40+ and Trying for 1st? Join in!!

Nothing going on with me. I am just waiting for insurance to OK some of the blood tests so I can get that done. I can't do anything but wait. I asked to do some of the other things on the list (antibiotics), but they won't do that until I choose a donor, but I can't choose a donor until they give me the book or list or whatever it is they are supposed to give me. So frustrating. I thought i was going to get it last week, but all I've been doing is playing email tag with the nurse. They won't order the immune tests that are supposed to be through that one place unless I contact them & get things started there, but I know there are other labs that do this type of testing, they are NOT the only ones, but I need to have time to talk to the one lady at work who knows all about different reference labs & where to send things to. She was off mid week until the end of last week since a group of lab people went to do an inspection on the other side of the state. I told the nurse to just write up all the other lab tests & that will be fine for now, so after I get the insurance OK, I will get that going. I narrowed down the blood clotting gene tests (which I think is what I'm waiting for approval for) to the top 3: Factor V Leiden (which a distant half great aunt says she and her sons and her dad have/had), Prothrombin factor 2, and MTHFR (I already take methyl folate instead of folic acid, which is recommended for MTHFR). I really would like to figure out what blood clotting issues run through my family. My grandma had blood clotting problems most of her life, died from a pulmonary embolism even after taking blood thinners for decades. This was before they did all this gene testing, so I have no idea WHAT caused her problem, plus she had 2 young brothers who died from "blood disease", but no further explanation given (this was probably 1950s).
PS I was so sorry to read your news and feel your pain, allow yourself time to grieve and think about what you want to do. We're all here for you. x
Terri, any news on your test results?
I was thinking that you were probably about 16w, Pussycat. Almost 18 weeks!! I can't even believe it. How are you doing?

No updates yet. I keep getting scared when I see a random phone call on my cell that it's the results, but so far, no dice. hee hee. I'm being pretty patient though, so I guess I'm just at peace with whatever happens, good or bad. So, I just wait another day...I think by next Friday I should know because they were delayed in sending them to the lab. :shrug: Whatever. hee hee.

Jean-Hopefully you can get the bloodwork done and everything comes back normal. Your family does have a lot of strange things going on bloodwise though, so if you get to the bottom of it, make sure you write it down or pass it to siblings, or whomever you think would value the information.
Oh, you have no idea how much weird health stuff runs through my family! I think we should all go to a medical geneticist and see what happens, but not many are interested. I tried to get my immediate family to do 23andme before the FDA stopped letting those in the US get health results, but no one wanted to, even if I paid for it. I've done extensive geneaology research to find where my heart defect came from, but I only found autoimmune diseases. If I had continued with using my own eggs, I would've went to the geneticist at the university hospital for further extensive testing, but mostly it was to see about my passing on my defect to a child, which I know the cardiologist said anywhere from 10%-30% chance, but they really don't know and haven't pinpointed a particular genetic cause.

Oh, and I'm still waiting to hear anything from anyone at the clinic. Good thing I'm super busy this week.

Edit: and I got a call on my voice mail that I should've checked yesterday, but was too busy. I got pre-approved for all but one of the blood tests (not sure which one they considered investigatory, I will find out when I get the requisition faxed to me). I was also waiting to hear from the service manager at the car place to see about getting my car fixed, but he never called me back and I have to take my car there in the morning anyway because now the stupid oil light is coming on AGAIN. I've been dealing with this problem for over 2.5 years and I just got an extended warranty notice for stuck piston rings causing oil consumption problems, which is exactly the problem I've been having. My oil runs really really low well before it needs changed and I only know about it when this stupid oil light comes on.
Ok, got my blood drawn for my tests yesterday & right before noon, nurse emailed me the donor profiles! Today is my day 3, so if I can get this going, maybe I can get my saline ultrasound & trial transfer done next week. I was hoping I didn't have to waste another cycle. I have to pick my choice and a backup choice.
Hi Ladies,

I am 43 and recently miscarried my first. I did not know I could get pregnant and we pleasantly surprised when I did. Heartbroken when it ended. :cry:

Now that I know I can, I want to and so eager to get started. Tomorrow will be 3 weeks since my D&C and currently waiting for AF to show up. :coffee:

Doc told me to wait for atleast one cycle and I was doing really good until last night. We've been careful, but without protection. Last night we were not as careful so I have no idea what will happen:sex:.

In any event, I would love to join your group if you're have me
Hi Justme and welcome.
So sorry to hear about your miscarriage. Hopefully you'll get pregnant right away naturally! That would be so great.

