When is everyone planning on introducing cereals?
I love all of the baby pics everyone's baby is adorable!
Sugarbeth I'm glad will is better now that must have been horrible to see your baby in the hospital! He is so big! Is your dh big? He will probably be good at sports
Aj cart I can't believe roxy is teething already! She is so cute I love the pic of her on her tummy with her head up high she is so strong! As far as swaddling have you tried to put her in a woombie? They zip up so they can't get out. I got mine on amazon, but Vayda hated being swaddled.
DHBH I feel so bad for you not getting sleep does Kayla eat everytime she wakes up or does she just passively nurse to soothe herself? Does she spit up a lot? I only ask bc my older daughter woke up every hour or two for the first few weeks bc she had reflux. We bought a rock and play bassinet which allows them to sleep at an incline and she slept much better in that.
I love all of the baby pics everyone's baby is adorable!
Sugarbeth I'm glad will is better now that must have been horrible to see your baby in the hospital! He is so big! Is your dh big? He will probably be good at sports
I have a cheapy version of a Moby wrap; my last baby was REALLY clingy and she hated the buggy and was only happy being held when we were out. The carrier I had, like a Baby Bjorn, was uncomfortable to wear (I get a lot of lower backache), so I got this one and I never looked back. Sadly I had to stop using it when she was 4m old because the weather became too hot for me to have her on me all the time, but I did love it.Started baby wearing today tried a couple different holds. Gonna take some getting used to for both of us. She was cool with it for a little while then was frustrated to be that close to my boobs without being able to latch on. Hoping she enjoys staying in it for longer periods of time as she gets used to it.
Then I won't feel so stuck to the chair all day since she hardly naps. I didn't spend tons of $$$ on a wrap, I got fabric from Joann's instead.
Anyone else doing baby wearing?