(44) Little Presents - Due in December 2013

Jacob has been in his own bed for a month now but does takes naps with me in my bed
DHBH great pics your daughter is adorable!

Lara and sugarbeth I'm so sorry you are dealing with sick babies! I know how stressful that can be, so far we have been lucky and Vayda has been healthy. My older daughter had a bit of a cough last week but Vayda didn't get sick at all.

We ended up getting a video monitor which I love, and moved Vayda into her nursery. She actually seems to sleep better in her own room, probably because it's quieter. Last night she slept 9 hours and 15 mins with out a feeding!

Oh and yesterday she rolled from back to tummy twice. She still hates to be on her tummy so I only do a few mins of tummy time per day and she has yet to roll from tummy to back.
Yeah, having two older children is impossible when you're trying to keep a newborn free of illnesses :lol: this is Molly's second cold in her short little life, poor thing. I took her to the doctor for the third time today, yesterday they told me she had croup, but because she's so little they didn't want to give her meds. Today they asked me to come back; they looked at her again and referred her to the paediatrician, who I'm seeing tomorrow anyway for her 2 month checkup.
How is everyone and their LOs doing?

Kayla has random sleep habits at night. Some nights 3 hours at a time, others 5 hours then another 3. One night she slept 7 hours straight, it was amazing. That's only happened once so far. She had her 2 month check up last Thursday, she is totally healthy, weighed 12lbs. 1oz. and 23.25"the percentile for each measurement. I haven't worried about if she has been getting enough to eat while exclusively breastfeeding for a while now, since she is growing so well :flower: also got her vaccines, it was hard to watch :cry: she was SO upset, breastfeeding her right after helped calm her down though. It was also a rough night, she was extra fussy and did get a fever

Hope you are all doing well! :flower:
When is everyone planning on introducing cereals?

I'm waiting till she is 6 months. I also plan to make her baby food, trying to save money any way I can since I decided to stay at home.
I did that with Riley made his food it was much easier than I thought
Hi everyone how are you all doing!?

DHBH that is fantastic that Kayla is doing so well exclusively breast feeding! I'm so jealous, I wish that would have worked out better for Vayda and I.

I am still pumping and on most days she gets about 25oz breast milk and 4oz of formula, but some days we don't have to supplement at all. I feel pretty good about that so I haven't done anything to increase my supply or anything. In fact I'm only pumping about 4 times per day now instead of 8 in the beginning so its nice to have a life again haha. I've been doing that for a few weeks now and so far my supply has been very steady. Vayda went in for her 2 month check up last week (she was a little over 2 months) she weighed 12lbs 8oz and she is 23 inches long. 50th percentile for both. She handled the shots much better than my older daughter when she was a baby. She only cried when they were doing it, as soon as I picked her up she was fine. She was very fussy that afternoon though, constant crying and wouldn't take her bottle. I called the dr. and they told me to give her 1.25 ml of infant Tylenol and that worked a miracle. She was fine after that.

As far as sleep we are so lucky. For the past 3 weeks Vayda has been sleeping 7-9 hours at night without a feeding. From about 3 weeks on though she was sleeping 5 to 6 hours, so we never really felt exhausted like we did with our first. Vayda started sleeping longer when we moved her into her own room, so I don't know if maybe she sleeps better without hearing DH snore all night long LOL. We bought a video monitor and I can actually see her better on that then I could in the dark when she was in her bassinet next to me!

As far as introducing solids, we waited until 6 months with my first daughter and will probably do the same with Vayda. I plan to introduce avocado first, its a brain food for babies, but some of them don't like it unless you introduce it first. They don't sell it in baby food jars, I made my own, it was really easy with my baby bullet. I can't wait to break that back out again for Vayda! I also did homemade sweet potato for Tay and it was much cheaper than buying the baby food. I love making my own baby food. When Tay was older I would just puree whatever we had for dinner and she liked that. If you have to use baby food I would recommend the earth's best from baby's r us. Its organic and if you look on the nutrition its way better than the other brands.

Here are a couple of pictures of my little sweetheart.


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We skip cereals, after doing a lot of research on how it's hard for babies to digest grains and wheat until after a year old. We go straight to table food and homemade foods at 6-7 months old.

