40+ and Trying for 1st? Join in!!

Pussycat--I'm so so sorry that you didn't get your bfp on this cycle. Please do not feel bad for sharing this news with us. It's just as important (actually, probably more important) for you to get support & encouragement from us as it is for us to share in your celebrations. Whatever your decision moving forward, we are behind you 100%!

It is just so frustrating to not be able to pin down EXACTLY what is going on. From earlier posts, I've gotten the sense that you have had a lot of testing done. I'm just the leave-no-stone-unturned type, and can't help but think is there something that was missed? I've read the Making Babies book by David and Blakeway and they recommend a whole slate of less common tests. I think I have a list of them that I can share once I'm home, if you'd like. Have you seen this book? I found it really informative.

At any rate, I am thinking of you. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Pussycat--I'm so so sorry that you didn't get your bfp on this cycle. Please do not feel bad for sharing this news with us. It's just as important (actually, probably more important) for you to get support & encouragement from us as it is for us to share in your celebrations. Whatever your decision moving forward, we are behind you 100%!

It is just so frustrating to not be able to pin down EXACTLY what is going on. From earlier posts, I've gotten the sense that you have had a lot of testing done. I'm just the leave-no-stone-unturned type, and can't help but think is there something that was missed? I've read the Making Babies book by David and Blakeway and they recommend a whole slate of less common tests. I think I have a list of them that I can share once I'm home, if you'd like. Have you seen this book? I found it really informative.

At any rate, I am thinking of you. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Thank you Vonn, yes I am the same, no stone unturned, yet there's still something ... I haven't read the book but would be interested to. Trouble is I'm not sure that we have anything left emotionally or financially to do anything more. I'm exhausted and broke and right now can barely summon the energy to move. I know this will pass and in a day or so it will fade and maybe then I'll feel different. However 8 failed cycles is enough even for me. 😔
Pussycat--I can totally understand where you are coming from. Sometimes you just need to process and maybe a little consolation, not someone telling you ten more things you could/should do. It's definitely a loss that takes time to get over. Take care of yourself.
Thinking of you Pussycat. This is some hard stuff to deal with and it is easy to go into a space where you are surrounded by people and yet feel all alone. So that's why we are here xx
Clizzard, that's exactly how I feel about this. We never tell people as that would make these days after this awful news so much harder. However if nothing else I've learned to be more patient and tolerant of others, after all you never know what's going on that they're not sharing.
The dr at my clinic is away until Monday so I won't hear anything from him till then. I need to work out why this keeps happening only them can I think about using my last precious embys. However if it's DHs sperm then it's over as we won't do another fresh cycle. thank you for all your support ladies, I don't know what I'd do without you. x
Well, I checked my online chart for the RE & had a little message from the nurse about what my new fasting prolactin result was & that it would be discussed in my follow up appointment. I don't have one scheduled, so I guess I will do that today. Now that I am thinking about it, I think the RE saw one of my smaller intermural fibroids because I remember he said it was barely coming through the uterine wall & it was on the upper left. I went through my ultrasound report & the photo I took of the submucosal fibroid & it is on the lower right, which coincides with the less dense area we saw on the HSG. I am going to get a CD/DVD (whatever they use) copy of the actual ultrasound images sent to the RE & when I call for this follow up appointment, I am going to say he wants to do another saline ultrasound (which IS what he said after the HSG), so I can make sure I have plenty of time there to do it so I don't have to make another 4 hour round trip drive there just for the saline ultrasound. I will ask at the appointment if he is willing to do a hysteroscopy to see if that fibroid on the lower right can be removed, remove it if possible, and do the endometrial biopsy & the immunity testing.

