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40+ and Trying for 1st? Join in!!

Hello ladies
Just a little update. I had egg collection on Saturday and the collected 4 eggs (it's not a great number I know). We got a call from the embryologist on Sunday we had 2 fertilise so the called us in to do a 2 day transfer on Monday (today). I was really disappointed at first as this time round has been much tougher than last time (with immunes and a greater stimming dosage) but DH said at least we got 2 and still has a chance. This morning the embryologist rang again in the morning and said she's really sorry that she misread her colleagues note yesterday and said we have infact got 3 grade one embryos. We really happy with that surprise. I transferred all 3 ( not sure if it's the right decision but consultant think it's a wise move). So I'm officially PUPO :)
I did my clexane injection yesterday which sting like hell.
The progesterone injection was awful. I felt fine after the injection and as the night when on (DH did it for me before bed) I was in so much pain that when I woke up the next morning, I couldn't move my leg. I was using my DH crutches and was limping the whole day. It hasn't got better. I don't know how you ladies manage it. The nurse saw me and said I can't be in pain like this everyday and she suggest I take pesseries 3x a day instead as being in so much pain is bad for me. So now on pesseries instead now. I'm a bit disappointed with myself to be honest and everyone can do the injection and I can't :( maybe was unfortunate and hit a bad spot???
Yay Weezy! Forget the injection - sounds like you hit a nerve.
Hi Clizard!

Weezy--congrats on being PUPO! 4 collected and 3 fertilized is great, higher than average on the fertilization rate. I just have to believe the intralipids will make all the difference. Can't wait for you to get good news in 2 weeks!

Jean--tomorrow's the big day, right? GL to you! Can't wait to hear how it all goes.

Pussycat--twin girls!! Amazing news. So glad to hear you are so far along & it seems things are going well. Have any names been chosen?

Reverie--hopefully you won't need it, but will you be able to renew your current policy if you want to do more IVF? How's the stimming going?

AFM--I am about to get my period!! I think CD 60 will be the last day of this cycle. Now please let this next cycle be normal. I need one normal one before I can do my last IUI. I am gonna try really hard to try and get 3 follicles. I stimmed and got 2 on my last IUI, which was all the way back in July.

Also, I've looked into buying private insurance. Heard back from one broker who said there are no policies with any fertility coverage. I am waiting on another one and I also want to look on the MN health care exchange, but those options aren't posted yet since it's not open enrollment for the Affordable Care Act.
Hey ladies,
Weezy 3 out of 4 fertilised is great and to be top quality too! When I was using my own eggs I had 3 transferred too. Hope you're prepared for potential multiples! Nothing to do now but sit tight and take the meds. Re Clexane, it did stink occasionally and you will get a bruised belly (it is a blood thinner after all). Make sure you inject straight in and not at an angle, before you inject shake off any drops at the end of the needle and don't rub the area after your injection as that can increase the bruising. Re POI, where are you injecting? If in the bum, I agree sounds like you hit a nerve, it's a small target area hence I had target spots marked! Some people warm the oil (rubbing in their hands) before injecting to help it absorb after injection and some use a heat pad in the area. Sounds like you've been very unlucky with your first shot. I'm sure it will get easier and you'll be an expert before you know it! I swapped to cyclogest when I was about 9 weeks as I ran out of POI they both do the same thing just some people absorb from oil better. I have a few packs of cyclogest left if you want them I can post to you? PM me if so, seems a shame for it to go to waste! x
Thanks Ladies
We had to do icsi as DH had a pretty poor sample (only had 2million and needed 15million for normal IVF). 3 out of the 4egg was mature for icsi, the other one was just a wee to small. I was pretty disappointed with his count considering we were doing supplements and diets to help with that.

Pussycat, the consultant said to us, the chances of us having triplets at my age is almost 0% but he will never say impossible as anything could happen in IVF and I'll rather have twins than no babies at all hee hee. I had to really quickly buy cyclogest when they told me to take them instead, but I'll definitely take up your offer if I have good news after the 2ww :) the doctor has moved me to take cyclogest now so don't think I'll be doing progesterone injections. Now I've got a load of these sitting at home...sigh...

Jean - have you done your transfer yet?
Weezy-Yeah for being PUPO!! I transferred three in the past-several times in fact and it wasn't a big deal. Sorry to hear about your first injection, but if you can take pessaries, I say go for it. I hit a nerve once and it was bleeding, but over time my leg did get sore,but I never had excruciating pain where I couldn't walk.

Vonn-Good idea on looking up insurance. I hope you can find something. There is a woman on my oldies but goodies who just recently had a cycle that was almost 100 days, so 60-not bad. J/K. I know it's terrible waiting and waiting, but I'm glad there is a light at the end of the tunnel. C'mon final IUI!!
I got back to my hotel after the transfer about 45 minutes ago, one of the nurses actually drove me over since I'm like right by the clinic, I had planned on taking a taxi back.

