40+ and Trying for 1st? Join in!!

Hello Ladies

Vonn - your last RE was terrible that he kept you in the dark with the polyps. It would have been nice if you had the option of choosing what to do, but best of luck in your search for affordable IVF treatment (how about mild ivf, where there is less med cost and generally cheaper). We didn't really want to remortgage our house, but for me, the decision was either missing my last couple of chances of getting pregnant or remortgaging the house and what I would look back and regret more.

PS57002 - Welcome to the thread, you'll get a lot of support here and glad that you've got a plan in place. Good move with going straight to IVF, that's what I did too.

Terri - Happy to hear you're sorted and ready to go again….enjoy jabbing yourself : )

Jean - Yes I had to send 10 vials of blood to chicago and the results take 3 weeks to come back. I cheekily took a pic of my blood form before they took my blood. Here is the list of things they test:

-TH1, TH2 Cytokines Ratio (CYK)
-NK Full Assay (NKA)
-Thyroid panel (TSH, FT4, FT3, Thy Abs)
-Cardiolipin abs (Cardio)
-Anti-Nuclear ab (ANF)
-DNA ab - Double standard (DNAABD)
- Histone (HISTONE)
- Iga (IgA)

I don't know what all of these mean but my Dr said if the results come back and if I have a problem with the first one (TH1, TH2 Cytokine) then that needs to be treated prior to IVF. All the others could be along side IVF treatment.

I went for my mid cycle monitoring scan on wednesday and all is fine. My Immune test has come back and what I had hoped wouldn't happen, happened : (
I have elevated TH1 and TH2 levels and doctor has said I need to treat that first before starting IVF Grrrrrrrrrrr….just when I got the money in for IVF!!!
I've been told that I need to be treated with 2 injections of Humira (not sure if right spelling) with 2 weeks apart of each other, wait 3 weeks and then get immune retested and wait see if levels has come down (test take 3 weeks to come back). if levels hasn't come down satisfactorily, the process starts again!!
I ask what happens if you have elevated TH1, TH2 levels and she said it affects implantation.
I'm now at a lost : (
Given my age (42 going on 43), I really don't have lots of spare months to just hang around and wait for my levels to come down but on the other hand, I feel I can't ignore the immune issue.

For me I feel my option is:
A: Go along with what my new clinic suggest and wait.
B: Send result to my last clinic and see what alternative they would do for me and hopefully treat at same time as IVF
(my dr isn't keen on immunes for me just yet and are a bit more conservative and think immune is too controversial)

Can I ask everyone their honest opinion on what you would do given the situation?
Any other suggestions or thinking is welcome.

I've asked them to send me the results, so when I get that, I can share my results with everyone.
Weezy-Ugh..sorry to hear that you have elevated thyroid. My suggestion would be to ask your previous clinic what the range is for thyroid issues, and see if they have treated people in the past SUCCESSFULLY with your levels. If the answer is no, then you might just have to wait. If they say yes, then maybe I'd go with the previous place. It's a tough call because you're right, time is of the essence, and what if after waiting almost three months, your levels are still high? I hate that this is what it's come down to. What does your DH say?
Weezy--thanks for sharing all this, it is very interesting! Did you have insurance coverage to pay for this test? Is the Th1/Th2 the only test you were positive for? I think it would be fine to get a second opinion from the previous clinic, but honestly this stuff causes miscarriage and infertility. The whole point of having the test done was to find out if anything aside from age did or could cause a problem. Elevated Th1 & Th2 could be the reason you've not gotten pregnant! I would definitely treat this before moving on to IVF. Otherwise, you could continue to get the same negative result & there goes your remortgaging money. That's my opinion!
Thanks Weezy! I think the only one of those I've had in the past was the antinuclear antibodies (it was tested when they tested me for rheumatoid arthritis, since my dad has that). I will ask my RE about getting tested.