The countdown is on to get this done by April 6, when I have my MRI and might be my day 3 ultrasound. I also need to ask about what they do for the Easter holiday in case AF comes early.
Pussycat I'm so sorry to hear you had a negative result, and don't be apologetic about delivering unwelcoming results, that's what we're here for....to help everyone journey that little bit easier to bear. We're here to share everybody's joy, excitement, fear and sadness.
As Clizard said, we often do feel alone even when we're in a room full of people because often, they may have empathy but won't fully understand how you feel, but we do and you're not alone.
I hope you'll get some useful information from the clinic so you can move on. Maybe, there's just some little thing that has gone amiss in terms of testing.
Thinking of you :hug:
I went to the clinic for a scan on wednesday just gone and have officially come off the pill and onto my med today. I'm doing my nasal spray thing for 7 days and then will be starting my injections next friday. The nurse was very nice and gave use our injection pen and taught my husband to do the injections (whose terrified but not showing it for my sake). Got a bit of a scare as I went to the pharmacy on wednesday and they said they are not sure if manufacture has any of my med in stock and doesnt know when they're going to be in. I manage to pick the nasal spray up last night as I really needed it but I'm still struggling to get my injection med from them and no date they're going to be in. Will have to call pharmacy next week for update. If all else fails, I'l have to buy it on from the clinic. The nurse rang today and have asked me to go in for another scan next friday because I ask her why my BBT has risen and I'm not sure if this should happen as if I've ovulated. She said she's sure it's fine and we're doing the scan just to be sure. I've officially begin IVF, it's all a bit terrifying but I'm trying to hold myself together!! My old colleague (I'm self employed) kept asking why I'm not not looking for new contracts...am I ill...etc etc....like pussycat said, I prefer to keep this from them as it'll make the process even more painful if things don't go to plan....although they'll be sympathetic, but they will never understand
Weezy-Yeah for getting started. It seems that the pharmacies are always saying they don't have the meds or can't get it to you for one reason or another. It's really frustrating, but somehow it always works out..Just one more thing to stress about, but it will be ok. I'm excited for you. All of your injections are in your stomach, right? I can't wait to be back on stomach injections. So quick and easy, compared to the intramuscular. hee hee. You'll get used to them in a few days, and will wonder why you were nervous.
I've read the Making Babies book by David and Blakeway and they recommend a whole slate of less common tests. I think I have a list of them that I can share once I'm home, if you'd like.:

Hey Vonn, do you happen to have the exact title of the book and authors? Just trying to find it. I need to make the most of those two precious frosties so getting my reading head on! x
Yes, absolutely, Pussycat! The authors are Sami David (md) and Jill Blakeway (acupuncturist) and the title is "Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program For Maximum Fertility." Dr. David especially shares anecdotes about patients who suffered from long term infertility which he found a random cause for by doing a test no other dr had done.

Weezy--Now you and Terri both have your plans! Go IVF ladies!

Jean--this ttc stuff really turns us into detectives, doesn't it? Hunting down answers and such. GL sorting through it all!
Just caught up with this thread. We've spent the last three days with our dear friends who I love to bits, but they feed us like we're starving. We're generally pretty careful with our food intake as I tend to gain if I don't watch my eating. Three days of eating like a pig and all I want to do is lay down and stare at the ceiling and drink lemon water for the next week.

Pussycat, I don't know if I can add any words of comfort to what has already been said. My heart breaks for you, it really does.
Just wondering...because I recently read an article about it, have you considered or talked to any of your docs about doing an endometrial scratch ?
I went and had some more blood tests done this morning at our Wellness Festival, the panel with CBC, chemistry, TSH (I know I just had it done last week, but it's in the package), lipids, then vitamin D, A1C (diabetes testing) and C reactive protein (heart disease marker), all for $100. I usually get the large panel & the vitamin D each year, but thought I might as well add the other 2 while they are sticking me. Since I've had blood drawn 3 other times the last 4 weeks, we had a hard time getting me stuck this morning. The vein that is my best one rolled, so no go. The large vein we tried next blew (hurts so bad, swollen & bruising). Then we tried my boss, who actually got the vein I had drawn from Tuesday and she got it perfectly lined up, no bruising, just a tiny hole. I think I've had enough blood draws now! I have a GYN appointment in town Wed, so I hope she doesn't want any more.

I did stop at the Dollar Tree to pick up 4 of those cheep-o $1 pregnancy tests to add to my collection for testing out my trigger. Don't want to waste First Responses on that, especially right after triggering. I'll probably get a few more later on, I just used the cash I had in my purse while I was there thinking about it. I ran out of internet cheepies last year & don't want to get any more right now. I'm hoping I won't need them.
Terri, yeah my injections are to be taken below the belly button. I'll let you know what I think of them when I have my first one on friday. I went to have a blood test last thursday and it so happens the nurse who did my bloodwork is going through IUI. Asked her about the injections and she said her husband chicken out in doing it for her so she ended up having to do it herself. Her reaction didn't give me any confidence, said it's a burning feeling??? Given she's a nurse and work with needles daily...there's me thinking what chance have I got to get it right : (