Let's see, I took my valium & had drunk a glass of orange juice & was starting on the large bottle of water when I left. This hotel is just across a nice pond & then up a small hill to the clinic. It is such a beautiful warm day that I took the walking path around the pond, took photos of the lone swan (they used to have a pair, but one was killed by a dog while nesting, unfortunately), then up the hill & I was 15 minutes early for my arrival time. I sat in the waiting room for a half hour, past the time I was supposed to have my transfer. I did hear someone mention something about having a problem and they had tons of people there for other things, so I wasn't too overly concerned.

I finally got called to the IVF room to change & then ultrasound to check my bladder, which was way too full & I had to let most of it out. The IVF nurse saw my uterus fine & the doctor came in. My bladder kept filling up while I was in there, at least a half hour, then he decided after a trial transfer that it was fine. The problem I had heard before was thawing my embryos. The first 2 single embryos didn't thaw well, he gave one a 5 out of 10, so he thawed the other 4 from my second choice and there were 2 perfect 10s in that group and that is what we transferred. I got my first baby photo! lol, so my bladder was so full when I got put back into the other little room that I could only stand 5 minutes and had to go, bladder was busting. Then I got back in the bed for another 15 minutes before the nurse told me I could get dressed, I got my lab orders for betas, my instructions, and was released. Another nurse was going to walk me to the elevator since I was a bit woozy, but not totally out of it, then she offered to drive me back around the corner to my hotel, which was so nice of her to do, so no need to call a taxi.

Now I cannot drive for 24 hours after taking the valium, which is fine since checkout is noon and I took the valium about 10:30. I have a new book to read and my laptop, so I am going to sit in bed and relax. I also got a mini fridge and microwave here so I brought all my own food, no need to worry about going out to find food or get pricey room service.
Jean--congrats on being PUPO!! Sorry to hear there was a little drama with the unthawing, but so glad there were several excellent embies to transfer! Can't wait for it to work.
Jean - congrats on being PUPO....guess we're 2ww buddies
Vonn - I've got my fx for you that your cycle regulates and get on with final iui
Terri/Pussycat - guess I'm just unlucky that it happen on my first injection shot. It's scared me a little bit. I'm happier doing pesseries now and having my progesterone checked tomorrow to make sure I'm absorbing it.
Congrats Jean!! Can't wait for test day and glad you and Weezy are TWW buddies. It's nice passing the time with someone else. :hugs: to both of you.
The IVF nurse told me to NOT do a HPT before the blood test. Ha! The first blood test isn't until the 13th and I am going to start testing this weekend. I got plenty of internet cheepies & a couple boxes of FRERs that I stocked up on earlier this year.
Let's see if I got it to work. I had to shrink it down & crop so it wouldn't be too large. This is my first baby photo!

I was doing a little light cleaning upstairs & discovered just how many pregnancy tests I have. Yep, I got PLENTY! All different types, too. :blush: Good thing most of them have an expiration date in 2017, but a few are 2016 and those will be used first.


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I had my progesterone blood test yesterday and it has come back at 131.7 nmol/L
The nurse emailed me and said the levels are absolutely fine and could carry on taking pesseries. Does that sound about right?
Yes, I was looking at levels in my progesterone blood test & that is good. My Lupron worked so well, I was all the way down to a 0.1.
Weezy--glad the pessaries are working & getting you enough progesterone. No need to worry about that being an issue. When do you go in for your beta? Will you test in advance? Are you feeling anything unusual? So hopeful for you!!!

Jean--love the pics! Why do they care if you take hpts? When do you have your beta? Is your bf around at all to be part of this (hopefully final) tww, or is he gone working?

kaysbc--how are you doing, anything new going on?

reverie--how is your stimming going?

AFM--Just about through AF. Hoping, hoping that this cycle is a normal one! Heard back from the two insurance brokers I called & there are no insurance policies with any fertility coverage available in my state. My employer coverage is as good as it's gonna get for me. We have another consult with our future IVF clinic (if it's needed) next Wed. They do have my records now, so we can have a much more specific conversation. I will be very curious to hear what they suggest! Then, the next day we leave for New Orleans. I'm going to a conference & then taking a few days for vacation. Woot woot!
Vonn - lovely to hear that's AF has arrived for you and fingers cross that your cycle normalise. Sorry to hear about your insurance but hopefully you wouldn't have to come to IVF.....come on final iui

The first week of the 2ww went relatively quickly. I find the second week is the worse. I've had some pulling and twinges round my belly and few times when I feel AF is coming but I'm trying to not symptom spot and trying hard to keep away from the Internet...thinking of maybe doing acupuncture this week. Does anyone know what are the benefits of doing acupuncture a few days after transfer?
Vonn-Have a great vacation! I forgot to say that on the bfp chasers post. :)

Weezy/Jean-I'm praying so hard for you guys!
Hey weezy, 1 week down! Will you hold out or test early? I always held out, too scared to test I guess! No idea about acupuncture I'm afraid.
Jean got everything crossed for you.
Vonn, good luck with the clinic and enjoy your holiday!
Terri, how you doing? x
Hi everyone, just saying hi. Nothing new going on with me. 7dpo so in my 2ww.

I don't know the answer to your question about acupuncture, Weezy. They say its good to have at time of transfer but I don't know about after transfer. At this point I don't think you should try anything new you haven't already tried. Don't want to mess anything up!

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