40+ and Trying for 1st? Join in!!

Well, I've had my first injection on friday and you ladies were right, it's not half as bad as I thought. But it still doesn't stop me from panicking each time :blush:. Was really worried last night because we had a 900ius cartridge and my dose each day is 250ius. I manage to get 4 injections out of it. As my DH was doing the injections for me, I thought he didn't inject the right amount, but it turned out you sometimes get excess of what it says it contains. DH messed up last night and injected nothing first go (think it was just air as no liquid came out) so I had to have 2 injections :wacko:

Been trying to get a HEP B Core Antibody blood test from my GP 3 times now and each time she's written me the wrong paper work. I've just got my blood result and I've got everything under the sun but not the one I want Grrrrr.... I'm seeing the IVF nurse on thursday so I don't know, might have to pay and get that one done :growlmad: What i don't understand is My husband had the same bloodwork done and authorise by the same GP about 6 weeks ago. Why can't she just do the same!!!

Ok, rant over, how is everyone?

Terri, have you started stimming yet? I'm on Puregon, what are you on?

Oh, just another question, is it normal to have spotting periodically? I started spotting for about 3 days when I started doing injections and then yesterday it has stopped. Is there anything to worry about?
Weezy-Told you the shots weren't bad! Great job on getting through them. I'm starting on Friday. I'm going to be using Menopur and Follistim/Gonal-F. I have Gonal-F leftover, so the nurse said I can use that first, and then switch to Follistim. I think it's the same drug, just different manufacturers.

Were you on BCP? It's normal to have a little bit of spotting because once you come off the pill, your body thinks it's time for AF, I guess. I think I had a very light bleed after the pill. I just stopped yesterday, so I'll let you know.

When is your next checkup?
Terri, yay...excited for you that you're starting on friday...you probably don't need my luck with the injections. :winkwink::winkwink:
I've had spotting for a few days when I came off the pill but I just started bleeding again when they reduce my down regulating drug and I started taking my FSH injections. It only lasted 3 days and then it's stopped now??? worried :nope:

I'm on Puregon. I think they are all the same kind of drugs. I have a flow chat that the clinic gave me before IVF and the ones you're taking were on my flow chart as one of the drugs the consultant can choose from.
I did ask my consultant before starting my cycle why she put me on Puregon and not something else and she said she's had good results using that.

I'm seeing the nurse on thursday, so I have my first blood and scan monitoring then. I suppose I'll know how I'm getting on then and if they will change my med.
forgot to say, I feel like a real drama queen for freaking out with the injections so much . I still panic a bit....but I think that's just me :huh:
Yeah, when you go to your appointment, they'll see how your follies are growing on each side and then tell you whether you need to remain on the same dose or increase/decrease it. Easy/peezy.

Uh..you want to keep bleeding? hee hee. I'm sure it's just a little breakthrough, but if you are truly concerned, call the nurse. You're paying for her to be at your beck and call, so any concerns, let her know. Are you in the US? I can't remember.
hello everyone!
I've been away for some time so thought I'd check in on you all.
Sounds like a lot is going on.... tests and tests and injections and planning!
Wishing you all the best, of course!

I had surgery end of December and have been on a long slow road of recovery. I'm doing much better but still have a long way to go.

I've decided this month to start taking my temperature again, to ease myself back into TTC-mode. My temps are all over the place, I have no idea what to make of it. Although I'm sure my current state with still some moderate pain, medications, poor sleep, and a recent cold, have all messed me up. I'm gonna just go through the motions this cycle and hopefully get back on the TTC-wagon full-force next cycle. Glad to be back with you all.
Kay, Welcome back!!! Glad that you're recovering and back on the road to TTC. Like you said, I'm sure it's just all the medication etc. that's making your BBT a bit funny.