Just want to ask, when injecting, do you poke the whole needle into the tummy straight down (not at an angel?). Do you change the needle each time you inject?
Vonn, wow your BBT chart looks good
Jean, good luck for you gyno appointment
Pussycat, did you get any useful feedback from your clinic?
Weezy-Don't go straight down, go perpendicular to your stomach, so push that needle towards your back, and yes, push the whole thing in. Once it's past the outer layer of the skin, it won't hurt. Then, push the plunger slowly until all the medicine is gone. You may want to massage your belly a little to get all the medicine circulated after you pull the needle back out. It's seriously not bad..there are videos online that can show you how to do it..look up videos for your particular medicine. Also..yes, you are going to have lots of needles. Do not reuse them. This is so exciting!
Weezy--Starting injections on Friday?! It's getting real now! Good luck, I'm sure after a little anxiety, you will get the injecting down to a science.

Terri--You start injections a couple weeks later, right? March is a busy IVF month!

bella--Anything going on with you TTC-wise lately?

Jean--I hope the dr appt goes well tomorrow.

Pussycat--Still thinking of you. :hugs:

AFM--DH and I have taken this month off because I switched my thyroid meds and am wanting to get that sorted out and hopefully optimized before jumping into the medicated IUIs. I feel if we would have done one this month it would have been a total waste. We might take one more month off, too, but haven't decided yet.

I oved so late this month, day 20. I can't help but think that's part of my problem; by the time the egg is released it's past peak & isn't any good. So I am really hoping the scans and ov triggers done with IUI will help me pop out eggs at the right time. But who knows, right? It's as much of a science as it is a mystery, in my opinion! :wacko:
I got my baby! lol...Found a fledgling under a tree that had fallen out of it's nest while it practiced flying. I had put it in a bush yesterday trying to keep it away from roaming cats and dogs and it survived but ended up back on the ground so I took it in last night and fed it banana and avocado pieces (that's all I had!) it survived the night so now I'm a foster to a pearly eyed thrasher fledgling. DH is not amused. What are you going to do with it, we are leaving in two weeks to go back home, he said. I couldn't stand the thought of the cat finding it and ripping it apart and leaving it for dead.

AFAM, CD14 and I should ovulate any day now. Ovusense measures and averages core body temp while sleeping. Two days ago it showed my temp dipped slightly and last night started rising. I didn't need ovusense to tell me my temp rose as I woke up with night sweats. I decided to not use any OPK's this cycle and just keep it simple. Anyway, we've been at it like rabbits so, we'll see! :)
Vonn, Thanks for the book details, I've ordered it and just waiting for it to arrive. I think time out can be a good thing.
Bella, endometrial scratch is on my list to add to my next cycle and the clinic have already suggested it. Your weekend with friends sounds like fun, a splurge every now and then is good for the soul! Sounds like you've been having fun with DH too!! 😄
Jean, sounds like you're doing some good money saving things and getting answers.
Weezy, I remember being so nervous about my first injection, but it's really easy. The needles are do fine, and definitely don't reuse them, it needs to be new (and sterile) each time. You'll be fine! Exciting to be getting started!
Terri, when do you start? xx
GYN appointment went fine, she just wanted to discuss all that happened since my last appointment, so I gave her copies of all my lab results & discussed my treatments coming up and what we've already done. She gave me a referral to an OB since she doesn't deliver babies anymore & said to come back when I deliver (love the positive vibe from her) & bring the baby with me for my post partum checkup. She's that sure I WILL get my baby with this RE, she said he's the best in the state. Now to get this pesky fibroid removed!

I went ahead and paid for my first prescription of Bravelle & Novarel, those arrived today along with a rebate form, so I will have to look at that a bit closer. I'm not filling the Clomid prescription just yet, I am waiting to call around and verify which place is cheepest. So, anyone know if I have to put the Bravelle in the refrigerator? I'm not going to mix anything until I need it (April at the earliest, but probably May). The Novarel box says room temp until mixing, then refrigerator.

Edit: "Before mixing, store Bravelle® powder in the refrigerator or at room temperature between 37ºF to 77ºF (3ºC to 25ºC).
Protect Bravelle® from light.
Bravelle® should be used right after mixing.
Throw away any unused Bravelle®." Ah, so that's it. I put everything back in the shipping box to protect it from light.

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