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Have any of you ladies had feedback from your man about how hard it is for him to give a sperm sample (for IUI,IVF,or anything).
My hubbie has a really hard time doing it.

We've only tried IUI 2 times so far.
The first time he went alone, and he came home half-traumatized by it. He said it was so weird, and a lot harder than he thought it would be. He just can't get excited there.

The 2nd time I went with him. And I can see what he means. The room is kinda weird. Its actually kinda cold in there, the lights are really bright and you can't dim them. Its not cozy at all, its a small doctors office. You can hear people pass by the hallway outside in conversation.
We were there over an hour and it was a huge challenge.

Anyone else experience difficulties like this?
Gosh - how difficult for you and hubby. My hubby seems to have the opposite going on - seems to be able to do it anytime and anywhere on order.......
I have never been in with my hubby but the way he explains it to me - well it does sound awful......

Aren't you allowed to do it at home - as long as the sample is given within the hour or so??? But then if you don't live near your clinic etc then that's all a bit difficult.

Your friend getting pregnant at 43 well that's a good thing - gives me hope! I am 43 in January and I am feeling slightly green at the thought:wacko:
kaysbc we haven't gotten that far yet...i'm due friday for AF and if the witch arrives it will be my first cycle to try IUI, so not so sure how he will do...I can only hope it goes fine.
Chin up! Everything will work out. :)
kaysbc, my DH has low sperm count and we have to do quite a few SAs, at first he could not do it alone, I was there "assisitng" and we had to use special med condom, it was taking ages - complete nightmare. but then he started doing it by himself, I guess he gradually got used to it.
Luckily my DH is able to produce his sample at home. Good luck to your DH!!
I just watched a youtube video on how to give myself the follistim pen injection...the "how to" video wasn't bad but then i watched some woman give it to herself and i thought i was going to vomit. All said and done she said she didn't feel it. I don't know if I can do this. I pray my friend who is a nurse will be around and do it for me ahhhhhhhhh.
Bash, I think watching the injections is actually worse than doing it yourself. Do you have a 'pen' style applicator? It's much easier than you think.
Seems like there's a lot of us on here just about to turn 43, I'm in Nov. Also seems like several stories of 40 something's getting pregnant without trying.
Re DHs contribution, he's doesn't seem to havehadcsny problems but refuses to talk about it, he finds it very embarrassing.
AFM, I'm being a little naughty. I found some clomid tablets left over from IUI and have enough for 50mg days 3-7, I was on 100mg and had no issues do I figured taking this lower dosage could only help if we do our own mini version of IUI at home. So another 2WW this time till ovulation! x
Pussycat1 is right Bash73 it actually rarely hurts.
I am Type 1 diabetic and have been injecting myself 5 times a day for the last 20 years. My tips for you is - gently grab the skin ( i presume you do it into your tummy, upper thigh or butt?) and stab that thing quick! As you pull the needle out release the skin. The pen is less messy, quick and easy as well as being quite discrete - I stab myself in lots of social situations and no-one ever knows.
Pussycat - I am November too. The 21st.
correction, my friend that just got pregnant is 44 not 43!

I was actually wondering if we would be allowed to take the sample cup home, but worried about how to get it back to the clinic fast enough. Not sure how that would work. So for now, will try our best in the office.

My doctor increased my Letrazole today to 7.5mg per day instead of 5mg. Starting it today thru CD7.

I've never heard of follistim. I'll have to google that to see what you're doing.
LOL about the sperm. No worries here as I will be using frozen sperm from a sperm bank.
kaysbc, my DH doesn't like the room where he gives his sample. He said it is not sexy at all and the walls are paper thin so he can hear everything going on around him (and vice versa so he feels self conscious).

Last IUI I gave him a pep talk about how they say the more passionate the sex, the better the sperm sample, and coming up with his sexiest fantasy and having as much fun as possible with it. Seemed to work, as his sample turned out good. We can't bring it from home because we live too far from the clinic.

bash, not sure if your injection is like the hcg trigger shot. I had to give it to myself all alone at home last cycle. DH was at work. I was freaked out, but when I finally did it, it was so easy. I barely felt a thing.

Ladies, has anyone had high FSH? Mine was normal 6 months ago and we just re-tested and it's high. Supposedly this means my eggs are bad and we will probably not be able to get pregnant even with IVF. My RE brought up the option of using an egg donor.

I've read all over the Internet that there are women who get pregnant even with high FSH, but I don't want to be delusional if they are the rarity. I feel like I've been kicked in the gut with this, my hopes smashed. I want to remain hopeful and optimistic, but only if I actually believe it. I'm not into fooling myself just to feel better temporarily.