Terri, you're starting today??? woohoo, and oh I'm based in the UK near London

AFM: I went for my first monitoring scan and blood test yesterday. I asked the nurse what she can see and if there are follies and she said she can see follies but they are still very small and can't really make any out of it but she's happy with my uterine lining. They schedule me in for another scan on saturday but was told to not bother and go on monday instead after a doctor had a look at my blood result later that day. Sounds silly but I'm not getting any bad side effects from the drugs so which lead me to think I'm not responding to the drugs very well : (
Weezy-It's only been a few days so your follies are growing I'm sure. Did they increase/decrease your meds at all the other day, or are you still on the same dosage? Yes, I start tonight. Woohoo..I have to watch the videos again because I forget what needles I'm supposed to use (and I have a BUNCH left over of all different sizes). hee hee. I go back on Monday to see the response. Oh, and don't worry about getting side effects. You don't want any, really. The only thing I had was bloating, but that was closer to the end of my stimming process.

kay-Welcome back!! We've missed you.
Hey ladies, feels like a while since I've posted, I've been here every day checking in on you all, but have just been trying to get my head straight (is it ever?!).
Weezy, glad you're not finding the shots too bad, I actually started to find it a bit comforting and therapeutic as it meant I felt a little bit in control, if course I never was!! I'm not far from you (Hove), we're lucky to have so many clinics close by.
Terri, have you started this cycle? Thinking of you!
Vonn, I bought that book and have only just read the first chapter, already I love it and it seems to make so much sense! I want to fly to NY and meet these amazing authors!!
Kay, thank you so much for your lovely PM, it's great to see you back and I hope you're recovering from your accident and will soon be back in this TTC roller coaster.
AFM, it's been a rough few weeks, dealing with this and my sister in law is very ill (secondary cancer after having breast cancer last year), she's being amazingly strong and somehow it seems harder in her hubbie, DH and their mum. I'm trying not to pressure DH but it's hard and I'm feeling very alone in all this. Given what my SiL is going through it seems selfish to think that way but you know how it is ladies. Works been hellish too and I'm wondering whether it's time to move on but then if I do get pregnant I won't get maternity pay, there's so much going it's hard to find head space. However somehow like we all do, I have and I am pleased to say I have a plan which immediately makes me feel better. So .... I have to beautiful top notch frozen embryos and I intend to use them, nurture them and bring them into this world as two beautiful babies. In April (next cycle) I will go to Reprofit for an endometrial scratch, then next cycle (May), I'll have frozen embryo transfer. I'll be back on intralipids (just need to find someone who will prescribe for me in the UK as apparently Reprofit can only prescribe if they administer). I'll also have increased dose of steroids (took a while but I persuaded them) to combat NKC, I'm a bit scared of the steroids but it's the dose that is needed to be effective. I'll probably also move to Gestone injections rather than cyclogest, so I'm going to be puffy faced (steroids), bruised sore bum (Gestone), and black and blue tummy (Clexane) but I'll have done my damnedest to make this work. If it doesn't then I'm done, I'll admit defeat and deal with that at the time. So I'll be back asking for your help support and, if you believe in that sort of thing, your prayers to make this work. There's no one else out there that gets this like we do and this thread is full of truely amazing ladies who all deserve happy endings. xx
Hello Ladies,
How's everyone doing?
Pussycat really glad you've got a plan in place. yes, you're fairly close to me, I'm based in Hertfordshire : ), we're quite lucky that London isn't a million miles away. work is a drag when you're doing TTC and treatment. I'm fortunate as I'm self employed (or not as no work means no pay) and have the flexibility of turning down work while doing IVF. I think I wouldn't have been able to cope if I had carried on with work. But I think it'll be a better bet if you evaluate your work situation after your april once you've had your treatment.
Terri, how are you doing with your treatment?
AFM: Have been a busy few days. I have been going for my monitoring scan and blood the last 2 days and the nurse has rung for me to go for another scan tomorrow (a 3D one) as I've been told I have a uterus thats in 2 parts or something?? Need to ask them properly tomorrow. But they have scheduled me in for egg collection on friday aarrrrhhhh. The nurse told me yesterday that I had 4-5 follies at 15 to 17mm. I'm not sure if it's good but they've told me not to look it up on the internet and don't worry.
Weezy-Yeah, that's good. My place wants them to be at 18mm, but when you do a trigger shot (are you doing that), it pumps them up a bit, so you'd probably be in that same range. Friday is so soon. yeah!!