I wonder, would they let you just go ahead with an egg retrieval & then you could freeze the embryos and you could do FET after you get your numbers to a good level? That is what I would ask. Oh, and my Dad takes Humera for his RA, he's had good results with it.
Thank you all for welcoming me. I am feeling so exhausted today with lots talking with dh about certain stuff, past week little sleep, stress, pms

Feeling overwhelmed still

Had ivf class yesterday, meds delivered today. As of yesterday they were still working getting insurance approval for ivf transfer from other clinic to them. Said they don't ant problem and if had to start this weekend, then ok. Also allowed flexibility getting dh analysis Monday along with consent forms

Got my periods this evening so guess here I go, going to get 2nd day ultrasound tomorrow with blood work then start injection. Not sure was gonna ever be ready

So tired sleepy emotional
Ps-glad your clinic was able to move quickly. I hope this is your one and only time doing this and it works for you! Keep us updated.
Thanks terrypeachy.

Had ultrasound yesterday and 2nd day bloodwork. Fsh was 15.2 :( Ultrasound showed about 9 follicles left side 2-3 on right. Hope the AFC at least is good. They instructed me not to start meds today, possibly will be today.

Since yesterday am feeling sick with a cold/runny (like tap) nose and now feverish. Is this sign I shouldn't start this cycle? Is being sick a reason not to do this????
ps--that's incredible that you produce so many follicles with a high FSH. It's a good reminder that lab numbers don't tell the whole story. That is a great AFC! I get 2-3 follicles total for my AFC, so I'm a little jealous of you. I hope everything goes well!

Terri--I hope the shots are going well for you this time around. How's DH feeling?

Weezy--what'd you decide to do? I've been thinking of you and your situation.

Pussycat--how are all the friends and co-workers taking the news? A lot of shocked faces, or just excited? And how are you feeling?

Jean--any further word from the RE?

AFM--I was just reading about another woman who's body was rejecting embryos 7 went through multiple IUIs and IVFs. PC and Weezy's results have inspired me to try to get some immune testing done. I looked up a bunch of tests and asked my insurance company if they cover them and it sounds like they do. So then I left a message with a nurse that I want to have some immune testing done. I explained in the message that I want to do everything I possibly can that's covered by insurance before spending lots of $$. A nurse calls back and says, "So what tests does your dr want to run?" I said, "None, that's why I'm calling, to request some." Duh. I'm sure she'd looked at my chart and knew the dr hadn't requested any yet. She seemed very confused by the whole idea, so we will see how hard I have to fight for it. I did have the antinuclear antibody test done a while back and it came back low positive. The test results were not reported correctly, though, so I for sure want that redone.
Hi All,
I am new and wanted to introduce my self I am 41 and my DH is 45. We have been LTTTC for the past almost 8 years. We took a break and I am pretty much lurking and stalking for motivation.

We had horrible insurance before that didn't cover IUI or IVF but I just started a new job that has great insurance and they cover IUI and a couple of rounds of IVF.

I am still trying to see if I want to push forward and my age is what is stopping me (mostly the family critics that do more harm than good with unwanted advice).

If you don't mind me just hanging out and reading, I would greatly appreciate it. I feel very alone as I am literally the last one of my friends and family to have a child.
Hi All,
I am new and wanted to introduce my self I am 41 and my DH is 45. We have been LTTTC for the past almost 8 years. We took a break and I am pretty much lurking and stalking for motivation.

We had horrible insurance before that didn't cover IUI or IVF but I just started a new job that has great insurance and they cover IUI and a couple of rounds of IVF.

I am still trying to see if I want to push forward and my age is what is stopping me (mostly the family critics that do more harm than good with unwanted advice).

If you don't mind me just hanging out and reading, I would greatly appreciate it. I feel very alone as I am literally the last one of my friends and family to have a child.

Welcome Cruzinmomma. I understand. 40 and not even 1 child here. Not even a BFP ever.... I am glad that your insurance allows for you to get covered now. Only thing is finding a doctor that doesn't end up with all the negative first. For me, I had to push to ask to do IVF with my own eggs being told it's a waste of time, I won't respond to meds with my low AMH/high FSH etc. I'm told I have 5% chance. So will see. I guess i'm saying you have to learn to speak up fast in all this or it's all negative from docs perspective. I'm sure if you look there has to be doctors who are more caring than others.

ps--that's incredible that you produce so many follicles with a high FSH. It's a good reminder that lab numbers don't tell the whole story. That is a great AFC! I get 2-3 follicles total for my AFC, so I'm a little jealous of you. I hope everything goes well!

