(44) Little Presents - Due in December 2013

I have been baby wearing with Vayda. I have to have my hands free to help my 3 year old through out the day. I also like to take my 3 year old to the park and zoo and I wear Vayda for those trips because the carrier is too heavy and awkward for me to carry with just one hand. Lately Vayda doesn't like the newborn hold on the moby wrap, she wriggles until she can get hear head out and look around :haha: Once she gets better with her head control I will use a different wrap style. Here are a few pictures. Vayda is about a month old in the pics.


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Aj cart I can't believe roxy is teething already! She is so cute I love the pic of her on her tummy with her head up high she is so strong! As far as swaddling have you tried to put her in a woombie? They zip up so they can't get out. I got mine on amazon, but Vayda hated being swaddled.

I know, it's ridiculous! She's been grumpy as heck the last couple of days so I'm hoping we aren't too far away from cutting the first one through.

I will have a look at the woombie. We bought a swaddle wrap that velcros up which she got out of with ease, but have discovered if we put her in that and then swaddle her with a normal cotton wrap over the top she stays in. For now anyway. haha.

As for baby wearing, I have done it a couple of times with Roxy, but it is just too hot during the days for both of us to be comfortable with is. Might give it a try again when it cools down a bit.
Just wanted to stop in and say hi! Keira was born on Dec 10 @ 7lbs 13oz and now weighs only 11lbs 1oz. I'm just curious what others babies weigh that were born around the same time.. I'm getting a little worried that she is gaining too slowly. Otherwise she is doing great! Here is a pic from yesterday. :)


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Just wanted to stop in and say hi! Keira was born on Dec 10 @ 7lbs 13oz and now weighs only 11lbs 1oz. I'm just curious what others babies weigh that were born around the same time.. I'm getting a little worried that she is gaining too slowly. Otherwise she is doing great! Here is a pic from yesterday. :)

She is adorable! Kayla was born on the 19th at 7lbs 5oz and at her 2 month checkup she was 12lbs 1oz, that put her at the 80th percentile, so that may just put her in a lower percentile but probably not very low. Has your pediatrician expressed any concern? If not then I wouldn't worry :flower:
Thanks for replying! Her pediatrician has said a few times that her weight is "on the low side" I really wish I could stop myself from worrying over every little thing..
Thanks for replying! Her pediatrician has said a few times that her weight is "on the low side" I really wish I could stop myself from worrying over every little thing..

It's so hard not to worry! I worried about Kayla at first too, she lost a lot of weight in the hospital that the doctors were worried, we had to supplement with formula for her first week. Otherwise she was/is only breastfed and growing like a champ :flower:

Looks like 11lbs at 2.5 months is 25th percentile. So she is bigger then 25% of baby girls her age. Percentile isn't everything either, if she eats well and has plenty of wet/dirty diapers she should be just fine :flower:
Vayda was born dec 7 and weighed 7lbs 4oz. She now weighs 13 lbs. at her 2 1/2 month checkup she was 12lbs 6oz which was at the 50th percentile. I pump exclusively and she drinks about 25oz of breast milk and 4oz of formula per day. It sounds like she is on the small side but not so small to worry. How tall is she?

She is adorable by the way beautiful eyes!
Molly was born on 17 dec, weighing 7lb 15oz, and last time I had her weighed she was 11lb 7oz. That was a few weeks ago. She's in the higher percentile though. As the mother of two underweight babies (my eldest two) all I can say is try not to worry; everyone is different and my kids were really underweight (both of them reached the 2nd percentile at one point), but they're perfectly healthy, and eventually caught up somewhat. They're still under the average, but they're petite.
Ladies I need your opinion/help. So the 1-2 hours sleep just wasn't working anymore, something had to change! I've begun sleep training her.

My method is starting a bedtime routine: diaper change, lights out, breastfeed while rocking and listening to lullabies. I try to have a book in there too but most nights is too fussy and just wants to feed.

Once she is falling asleep I lay her down, BEFORE she is fully out. So she falls asleep in her bassinet not on the breast or in my arms. If she starts to cry I wait a minute or two to pick her up, calm her down and get her close to falling asleep again, then lay her back down. If she cries again I wait a minute longer then the last time before picking her up and continue this till she is asleep. I didn't want to do the full Ferber method since she is so little (I don't increase wait time fast, 1 minute at a time and I actually pick her up, not just rub her belly)

So here is where I want your opinion:

Last night it took 2 tries before she fell asleep for the night at 10:45 and slept for a solid 6.5 hours!!! :happydance: so she was up at 5:15. Since it wasn't really nighttime anymore, after I fed her do I just let her stay up?

I rocked her a bit and she seemed sleepy, but once I got her drowsy I laid her down and then she was WIDE awake. She is in a great mood just hanging out in her bassinet, but not sleepy at all.

