4 weeks! My first pregnancy and looking for some buddies!

Wow, one year of leave paid! That's amazing. I wish that were like that here. Our plan is for me to take 8 weeks completely off, then go back part time, like 15-20 hours per week until the school year finishes in June. Summer is always really slow, so I'll have a light schedule next summer, then when I go back in the fall of 2016, I'm not sure what we'll do yet. I'll probably do 30 hours per week. We have rental homes with income, but we don't like to look at it as income. My husband is starting a new job so we will see how it goes. He is actually leaving this Sunday to train in Indianapolis for 2 weeks. It's going to be a long two weeks without him.

I've been feeling good so far this week, just the usual fatigue kicking my butt. My back definitely is starting to hurt, but I'm not sure if that's from the gardening that I did over the weekend or the fact that I am always slouching. I could go for a nice back massage. Once my summer hours kick in, I'm going to be going to yoga once a week.
I feel you on the massage!! I'm hoping to have at least one a trimester but I need to actually book one to make that happen lol!
Had my first pukes this morning :( it wasn't triggered by the usual nausea but instead by brushing my teeth - I've been close a few times while brushing my teeth but today there was no stopping it! I've heard some women get one last hormone surge week 10 (which is tomorrow for me) so maybe that's what's putting me over the edge. Hoping this isn't a daily thing now, but I guess it's reminding me baby is doing what it should!
Just wanted to say hi emmy, I was on a tww board with you, finally got my bfp!!
Had my first pukes this morning :( it wasn't triggered by the usual nausea but instead by brushing my teeth - I've been close a few times while brushing my teeth but today there was no stopping it! I've heard some women get one last hormone surge week 10 (which is tomorrow for me) so maybe that's what's putting me over the edge. Hoping this isn't a daily thing now, but I guess it's reminding me baby is doing what it should!

Oh no!!! How are you feeling today? Did you puke up your vitamins? I gagged last night after taking my vitamin, I don't know why.
Hi pink!! Congrats!! I wish you a happy and healthy 9 months!

Yes proud I puked up my vitamin too lol so I just took another one last night. Nothing this morning though, yay!! I think it's just this last stretch of the first tri that's making difficult for us!!
Jonquille, proud and I are about 5-6 weeks ahead of you and heading into the second tri shortly, so you might find others closer to where you're at in the first tri thread. It's really helpful to have someone to talk to who's going through the same stuff at the same time, so that would be my suggestion!
How are the symptoms and everything today? I'm getting the exhaustion now, yikes! All I want to do is sleep!! Looking forward to telling our friends this weekend so I can stop hiding everything, but especially my bloated belly lol.
Symptoms haven't changed much. I actually feel like I may have more energy now than I've had in the past 10 weeks. I accidentally ate raw egg a few nights ago and was so nervous, but nothing happened. Today I had to go see a genetics counselor. My dad has a mix up with his chromosomes which resulted in my mom having a bunch of miscarriages. As far as I know, I do not have this chromosome mix up but both of my sisters do. The genetics counselor wanted me tested just in case because the paperwork we had from 20 years ago didn't state whether I had it or didn't have it, it just stated that both of my sisters had it. We told my older sister this weekend, finally. My husband is away on business and doesn't come home until next Friday. However, on Father's Day, we are sharing it with family, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. Then will be making it public on facebook shortly after. I am excited for everyone to find out. This is such an uncomfortable stage of hiding and lieing. I went to a maternity store last night and bought 2 belly bands. All of my elastic pants are in the wash and I had nothing to wear to work. The belly band is pretty comfortable, but every time I stand up or move around a lot, I have to pull it down and reset it. That's the only annoying part but I guess it's okay considering I can wear my normal clothes.

How about you? What's your update? We haven't spoke yet this week
That's great that you're feeling more energetic!! I know how you feel about the raw egg - I've eaten a few things I shouldn't and each time I end up fine but worry that I won't be!

I hope all the genetic testing results come back good for you so that you have nothing to worry about!! How did telling your sister go?

We're telling all our friends this weekend who will be at my birthday, the rest we'll tell when we run into them or they'll hear through the grapevine. I have some family I won't be seeing for a long time that I'd like to tell in person, so I'm going to try and keep it off Facebook so I can tell them in person, and some other family that I don't need to tell in person I'll be emailing at the beginning of next month.

I don't know about you but I hate when my husband is away!! Don't get me wrong, I love a day or two by myself where I can just do my thing, but with being pregnant, without him around I feel like I'm without my backup when I'm having to lie and hide! He was away last weekend but won't be going away for quite a while now.

How did it go telling your sister? Was she who you were worried about telling? Father's Day will be a nice time to tell your family!