AFM--I was just reading about another woman who's body was rejecting embryos 7 went through multiple IUIs and IVFs. PC and Weezy's results have inspired me to try to get some immune testing done. I looked up a bunch of tests and asked my insurance company if they cover them and it sounds like they do. So then I left a message with a nurse that I want to have some immune testing done. I explained in the message that I want to do everything I possibly can that's covered by insurance before spending lots of $$. A nurse calls back and says, "So what tests does your dr want to run?" I said, "None, that's why I'm calling, to request some." Duh. I'm sure she'd looked at my chart and knew the dr hadn't requested any yet. She seemed very confused by the whole idea, so we will see how hard I have to fight for it. I did have the antinuclear antibody test done a while back and it came back low positive. The test results were not reported correctly, though, so I for sure want that redone.

Vonn, the nurse told me it's actually 6 follies (cycle day 2) on left and 2 on right. So went down from what doc said day of ultrasound. I guess it is better than 2 total. But quality over quantity as they say... I'm concerned about my TSH being elevated though. I have the underactive thyroid thingy (hashimotos which is an immune disorder too). So now reading all this, wondering if I should have looked into immune issues before this IVF cycle. Kinda late. Hope TSH gets in check before EC and transfer as per what nurse said....

Took the 2 shots together last night. Although scary and hurts a bit, the actual self injecting wasn't as bad as I had feared. It just felt confusing to do it myself, even with watching the videos again. Nerves... I felt bit dizzy warm, and kind of energized at same time, and nauseous after. Didn't sleep well (usually I do well so I am wondering if it was side effect). This am took the morning shot myself, had dizziness, nausea a bit, and just icky feeling. Then got overly emotional and almost started crying at endocrinologist office (being frustrated and angry). Now really tired. So is this what it feels like with meds? Will it get worse?

feel crappy.. plus fighting a cold/feverish so that isn't helping.
Crazy emotions are normal! You are super hopped-up on hormones. It totally sucks and makes you feel like you are wreck, and then there's the bloating. :wacko: But hopefully all worth it. Keep advocating for yourself. You are doing great! And 8 follicles is terrific. :thumbup:
Nope, no word from RE. I might call the IVF nurse tomorrow & see what kind of timeline I'm looking at and ask about the immune testing. I also have a question about the HepB testing since I've had the vaccine (of course, I was a non-responder after the series of 3 shots & got one more, but titer not tested after that, so who knows). I am on vacation next week, so I want to have an idea about timing, if I can take my corticosteroid allergy inhaler for fall allergies or not (I missed taking it this spring). If I have to get testing, I probably can't since it would mess with test results.
Don't feel so hopeful today...

Been taking the shots since Monday. Tomorrow I go for first ultrasound since starting and based on what doc said at consult, I am kinda expecting them to say, oh you are not really progressing or responding to the meds. That is what doc had told me.

Doesn't help I feel utterly exhausted in part due to meds and also fighting a cold. Been sick and out of it doesn't help.
Hello Ladies
Welcome PS and momma.
Vonn - I'm glad my immune results have prompt you to do more research into it. Did you manage to get any further with getting tests through your insurance.
Jean and terri, how are you getting along?

I've got my results and Some of them is pretty high, so I wonder even if I have nothing wrong with my embryos, would it have ever worked (I guess nobody will ever know for sure).
Here are my results for my immunes (I've only highlighted my positives as there is too many to list.

TFN-a (CD3+CD4+) 56.8 (range 13.2 - 30.6)....SO THIS IS REALLY HIGH
TFN-g (CD3+CD4+) 30.6 (range 5.8-20.5)
CD56 13.0 (range 2 - 12)
CD19+, CD5+ Cells 31.7 (range 5-10)....THIS IS HIGH TOO
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies 370 (> 75 Positive)
Anti Thyrogloulin Antibodies 286 (Elevated > 150)

So I have a bunch of very high horrible results.
I emailed my old consultant regarding this and she said because I didn't do the test at the same clinic, their values would differ and has advised me to have a follow up with their immune consultant who would be able to give me more value opinion of what needs to be done. I rang to arrange an appointment today and he's on leave for 3 weeks.
Base on this I think I'm just going to go ahead and get it treated with the clinic I did the test with. I could be taking the injections as early as next week and I'll be on my way (I'll be on my 2nd injection by the time I see the immune consultant in my old clinic).
I sooo wish my first round of injections will bring my levels down fx fx
Wow Weezy! That's crazy! I hope they can get your levels to normal so this will work.

