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I went for my day 8 U/S this morning. The nurse said that I had a few follies on my left side but were very small and have not grown at all. Then the dr came in and pretty much said its over for me. He said that I am not ovulating and even doing IVF wont work because I am not producing eggs. I told him I feel like the Femera messed me up because I have had regular periods up until I took it. Then I didn't have a period for 45 days and with the Provera I had a period for 14 days. He said yes because you are not ovulating. He said the time is ticking and I am just not ovulating anymore.

He said he would try IVF drugs on my next cycle but not to get my hopes up because my chances of having a baby are slim to none. He said my next step would be donor eggs.

Needless to say I cant stop crying. I don't know what to do. How can he know I am not ovulating after one cycle of Bravelle? I wish there was another place to go but it is the only fertility clinic around me.

I just want to say thank you ladies for allowing me to share my story and for you all to share your experiences on your journeys.
IowaGirl, I am so sorry to hear that! please try not to get discouraged I hate it when docs jump to conclusions and start pushing for donor eggs! I'd definitely look into changing clinics. it's possible that you just need some time to get back to normal after femara messing up your cycle and then try again. maybe even look into natural IVF once you start ovulating as it does not mess up your cycle as much. sending you hugs and baby dust. stupid stupid doctors they do not know anything
I am so sorry IowaGirl. My heart goes out to you and all on here who have been trying for so long.

My HSG is Monday. In the meantime, I got my results back from blood work my regular doctor ordered as I have to have a medical release for the sperm bank I want to use. He is not signing off on it yet as my TSH level is too high - my thyroid is under active. I'm at 5.7 and I should be under 2.0. While he isn't a FS, he said it is very hard for a woman to get pregnant at the level I'm at and that isn't factoring my age or low AMH into it. It also appears that something is wrong with my liver, but that doesn't impact fertility. He ordered some additional tests done from the lab and recommended some supplements, so he should be able to come up with a game plan for me in a couple of days to get me closer to where I need to be.
hey gals! checking in after a few weeks to see how you are all doing.

Kat- damn AF witch! so sorry to hear :(
I"m also sorry to hear about all the troubles with your clinic and not feeling good about the other options out there. It just sucks sometimes doesn't it? but keep your chin up.

Iowa- dont get discouraged, I think you still have a chance, and never give up hope. 1 cycle seems too soon to make judgements like that. here's another situation where the doctor/clinic is probably trying to give you a real answer but its just killing your hopes unnecessarily. next cycle you might have a totally different reaction.

40isnotold good luck with your HSG

bash - good luck this cycle! your man is super sweet to give his sample where/when he needs to!

Luckyw welcome check in any time.

For those of you who've tried acupuncture, how is it going? do you think it's helpful? I've just made an appointment for an acupuncture consultation. My hubby suggested it actually, which makes me smile inside that he is really paying attention and wants to help and do whatever we can.

I'm CD13 today and I expect to get my LH surge tomorrow since I got my "blinking smiley face" today on the Advanced digital opk. But all of a sudden I no longer feel like doing IUI, and just feel like trying naturally with intercourse. Hmm, I don't know...
Hi ladies, you're all talking my language! I too had to start thyroid meds to get the number down. My FS also told me to start thinking about donor eggs because my FSH went up.

I've been doing acupuncture. It makes me feel good knowing I'm doing what I can, which is not much compared to the universe's part in it. My FS says acupuncture has been shown to improve pregnancy rates with IVF, so I figure it might help with IUI or natural cycles too.