I'm fully in maternity pants or my regular lulu lemons/sweats now. I found that the belly band with my pants and jeans was more annoying than anything so I just went to h&m and bought maternity jeans and they're great. I have some maternity capris that were given to me I've been wearing and otherwise I caved and bought some shorts ($50!!! I've never spent that much on shorts in my life). Otherwise I live in dresses. A few of my usual ones are fine if I'm trying to hide but I also bought some new non-maternity dresses that are looser in the stomach area. It's kind of ridiculous how big my stomach is considering I'm not technically showing. I guess it's water retention, weight gain and bloating, but it's making for a small but obvious bump.
Yes, I am totally with you on the "not technically showing, but definitely showing." It's making me nervous that I am going to be a complete whale because I definitely have a bump and I'm not even 3 months yet. It's crazy. I wore the belly band one day and I agree, it is completely annoying. Every time I stand up or move around or go upstairs, I have to readjust it. Very annoying. But, if I can wear it a little bit here and there and save money on pants, then I'll do it. I'm really just concerned for work clothes. I bought the elastic pants which seem like they'll be good for the most part. When I'm not at work, I'll wear maxi dresses or stretchy pants.

I can not wait until my husband gets home. My belly will definitely look a bit different when he gets home. One more full week! And, the night that he gets home, we are going on a dinner cruise around NYC.

We told my sister last weekend and it went pretty well. Yes, she was the one I was worried about. She's very excited. We even went to the store and picked out a bunch of unisex clothes and she bought them for me. She even bought me a few surprise things but isn't giving them to me yet. I guess it's time to empty all of my clothes out of the nursery closet and make some room for the baby! Just hoping that she can keep the secret for just a little bit longer!

I am so excited for Father's Day. My husband will be home and my family is going to be so excited to find out. I think we are going to tell them by having everyone get in for a big group picture, then the person taking the picture is going to scream that I am pregnant, then take the picture. The pictures will capture the initial reaction on everyone's faces. How are you planning on telling your friends at your birthday? Also, were you thinking of getting your husband something for Father's Day? I think I want to get my husband one of those corny dad shirts so that he could wear it to the hospital the day that the baby comes.
Same regarding fear of being a whale lol!! The friends we told last night said "oh ya you totally look pregnant you have a bump!" Which again, I'm embracing, but a little fearful! I understand about avoiding buying pants. Especially since it's the summer and there's not a lot of reason to wear them! I was happy with the $40 H&M price tag so just went with it for the sake of comfort. I also didn't really pay for them since I asked for money for maternity clothes from everyone who wanted to buy me a birthday gift (my birthday was last weekend - that's why we're having a party this weekend), so I don't feel too bad spending the money.

Your cruise sounds AWESOME! I might look into something like that for when I go in August since I won't be doing the usual cocktail bars during the evening!

That's so nice that your sister bought the baby some things! The one thing I'm dreading is cleaning out the baby room lol. I just don't know where I'm going to put the stuff that's in there!

Your Father's Day plan sounds awesome! I'm going to take my husband for dinner and then I think I'll get him a book about Daddy for the baby.

I don't know how we'll tell our friends yet at the party. I thought about writing on an old shirt just the word "yes" - because everyone asks me if I'm pregnant every time I see them, or "ask the question" but I don't know if they'll get it. My husband thinks we should just gather everyone when we'll be serving cake and just say it. I just don't want to say "no" if anyone asks for one more second so I don't know if I can wait until most of the people are there for an announcement! We'll see!
Happy 12 weeks to us!!! I'm looking forward to hearing how it goes telling your family this weekend!

We told the family I was going to wait until August to tell last night via Skype. Since we'd had our first OB appointment yesterday and she gave us the go ahead, and my mom was visiting a whole group of the family at once, I figured I should just tell them myself instead of risking it slipping out on Facebook before I had the chance. They were so excited and my Pap cried which was sweet. We'll finish telling who we can in person over the next few weeks and send out some Facebook messages to extended family before announcing around July 1st.

Still feeling completely exhausted, but looking forward to starting to really show and the fun summer I have ahead.

How are things with you??
Congratulations on your pregnancy. I also just found out I'm pregnant as well today actually. My name is Rebecca and I'd love to share in the journey and chat with you more. Whats the best way to get in touch?

Hello everyone!

I've just had two positive tests at 10/11 DPO (3 weeks 3 days) and 12/13 DPO (3 weeks, 5 days) and I'll be 4 weeks tomorrow! This is my first pregnancy so I'd love some buddies who are having their first and some who've been around the block before to journey along with!

I live in Canada and I'm an Early Childhood Educator working as a nanny to two lovely girls turning 3 and 5 this summer.

How is everyone doing so far? When are you planning on telling friends and family? What are your appointments like?

Hope to chat :)
Hi Becky, I'm actually almost 15 weeks pregnant now, in the second trimester. You might find better luck with a buddy at the same stage in pregnancy as you in the first trimester page or by starting a new thread :)

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