparison he had 21 mil sperm and all other reading were normal, we dont know morph as they did not test this on the second sample, but when i asked about IUI they wouldnt even entertain it. Hey to be frank differnt clincis do differnt things and have differing opinions. Would be nice if they all sung from the same hym sheet :) Good luck hun, it can work, for me though if my first ICSI didnt work then i dont see IUI working for me hahaah XX
Sorry sammy, i think they would have to be very careful about the reasons for NOT renewing your contract to be frank and even if they are carful there is a possibility of threatening the with a law suit for unfair selection. Cant be much more helpful than that i am afraid. I know your not in UK are you? Is there an equivalant to the ACAS website about emplyment law you could talk to? Good luck hun XXX (oh and ingonre OH he is just a stupid cock of a man!) hahahah :) xxx

Just wanted to pass on some info i learnt today. I spoke to care who have warned about the use of chinese herbs and medicine during IVF. They strongly advise against it. Acupuncture etc ok but anything where you are taking supplements etc NO NO. They have had a lot of faliures apparently and the common dinominator was people using chinese medicines. Apparently there is a thread about it. Off to try find it! Just wanted to pass on the info! xx
thanks everyone getting really excited now :happydance:

hospital phoned back and said my embies will be taken out thursday morning and i will recieve a phone call sometime in the afternoon with all the details of how my embies are doing and if any made it through the big thaw. id be happy as long as 1 makes it through. thats all i need i hope but will be very surprised if most of them do. i have heard the earlier they freeze them the better chance of making it through the thawing process

will updates you all as soon as i find out


Looks like we'll be having ET the same day!!! :happydance: xx
Ok there is a thread from years ago but the same still applies, this post was not recent i think it was 2005 :

"We have recently seen a number of couples who had unexpectedly poor fertilisation following IVF/ICSI having previously had good fertilisation rates.

Close questioning revealed in these cases that the patients had recently started taking Chinese Herbal medicines and these were the only identifiable changes in their cycles.

Recent advice from the Committee for Safety of medicines has highlighted the variability in quality of ingredients in these medicines and, more worryingly, on occasions high levels of heavy metal and other toxic residues.

It is therefore CARE policy to advise patients NOT to take ANY Chinese herbal medicines in the run up or during the treatment cycle as these could seriously affect the outcome of the cycle.

Please will you also ensure that CARE are informed of ANY additional medication/supplements you are taking during treatment

Dr Simon Thornton, MD FRCOG
CARE Fertility Group Medical Director"
Am not taking any TCM but this doesn't apply to normal prenatals too does it??
Sammy - i agree with chocci. they are in dangerous position if they don't renew your contract. you can claim unfair dismissal. the fact that they are happy with you and have told you that they are happy is a great sign. if they had remprimanded you in some way then of course they wouldn't have to renew your contract.
so i'd say tell them, and it will make them think even harder about renewing your contract, as they will be thinking that if they don't renew your contract then you can say its because your pregnant. i think you are in a win win situation. i dont' actually think you can end someone's contract if you are pregnant. oh and by the way, you don't need this stress, so please stop worrying about it. there is nothing you can do about it, concentrate on yourself and your bump, and the rest will sort itself out xx

wrighty and mrs G, hope all goes well in the next few days. i'll keep my fingers and arms crossed for you and say my prayers.

got fs appointment on friday so will find out if we are to go for IVF or not.

thanks for the heads up about the chinese supplement. Is anyone using accupuncture? I was tempted.
i bought a DVD online yesterday, its a yoga dvd, and its a dvd especially for women ttc.maybe i'm gulliable, that's what my H says. but hey if it works, it supposed to do exercises to help you relax and increase fertility.does it sound like i've been duped. i bought it from a reputable chemists website.
thanks everyone getting really excited now :happydance:

hospital phoned back and said my embies will be taken out thursday morning and i will recieve a phone call sometime in the afternoon with all the details of how my embies are doing and if any made it through the big thaw. id be happy as long as 1 makes it through. thats all i need i hope but will be very surprised if most of them do. i have heard the earlier they freeze them the better chance of making it through the thawing process

will updates you all as soon as i find out


Looks like we'll be having ET the same day!!! :happydance: xx

oh wow that is great will have a 2ww buddy lol

good luck with your ET and i hope we both get our :bfp:
Just a quick update because my eyes won't stay open much longer and I'm off to bed ...

Scan on Monday found 5 follies that they think will grow large enough. I have another scan tomorrow and they will confirm if collection will be either Friday or Monday! I can't believe I'm nearly there, the last couple of weeks have flown by!

Good luck to everyone. Wrighty and Mrs G - looks like I'll be a couple of days behind you.

Sorry to dash without further comments, will catch up next time when I'm not feeling so shattered.

x :hugs:
Good luck all with the EC's.

Chocci, the people i know had MMF to and it worked... I won't know much else till thursday. My DH has 22.6 mil sperm (could be higher now, am hoping) and only slightly bad motility at 45% should be 50%. We might do it for a cycle or 2 just to try since it is the only option we can afford at the moment although I did call MIL today and we knew she wanted to make a donation towards IVF if we had to go that route but now she is mentioning paying for the first cycle! It's such an incredible offer but I don't think I can take 10,000 from her without her letting us eventually pay her back many years in the future. She calls it an investment in her grandchildren.
Thanks gumb69 and chocci for replying.... i really appreciate your advice (hugs)

Mrs G - Its egg collection today then? Wow at last! All the very best of luck hun and let us know how it all goes as soon as you can xxxx
Mrs G - good luck for egg collection today, hope you feel ok after it. You will be sleepy today I expect afterwards. Egg Transfer went ok but felt very sore afterwards so don't be surprised if you need to take the next day off work as well. Get loads of rest and let us know how it all goes. The first week of my 2ww has passed quickly but now the time seems to be slowing down as i just want to know the outcome. I have been on the forum my clinic run and no one on it so far has got a BFP, I know this is not everyone under going IVF at the clinic bit its still depressing. Not feeling very hopeful now.

Kelly9, it might be worth accepting MIL's offer, there are some things you can't put a price on and both of yours happiness is one of them in her eyes i expect. Its wonderful she is being so supportive and hopefiully IUI will work and you won't need it. If both our NHS cycles fail my mother has offered to pay for a third. I am only planning to do three and if they fail will plan to adopt a young child after that.

Snowdrop - well done, hope it all goes to plan for Friday!

Wrightwales - Phew thank goodness that smiley face showed up! very exciting for the thaw on Thursday at least you have lots of embies to play with. I only got 4 in the end. The you will be with me for the 2ww!! I test in an exactly a week, although might don a cheeky one on Monday or Tuesday.
Hey all. Have updated in journal so won't bore you with the details again but basically 5 good and 2 small eggs retrieved. Fert report in the morning.

Snowdrop and wrighty, so glad we can all do this together. :kiss:
Brambletess, are you gonna test? What dpo will you be Monday? Do you count from EC day?

Kelly, I agree with brambletess. The financial aspect of all this is so stressful and if her offer takes that away, then go for it I say. A woman I work with has remortgaged her house to pay for her son's IVF.

just wanted to say good luck to all the ladies going thru EC and ET and in 2WW!!!


xx Tanya
just wanted to say good luck to all the ladies going thru EC and ET and in 2WW!!!


xx Tanya

Ahhh, bless you! Love the pic :hugs:

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