Kat, don't let the naysayers get to you. No matter what you do in life, there is always someone there to judge or tell you it won't work. You just have to go with your own heart and conviction. Usually life doesn't provide cheerleaders. Luckily we have each other here on the forum for encouragement!
GM Ladies!
FYI...spoke to a colleague who has twins that are in 8th grade and are a result of IVF. However, they went thru what we are all going thru...multiple IUI's and they even had 3-4 cycles of IVF and nothing UNTIL they switched docs and after a new drug protocol and one round of IVF BAMMMMMM prego w/twins. So, the moral to this story is, at least for me, I will be switching to that doc in January if nothing happens between now and then. I didn't produce a lot of follies and that was their issue as well until the new doc changed the cocktail and more eggiest were produced.
Getting ready for our first IUI...will report back later on.
ciao for now
kaysbc, I'd say try acupuncture for 2-3 months and see if it makes any difference and if not then probably it does not makes sense wasting any money on it. Some people have amazing results but it does not work for everyone. I tried it for about a year and there were a few things that got better like no clotting during AF but other things got much worse, I had terrible acne and my cycle was not getting longer I kept ovulating on CD11 and it changed only after I stopped acu and herbs.
Iowagirl, I'm so so sorry that you are going through this. It's just not fair! I hope you get your miracle some how. I know it's going to be very hard, but you do still have chances. I say keep going as long as there's a chance.
After crying and being depressed all day yesterday..I even called in sick to work...I have decided I am definitely not giving up! I am starting Weight Watchers tomorrow, I have been on it before and it has worked for me in the past. I think I have gained 30 pounds this year...a lot of stressors for me and eating just made me feel better. I have read losing 5 to 10% of your body weight can help jump start the reproductive organs. I am also going to start taking some supplements so if anyone has some suggestions that they are using please let me know! I have heard the CQ10 is one I for sure need. I am also going to take Vit D and hopefully I can find PABA (supposedly helps with ovulation) and since there is no other fertility clinic around me I am going to go back next cycle.

Thank you for all your encouragment! I am not giving up just yet and I hope none of you do either!
Iowa I'm a personal trainer and use Isagenix for weight loss and maintenance. If you'd like to connect, i'd be glad to talk to you. WW does work but be careful of the ingredients in food. WW doesn't tell you about the bad stuff, only the portions which is great but only half of the battle.
Hi ladies
Kat, so sorry AF showed, another month, another cycle, just keep on trying its all we can do.
Iowa, oh hon, I so know where you are at the moment. I know that the drs have to be realistic with us but sometimes I wonder if they jump the gun. Many of them could certainly show a bit more empathy. I know it's hard for them and they spend there lives seeing people like us, but they can never really know how it feels. Don't give up. My dr recommended DHEA, I think it was 25mg 3 times a day. Some people have side effects I didn't, it's meant to improve egg quality but and some studies have shown positive results, unfortunately it did nothing for me. They say you should take it for 3,months. Have also heard about high dose COQ10, but my clinic didn't rate it.
AFM, well I'm now day 16 and I'm fairly certain I ov'd yesterday (+ve OPK on Thursday, then fainter line than control yesterday), been feeling 'aware' of something going on down there and can only put it down to having taken the clomid, so perhaps more than 1 egg? We've been spot on with timing this month DH has been so good, producing on demand 5 times (every couple of days since last Thurs, then Thurs and Fri). It would be so amazing if after everything we somehow hit jackpot this month, if not we carry on waiting for a donor.
Hope everyone else is well! x
Hey guys, thanks for the welcome. I have been listening and it's appreciated.

How can he know I am not ovulating after one cycle of Bravelle?

I'm glad you decided not to give up. He can't really know, and actually I think it's pretty standard for REs to test women on different injectables until they find the one that their patients respond to the best. I didn't respond well to Bravelle, so they put me on Menopur.

Also, at the start of my ttc, based on a progesterone test, my ob/gyn told me I probably wasn't ovulating. Believe you me, after years of monitored cycles, it's clear I ovulate regularly. There may be off-months, but the bfp cycles for me were actually not even the super-strength medicated ones, ie not the injectables months. One was a clomid month and the other was a break (no meds) month.

And I like this ob, but she was just trying to tell me what likelihoods are based on stats. But they don't really know.

Re supplements, the ones my RE put me on, and which I still take, are 200mg CoQ10 and 25mg DHEA, each 3x daily. I put myself on 5000 IU Vitamin D. I also go get a tan about once a week.