Will was in the hospital last week from Bronchiolitis and RSV. It was a really rough time, we were all super sick and seeing my 7 week old in a hospital bed was so difficult. I'm so glad he's all better now though!

He's still gaining like crazy - he went to the doctor the other day and he was 15 lbs at 8 weeks and 24.5 inches. He's my little giant!

Here's some pictures of him from the last week:
I'm planning to bypass cereal too and go for homemade vegie purees and such to start with. Planning to start around 6 months too. I'm actually really excited about it and already looking at things to make for her! :D

Everyone's bubs are so darn cute!! I'm so glad Will is all better SugarBeth!

Roxy sleeps pretty consistently, 8-9 hours overnight as long as she doesn't bust out of her swaddle (which she has started doing pretty frequently :S). Daytime naps are still hard work. She pretty much will only nap in her swing or someone's arms and even then she fights it pretty hard at times.

She's also started to teethe! ALREADY! Gah. What is hilarious is that it looks like she is going to get her fangs first as that's where the lumps on her gums are.

Anyway, photos!




Everyone's babies are so darn cute :flower:

I'm so jealous of the good sleepers. I can count on one hand how many times she has slept more then 3 hours at a time at night :sleep: last nights longest sleep was 2 hours, then she woke up every 45 min - 1 hour after that :wacko:

Not sure how much longer I can go so sleep deprived without going insane :nope: I have her swaddled with white noise, not sure what else I can possibly do to get her to sleep more....feeling pretty hopeless right now.

Everyone was like oh by 6 weeks they can sleep longer, well that came and went. Then they said by 2 months, that came and went too, now I feel like I'm just not gonna get more then 2-3 hours sleep ever again!
I love all of the baby pics everyone's baby is adorable!

Sugarbeth I'm glad will is better now that must have been horrible to see your baby in the hospital! He is so big! Is your dh big? He will probably be good at sports :thumbup:

Aj cart I can't believe roxy is teething already! She is so cute I love the pic of her on her tummy with her head up high she is so strong! As far as swaddling have you tried to put her in a woombie? They zip up so they can't get out. I got mine on amazon, but Vayda hated being swaddled.

DHBH I feel so bad for you not getting sleep :( does Kayla eat everytime she wakes up or does she just passively nurse to soothe herself? Does she spit up a lot? I only ask bc my older daughter woke up every hour or two for the first few weeks bc she had reflux. We bought a rock and play bassinet which allows them to sleep at an incline and she slept much better in that.
I love all of the baby pics everyone's baby is adorable!

Sugarbeth I'm glad will is better now that must have been horrible to see your baby in the hospital! He is so big! Is your dh big? He will probably be good at sports :thumbup:

Aj cart I can't believe roxy is teething already! She is so cute I love the pic of her on her tummy with her head up high she is so strong! As far as swaddling have you tried to put her in a woombie? They zip up so they can't get out. I got mine on amazon, but Vayda hated being swaddled.

DHBH I feel so bad for you not getting sleep :( does Kayla eat everytime she wakes up or does she just passively nurse to soothe herself? Does she spit up a lot? I only ask bc my older daughter woke up every hour or two for the first few weeks bc she had reflux. We bought a rock and play bassinet which allows them to sleep at an incline and she slept much better in that.

Seems to be actively feeding, she acts like she is starving, screaming till she latches. It doesn't take long before she is back to sleep from the nursing... She doesn't seem to have reflux, no spitting up or anything. She just seems to hate sleeping! Days aren't any better when it comes to sleeping, love her to death but she sure isn't an easy baby!
SugarBeth - how crazy, I'm glad he's better now. It's horrible when they're sick; you feel so helpless

Molly was in hospital yesterday for suspected croup and bronchiolitis. Poor girl; she's been fighting this for over two weeks now and no doctor has taken us seriously. I have had five or six appointments for her but they all shrug it off and say "it's one of those things". She was off her milk; drinking perhaps 20% of her usual intake, yet none of them flagged it up as being a problem. Her cough sounds like whooping cough, though they assure me it's not that. I'm not convinced. The paediatrician this morning said it's a mixture of croup and bronchiolitis, plus this week she's got worse (last week she had been on the rise), and he said, since my older girls are also sick again, that she's obviously caught another cold that they have brought home with them. Fun :(