Pussycat-I like your chutzpah! That means, your gall, nerve, courage. I had to look up the spelling of it. hee hee. You are a woman with a plan and I love it. I am similar to you in that once I get my mind set on something, there is NO stopping me, so good on ya!

Yeah so I started stimming last Friday and my retrieval is supposed to be between the 25 and 29th of this month. I'm hoping it's closer to the 25th so I can get this show on the road again sooner rather than later but we'll see. The goal is to get eight blastocysts and then send them for testing, so the sooner I can get eight the sooner I can get the results. My second scan is tomorrow morning so they'll let me know how my follies are growing.

Hi to the rest of you ladies!
Terri, hope all is going well with the stimming. chutzpah, such a great word! Yes once I have a plan, it's hard to hold me back, I do tend to get a bit obsessive and have to be careful. At the moment it feels like there's no room in my life for anything but baby making.
Weezy, best of luck tomorrow! The follies sound good, my clinic also told me c18mm, they don't want them too big as they over mature so it sounds perfect! xx
TTC: 40, need advice on follicle size + IUI

Hi ladies,
I am 40 yrs old and TTC for 1 year. In Jan 15, I tried clomid + TI - had 5 follicles + no luck, in Feb I tried letrozole and had 1 follicle @ 30mm and did an IUI which didn't take. In hindsight, maybe I shouldnt have done that IUI and wasted my insurance coverage.
This month we upped the letrozole and went for U/S today (cd 10) and I have 1 large follicle @ 28 mm, and 1 @ 11 mm and another at 13mm. I took a trigger shot tonight and am supposed to do an IUI in the morning. My regular FS has been on vacation this week and the monitoring doctor says it;s up to me. Insurance wont cover this IUI. My instinct says to 28 is too big and the others too small.
My instincts say hold off a month and do TI again and hope for the best. Then discuss injectibles or move on to IVF.
Any advice? Or success stories with those sizes?
And the FS I saw this morning says my doctor is being too conservative for my age.
Hello Everyone
Terri, How is your cycle going? when are you triggering?
Jessica, Welcome! I'm sorry, I can't give you too much advice on what you've questioned as I've only gone through my first IVF cycle and have never done IUI. Though my clinic guideline book mentions they like the lead follicle to be around 17 to 18mm for egg collection.

AFM: I did my egg collection last friday. As it turns out, I had 9-10 follicles and they retrieved 6 on egg collection day. I was petrified the day before but as it turns out, wasn't as bad as I thought. DH didn't produce enough volume on the sperm sample (he tried twice but was only marginally better 2nd time) so we had to decide to go ICSI. We had 4 mature eggs for ICSI and on saturday, the nurse rang us to say we had 2 fertilised, one died and one had developed abnormally. She told us embryo transfer was to be monday just gone. At this point, things didn't seem too optimistic and I was praying that those two surviving embryo will be ok. Monday came and they told us the two that was left has developed into normal 8 cell grade 1 embryos :happydance::happydance: I was over the moon at the news and had both of them transferred. So that is it, We are now just on the long and painful TWW.

In everyones experience, is this cycle deemed to be a good cycle?
Weezy, that's great news! I've been wondering how you got on but just haven't had time to post. Congrats!!!
Terri, how you doing hon? Have you got a firm EC date yet?
Welcome Jessica, even though I've had loads of cycles I'm afraid I can't answer your question, the few follicles I created were c24 at best. I'd be guided by your RE but ask them to explain ALL the options. Keep us posted.
I fully expected to Ov sometime between last Wed and this weekend but the OPKs keep coming up negative. I did miss a test on Sat so what's the bet the LH surge was then? Either that or I'm not ovulating this month. I'm not too worried about that, I've been on the evil BCP for three months, then hormone stims and steroids so no wonder my body is screwed. So just need to wait for AF then can schedule in my endo scratch. xx
Weezy-Awesome news..if you have embryos to transfer (which you did), I would say it's a success. Can't wait to hear your update in a week or so. Are you testing at home, or waiting for bloodwork? See..the whole process really isn't that bad. I think the anticipation is the worst part. :hugs:

I am pretty sure my retrieval will be on Saturday. I'm goign in for scans every day. We lost one follie that was about 21mm two days ago, but there were several smaller ones, so we'll give up one to gain 4-5. That's fine by me. I found out that having a new insurance doesn't mean I can do several more cycles like I initially thought. The way they word the insurance didn't make sense, so I thought I had much more $. Anyway..long story short, this is it for us. We'll get the eggs, hopefully they'll fertilize, go off for testing and see how they come back and hopefully transfer. I can pay for FET out of pocket and it's way cheaper, but buying meds is the worst. I'll have extras if anyone needs anything. I just can't keep putting out money for this stuff with the same results.

Jessica-hope everything went well.

Vonn-How are you doing, babe?
Weezy--You are PUPO!! Two great blasts sound wonderful. I got my fx for you and those little embies! How are you feeling? When do you go in for blood tests?

Terri--It's almost egg retrieval day! Do they give you an anticipated FET date in advance, or is it just play it by ear? I'm really curious to see what you learn from the testing. That is fascinating to me!

Pussycat--I'm so glad you feel sure about your next step. It's so hard because you make a decision in you mind and heart, but then you have to wait for your body & the meds to all be just right. It's so nerve-wracking!

AFM--I'm right at about ovulation, so half a cycle away from starting with the medicated IUIs. I'm hoping I'll be close to having my medication levels for my thyroid sorted out, but I'm afraid that might still take awhile. Time is not on my side...according to my RE, anyway! It'll feel good to be jumping back in to TTC. It's been a bummer to feel on-hold.

On another front, I found a lump in my breast. I'm hoping to get in in the next day or so to get checked. It doesn't hurt. I'm really not too worried about it, so I'm not freaking out, but I def want to get it looked at. Wish the dr office would call me back already!
Vonn-I had a lump in mine (well, closer to my underarm) and it didn't hurt either. I had it removed just to be safe, but I have a really ugly scar along where my bra sits. It was non cancerous and I am back on regular mammogram schedules, so don't worry, but yes, have it checked out.

As far as the FET, you can schedule it whenever really. I'd like to get it done sooner though because I'm :jo: already, but if I have a vacation planned, we can schedule around it, etc..stay on bcp longer or start the next month, or whatever. Sometimes science is wonderful. :)
Terri, Thanks for your support the whole way thru my cycle. Yes, it's not as terrifying as I first thought but it makes a load of difference to have you ladies to share it with. I've been told to take a home pregnancy test next friday. Would you suggest getting a blood test? DH has said he rather test on a saturday because he think fridays is his unlucky day.
Got my fingers cross that you get as many eggs as possible. How come you can choose when you decide to have them transferred? I wasn't given a choice. I was just told I had to go for transfer on specific day and time.

Vonn, I'm sorry to hear you've found a lump in your breast but it's good you're getting checked out early. Glad to have you back TTC.
My embryos weren't blastocyst, I had them transferred on day 3 because my clinic believes if I have fewer embryos then the chances of conception is the same. They said having them blastocyst may run the risk of no embies to transfer.

I've not felt any different apart from I had some niggling pains on both sides of my ovaries for the last 2 days and the first 2 days after transfer had some spotting when I wipe. Is that how it should be? The lack of symptoms is worrying me. This TWW is the longest time I've spent in my entire life. It's horrible because it's out of your control and there's nothing you could do. My mum and DH decided that I should rest as much as possible and refuse to let me do anything and that makes my days seem longer too.

oh I want to ask, would anyone suggest having my progestrone tested? Or am I just making something up to do?
Weezy-if you freeze the embies you can defrost them whenever you like. For a fresh cycle, you transfer when hey say; either day 3 or 5. If you take a home test you will get a blood test soon afterwards if it's positive I imagine, so either works! Oh and a lot of people don't have symptoms. One of my friends on another board said she still doesn't have symptoms and she's on week 20 or so, so symptoms don't really mean anything. She was freaking out when her blood test came back positive because she didn't think she was prego!

Egg retrieval time for me. Gotta go.

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