Jean-Yeah for getting your bloodwork done and your donor profiles. With your donor profiles, are you being super picky, or are you just looking for someone you like? How many choices do you have?
I got 16 profiles and narrowed that down to 5, then to 4. 3 of them only have a single embryo, the fourth one has 4 embryos. I am trying to choose someone approximately my height, blonde or light brown hair, green or blue eyes for the female (3 of these were also egg donors, so I know they went through the genetic testing). I am looking for someone without crazy family medical history. I eliminated most of them that way (some of the stuff was so bad IMO). Then I looked at the quality of embryo when I got to my last 5. So, my clinic will let me use 2 of the single embryos at the same time, so if they both take hold, they will not be genetically related, but I don't care about that. I want healthy children. If you adopt, you probably don't know much of anything about the birth parents, so at least I could try to control the info I was given.

I got most of my meds about an hour ago, waiting for a steroid that was out of stock but will be here tomorrow. I am starting the BCP and the Cipro tonight, have to wait until I stop bleeding (I'm still spotting a bit) for the Metrogel. Not sure why I also have Doxycycline, but I guess I find out when I go on Tuesday afternoon for the Saline Infusion Sonogram and my Trial Embryo Transfer. I also have Estradiol and Valium (for the FET). The specialty pharmacy will be calling me about the Lupron. I'm guessing I get the progesterone in a few weeks. I'm looking at probably the end of October! Last night, I was thinking it would be before Thanksgiving, so this is happening really fast. I was also told that since these embryos were frozen for so long, they use assisted hatching on all of them. Not sure how much that adds to the cost, but I can understand why they would use it.

So, onto the first pair of embryos I picked, Blastocyst #1 4AA/8 (frozen 2001) and Blastocyst #2 4AB/5 (frozen 2008). My backup pair (in case there is a problem at thaw) is Blastocyst #3 2CB/3 (frozen 2000) and the 4 Blastocysts in the last selection are 4AB/7, 3BB/5, 3BB/5, and 4AA/8 (the last one is probably the one I would choose, frozen 2010). I like the egg donor of Blastocyst #3, so that's why I have that one ahead of the last 4, plus there is no male partner height given or much other info on the couple. I would like the male height to be at least 6 foot tall given how really tall all the men in my family are (way taller than that) and OH is 6'3". #2 and #4 had IVF resulting in twins in the past, unknown about #1 and #3. Some of these profiles had 16 pages of info (the ones who used egg donors) and some only had 3 pages, hardly any info at all. I'm glad there weren't too many to go through.

Oh yeah, all the meds I got today and the steroid tomorrow didn't cost me anything since I hit my yearly out of pocket max, so yay for that! The Lupron is approximately $200, not sure if I have to pay that or if they will bill insurance, this is a different pharmacy than I've used before.

Edit: Ok, the doxycycline is for assisted hatching, according to the nurse. The Cipro is for this week. Guess I have to see what all is involved in this assisted hatching.
I've been lurking here. Just like to keep checking in though it's painful most times to read/respond. Wouldn't wish thus on anyone.

Terri, I read your update on another forum and all I can do and say is that you are in my prayers. You just have at allow yourself to feel and be and let it out as it comes through. I pray for strength for you and your dh as you deal with this. Sending hugs your way.
So far, so good. A bit of messed up gut Friday night after the Cipro (like most antibiotics will do), but the only other side effect from it is a bad headache and Tylenol works. I found out the Lupron was around $500, they billed my insurance, 100% covered! I'm very happy about that! Everything else costs a fortune. So, the doxycycline and the prednisone is for the assisted hatching and I have used Dr. Google to learn more about that. I also did a search for inactive ingredients in all these meds, I thought the doxycycline had soy in it, but just lactose, so I'm ok with it. I just freaked out a tiny bit about it. I am casein intolerant AND lactose intolerant, so dairy is pretty much something I don't consume. I have some lactase I took with the other meds I had to take that contained lactose, which helped a tiny bit, but I was still left with a totally messed up gut. I got the prune juice in the fridge, ready and waiting for these next pills.
Good luck Jean, thinking of you (and the prune juice at the ready!)
You too Terri, life is a real cow sometimes xx
Saline sonogram & trial embryo transfer went off without a hitch (minus the rushing to get there since they bumped my appointment up by an hour). My annoying tiny fibroid looks good, still not going into the endometrial cavity just yet. I finish up the metrogel tonight, the Cipro Thursday and start the Lupron shots Thursday morning. After my appointment, I checked on my Lupron package (arriving by FedEx) and they had just tried to deliver it, requires a signature, so it went off to the FedEx hub. That's when I made yet another rushed trip (but not as rushed as getting there) back home, got the FedEx tag off the door, then to the hub a half hour before they closed. The specialty pharmacy packaged it up good in a tiny cooler with ice packs, my syringes were in there, along with a tiny pack of Hershey Kisses (which will go to work since I don't do dairy, but the thought was nice). I am going to get my heating pad out and ready. Shots again. Blech.