I think about weaning myself off the CoQ10 and DHEA a lot, long term use can't be great, but I guess that seems like I'm completely giving up, or something.
I'm CD16 today. I had my positive OPK Saturday morning, would normally have gone for IUI #3 today, but it didn't feel right to me for some reason, so we decided against IUI this cycle and instead just trying on our own. For some reason I feel really good about this cycle.

I'm keeping positive thoughts and doing a lot of reading about actually being pregnant (instead of TTC), which, I need to thank all you girls for the movement in this new, positive direction.

Does anyone have any recommendations for pregnancy workout videos or programs? I've been thinking a lot about exercise routines.

The other day I was driving behind someone whose license plate had 3 numbers and 4 letters, I don't remember what the numbers were, but the plate was basically this: 123EWCM
I was cracking myself up over this, thinking how funny, and how I would never want that license plate. Then I just shook my head at myself sort of pathetically, thinking I've been TTC way too long if I look at that and think its funny. jeesh.
Hi lovely ladies,

I am going mad waiting to test. Today is 10dpiui so still too early for me. I also don't want to get a false positive leftover from the ovidrel (hcg) trigger shot.

I was thinking I might test Wednesday at 12dpiui. Should be reliable by then, hopefully.

I will be so discouraged if this 3rd and last IUI fails. My hopes are up and down simultaneously so I feel like I'm ripping in half.

Physical sensations: I do have some pain in the abdominal area, but as we all know this can be anything and does not necessarily mean I have a little one trying to burrow in. I am just praying. Please send good energy my way.

Next step would be IVF, but we can't secure financing until they re-do my blood work on CD3 and send my treatment plan to the company we're using. Unless of course we can manage to get a personal loan from a credit union or bank. I would feel so much better if we just had the money in the bank.
Findingkismet, got everything crossed for you, keep us posted. x
Here is what I don't understand. Almost every other month it seems as if I have a cyst. I have done some research and most of it says that you get cysts after ovulation. So why do I keep getting cysts if the FS is saying I am not ovulating!? Sorry for venting I am still just so upset about all of this!:growlmad:
IowaGirl, I might be totally wrong but the way I see it (I also have cysts from time to time) one of your follicles grows and releases estrogen but for some reason after LH surge it does not release an egg but continues growing and releasing estrogen and that's what they call a cyst. It does not mean you are not ovulating because you can have one dominant follicle that is releasing an egg as normal and turning into yellow body and releasing progesterone but at the same time you may have another follicle which is instead of vanishing continues growing and turns into a cyst. At least that's what I have. when I do CD 3 bloods I can always tell if I have a cyst by estrogen levels, when they are way too high it means I have this follicle/cyst that keeps releasing estrogen. it disappears on its own. If they do a scan on about 7 DPO they can see whether you have a cyst and a yellow body or just a cyst and also progesterone blood test can tell you whether you ovulated. As far as I understand only the follicle that released an egg will be producing progesterone, a cyst/estrogen producing follicle will not produce progesterone so your levels will be low.
HSG was yesterday. I was nervous about it because I am a bit of a wimp at times and it really wasn't that bad (perhaps thanks to Xanax). Pretty bad cramping for about 20 seconds with the dye then some minor cramping for a couple hours afterwards. Good news is that my tubes are clear. I go for u/s on Thursday. I'm waiting for GP to get results of further testing for thyroid. I need to get my TSH level from 5.6 to under 2.0 quickly. As soon as I do, I'm good to go with IUI. I'll probably have to miss December, but hoping I can start in January.
40isnotold- yay! glad you made it thru. My HSG was incredibly painful, crampy for a whole day after, and some mild bleeding/spotting. Maybe i'm just a super wimp but I wouldn't choose to do that again ever! glad your tubes are clear! mine are too, and that was a relief. We gotta take all the good news we can get!
40isnot... Yeah! That's great news, you can tick that box as clear! When I had mine done (feels like a million years ago) I don't remember it being too bad, saying that since then I've been prodded, poked and been in the most undignified of positions so really it all merges into one! x

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