Anyway, we spent 24hrs in the children's ward for observations. I feel a bit let down because while they checked her temperature every few hours and her SATS too (oxygen levels in the blood), they didn't look at her cough at all, nor did they really give her much attention. They discharged her this morning saying they couldn't do anything for her other than putting saline in her nose and giving her Calpol (baby acetaminophen, for the ladies across the pond); both of which I can do at home. But she's verging on choking when she coughs, it's awful. I just hope she gets better soon

This is a pic of her in the hospital yesterday (I don't know why it's sideways); sick as a dog but still smiling <3


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I love all of the baby pics everyone's baby is adorable!

Sugarbeth I'm glad will is better now that must have been horrible to see your baby in the hospital! He is so big! Is your dh big? He will probably be good at sports :thumbup:

I call Will my Baby Chunker because he's so big, though my daughter wasn't much smaller than him either. I joke that i must make cream instead of milk because of how fast my babies plump up!

My DH is big too, he was a wrestler and football player, and I think Will is probably going to take after him.
This was my DH back in the summer to give an idea:

Oh, and I'm glad you like the woombie! I literally just got done ordering one off of amazon about ten minutes ago. My daughter HATED to be swaddled, but I discovered over the last week that Will really enjoys it while he's going to sleep. I think it's why he hasn't been sleeping well in the crib - he doesn't mind sleeping away from me (though our crib is sidecarred, so he's very close) but he hates flopping around, and swaddling with a blanket just doesn't work well enough while laying down. Whenever he's sleeping by himself, he flails his arms until he gets upset. I think the woombie will help out a lot with that.
Started baby wearing today :flower: tried a couple different holds. Gonna take some getting used to for both of us. She was cool with it for a little while then was frustrated to be that close to my boobs without being able to latch on. Hoping she enjoys staying in it for longer periods of time as she gets used to it.

Then I won't feel so stuck to the chair all day since she hardly naps. I didn't spend tons of $$$ on a wrap, I got fabric from Joann's instead.

Anyone else doing baby wearing?
I baby wear! I love it. I use a few different carriers at this stage, my favorites are the Baby K'tan and Moby for wraps, the Maya ring sling, and a Boba 3G carrier. Will is starting to not like the wraps anymore because he hates being confined, so I've been using the Boba carrier instead. It makes him fall asleep pretty quickly, and it's how I make most of our meals. He won't sit in a swing unless he's sleeping, and he hates bouncers.
Started baby wearing today :flower: tried a couple different holds. Gonna take some getting used to for both of us. She was cool with it for a little while then was frustrated to be that close to my boobs without being able to latch on. Hoping she enjoys staying in it for longer periods of time as she gets used to it.

Then I won't feel so stuck to the chair all day since she hardly naps. I didn't spend tons of $$$ on a wrap, I got fabric from Joann's instead.

Anyone else doing baby wearing?
I have a cheapy version of a Moby wrap; my last baby was REALLY clingy and she hated the buggy and was only happy being held when we were out. The carrier I had, like a Baby Bjorn, was uncomfortable to wear (I get a lot of lower backache), so I got this one and I never looked back. Sadly I had to stop using it when she was 4m old because the weather became too hot for me to have her on me all the time, but I did love it.

I use it with Molly now too. We live in a house that is on a mountainside, and it's between an upper street and a lower street, and there are steps leading to the house; 100 from the bottom and 70 from the top. They're uneven and some are broken, so we have to be really careful. I put Molly into the wrap to go up and down the steps, and I hold hands with my other girls. She loves being in it though; and it keeps her warm since she's right against my body.

I've attached photos of it - the pic of the baby with the pink spotty hat on is Molly; the others are my last baby.

I looked at making my own, but fabric here is crazy expensive :( I bought it from Victoria the Slinglady, who has a website, a Facebook page and also an Ebay shop. She operates in the UK, but I live outside of the UK and she posted to me for a very reasonable price. I think Moby's sell for upwards of £40, and I got this one for £15 delivered.


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