Oh no, I don't mean posts about 'what if it's serious' but actual things that HAVE happened.... And I'm not reading it on purpose, it's just on our March FB group, someone asked if someone was alright cause they hadn't seen her in a while..... I will spare you the details, but it makes me worry and it's not the first time that's happened in our March group!

It's sad!!
Ok, so I went to the doctor today to get a prescription for thrush cream etc, cause hubby went to pick one up for me the other day but they didn't want to give it to him as I think he mentioned I'm pregnant and they said it's different for every trimester whether you can use it or not - which according to my gp was bs. Jay did tell them that I'd used it before whilst being pregnant.....
And yes, I've got it again!!!

So he prescribed me the pessary and I'd never used it before, MAN that pill is HUGE!! (don't worry I know you're not supposed to take it orally

but still!) It feels like I can feel it up there it makes me feel all weird knowing it's there!! Just hope it'll work!
Have you done any research on whether it can hurt to use the cream if you don't have low progesterone??? I'd see if it could do any harm, cause if it doesn't then surely it would be ok to use... especially if you don't start using it till 7dpo??

Fingers crossed your eggy got caught and you get your rainbow baby!!!