My RE said not to cancel this cycle's IUI just yet, and she said we'll re-test my FSH before IVF and maybe it will be better. But I read that even if it goes down the fact that it was up before still means poor egg quality. Any experience you guys have with high FSH would be great to hear.
Thanks ladies for the tips on the injections. I do have a pen but I also have one dose of a vile already to go. I have cramps brewing now that are totally AF on her way. I'm not due til Friday so any minute she will arrive I can feel it. Plus I had my over the eye headache this morning. Now it will be fun to try and figure out how to get into the doc's office for the scan around my 4 jobs. Good times!!!
Finding Kismet, I have high FSH sometimes. Last month is was 17. Before that recently it was 10 or 13. It fluctuates, so I'm not going to freak out about it. A friend of mine is 43 and super pregnant quite naturally. They weren't even trying. I know women our age get a fertility surge...I just have to keep trying until mine kicks in. I think, maybe we get several fertility surges throughout our early 40s? That would be nice.

Hrm, maybe the DH's who don't like hearing what's outside the room could take their iPod in with them and play music on earphones? Not sure if it would help, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

Ksbc, good luck with your Letrizole!

Bash, I was TERRIFIED of doing the injection myself. Absolutely terrified. I watched a nice video put out by my fertility pharmacist, and did it along with the girl in the video. Made me feel like I wasn't alone! When I stuck it in, I stopped and stared at it in my leg. There it was!! It was in there! I didn't feel A THING. I depressed the plunger and took it out. It was nothing at all and I laughed at myself. You have a good week to go before you'll have to do it, but sending an early "good luck" to you!!
Hormone surges in our 40's well that's very welcoming!!! I'll take it! Well AF is making her appearance as I suspected. Put a tampon in to see if anything was going and and voila, here she comes. Cramps are getting worse and really feel yucky. Have an appt tomorrow and friday w/the FS for scans, butttttt need to "flow" before they'll take me in which is fine but scheduling this stuff stinks.
Kat thanks for the injection talk, I'm sure the first one will be tough, but once I get the hang of it it'll be like taking all of my vitamins just another drug to add to the list.
All, have a blessed day!
ps...I know AF is here because my crazy PMS witchyness has started to dwindle...the only positive about me getting AF is that I have no cares in the world and don't want to eat everything in site!
Fertility surges at our age, really? That could explain the sudden rush of 'pregnant without trying' stories we've all been hearing. Let's hope we all get our surge soon!
I was told FSH levels fluctuate and stress, lack of sleep etc can raise the level so don't lose heart, this is a stressful process. Have you had your AMH levels tested, together they give a much clearer picture of what's going on (though AMH is no indicator of egg quality).
Is Cold Ez safe to take in the TWW? I feel like I'm coming down with my husband's cold :(
I wouldn't take cold medicine during the 2ww, you never know how it might affect you.

My FSH was 12 the only time I had it tested. My doctor used that number as the driving force to discuss IVF. We had comments on this thread recently how we sometimes feel the doctors are always trying to push IVF, and I would say this was one of those times I felt that.
I didn't know FSH fluctuates, and since I've only tested it once, don't really know if mine does fluctuate or what range. Nor do I really understand how good/bad 12 is.

bash, so sorry to see AF has arrived. :( :(

My DH's samples have always turned out fine, even with his difficulty getting it to happen. The good news is his numbers, motility, and morph are all good.

Ipod sounds like a good idea. Thanks for that suggestion. There is actually a radio in the room and we played jazz music last time.
kaysbc, cold eeze isn't cold medicine. it's a lozenge that contains zinc to help prevent a cold. Dr. Google had mixed reviews, but generally thought it was fine in the first trimester.
kaysbc, cold eeze isn't cold medicine. it's a lozenge that contains zinc to help prevent a cold. Dr. Google had mixed reviews, but generally thought it was fine in the first trimester.

Hi Kat - try some natural remedies for your cold - manuka honey, ginger, cinnamon and lemon in a hot drink. And eat plenty of garlic with your food.

Really hope that you feel better soon. xxx
kaysbc, cold eeze isn't cold medicine. it's a lozenge that contains zinc to help prevent a cold. Dr. Google had mixed reviews, but generally thought it was fine in the first trimester.

i also take (rather) large quantities of Vit C when I feel a cold coming on, or even feel run down.

i've read that vit c can be as effective as an antibiotic--without negative effects of antibiotic.

when i say large, 8-10,000 units of vit c. ideally, 1000 units per hour, simulating an iv treatment. most of us are vit c def and don't even know it, esp since body doesn't store it. if by chance, you take too much, you'll know as you'll have to make trip to restroom. other than that, i don't think there are side effects since not stored. fyi, i have taken copious amounts and have never had to make that trip to the potty. i usually start feeling better in 2 days.

hope you feel better!!:thumbup:

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