I got the paperwork for my embryo choices filled out (I eliminated my original choice #3 after doing a bit more research into embryo grading) and got the legal paperwork to bring home, read, sign, then I can take that back at my next appointment (ultrasound, I assume). I know I stop the BCP on Sept 30, wait for the bleed, then call to get estradiol checked to see if my ovaries have shut down, then they reduce the Lupron by half and I will start the estradiol pills. That's all I got for a schedule so far. Everything else will be scheduled after that happens. I even bought myself a really nice day planner to write down all the pills & shots & appointments & my work schedule & everything else I think I need to remember. It's got large enough spaces for each day. This is the only way I can keep up with it all. I write down what I'm supposed to take & when, then check it off as I go.
So, I had to review how to do the shots, just for my piece of mind. I was also wondering if it was just a tiny injection for the Lupron and it really IS. In case anyone else needs a video on how to do injections, here ya go:

https://youtu.be/MyFnCQoL6p0 Lupron video

https://youtu.be/wF3uO67x9kw Subcutaneous injection (which is what the Lupron is), which I've done before

https://youtu.be/A-EY_4P67Hs and the one I'm most anxious about, the intramuscular injection

https://youtu.be/sbpZ6n3M9UY Progesterone in oil
It may have taken me 15 minutes to psych myself up for the first Lupron shot, but the ones after that have been a breeze. Those tiny insulin needles don't hurt at all. Less than a week left of the BCP, then after I start my break through bleed, blood work to see if my ovaries have shut down, then I can reduce the Lupron by half & start estradiol. I'm just happy to be off the Cipro (antibiotic), it was making me so very tired plus I couldn't take most of my usual vitamins or my iron supplements with it, so I was probably a bit anemic, too.

So, how are things going with you Pussycat? Looks like your halfway there!
Hi Jean, yes the insulin needles are so fine that once you've got your head round what you're doing it's easy.
I'm doing fine, had a few weeks feeling energetic but this week feeling really exhausted, bump has suddenly expanded so I guess the babies have grown quite a bit this week which would explain the exhaustion. Half way there, it's flying by! x
Hi, ladies, it's been awhile! :wave: I am hoping to get some updates from you all.

Jean--where are you at in the process?!?!? Are you PUPO or PG or trying again?? :shrug:

Pussycat--how's the pregnancy going?!?!? How big are those two little babies now? I can't recall, do you know gender & have names? For some reason I am thinking identical girls. :twingirls:

clizard, ps, justme, terri -- :flower:

AFM--playing the waiting game, once again. Had a polypectomy in August which resulted in a fibroid also being found and removed. Am now on CD47 of the cycle following the surgery. I had no idea my cycle would get all messed up, but I guess that's possible. I checked with the clinic that did the surgery and they said to wait until after the first normal cycle to do my final IUI. And that could be months. Meanwhile, I've done lots of research and we have identified that if we need IVF, it will be done through CNY Fertility in Syracuse, NY. That's a long ways from MN, but still thousands of dollars cheaper, even with flights for retrieval and transfer. Getting anxious for next steps, but can do nothing but wait... :wacko:
Hi ladies! :hi:

May I join in? I'm 41 and still trying for #1. What a crazy ride.

Vonn--I'm from NY and my OB/GYN recommended CNY to me if we decide to go that route. I'm having baseline tests done with my OB to see if there are any issues before we decide if we're going to proceed with IUI or go straight to IVF, but that is the clinic she recommends.
I am currently taking estradiol and will have my lining check Monday, then FET on Nov 3! I've been dealing with getting my last 2 meds, the crinone and a progesterone suppository, the last week. I had to deal with 3 pharmacies & get the IVF nurse to fax orders 3 times, but I think I finally have it fixed. I got the crinone from the specialty pharmacy that works with my insurance, so it was nothing (I have reached my out of pocket max on my insurance, so no copays). I will get the other progesterone Friday, but I have to pay out of pocket since the insurance says it has no medical value (their words). I don't think that's too bad. $70 for 20 days of those and I got the 2 types of antibiotics, the vaginal gel stuff I had to use a few weeks ago, the estradiol, valium, prednisone, crinone, and Lupron all for free. Plus, my saline sonogram & trial embryo transfer only cost me $94 after insurance (I expected to pay $450 out of pocket). I have to pay for the rest when I go for my ultrasound Monday and I'm not sure the final total cost. I know the FET itself is about $4000. Not sure if that includes the assisted hatching & embryologist fees or what.

The only other thing is trying to keep my sick coworker from getting us all sick. She came to work yesterday with a fever & had been vomiting and diarrhea all night. The supervisor took one look at her and sent her home! She came back today because her fever had broke, but she was coughing around. I tried to stay out of the main room and stay in my office as much as I could and wash my hands.

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