I started her nigttime routine around 10:15 since she has been falling asleep for the night around 10:30-11:00. That's just the time she has set for herself really, I noticed that trend and stuck with it for training. How does she eventually get on an earlier bedtime? Do I slowly move it up over time? Or will she naturally start sleeping earlier?
Feeling like crap today fainted last night and this morning have the worse headache and sore ankle :(
Congrats DHBH on the 6.5 hours of sleep for you and Kayla! That is fantastic it sounds like the sleep training worked really well! As far as at 5am, I went through the same thing with Vayda this morning. She went to sleep at 9pm and woke up for a feeding a little after 5. Since she had slept for over 8 hours I let her stay awake even though for me it still felt like night time. However, if she had gone back to sleep after the feeding I would have put her back to bed in her bassinet and gone back to sleep myself, unfortunately she was wide awake all smiles and giggles. If she had only slept for 6 hours I would have really tried to put her back to bed, I think a stretch of around 10 hours of sleep is really important for kids even at a few months old. I think you are on the right track with the sleep training and allowing her to fall asleep on her own. I think that stretch of sleep will increase naturally as she gets used to not having a night feeding.

Do you wait for her to be fully awake before you get her up for her feeding at night? With Vayda at first I was getting her up at every little fuss or noise. Now I wait for her be fully awake before I go get her. Sometimes she will partially wake up and make a few noises before going right back to sleep for another few hours.
Congrats DHBH on the 6.5 hours of sleep for you and Kayla! That is fantastic it sounds like the sleep training worked really well! As far as at 5am, I went through the same thing with Vayda this morning. She went to sleep at 9pm and woke up for a feeding a little after 5. Since she had slept for over 8 hours I let her stay awake even though for me it still felt like night time. However, if she had gone back to sleep after the feeding I would have put her back to bed in her bassinet and gone back to sleep myself, unfortunately she was wide awake all smiles and giggles. If she had only slept for 6 hours I would have really tried to put her back to bed, I think a stretch of around 10 hours of sleep is really important for kids even at a few months old. I think you are on the right track with the sleep training and allowing her to fall asleep on her own. I think that stretch of sleep will increase naturally as she gets used to not having a night feeding.

Do you wait for her to be fully awake before you get her up for her feeding at night? With Vayda at first I was getting her up at every little fuss or noise. Now I wait for her be fully awake before I go get her. Sometimes she will partially wake up and make a few noises before going right back to sleep for another few hours.

Thanks for the advice, I wasn't sure what would be best so I picked her up and fed her before she was fully awake. I will try waiting this time. I did try to put her back to sleep, she was even drowsy in my arms but as soon as I laid her down she was very awake, she was happy so I let her lay there. She amused herself for a good 45 min but was not tired at all so I just went downstairs with her...

So far off to a good night #2. I did our bedtime routine, put her down drowsy, she started fussing almost immedietly, I waited 2 mins. Picked her up and bounced her till calm a drowsy, laid her down the 2nd time, she cried as soon as I did but I waited and 2 mins later she was asleep! And has been for 30 min now, this is earlier then she is used to going to bed but she was tired so I figured I'd try. So far so good! Hoping for another long stretch of sleep!

Sorry to hear about your ankle Kaiecee :hugs: what made you pass out?
I'm think it might have been my tampon I put it in and 15-20 min later I was sick and knew I was going to pass out
Are you allergic to tampons? I don't understand :( either way I hope you're feeling better today
I think maybe I wasn't needing enough and someone told me maybe I was taking chemicals into my body instead

If it happens again I'll go get checked if not I seem to be fine
Bit of a rough night tonight. DH has been off work since 2 weeks before Roxy was born (holidays+paternity+their usual christmas break). He's just left to head back to work tonight (he works away for a month at a time.) I'm so not looking forward to having to readjust to doing everything on my own!!
Bit of a rough night tonight. DH has been off work since 2 weeks before Roxy was born (holidays+paternity+their usual christmas break). He's just left to head back to work tonight (he works away for a month at a time.) I'm so not looking forward to having to readjust to doing everything on my own!!

I can imagine that being incredibly difficult :hugs:
Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well kaicee those first few periods after pregnancy can be rough. I had a heavy bleed around 6 weeks pp and at my checkup my dr said it was my period even though im pumping every few hours, but lucky for me nothing since!

Ajcart I cant imagine having to be by myself with the kids for a whole month! I hope you and Roxy are able to get into your own little routine soon :hugs:

I can't believe it but Vayda slept for almost 12 hours without a feeding last night. She didn't even make a peep. Soon we will have to move her out of her bassinet and into her crib, I'm not looking forward to it, b/c she sleeps so well in her bassinet! Vayda still hasn't rolled over yet, anyone else's baby still not rolling? She is plenty strong because she can sit up in her bumbo seat and she can support her body with her legs for a few seconds. I'm just one of those mom's that worries about every little thing I think :wacko:


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I can't believe it but Vayda slept for almost 12 hours without a feeding last night. She didn't even make a peep. Soon we will have to move her out of her bassinet and into her crib, I'm not looking forward to it, b/c she sleeps so well in her bassinet! Vayda still hasn't rolled over yet, anyone else's baby still not rolling? She is plenty strong because she can sit up in her bumbo seat and she can support her body with her legs for a few seconds. I'm just one of those mom's that worries about every little thing I think :wacko:

12 hours is awesome! Kayla isn't rolling over either, I do tummy time a couple times a day and she holds her head up well. It's completely normal for them to not be rolling, here is one source: (https://www.parents.com/advice/babies/baby-development/when-will-my-baby-start-rolling-over/) says it's normally around 4 months

For me last night didn't end up going as well as I thought it would. After I put her down and she slept 45min, woke up and then it took another 2 hours to get her down again :wacko: she slept 4 hours, fed her, then slept another 2.5. Hoping tonight is better.

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