I emailed the program coordinator and she is on vacation until Monday, I start vacation tomorrow, so I won't know anything until some time next week, I guess. She's the one who gives out the donor profiles and I'm waiting for the two couples ahead of me to give them back, so who knows how long that will take. They don't want to do any testing until I get the profiles.
Ps-sorry you're feeling so down but negativity isn't helping anything. You may be responding well since you're tired and feeling bad. I'm in my stim process and I feel the same. I haven't had bloating this time which is really surprising. I hope my body isn't getting used to these hormones. Let us know how it goes tomorrow.

Weezy-I don't know what to say except I hope they can get your levels back into normal range. Vonn knows her stuff so I think she may be right about your high levels being the reason for not getting pregnant. One step at a time. You'll get there.

Jean-ugh. There is always a delay somewhere down the line. Hopefully by the time you and the counselor get back everyone will be ready to move forward.

AFM-not much is going on here. I go in tomorrow for a follicle/estradiol level check. Things should be getting to the point where they can count them so I'm eager to see how I do. A friend of mine just found out she's pregnant and she'll be getting her second blood test so I'll see her at the clinic in the morning. She and her hubs are unexplained so I'm happy IVF worked for them. Maybe I'm next.

Hi to everyone else!!
I think my reason for negativity is then I will not get my hopes dashed...so trying to protect myself. In my mind I know this might be only IVF we try with our own eggs. Maybe an IUI. If there's any frosties, maybe a FET. But really other than that dh wants to move on to donor eggs at this point. So I'm not letting my hopes up for that reason, so I can accept if/when they say, BFN. I hope I have a miracle... How was your blood test/ultrasound today. Waiting to hear for my blood test and instructions. Ultrasound (same doc) asked how I was feeling, told him a bit bloated, he liked that. He said well that's good cause we want you to respond as the concern is based on your low numbers etc. Kinda blur. He said too early still, may need to go on Sunday for another one. He said he saw 3 on one side, some smaller ones really on other. So I guess that's not that much progress huh? Kinda bummed... Me too I know of another friend who just got bfp and I keep praying for it all to go smoothly for her here on. How many days have you been stimming?

Jean are you doing donor eggs? Sorry if I got that wrong. I will be looking into that for next IVF too.

Keeping FX for you to get the first round to bring back levels to normal so you can keep going.

Saw your signature and says uterine polyp. I think I've had a cervical one and was never removed. Doc says it was not really cause of infertility but I've always wondered if it played a part amongst many. Heck they had difficulty getting the tube thingy set up for HSG cause of that...spermies must have to maneuver around too....
Today is Day 8 of stims. I had 4 small on my R ovary and 5 small on my left. They're not measurable yet. I hope they increase my dosage. I'm debating whether slow and steady is better or fast and plentiful is. hee hee. I like fast and plentiful because I'm impatient, but I need to calm down. They will call me tonight with my progesterone and estradiol levels. I haven't felt bloated yet, but I hope it's coming soon so I know I'll be making progress. My retrieval is slated for next weekend, so hopefully my body will hold out until then. I have too many things going on during the week to worry about retrieval.
That sounds like good numbers to me. I am inclined towards the slow and steady wins the race though lol. Well hoping that works for me. Today is my 5th day stimming, started on Monday. The doc didn't say if all was going well or no for me..so not sure. I could see the 3 bubbles he talked about on the screen. Today I feel bit uncomfortable at work, sitting. Wish was laying down. Just icky uncomfy. I was calculating that maybe I would go end of next week too for retrieval though no one indicated that to me. I'd like it Friday so that I can rest on Saturday and Sunday..

BTW is it normal to feel you are not doing the meds/shots correctly at times. Last night due to a air bubble, I kind of let out some drops off my menopur shot then was like "oh oh lost some meds". I always feel like i'm doing it wrong. The gonal f pen is easier than the menopur.

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